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Edge of Eighteen: A Slow Burn Summer Camp Love Story

Page 8

by Melinda Hazen

  The first act went on for well over an hour, then Devin returned to the stage and announced an intermission. He gave a fifteen-minute warning to get back because we’d start promptly with the second act by eight. He then walked over to the side by the door and crossed his arms again. I wondered if he cared where I was.

  After about fifteen minutes had passed, the lights flickered, so everyone moved to take their seats again. When I glanced back at Devin, he was talking and laughing with another counselor.

  The second act started. It was then I decided to leave my spot. Lauren leaned over to see what I wanted when I’d tapped her. “I’m feeling a little warm. I’m going to go stand by the door,” I whispered. I still hadn’t told her anything about my feelings for Devin.

  Slowly, I crept over to the door so no one would notice me. Devin was staring at the stage and hadn’t looked my direction. Somehow, I managed to wedge myself between him and a small bookshelf that stood under a window.

  Subtly, I let my arm brush his to let him know I was there. It worked, and he turned to see who was next to him. I pretended not to notice and stared at the skit as my legs felt like wet noodles that might give out from under me.

  Devin casually nudged me with his elbow, so I turned to look. He leaned his face toward me and whispered, “Are you in a skit?”

  His breath smelled fresh, like mint toothpaste. Now I hoped my breath was okay.

  “No. Are you?”

  Devin glanced my direction, then back to the stage. “Not tonight.”

  “Oh,” I replied, trying to think of something else to say.

  “Do you have a talent?” he whispered.

  “Maybe. What about you?”

  “Perhaps.” He smiled. “Do you want to know what it is?” He waited for me to respond.

  I nodded.

  “Okay, then we both have to agree to perform our talent for July’s skit night. Deal?” He smiled at me and waited for my answer.

  I returned a wide grin. “Deal.”

  Devin nudged my arm again before turning his attention back to the stage. His little gesture made me want to jump for joy.

  The bold move I’d made to stand beside Devin was a good one. During the skits, he occasionally whispered comments in my direction. We really couldn’t talk, but I was glad he paid some attention to me.

  When act two was over, Devin had to go back to the stage for further announcements.

  “The campfire will start promptly, and lights out at ten,” he said.

  The room was total chaos while everyone cleared out. Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me outside toward the campfire. I reluctantly went with her but had hoped to linger and walk with Devin, if possible.


  Last night had been the skits. Tonight was the formal dance, which was the last dance for June’s camp session. Tomorrow (Saturday) was the last day for this session. Then campers would be leaving on Sunday, and new ones would be arriving for July. Caroline and Blake were staying for July. I’d still have them as my family group leaders. Lauren was planning to grab the first available bunk near mine so we could be together in Caroline’s cabin.

  Lauren and I were currently sitting on the craft cabin’s deck making bracelets. It was my suggestion since I knew Devin had to pass this way to get in and out of his room. I hoped to see him.

  Luke was now avoiding me at all costs. Lauren had noticed, so she grilled me on what had happened.

  “It’s okay. I like someone else,” I whispered, finally confessing what had been going on with me for the past two weeks.

  Lauren’s eyes widened. “Who?”

  “Someone older.”

  I could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to figure out who. Then she raised her eyebrows and said, “A counselor.”

  I nodded. “Uh-huh.” I grinned and looked away.

  “Not Blake, is it?”

  I shot her a look. “No.”

  Then I nodded toward the craft cabin door. She looked over and then back at me in confusion.

  “That’s his bunk. That’s why we’re making these lame bracelets right now.”

  “Ohh,” Lauren said as a smile of understanding moved across her lips. “So, which one is he? I can’t think of anyone.”

  “Remember that night when all the counselors sat with us for dinner?”

  “Uh-huh. Okay, who sat there? Dirk, Blake, and… who else?”

  “Devin,” I whispered.

  Suddenly, it clicked. “Oh, the counselor who has longish hair?”


  I couldn’t hide my excitement while I poured out tons of information to Lauren about Devin. She wasn’t upset with me, like I’d expected her to be, but was thrilled.

  “And another thing,” I continued. “Remember the really bad rainstorm last Sunday?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, I left the movie thinking I could get back to the cabin, but then it started raining really hard. I got stuck here at the craft cabin under that awning.” I nodded in the direction where I’d stood the other day. “Devin showed up and pulled me in there.” I nodded again in the direction of the door leading to his room.

  Lauren glanced over, then back at me, her eyes bulging. “Seriously? Who all was there?”

  “No one. We were completely alone for an hour.”

  “What did he do with you?”

  “Nothing. We just talked. He was really nice to me.” I lowered my voice and said, “I really like him.”

  “Wow. You should’ve told me sooner. I could’ve helped you with this.”

  “Helped me with what?”

  “On what to do and analyze what’s going on between you guys. What’s his age? Do you know?”


  “So not much age difference between you. Yes, technically you’re still a camper—but there are ways around it, if you both want it.”

  “What do you mean?” I whispered.

  “There are rumors that counselors have gotten involved romantically with campers. You wouldn’t be the first. A lot are already eighteen. And you’re almost eighteen.”

  “I don’t know if he sees me that way, though. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m a silly girl who’s following him around camp. He’s just being nice.” Except he had touched my knee during the massages. I hadn’t imagined that.

  “Maybe. Or maybe he’s being extra cautious because he knows what it means if he were to get caught showing you any romantic feelings. And Dahlia, you’re hot. Devin would have to be blind not to notice you.”

  It meant a lot to me that Lauren would say this about me. She’d never told me she thought I was hot before. The focus had always been on her.

  “Hmm. You made some good points. Could he see me as anything but a camper? How would I know? I can’t ask him that.”

  “Test him.”

  “How?” I asked.

  Lauren grinned at me. “At the dance. Tonight.”


  It was now Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, Luke was on the same team as me for the volleyball tournament, and we’d made it to the final game. It meant we had to work together, and it was going to be awkward.

  We started warming up. Luke was setting the ball for us in a line. When it was my turn, he purposely didn’t line it up right, so I missed.

  “Wait for the ball next time,” Luke said, blaming me for the missed shot.

  What the hell? He was really taking my rejection badly. Right now, we needed to focus on the game and not make a scene in front of the other players. So, I could only hope that Luke might forget about our differences for now.

  Once we were in place to start the game, someone said, “Good luck, Dahlia.”

  When I turned to look, I was shocked to see Devin move past me to the other side of the net. His team had made it to finals apparently, too. Now his comment about me needing to eat made more sense. He must have realized we were playing each other for finals. It didn’t help that Luke was pissed at me. But now I had to
try to focus my attention on the game when my mind was going to be on impressing Devin.

  The game started and quickly became intense and exciting. When it was my turn to serve, I aimed the ball in Devin’s direction. He received it and passed it to his teammate.

  At one point, we were lined up across the net from each other. When I jumped up to try to block Devin, he lightly tipped the ball over to give me a chance to get it. He said, “That’s yours, Dahlia.”

  I called out “mine” and passed it in Luke’s direction. He called it and banged it over the net. Devin dove to the ground, just barely getting to the ball in time. And he managed to keep it in play. He was very athletic, and watching him play only made me want him more.

  The game stayed tied for most of it, but then Devin’s team finally won. Luke was irritated, so he didn’t stick around to congratulate anyone. Everyone else gathered around to hug and applaud each other. Purposely, I stood near Devin. Then he surprised me by putting his arm around my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  “Nice playing, Dahlia. Next time, we’ll need to be on the same team.” He let go of me to join his team in celebration.


  I had a black dress to wear to the dance tonight with black heels. It was strapless. So I wore a strapless push-up bra to give the appearance of some cleavage where none really existed. The dress had a tight-fitted bodice, then flared out and was pretty short. Lauren had on a blue, tight-fitting dress that showed off her boobs. We knew from previous summers that everyone really dressed up for this dance. We’d learned the hard way, though. Neither of us had brought anything formal to wear the first year and had to borrow clothes from the other girls in our cabin.

  Lauren helped me get ready by doing my hair and makeup. She had a purpose this time—to help me to figure out what Devin really thought of me as—a mere crushing camper, or a girl he was interested in.

  Earlier, during dinner, a sweet surprise had been left for me. I’d gotten up to refill my drink, and when I’d returned to my seat, a slice of pineapple upside-down cake was waiting there.

  When I’d glanced around the room, I spied Devin half looking my direction. I almost didn’t recognize him, as his hair was pulled back into a messy bun at the base of his neck. How do you always look so good? He was smiling—not enough to be obvious about it, but I could still tell he was the one who’d left it for me. I held up the fork with a piece of the cake and let him watch me take a bite. When I smiled at him, he looked away, but I saw a grin on his face.

  Once we were all done getting ready for the dance, we headed to the rec hall.

  “What if he doesn’t ask me to dance?” I asked Lauren. “I’ll be so disappointed.” Just the thought of Devin holding me during a slow song was getting me very worked up.

  “Then you ask him,” she said bluntly.

  We entered the crowded room, and Chase immediately came over to Lauren. She looked at me as if to ask if it were okay to dance with him, and I nodded. Then I noticed Caroline seated on the outskirts of the dance floor, so I joined her.

  “You look really nice,” she said to me, making me feel self-conscious.

  I looked down at my dress and adjusted it a little. “Thank you.” Then I roamed the room to see who was here and noticed all the male counselors had on bow ties.

  Caroline made small talk and said, “I heard you played in a volleyball tournament and came in second.”

  “Oh, how do you know that?”

  “A little bird told me.” She nodded, so I looked to see who she meant.

  Devin passed by us but didn’t look our way. He’d apparently changed and gotten ready after dinner. He was wearing gray pants and a fitted black button-down shirt with a red bow tie. His hair was combed back over his ears and fell in layers with a slight flip outward at his shoulders. He looked so good, and more than anything, I wanted to dance with him.


  “I’m sorry,” I said, half glancing at Caroline.

  “Yeah, you’re distracted. I asked if you plan to ask him to dance.”

  “I don’t know. I’m considering it.”

  “He won’t say no.”

  I looked back at Caroline. “Do you think I should? Or wait?”

  She smiled warmly at me. “How badly do you want to dance with him?” She winked, then got up and joined a group of girls on the dance floor.

  The thing was, I wanted Devin to want to dance with me—not a pity dance where he couldn’t say no. It was important he did the asking. But if he didn’t, I could miss out on the opportunity to be held by him. I wasn’t sure what to do.

  A slow song began, and couples hurried to the dance floor.

  Hopeful that Lauren would notice me sitting alone and join me, I waited in a chair for her. And then I saw them. Lauren and Devin were dancing with each other. In that moment, it felt like someone had punched me in the gut. My worst nightmare had come true. I’d been so worried Luke would like Lauren that it never occurred to me Devin might.

  Tears sprang to my eyes, and I needed to get away before anyone saw me crying. But before I had the chance to escape, Caroline sat down again and saw I was upset.

  “Dahlia, what’s wrong?” She put her hand on my leg.

  All I could do was shake my head. So, she looked at the dance floor, then nodded as if she understood.

  “I was afraid you were setting yourself up to get hurt.” Her words offered no comfort.

  I dabbed under my eyes and tried my best to keep any tears from spilling out. Even though I had a knot in my throat, I started telling Caroline about my envy of my best friend. “From the time we were in middle school, Lauren had the body of someone much older. Every guy I’ve been interested in liked her instead. They always find her beautiful. Always. Just this once, I wanted to be the one who stood out over her. But it’s always the same. If she’s around, I won’t be noticed.”

  Caroline smiled sympathetically. “I don’t think that’s true. You’re being really hard on yourself. Whoever you’re with will like you for all your positive qualities, and it wouldn’t matter if Lauren were standing in front of him naked. That special person will only have eyes for you.”

  I smiled weakly. “I know you mean well, and I appreciate your words. But I can’t watch Devin hold her. I need to leave.”

  Abruptly, I stood up and walked out of the rec hall and found an empty chair on the porch to sit in. Tonight had been devastating. Lauren already had a slew of guys to choose from, so she didn’t need Devin’s attention. But I did. There was something special about him, and my feelings toward him weren’t shallow in any way. It wasn’t fair.

  Lauren eventually came outside and found me. I knew she would—possibly to make sure I knew Devin had asked her to dance.

  “I was looking for you,” she said. When I pretended not to hear her, she hugged me enthusiastically. “We have the answer,” she announced. “He’s into you.”

  I was expecting the worst news and wasn’t sure if I’d heard her right. “What are you talking about?” I looked her straight in the eye. “I saw you dancing with him. I haven’t even danced with him yet.”

  “Well, duh. How else could I talk to him about you?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I asked him to dance—not the other way around, in case you’re wondering, and I’m sure you were. He didn’t want to. So, I practically dragged him across the floor.”

  “You asked him? When you knew I liked him?” That seemed intentionally mean to me.

  “Would you stop your insecure comments, and listen to what was said?”

  “Fine.” I looked at her to continue. She was smiling, but I could only glare at her.

  “So, while we were dancing, I asked him, ‘Would you rather be holding Dahlia?’”

  This got my attention. I looked at her with panic in my eyes. “Oh my gosh. You didn’t.”

  She was grinning ear to ear, then laughed. “I did.”

  “Lauren, why? I’m going to die. What did he
say? What?”

  She gripped my shoulders hard and with a big grin said, “He looked right at me, making sure I was looking back. Then he casually nodded, knowing I realized what it meant, then looked away.”

  “Wha—” I was shaking my head just trying to picture their conversation. “Did he really do that?”

  Lauren nodded. “Go ask him to dance.”

  Suddenly, my heart started beating rapidly but this time in a good way. “Are you sure?” I whispered.

  “Positive. One hundred percent.” She pulled me into a standing position and directed me back inside the rec hall. “Come on. Go for it.”

  Lauren immediately pinched my arm, making sure I saw where Devin was. He was talking to another male counselor. She was trying to push me toward him, but I resisted. I wanted to wait until he wasn’t talking to someone. He might say no if he was in the middle of a conversation. So, I went back to Caroline to wait there. She didn’t ask any questions after I sat back down.

  Whenever I looked over, I saw Devin still talking to the other counselor. When they finally stopped, he glanced around the room, and I know he saw me. The music was loud, but so was my breathing. There was a chance he heard it.

  He pulled his hair behind his ears, then looked at the dance floor. Now I had my chance because he was alone, but I chickened out and messed with my cuticles instead. Occasionally, I looked up at the dance floor, but I didn’t see Devin anymore. I thought maybe he’d left for the night. My heart couldn’t take the disappointment if I’d ruined my chance.

  Brett, our DJ for all the dances, stopped the music and made an announcement, “This is the last song of the night. Don’t let the person you wanted to dance with leave. And by request, this is, ‘Dagger,’ by Emily Jane White.”

  I had no idea what the song was and didn’t care. The only thing left to do was to find Devin and make sure we danced to it.

  Caroline was talking loudly to someone next to her. I glanced over and was completely taken off guard to see Devin was sitting there. My heart jumped. And if there hadn’t been a rib cage to keep it in place, it would have leapt out of my chest onto the floor.


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