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GoodKnight: A Reed Security Romance

Page 32

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Sympathetic pregnancy,” I shouted, moving in next to Hunter. I watched in horror as Florrie’s pussy stretched to an ungodly size. “What the fuck are you doing to my wife?”

  “Wife?” Cap and Hunter asked at the same time.

  “Is that normal?” I asked, pointing to her vagina.

  “When did you get married?” Cap asked.

  “What’s all that liquid? Oh God, are her insides coming out?”

  “Why weren’t we invited to the wedding?” Sinner asked.

  “It’s coming!” Craig shouted. “I need to squeeze someone’s hand!”

  “Cap, go behind Florrie,” Hunter commanded.

  “You told Sinner to do that.”

  “Seriously, just get your ass over there.”

  Sinner snickered at Cap, but then his face dropped when Hunter told him to go talk Craig through the pain.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s not even in labor.”

  “I am,” Florrie shouted. “Just go hold his fucking hand!”

  “Sheesh, fine.”

  An explosion shook the ground and Hunter braced himself on the truck as Florrie pushed harder.

  “What happened?” Florrie asked between pushes.

  “You forgot to tell me you were in labor,” I snapped.

  “I miss everything!” she whined.

  “You’re about to have a baby, Florrie. Just concentrate on the contractions,” Hunter instructed. “I promise, it’ll all be worth it when you see your baby’s face.”

  “Just breathe, Craig,” Sinner instructed. “And stop fucking squeezing my hand so hard. Man up.”

  “You have no idea how much this hurts. Can you put a cool cloth on my forehead?”

  “Alright, one more push, Florrie,” Hunter coached. I couldn’t watch. It was too much. I had to look away. Moments later, a shrill cry filled the air and I finally turned back to peek at my kid. “Congratulations, Florrie. It’s a girl.”

  “Oh fuck,” Florrie and I both said.

  “Why are you saying that?” I asked Florrie. “Don’t you want a girl?”

  “What the hell do I know about girls?”

  “You are a girl,” I said incredulously.

  “Boys I understand. I don’t know anything about being a girl. What if she wants to play tea party and shit?”

  “Thank God that’s over,” Craig sighed. “I feel like I just lost ten pounds.”

  Sinner shook out his hand and stepped out of the vehicle. “I’m never getting in another truck with a pregnant woman.”

  Cap grinned and slapped him on the back. “So, I guess this would be a bad time to tell you that you’re gonna have an oops baby in nine months.”

  Sinner laughed, but when Cap just grinned, his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the ground. I climbed in the truck beside Florrie and pushed her up to sit behind her. She was cradling our baby girl in her arms and she looked so fucking beautiful.

  “What should we name her?”

  “Addie,” Florrie smiled up at me.

  “I like that.” I bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. We finally had our family and everything was perfect.

  “Oh my God,” Craig cried, looking over the seat at Addie. “You have no idea how much that hurt.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two


  We drove back to the property with OPS trailing behind us. The mission was complete and now we could get back to our party. Alec, Florrie, Craig, and Hunter all drove back with the new baby. Sinner was with me, still looking pale from his recent revelation.

  “You doing okay over there?”

  “I thought I was done having kids.”

  “Well, technically, Cara’s having the baby.”

  “I just thought that Cara and I were past this.”

  “Well, now you’re having another kid. Just think, when you’re sixty-five, your kid will be twenty.”

  His head flopped against the window and he groaned.

  “Suck it up. You have to pretend like you don’t know anything. Cara wanted to be the one to tell you.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to hide this?”

  “If she asks, just tell her you suffered through another delivery. She’ll never suspect you’re lying.”

  I parked the SUV and dragged a very reluctant Sinner out of the truck. “I can’t be a dad again.”

  “You got this. Hey, you can name him Mark, and then you have a kid named after you to screw up.”

  “I had that with Taco’s kid. And I didn’t have to keep him.”

  “Yeah, I feel really bad for you. My heart’s breaking.”

  Ice and Jules stepped out of another SUV and Ice was limping slightly. “What happened?” And then I looked at the rest of him and burst out laughing. He was missing his eyebrows and he had patches of missing arm hair. “What happened to your eyebrows?”

  Ice glared as Jackson walked over and slapped him on the back. “This asshole had Gabe and Hunter hold me down so he could wax me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, what is it with you guys and waxing?”

  “I don’t know,” he shot back. “I heard you were in the closet with Hunter, holding him as you cried. You want to talk about that?”

  I cleared my throat, shaking my head slightly. “Yeah, let’s just leave it at that.”

  “Good plan.” He limped off and Lindsey walked over to him with a wicked grin on her face.

  “Do I want to know what that’s about?” I asked Jackson.


  “Is it always like this?” Parker asked as he walked over with Blake. “I thought we were having a party and then everyone was gone.”

  “Eh, it happens. Not very often, but it happens. Did it make you want to stick around?”

  “And join in the chaos?” Blake asked. “As much as I love a good gunfight, I’m okay with not being around this anymore.”

  “You’re missing out on one helluva family,” I warned her.

  “Yeah, I think we can deal with that,” Parker laughed. “No offense, but your brand of crazy isn’t really for us.”

  “Our brand of crazy? You fell in love after she pushed you through a window.”

  “Yeah, but in my defense,” Blake cut in, “I didn’t know him yet.”

  “He shot you,” I pointed out.

  “You know,” Parker said, steering Blake away from me. “How about we just go enjoy the party and not reflect on all our mistakes.”

  Damn, I was really hoping I could convince them to stay. Funnily enough, I had been hoping that by throwing them this party, they might see how great we all are and decide to stay. That backfired just a little.

  Knight made his way over to me. He hadn’t come along with all of us because of the promise he made to Kate before he came home. I couldn’t blame him. All that pain and anger he felt was still too raw. Maybe someday he would join us out there again, but if he never did, that was fine.

  “Did everything go okay?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Eh, you know. Maggie and Sinner ran out before we got the call. Florrie had her baby on the side of the road. Everyone else got to blow shit up. I’d say all in all, it’s been a pretty good day.”

  He nodded, looking around at everyone as they rejoined the party. I could tell that he still questioned his place around here. I wasn’t sure that would ever go away.

  “We’ve built up quite the company here…Quite a family actually.”

  “I guess.”

  “You know, it doesn’t always have to be you against the world. Everyone here would do anything they could for you and your family, and it’s not just because you’re part of the team.”

  He snorted, shaking his head slightly. “Yeah? Half of these guys don’t even like me.”

  “I can’t decide if you’re fishing for compliments or if you’re really that blind.”

  “I’m not blind. I know exactly what I am to this company. I also know that a lot of these guys would prefer that I had never jo
ined Reed Security.”

  “Yeah? Do you think Lola feels that way? I’m pretty sure none of the rest of us could have helped her the way you did. And I haven’t forgotten what you did for Maggie.”

  “You mean how I almost killed her when she was pregnant with Caitlin? Yeah, I’m a real winner.”

  “You helped us get that target off her back. I owe you my life just for that. And when we were all under attack, you offered up your home in Colorado to all of us for a year. You didn’t have to do that, but you did. We’d probably all be dead if it wasn’t for you doing that.”

  He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, I get it. I’m the guy that runs in and fixes things when shit goes south. That doesn’t make me part of this family.”

  “If it was just about you helping us, do you really think that you would be living on the property with us? That Rocco would trust you to install killer robot technology in his house with his kid? He trusted you with that because he knows what kind of man you are. We all trust you with our lives, and if you really look around and see how the guys act around you and your family, you would see it’s because you’re one of us. Like it or not, Knight, we’re a family here, and you’ve been part of that for years. It’s about time you opened your fucking eyes and saw that.”

  I could see the struggle to believe. I wasn’t sure Knight would ever truly feel like he was one of us, but I really hoped that he did. I hated that he still felt like he wasn’t worthy enough. In my book, he was as good a man as the rest of us. He just went about life in a slightly different way.

  He cleared his throat uncomfortably and shot me a smirk. “Yeah, well, just don’t expect me to cry on your shoulder in a closet.”

  He walked away and I laughed, despite the dig. Making my way over to get some food, I was sidetracked when I heard Vittoria talking about her adventures today.

  “Mom, you should have seen me. I was so awesome!”

  “Gabe, I thought we talked about this,” Isa said in exasperation.

  “Hey, I didn’t invite her along. That was all on Sinner.”

  “It was totally cool, Mom. And look,” she said, pulling out a piece of paper. “I’ve created a new schedule for myself so I can take assassin classes with Knight.”

  I started motioning for Gabe to stop her from talking, but he was too busy arguing with Isa. My plan to invite Isa and Cazzo’s sister, Aurora, was about to totally backfire as they walked up behind Vittoria.

  “And I already killed that guy that tried to hold a gun on me at the training center. I totally took him out without any help!” Vittoria continued.

  “You did what?” Aurora asked.

  “See? I told you your family is fucking crazy,” Jon, Aurora’s husband, muttered.

  Vittoria spun around and jumped up to hug Aurora. “Aunt Rora, you should have seen me today. I totally took out an SUV by shooting out the tires!”

  “You…killed someone today?” Aurora asked, visibly paling.

  “Well, I’m not sure if I killed them because somebody,” she said dramatically, turning to Gabe, “fired an RPG at the SUV before I could see if I killed any of them.”

  Gabe chuckled slightly, obviously uncomfortable. “You want to help me out on this one, Cap?”

  “Nope. I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  “Cazzo!” Gabe shouted. “Your sister’s here.”

  “I don’t think he’s going to help you out of this one,” I laughed.

  Cazzo walked over with Tacos, about to shake Jon’s hand when Aurora snapped. “You let our niece shoot at other people?”

  Cazzo looked between Gabe and Aurora, obviously not sure how to answer. “Hmm?” he finally said, pretending like he hadn’t heard her.

  “You’re such a dick,” Aurora spat.

  “Well, that is his nickname,” Tacos laughed.

  “What?” Cazzo turned to him in confusion.

  “Don’t tell me you still haven’t looked up the meaning of Cazzo after all these years,” I laughed

  “Well, I didn’t think I had to. I thought it meant something like big, strong guy, or Italian Hulk.”

  “Nope, it literally translates to dick,” Tacos laughed. “Hell, even I looked it up when they hired me on.”

  “You’re an asshole,” Cazzo sneered at Tacos.

  Tacos held up his hands in laughter, “Hey, if I have to deal with Tacos, when I had a really awesome nickname by the way, then you can deal with Cazzo.”

  Cazzo glared at all of us before stomping away. “You guys suck!”

  I grinned when I saw flannel man walking up to us. Lindsey hadn’t seen him in years. He had moved out by Derek’s brothers when he found out that they needed some help with construction. Derek’s brothers couldn’t come out today, but Jake had been able to.

  “Jake, it’s great to see you, man,” I said, holding out my hand to shake his. “What’s with the outfit?” I asked. He was wearing khakis and a red shirt. It wasn’t at all what we were used to seeing him in.

  He shrugged, tugging at the shirt. “Well, everyone always makes fun of me for wearing flannel, so I thought I would change it up a bit.”

  I looked him up and down again and tried to hold back the laughter. He looked like-

  “Jake?” Aurora’s husband, Jon, asked. “Jake from State Farm?”

  Jake glared at Jon as I burst into laughter. He nailed it on the head.

  “I knew I should have worn the fucking flannel,” he muttered as he walked away.

  “Seriously,” Jon shouted. “Do you work for State Farm?”

  I punched him in the shoulder. Jake had come all the way out here and he didn’t need any shit.

  “Hey!” Chris shouted, running across the yard. “Get away from my kid!”

  Burg walked up to us laughing. “What’s that about?” I asked, nodding in Chris’s direction.

  “When I was at the store I ran into that tranny. Chris thought it would be smart to invite her to come over.”

  “Okay, so what’s the problem?”

  “Axel just took her into the house for some fun.” He threw his head back in laughter as he walked away. “Payback’s a bitch!”

  I chuckled as I walked over to Maggie, taking one of the babies from her. I wrapped my arm around her waist as I watched everyone around us. We really did have the biggest, craziest family here, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Even after all our struggles over the years, everything was perfect.

  “Did Storm finally propose to Jessica?” I asked. She rested her head against my shoulder and laughed. “Yeah. It went something like. ‘I’m gonna fuck this up, so Hunter’s right over there. Let’s go get married.’”

  “Wow. Romantic.”

  “I know, but she seemed okay with it.”

  “Well, they’ve always been a little weird.”


  “So, did you get to blow anything up today?”

  “I was going to, but Caitlin seemed to be having so much fun. I let her toss the grenades.”

  “That was very generous of you,” I said, holding back my grin. I never thought I would see the day when Maggie wouldn’t be the one to toss the grenades. It was cute that she let our daughter do it.

  “Yeah, well, she’s growing up, and I have a pretty bad feeling that she’s going to turn out just like me.”

  “That’s not such a bad thing.”

  She looked up at me and smiled. “I hope not. I know I haven’t exactly been the easiest wife.”

  “Well, I haven’t exactly been the easiest husband.”

  She quirked an eyebrow at me. “I could have stopped at three kids.” She glanced around the yard and then kissed our daughter on the head. “Not that I would trade any of it. We have a pretty great family.”

  “Yeah, we do.” Lola and Ryan walked past us, Ryan looking a little sick to his stomach. “Hey, Ryan,” I called out. He turned to me with a chin lift. “How was the drive?”

  He flipped me off. “Shut up.”

bsp; Lola had already told me about it. I just couldn’t help but mock him a little. “This is nothing like paintballing!”

  He smirked slightly. “Hey, Sebastian, do you remember that time you came over to have the sex talk with James?”

  I laughed, recalling all of our talk of ass fucking and watching porn. “Yeah.”

  “I think it’s time I make good on my threat to have the sex talk with Caitlin.”

  My smile dropped and I waited to see what would happen. He smirked at me just before he took off at a dead sprint toward Caitlin. I handed the baby off to Maggie and took off after him.

  “Do not tell her to sleep with an older man!”

  Also by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Thank you for reading GoodKnight, the final book in the Reed Security series. I know you’re all anxiously awaiting more. You can catch up with a few of your favorite characters in my next series, The Cortell Brothers!

  Have you missed out on any of the books in either series? Follow the links below to get to the series page, or scroll further for the individual links!

  For The Love Of A Good Woman series

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  Did you start in the middle? We’ve all done it! Find your place in the series and start from there! There’s no need to question which book to start with. These books are best read in order. All books are available in Kindle Unlimited!

  Jack , Cole, Logan, Drew, Sebastian, Sean, Ryan

  Not ready for those characters you love to disappear? You can catch them again throughout the Reed Security Series! These men and women are strong, sexy, and willing to fight for those they love. Sometimes, they fall right into love, while others need a little more convincing. Don’t miss out on this exciting series!

  Sinner, Cap, Cazzo, Knight, Irish, Hunter, Whiskey, Lola, Ice, Burg, Gabe, Jules, Sniper, Jackson, Chance, Phoenix Rising, Alec, Storm, Wolf, A Mad Reed Security Christmas, Rocco, Coop, TNT, Nightingale, Parker, GoodKnight


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