Plucked Out of the Net
Page 13
Sunday morning after service, Lisa met Donnie outside the church. "Don," she began hesitantly, "I haven't had a chance to talk to you since we parted. First, I want to apologize for the way I acted on our last date. I was beside myself. The feeling that came over me while we were sitting there watching TV terrified me. I really felt like I would be in hell before morning. Of course I realize now, that it was because of the prayer meeting that was going on at your mom's."
Donnie nodded. "That and all the other prayers that had gone up before for you and me."
"Yes," she agreed. "I don't know how I could have hardened myself against all those prayers for so long. I'm glad God's blessed Spirit was faithful to me. I'm glad you minded God, too." She lifted moist eyes and smiled faintly.
"I'm glad, too, Lisa. It's been a wonderful week in spite of --" He cut short his sentence. No use letting her know how much he missed her.
After an awkward moment, Lisa said, "Another thing I wanted to tell you is that I resigned my job." She bit her lip and blinked back the tears.
Donnie knew she was thinking of all the wonderful times they'd had together. Now the time had come when they couldn't continue being together so much, working on the same job, so Lisa had given up her job in order to make it easier for both of them.
"But you shouldn't have," he protested. "I was thinking of looking for another job myself."
"It's all right." She smiled bravely. "I'm going into nurses' training. Who knows, someday, I may be a missionary like your twin sister."
Donnie blinked back his own tears as he answered. "You're a great girl, Lisa. I'm sorry I have caused you to suffer. I trust God will bring the right guy into your life and you'll find the happiness you deserve."
"Right now, that's the least of my worries," she told him. "I just want to lose myself in my studies and live a holy life for Jesus. Thanks for the good wishes anyway. I wish the best for you too, Don. God knows how to solve all your problems and make your life happy. Just keep on minding Him in everything."
"Thanks for your encouragement, Lisa."
Fleetingly, he looked in her eyes and read the love she had given up for Jesus' sake. He knew it had not been easy. He wondered if his love for her was as plainly seen. Until now, he had thought he had his emotions under control.
Huskily, he said, "I'll be seeing you around, Lisa. Pray for me, and I'll pray for you. God is going to see us through, and after all the heartache and tears, we'll be able to look back and say, 'It's been worth it all to follow Jesus all the way.' "
He turned and walked away with a heavy, yet committed, heart.
At noon, Donnie did not feel like eating lunch but excused himself and went to his room to pray. Getting on his knees, he cried his heart out to God.
"Lord, you see my aching heart. You know my weakness. I thought I was willing to give up Lisa, until I read the love in her eyes again today. Oh, help me now, Lord. Help both of us. Oh, God, don't let us weaken in our resolve to do what is right, but strengthen us in our weak areas and give us grace to endure the pain of separation. Help me to overcome my longing for her. Help me not to brood. I want to be a happy Christian. I want to radiate joy to others."
As he continued praying, he heard his mother lifting him up in prayer also, and he was strengthened. A calm settled down upon his spirit and, feeling exhausted, he lay across the bed and soon fell asleep.
Some time later he awoke with a start. He checked the time to see if he should be getting ready to go to church. Seeing the afternoon was hardly half over, he joined his mother in the living room, where she sat reading the Sunday school papers.
"Mom," he approached her, "I have heard you and Connie speak often of sanctification. Also, Brother Morgan has mentioned it in his messages. But I don't understand it at all. I notice you seem to feel it's very important. I wonder if you can explain to me exactly what is meant by sanctification and why you feel it's so necessary. I've had such a wonderful change in my life that I wonder how I could contain anything more. But I do remember how, after Connie told us she was sanctified, she was able to control her terrible temper. I know she had to find something real, to be able to control a temper like hers, because my dear twin sister had the world's worst temper."
"It's a wonderful experience, Donnie. One you'll find you can't get along without, the further you get along in your Christian life. But -" Mrs. Slocum pursed her lips in perplexity. "It's hard to know how to go about explaining it to you."
"That's all right, Mom. I can -"
"I'll tell you what, Donnie," she said, her face brightening, "I have a little Bible study that I've used in my young people's class and also at the nursing home services. I'll get the references and you can look up the Scriptures in the Bible as I give them to you. That way, they'll make more of an impression on your mind. You can use my Bible with the thumb index, and it won't be hard."
She disappeared and was soon back with a little black notebook and her Bible. She handed Donnie the Bible and sat down in a chair near him.
Turning the pages in her little book, she said, "I keep the notes and Scripture references in here, that I use in my little sermonettes. I never know when I'll need them again. First, let's turn to Proverbs 28:13. This is a Scripture on repentance. One can't be sanctified until the sins they have committed have been forgiven."
Donnie turned to the Scripture in Proverbs and read, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."
"Now, Donnie, read Ephesians 2:8."
Donnie looked through the index until he came to Ephesians. Finding the chapter and verse, he read, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
"You see, when we have truly repented, with a godly sorrow for our sins, our faith takes hold and we are saved. Now read Romans 8:16."
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God."
When Donnie had finished reading, Mrs. Slocum explained, "The Spirit is the One who lets us know when we are born into God's kingdom. He witnesses to our regeneration. This is a wonderful and glorious experience, when we are forgiven of all our old ugly sins. Why, even the angels in heaven rejoice. You can read about it in Luke 15:10."
"There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth," Donnie read. Looking up at his mom, he said, "I didn't know that. Just think, while we were rejoicing down here, the other Saturday night, they were rejoicing up in heaven, too, weren't they?"
"Yes, and isn't it wonderful to think they've had three hallelujah jubilees over members of our family! It makes you feel like pressing on, to know angels are pulling for you."
Mrs. Slocum glanced at her notes. "Let's see. After one is genuinely saved, he begins to walk in newness of life. He makes restitution to those he has wronged, as you have been doing. Of course, the new Christian begins reading his Bible. He prays, and he attends church. As Christians, we testify because we are admonished to, in the Word. Read Revelation 12: 11. "
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony," Donnie read, a puzzled frown on his face. "Who did they overcome, Mom?" he asked.
"That refers to Satan. We overcome Satan by our testimony. Sometimes we may not feel at all like testifying, but we do it anyway, and as we do, Satan is defeated and we are victorious. As long as we obey God and walk in all of the light we have, Jesus keeps us with victory over sin. Now read 1 John 1:7."
After some trouble in distinguishing between the different Johns in the Bible, Donnie found the place and read, "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
"That brings us up to the Scriptures concerning the work of sanctification, which you asked about, Donnie. I wanted to get it clear in your mind that one must have a real born-again experience before He can be
sanctified wholly. If there are any doubts at all in your justified experience, they must be taken care of before God will sanctify you."
"I have no doubts, and I know my sins are under the blood," Donnie said thoughtfully. "I know I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus, so I suppose I'm a candidate for sanctification. "
"Right, Donnie. You know as well as I do that there's such a radical change in one's life when he is first converted, and such peace overwhelms him, that it's hard to realize there's more for him. But before long you'll begin to sense evil tendencies in your heart that are contrary to the nature of Christ. You'll wonder what's wrong and will be sorely grieved when some things happen, such as when an unruly temper gets loose and spoils your Christian testimony. This is caused from the old adamic nature, with which we were born. It's called 'carnality' or 'the root of sin' or 'a depraved nature.' Also the Bible calls it 'the old man' and the 'flesh' or 'the carnal mind.' Read Romans 8:6-8, Donnie."
"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."
"You see, Son, the carnal mind is an enemy of God. It is not subject to Him. It cannot be tamed or controlled. You might suppress it for a while, but as we recognize this evil monster in our breast, we must cry to God for deliverance if we are to retain a victorious walk with God. We cannot keep something in our heart that will not be subjected to God, for that is a work of Satan. We know that God and Satan, both at one time, cannot control our heart. One must go. Since we're serving God, we want Satan to go, along with all the carnal traits, such as pride, jealousy, envy, covetousness, selfishness, bitterness, stubbornness, malice, lust, touchiness, grudging, stinginess, peevishness, or any other thing the Holy Spirit reveals. This eradication of the carnal nature and infilling of the Holy Spirit is the work of grace called 'sanctification.' Now we are ready for 1 Thessalonians 4:3."
Donnie read, "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification.”
"You see from that Scripture, son, that it is God's divine will for one to be sanctified. Not only is it His will, but He commands it. He says in 1 Peter 1:16, 'Be ye holy; for I am holy.' Also, in Ephesians 4:22-24, we are admonished to get rid of carnality. Here,"-- she reached for the Bible- "let me read it this way: ' ... put off ... the old man, which is corrupt ... put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.' The 'old man' refers to the carnal nature. God wants the old man
crucified and a new man or a new nature to reign in our heart in righteousness and true holiness. We cannot accept or reject this wonderful work of righteousness as we please. Since God commands it, we must obey and walk in the light of sanctification as God reveals our need. Otherwise, we will not be able to live a victorious life over the world, the flesh, and the devil"
"But how can 1 get rid of something I am not responsible for?" Donnie asked simply. "I mean, if I had nothing to do with it's being there, how can I do anything about it now?"
"That's a good question, Donnie. And there is a way. Jesus paid the supreme price on the cross. He didn't provide a halfway salvation; His death on the cross was to do a complete work in our heart. So, as God shows us our need and we feel the stirrings of carnality, we must come to Jesus the second time, confessing the carnal traits as revealed by God and pray for their removal. God will do the work when we get sick enough of being up and down, in and out, and always battling to keep sin from conquering over us. When our heart becomes really hungry for the fullness of God, we'll be willing to seek for all He has for us. It is only then that we can exercise faith for deliverance."
"But 1 don't want to be up and down," Don objected. "I want to start out right."
Mrs. Slocum smiled. "I hope you can, Donnie. It wasn't that way for me, though. I remember when I sought God fot this experience, I had a constant within, trying to keep victory over carnality, It cropped up here and there and would leave me feeling defeated. As you know, I had a fiery temper, just like Connie's, and it caused me to have a sharp tongue. Several times it got the best of me at work, and my Christian influence was killed. I would apologize but, even as I was apologizing, I knew I'd do the same thing again if I didn't get help from God. So I would go home and plead for God's forgiveness and help.
"Also, I was full of old devilish pride. It made me so ashamed to dress like a lady, with my skirts below my knees when everyone else's were shorter. Oh, I dressed modestly all right, but I felt so embarrassed about it. When I'd catch people looking me over, I wanted to hide behind my desk all day."
Donnie laughed aloud. "I can't imagine you being ashamed to look like you do, Mom. I wouldn't want you any other way."
"Pride worked on me in more ways than one. Another way it worked was that I just loved to be bragged on and thought well of. I liked attention and would work my fingers to the bone, so to speak, in order to be lifted up and praised. It's not sinful to appreciate kind remarks, but I thrived on flattery. I would lie awake at night, rolling over in my mind all the compliments I received. When God revealed my pride, He made me to hate it and I cried to Him to take it out of my heart.
"I knew there was a better way, because I had seen it in Connie's life. Thank God for the day I fell at the Master's feet, confessing all my carnality to Him and yielding my all into His keeping. I died to all my chosen plans and ambitions and came under complete submission to all God had for me. Thank God, He accepted my sacrifice. He ridded me of carnality, cleansed my heart, and filled me with His blessed Spirit. Praise God! It holds good right now. His Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am sanctified wholly."
"Amen!" Donnie spoke with awe. "I believe it, Mom. You make me hungry for this wonderful experience."
"It's for you, Son. He can speak to you as He did to me, 'Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you.' That's from John 15:3 and 4."
"When Jesus comes to abide in your heart, He brings with Him the fruits and graces of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, contentment, longsuffering, faith, temperance, humility, tenderness, kindness, rest, gentleness, goodness, purity, liberality, patience and others.
"His Spirit within gives us concern for others, sympathy and understanding, spiritual discernment, submission to all of God's will, victory over sin and self, holy boldness, and holy zeal.
"His Spirit helps to illuminate the Scriptures. That which is hid from the wise and prudent is revealed unto babes in Christ.”
"The Spirit teaches us reverence and respect for holy things. When He comes into our heart, He leads us into all truth. There's no way to get entangled in a false doctrine when the Spirit abides within, for He witnesses to truth. Praise God, the price has been paid that we might enjoy this wonderful sanctified experience. " Handing Donnie the Bible, Mrs. Slocum said, "Read Matthew 5:6, Donnie."
"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Donnie looked up from reading with tears in his eyes. "This promise is for me, Mom. My heart hungers for this wonderful experience."
"Praise God, Donnie! The Lord will meet your need any time you come to Him in earnest, whether it's now or later."
Glancing at the clock, he said, "It will have to be later, if we're going to church. We'll have to leave in twenty minutes, but I promise, Mom, my heart is open and, by God's grace, I will have this wonderful experience of entire sanctification. I've seen it work in your life and in Connie's, and I'm determined to have it, too."
On his way to his room to get ready for church, Donnie stopped and looked back'at his mother."Thanks, Mom, for an enjoyable afternoon. You are a good teacher. I understand now, what before was confusion to me. Through your explanation, God has enlightened my mind. I feel sure it won't be long before I'll be enjoying this wonderful experience, as well as you."
His mom's radiant smile reflected in
his own face as he hurriedly dressed for church.