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His Monster (Digital Demons Book 1)

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  She blinked. “I was not myself. In fact, I was several people. It’s fine, though. I still have the bruises.”

  He grimaced. “I will arrange actual security for you.”


  He winced. “We are redesigning the clothing for Alwis-Naub.”

  “What? I swear, if it is more spirals on the boobs, I will have to defend her honour.”

  He chuckled. “It has been a very popular look for a number of games.”

  “Yes, but if you attract female gamers with more practical cosplay costumes, the games can find a whole new audience.” She paused. “Never mind. Do whatever. I am just here to keep the supplies and staff moving.”

  He frowned. “You are more than that.”

  She laughed at him. “No. That is literally my job description.”

  He got to his feet and towered over her. “You are more.”

  She poked him in the chest with two fingers, “No. I. Am. Not.”

  He grabbed her hand and leaned toward her. His body language said he was coming in for a kiss, but a knock at the door brought both their heads around.

  Etta smiled. “Serene, can I get that costume back from you? I want to clean it.”

  Serene stepped away from the Boss and reclaimed her hand. “On my way, Etta.”

  She turned her back on the Boss and stalked out. Etta followed her and entered her office. “So, you and the Boss?”

  Serene picked up the box and handed it over. “Please check it to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I was having an issue with two of the rings.”

  Etta opened the box and laid out all of the layers and the metalwork embedded in the foam. “Everything is here. Which rings were the problem?”

  “Ring fingers, lowest knuckle.” She gripped her left finger at the spot.

  “Ah. Got it.”

  Etta started repacking, and she smiled. “It is fine. The props are all in place. Have you heard about the secondary design?”

  “A little.”

  “Well, I am going to be making a body casting of you in a few weeks. Whatever you want your body to look like as a collectible figure, this is the time.”


  “Yeah, to make sure the breastplate is right. The collectible will just be a scan.”

  “Well, my torso isn’t going to change sizes, plus I just made it clear that I wasn’t going to do the public appearances anymore.”

  A beep from the intercom on her phone made her jump. “Ms. Wills, we have a meeting scheduled in the conference room,” the Boss’s voice boomed through the phone.

  She looked at Etta and smiled apologetically. “Sorry. I will come by, and we can discuss how I am not going to do what we just talked about.”

  Etta laughed and took the costume away for cleaning. “I look forward to it.”

  Serene grabbed an armload of paper and stalked back to the conference room. She always felt better with an armload of paper.

  He was sitting with his laptop closed and his hands folded together. He had a cup of coffee in front of him, and there was one in the space next to his. She wrinkled her nose and took a seat, checking the coffee with a quick sip. It was obnoxiously creamy and sweet, just how she liked it.

  “How did you get my coffee right?”

  He smiled. “I read your preferences on your phone on Saturday. Why is your hair that tight? It looks uncomfortable.”

  She snickered. “It keeps me alert. There is nothing like a late afternoon headache to make you happy that you are home and can literally let your hair down.”

  She picked up her pen and smiled. “So, what did you want to discuss?”

  “Since we are heading into crunch time with one of the launches, I want you to find a personal trainer to give everyone a workout first thing in the morning.”

  She nodded and made a note. “Where do you want them working out?”

  “This is a company-wide policy. Everyone is to attend unless they have a client meeting that will preclude it. There are showers near the stage, so we won’t kill each other for the rest of the day.”

  She frowned. “Maybe do it before lunch or in the afternoon?”

  He grinned. “If you workout in the morning, it maximizes the benefit.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I might be busy during that time.”

  “Unbusy yourself. The health of the employees is paramount.” He lifted his head, and the words nearly resonated.

  “Right, would this have anything to do with the figurine line that you want to do scans for? I am sure our original model will be happy to collect her share of the royalties for it.”

  He frowned. “I don’t want the original model. I want you to stand for Alwis-Haub.”

  She scowled. “Why? How can it possibly matter? No one will see my face.”

  He drummed his fingers. “Because I am standing for Embor-al, and I don’t want another woman in my arms for the couple’s pose.”

  “That is too bad for you.” She grimaced. “Right, find a trainer and organize morning workouts... and warn the guys to keep the spandex out of the office.” She made rapid notes.

  He paused. “I can find the trainer. You just tell them what is expected.”

  “Sweat and then a shower.” It was out of her mouth before she realized that it wasn’t just a workout that would have that effect. “Um, when did you want to start?”

  “I will let you know availability and offer bonuses for those who show up.”

  “Uh-huh. So, eight? Seven-thirty? What time, and how long is the workout?”

  He smiled. “One hour, beginning at seven-thirty.”

  She nodded and mentally cursed a blue streak. “Right. Okay.” She wrote the start time down and sighed.

  He waited and then said, “This morning, get me every review or commentary on even the vaguest blog regarding our game display on the weekend.”

  She nodded. “You know, having a secretary would be good for this kind of thing. You might want to hire one.”

  He smiled. “But I have you.”

  She got to her feet. “But I have other stuff to focus on, including suppliers and orders.”


  She sat.

  “We also have to discuss the launch.”

  “Also, a good thing for an administrative assistant. I have the party planner and have the equipment reserved for that weekend. The hotel has confirmed, and RSVPs are being processed.”

  He sat back and nodded. “Good. That’s it for this morning. I will see you at noon.”

  She sighed. “Of course, you will. By the way, have you satisfied the first thing on my list?”

  He grimaced. “I am working on it. He is remarkably stubborn.”

  “Yeah, that seems to be going around.” She got up and headed back to her office.

  She thudded into her chair and thumped her head against her desk several times.

  His voice was low and far too close. “Is that a habit of yours?”

  She blinked and squeaked. He was looming over her.

  “Um, a little bit. Why are you here?”

  “You forgot your coffee.” He set it on the desk near her and stepped back.

  She picked it up, and it was hot all over again.

  He left her office, and when she was sure he was gone, her head thudded against the wood again.

  She prepared the notices for the workouts and set them aside until the Boss announced the trainer.

  The rest of her morning was spent putting out small irritations before they could become large ones. Getting posters printed meant the right-sized file, and it was always difficult to get secret designs out of the design team. They wanted everything printed in-house, but that just wasn’t practical.

  There was a knock on her door, and Neil poked his pretty head in. “Your car is extremely dead.” His white-blue eyes were remarkably cheerful.

  She nodded. “Thanks for the second opinion. I’ll c
all a junker.”

  “Get the plates off first.”

  She nodded. “It is nearly lunch, so I should probably do that. I think I have a screwdriver around somewhere.”

  He snorted. “I will take them off for you, and I have a friend who can sell it for scrap.”

  “I will just head down and clear it out. I still have a few minutes before lunch.”

  She got a cardboard box from the corner of her office.

  “What happens at lunch?” Neil followed her.

  “I honestly have no idea, but I need to be braced for anything.”

  She went to her car, and he produced a screwdriver from the air and pulled her plates off. She removed her registration from the vehicle as well as her multitool and some recycling that was rolling around in the back seat.

  When she was sure she had everything, she headed back inside with Neil chatting to her as they walked.

  “So, the Boss has a bug up his butt about something after the weekend,” Neil murmured it in the elevator.


  “He tore the administrators at the weekend conference a new one. Something about encouraging abuse of the models.”

  She frowned. “The girls were fine. No one got near them.”

  Neil cleared his throat. “I think he meant you.”

  She was so surprised that she almost forgot to get out of the elevator. She carried the box back to her desk, and then, her phone alarm went off. It was time for the lunch meeting. There had better be snacks.

  Chapter Eight

  She stopped in the ladies’ room and washed her hands before meeting the Boss in the conference room.

  “You are late.” He looked up from his computer.

  “I had to wash my hands. My car is well and truly deceased. Second opinion confirmed it.”

  He frowned. “Do you need a ride home?”

  “Neil offered me a lift already.”

  The Boss grimaced. “I will take you home.”

  “No, thanks. Neil’s offer was at least enthusiastic.” She looked at him. “He didn’t make a face.”

  Boss blinked. “I have an evening meeting.”

  “See, if you had an admin assistant, that would be on a calendar, and I wouldn’t have to wonder.” Her tone was brittle.

  She stacked her fists on the table and put her chin on top. “So, what are we discussing now?”

  He looked at her with narrowed eyes. “How did your morning go?”

  “Same old, same old. Getting things that I don’t understand ready for other things I don’t understand.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why did we hire you again?”

  “Because I was willing to work for what you were paying? I mean, I like the job, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t really understand it in a purposeful sense.”

  He frowned. “How much do you make?”

  “I am the lowest paid employee at the company. Why do you think I was willing to do the motion capture? Anything to earn more money.” She blinked at him. “How long is this meeting?”

  “Why? Do you have somewhere to be?”

  She sighed. “I didn’t bring lunch, so if I have time to run out, I am going to.”

  He passed his hand over the table, and a buffet of her favourites was between them. He handed her the chopsticks, and she scowled at him. “If this is the reason you are going to force me to exercise, I am going to punch you again.”

  “Threatening a co-worker, isn’t that a little on the dangerous side?” His lips twitched in amusement.

  She paused and thought about it. “Huh, I guess it isn’t fair.” She kept a steady pace of eating. “I shouldn’t expect to be able to threaten you or even make contact.”

  He chuckled and nodded. “So, I can reciprocate contact?”

  She shook her head. “No, I just won’t touch you at all.”

  He froze. “What?”

  “Well, I shouldn’t be prodding or taunting or threatening you, so I will just not talk about anything that isn’t professional.” It was going to be tough, but she might be able to manage it.

  He carefully got out of his chair and pulled her to her feet, walking her backward until she was against the wall. Serene was surprised at his action. It had been four hours since their last meeting, and he already seemed at the edge of his control. His kiss was surprisingly deliberate. He brushed his lips against hers in a slow coaxing until she opened her mouth.

  When his tongue came to play, she met it with her own, and he lifted her up against him so that their heads were at an even height. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and when he lifted his head, they were both panting.

  She swallowed and licked her lips. “Okay, so the not touching isn’t a thing.”

  His smile was slow. “So, that is something out of our meeting.”

  “I just never thought that making out at work would have a hint of ginger pork.” She giggled.

  He swung her around and then set her on her feet. “We are going to have to do something about your position here.”

  “I don’t want any special treatment because of you. Or me. Or me and you.”

  “Tough. It is going to happen.” He tapped her nose with one finger.

  “The guys might get pissed off.” She gave him a serious look.

  “They won’t. They will be relieved. With you around, my temper will experience a swift reduction.”

  “Oh, yeah. It was mentioned that you went off on the organizers at the convention for not having more anti-grope security. The only one of our team to be groped was me, and you put me in that position.” She patted his chest.

  He growled. “I am sorry.”

  She was taken aback. “Hey, it’s fine. I knew that the gropers were out there, and I picked the hormonal idiots who fawned over the other ladies and didn’t remember why they were there.”

  “You are excusing my order, but we both know why I wanted you there.”

  She blinked. “You needed a ten-foot screen?”

  “It was more comfortable for you. No compression. Technically, I could pull you through a phone screen, but it would pinch.” He stroked a stray hair from her forehead.

  She looked over at the food. “Are we going to let it get cold?”

  He sighed, and the food warmed as he looked at it.

  “What is your distaste for cold food?”

  She sat and started to eat again. “When I was growing up, my mother worked all the shifts that she could. That left me to make my own food, and a child tends not to be able to reach the top of the stove, so I ate a lot of cold meals. Things that were not supposed to be cold as well. Cold food, cold meat, it makes me feel alone.”

  She was stuffing her face as she talked, and it helped take the sting out of the confession.

  He paused. “You were alone as a child? Don’t they have services for that?”

  She looked at him. “They do. But, once I was twelve and legally able to be alone at home, the problem became getting enough food, so sandwiches were cheap. I wasn’t neglected. I had food, shelter, clothing, I just had it all alone.”

  “What happened to your mother?”

  “She died six years ago. Car accident. She was struck by a drunk driver on the way to a midnight shift.”

  “Do you miss her?”

  “I didn’t really know her.” Inside her soul, there was a goddess and a snow woman weeping. Family had been huge in the ancient past.

  He nodded.

  When lunch was done, it vanished the same way it had appeared.

  She smiled. “Right. So, anything else to discuss?”

  “Erm, your wardrobe?”

  “Half the guys here wear sweat suits!”

  “They aren’t representing the organization.”

  “Neither am I. I am just keeping everybody in post-it notes.”

  “I am looking at reorganizing. We have grown over the past year, and it is time for a change.”

  She gave him a narrow-eyed look. “Is this your way to fire me so that we can have sex during business hours.”

  His grin was slow. “I did not know it was an option. If so, you can pack your things at the end of the day.”

  “And then Neil can drive me home?”

  He winced. “Right. Strike that. Please continue to work until we get this straightened out.”

  “Uh-huh. So, did you find a trainer?”

  “Yes. We can start on Wednesday.”

  She feigned enthusiasm. “Oh, hooray!”

  “It won’t be too bad. I promise.”

  “I don’t trust you when it comes to working out. With you, it looks like it is a second job.”

  He grinned. “It was. I got bored.”

  “So, you decided to start making games?”

  “I have been writing them for decades. Now that they have become more interactive, they are far more enjoyable. The code is simply another language, and the stories are becoming more and more like the heroic tales of old. Ancient gods are the boss battles, and the players are lining up to defeat them.”

  “That must be rough on the gods.”

  He chuckled. “People are speaking of them, pursuing them, and are fascinated by them. It just makes us stronger. We have formed a network, and the rising popularity is lifting all of us.”

  “So, all of the advertising, that is to power you?”

  He smiled. “Each of us has a goddess out there, a queen that we wait for. This is our way to get her attention. Like you, they may answer ads with ridiculous pay, or they may be compelled to break into our mainframe, but they will answer the call.”

  “So, this whole place is bait.”

  “And a power source.”

  She snorted. “Oh, yeah, let’s not forget that.”

  “Anyway, I am going to call Etta to see what she can do.”

  “You make me sound like an emergency project.”

  He flicked a glance at her blouse and long skirt. “You need items that are tailored. These don’t flatter you.”

  “I don’t need to be flattered.” The words were a reflex, but she didn’t mean them. She had always longed for the clothing that made someone look pretty. She had to settle for appropriate.

  “Allow me my little foibles. You are coming into your own. The goddess is very powerful, and she will take over if possible. You need to be prepared, and armoring yourself is how to do that.”


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