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Her Alpha King: A Royal Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royally Mated Book 2)

Page 11

by Bianca Cole

  I step back, anticipating his change.

  He howls a piercing sound as he begins to shift into a wolf. The beautiful white fur breaks out across his entire body.

  My father just stares in horror. He should be running, but he isn't. Rhys has gone off plan, attacking before the rest of the pack arrives. I'm not sure this is a good idea, as my father isn't stupid. He wouldn't have agreed to a meeting without some kind of protection.

  Rhys launches himself into the air, and my heart stops beating for a moment. I watch and wait, expecting the worst.

  A movement behind my father makes me tense.

  What the fuck was that?

  Rhys howls as he's forced to the floor by black magic. A woman appears from the shadows behind my father, holding her hands out in front of her—a witch.

  I can't deny that my father working with any paranormal being is surprising. He hates the entire spectrum of magical creatures, including witches.

  “Hot-head Rhys strikes again.” My father steps toward him as he remains trapped to the ground with the witch's magic.

  “Stay away from him,” I shout.

  My father doesn't even look at me. He continues to move closer to my mate. Pure panic grips around my heart as I realize he could tear the one good thing in my life away from me. “You should have learned your lesson, Rhys. Brute force never beats brains.”

  Rhys is panting, struggling for breath as the witch's magic appears to drain him. I glance back at the door, wishing Karl and the rest of the pack would turn up. They are our only hope now.

  I move forward, hoping they won't notice my advance. There's no way I'm standing to one side and waiting for my father to murder my mate.

  Stay back, Anastasia.

  Rhys's voice sounds in my mind, but I can't listen to it—I won't.

  There's no way I'm standing there and waiting for my father to kill him.

  “Stop her, too,” he says.

  I freeze as the witch turns her attention on me. She moves her hands to shoot me with her magic, but I dodge out of sight. A pillar shields me from the attack, and I keep my back pressed tightly against it.

  I pant as I hide in the shadows, hoping it's enough to ward her attack off.

  The witch cackles cruelly, the sound echoing off the walls. “Do you think you can hide from me?”

  I shut my eyes, praying that somehow the pack finds us. They should have been here by now. Maybe my father anticipated the backup and cut them off.

  We need our backup now more than ever. Where the hell is Karl?

  Are we going to die here?



  I focus on the bond I share with my pack, knowing they are our only chance of survival.

  Karl, where are you?

  A deafening silence follows, making my heart pound harder and faster against my rib cage. My beta should be able to hear me without trouble if he's near.

  I writhe against the hot, draining magic holding me down. I can't tell whether I can't hear them because the magic is draining my strength or if they've run into trouble.

  Landon hates witches, so I didn’t see this coming. Not to mention, witches are few and far between these days. They are a dying breed.

  What witch would agree to work for him?

  Anastasia is hiding in the shadows, thankfully. I can't believe she tried to intervene as a human is too weak. A shifter can't even match up to a witch. The witch could have blown her to pieces with one swish of her finger.

  I wish I hadn't brought her into this situation—a situation that is totally out of my control. She's not safe here, and now I can't protect her. I try again to reach my beta, knowing he is our only chance.

  Karl, we need you now.

  I wait, hoping that my focus and strength is enough to reach him this time.

  Sorry, Rhys, we got held up. Almost there.

  I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing our pack can overthrow this bitch.

  There's a witch here, take precautions.

  There are a few moments of silence before he replies.

  Copy that.

  If I'd known, I would have got our entire pack to take Moonrise. A liquor that is only non-poisonous for wolves, and that makes us resistant to blood magic.

  I've got no doubt this witch is dark. One look at her tells me that much since her skin is paper white and her hair jet black. I stare at her, taking in her dark black glowing eyes.

  Witches have a bad reputation in general, but I believe they are misunderstood. Sure, blood magic leads to some questionable practices, but any I've met have been surprisingly kind people.

  “So, what will I do with you now, Rhys?” Landon steps toward me and kneels down to my eye level. He's fucking lucky I'm being held back, as I'm ready to kill him. “You may as well stop using all your strength and turn back to human—give up now, Verne.”

  I use as much power as I can muster to push against the magical restraints and snap at him, missing him by about an inch.

  He stumbles back, eyes wide. “Keep that fucking dog leashed,” he shouts at the witch.

  She doesn't look impressed at him telling her what to do. “Of course.”

  I feel the pressure increase as if she's trying to crack all the bones in my body. I whimper. Rage increases every second she holds back my wolf. My human side registers the unbelievable pressure crushing us, even if my wolf doesn't.

  A scream pierces the air, followed by another, and then the gruesome sound of flesh and bone being torn and broken. Landon's eyes widen as he stares at the door.

  “Fuck, they didn't come alone,” Landon says, glancing back at me. “What do you think you are playing at Rhys?”

  Karl bursts into the room, eyes frantic. His golden-brown coat is stained with crimson red blood. Ten wolves, five either side, flank him. All of them have blood over their fur. I'm sure Anastasia will be glad she wasn't outside to witness the blood bath.

  I was surprised how many wolves volunteered to help, even Hugh, who was thankful I spared his life the other night. It's not me he has to thank, it's Anastasia.

  “Get them, now,” Landon shouts, glaring at the witch.

  She glances between him and the wolves, before shaking her head. “Sorry, Landon. I agreed to help you fight one wolf. I don't have the power for the rest.” The restraints holding me down vanish.

  “Don't you dare—”

  The witch cuts off Landon with a clap and vanishes in a puff of smoke.

  “Fucking cowardly bitch,” he shouts, eyes frantic.

  I stand to my four feet, snarling at the man who tried to kill me and my mate, his own daughter.

  He pales as I prowl toward him, licking my lips. I will love tearing this guy limb from limb. I sense Anastasia moving forward, which is a bad idea. She should stay back while I finish this.

  The clap of footsteps thudding on the floor draws my attention. A flood of about twenty soldiers come pouring into the room.


  Landon has back up too. All of them have stun guns—the same weapon that downed me the night they caught me. They could down all of us with one press on the trigger, which means I need to make a move. I need leverage.

  Careful of the stun guns, all of you.

  I communicate through our packs bond, hoping they all hear me.

  Only Karl replies.

  Copy that.

  The connection between the rest of the pack and me is weak. It has been ever since I allowed the rest of the North America Packs to rule their lands. My decision not to embrace my birthright has weakened everyone's respect for me. In turn, it's weakened our bond. It's something I need to change once I gain control of New York City.

  My wolves and Landon's men watch each other like hawks, each waiting for the first person to make a move.

  I stare at Landon, knowing I've got the upper hand here. He's got nothing other than a bolt gun affixed to his belt. If he goes for that, I'll tear his arm off before he can so much as close his hand around it.
/>   “Looks like we are at a standoff, Landon,” I growl.

  It's hard to believe such a hateful, horrible man is the father of that beautiful, caring woman hiding in the shadows. She's the total opposite of him. I can only imagine she takes after her mother.

  “Yeah, you better pray, Rhys. We will have your entire pack locked in a silver cage before long.”

  My wolf won't sit by while a human challenges him. He snaps, and so do I. Before Landon can even see me coming, I launch myself through the air. My hind legs push me toward him at a super-fast speed.

  My front paws land on his shoulders, pushing him to the floor. I pin him to it, snarling in his face. This guy is delirious if he thinks he can get the better of me. My wolf wasn't going to sit back and take that disrespect from him.

  Landon has turned as white as a sheet as he goes limp beneath me.

  “Put the stun guns down, or I'll rip your leader's throat out,” I growl, turning my attention to his men as I keep Landon pinned.

  The guys standing around my wolves glance at each other, before slowly putting the guns on the flood. My men move forward and destroy the weapons, growling as they rip the guns apart.

  “Idiots,” Landon shouts, shaking his head. “Attack them now, or we are going to lose the entire city.”

  Anastasia has come out of hiding and steps by my side, placing a hand on my back. She strokes my fur, soothing my wolf's rage. “You are greatly mistaken if you think you are getting the upper hand here,” she says, glaring down at her father.

  I can't imagine how she feels, knowing this asshole is her father but doesn't give a shit about her.

  Landon surprisingly smirks as if he has the upper hand. Maybe he has lost the plot. He looks insane, moving suddenly and twisting his hand into his pocket.

  “Don't move,” I growl, nipping at his arm in an attempt to get it back out of his pocket.

  The smirk grows, and a flash of black magic floods the air.

  Confusion is all I feel, as it pounds into me hard. It knocks all the breath from my lungs as It throws me into the air.

  Landon holds his hands out, somehow suspending me in the air with magic. It's impossible. Landon Carmichael is human, so this must be the work of the witch from before.

  Pain splinters through every single inch of my body—pain beyond anything I've ever felt.

  He pushes his hands toward me, smirking. I fly higher into the air and then find myself rocketing toward the floor. The injury I've sustained is bad enough, as I come down, it feels like time slows.

  My gaze meets Anastasia's. She's watching me in horror as a spray of blood rains down between us.

  Her face already pale at the sight of blood. I can feel my heart rate slowing already at the loss of blood. My wolf instincts tell me the wound is one of the worst I've ever sustained, and I'm about to crash into the ground at speed.

  I have to survive to save her. I have to fight and live to take that man down. As I crumple to the floor, the pain increases ten-fold. Black descends on me, slowly taking me away to limbo. I know I'm dancing between life or death. Anastasia won't make it without me, I've got to find my way back to her.



  Rhys is lying on the floor, unmoving. Blood pools underneath him as he slowly morphs back into his human form. I try to shake him awake, tears rolling down my cheeks. “Rhys, please wake up.”

  I get to my knees and set my fingers against the pulse at his neck. His heartbeat is so faint—too faint. I feel the blood drain from my face. He’s badly hurt, and I can’t understand how. My father used magic.

  How is that possible?

  My heart aches more than I can explain. Rhys can’t be dying. It’s not possible. The thought of losing him threatens to tear my entire world apart within seconds. Agony beyond anything I’ve ever felt rips through me as I stay on my knees, crying over him. I can’t do anything to help him. I feel useless and weak.

  Suddenly, I feel someone tugging at the collar of my shirt. Hot rage crashes into me as I glance up to see my father, trying to drag me away from my mate.

  I yank myself free. “Get the fuck off me,” I stand to my feet, clenching my hands by my side.

  He smirks at me. “What are you going to do?” He shakes his head, moving forward.

  I punch him square in the jaw and then regret it as pain splinters through my fist. Damn. That hurt like hell.

  He’s quick to recover from my attempt to hurt him. “That was pathetic.” He grabs hold of the collar of my shirt again and holds on tight.

  I try to fight against him, not giving up for a second. He won’t take me away from my dying mate so long as I have breath in my body. I slip free and start to run, only to be stopped short by magic—a flare of color writhing around me like a rope. It burns into my skin like flames tracing over it.

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” he warns, dragging me toward him with just his fingers. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s up to you.”

  I sigh, resigned to the fact I’ve got no power against him. Even so, the fight hasn’t left me completely. As I hang my head and allow him to drag me, my mind races into overdrive for a way to save us. This can’t be the end.

  All I can see his Rhys’s beautiful white fur covered in bright red blood. Shifters self-heal, but can he heal himself from that wound?

  I still can’t understand how my father can use magic. It makes no sense—he’s human.

  I would give anything right now to kill this man with my bare hands. He has been nothing but trouble to me since the day my mother was murdered. “Let go of me, for fuck’s sake,” I scream, trying to break free from him.

  He makes an odd noise, shaking his head. “Anastasia, I think you will want to see what I’m about to show you.”

  Despite the desperate need to return to my mate’s side, I can’t deny that the confidence in his tone piques my interest. Is he finally going to reveal the truth about my mom’s death? I can’t get my hopes up that this has anything to do with her murder, even though it has bugged me for three years.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  He yanks my arm as he descends a flight of steps. “Keep your mouth shut, and you will see.”

  I hold my tongue despite wanting to protest. There’s not much I can do since somehow my human father has magical fucking powers.

  He stops in front of a door and pulls out a key from the inside pocket of his blazer. I keep close watch of him as he moves forward and unlocks the door. Maybe he intends to trap me inside. He is ripping me away from my mate forever.

  Rhys, please be okay, please help me.

  I try to reach him through the bond, but I know I’m not strong enough. He can hear my thoughts when we’re close if he’s trying, but he is weakened too.

  My father turns the handle, and flings open the door. I try to look past him, but I can hardly see anything past the blinding light filtering into the dim corridor.

  Once my eyes adjust, I notice a woman sitting on a bed in the center of the room. My heart begins to beat more frantically. I step forward, mouth open. I don’t know how I know it’s her, but I do.

  “Mom?” I say her name, moving past my father and into the room.

  Her eyes snap up. “Anastasia, no, what are you doing here?”

  I shake my head, tears prickling at my eyes. “I thought you were dead.”

  She looks past me at my father, and the look in her eyes is one of pure hate. “That’s what he wanted you to believe.”

  I glance back at my father. “Why?”

  He smirks at me. “She was challenging the council, and I couldn’t stand by it.” He shakes his head. “Did you think I’m so cold-hearted that I’d murder the woman I once loved and the mother of my only child?”

  She stands, knees shaking, and face twisted with fury. “You never loved me, Landon, if you did, you wouldn’t trap me in here for three fucking years.” My mom’s bright blue eyes meet mine. “Run darling, quickly, before he t
raps you here too.”


  Why didn’t I see this coming? He lured me in here with my mom to make sure I stay out of the way while he ends Rhys. I rush for the door, but he’s too quick. “No chance, Anastasia. You will stay with your mother where you belong.” He shoots me one last glance. “I’ll go and deal with that man you came here with.”

  I swallow hard as he slams the door in my face, locking it. My mind is spinning. My mom is alive.

  Who did we bury that day? The mangled and torn apart corpse has haunted my dreams ever since. The body my father insisted was my mother, ripped apart by shifters.

  That day marked the day when restrictions on shifters entering the city came down. This has been his plan all along, and we are pawns in a chess match.

  I turn to face my mom, rushing toward her and wrapping my arms around her. “I’ve missed you.”

  She squeezes me back. “I’ve missed you too, but you shouldn’t have come here, sweetheart.”

  I stare up at the woman I thought I’d lost three years ago. Her hair is a little grayer, and there are large bags under her eyes, but it is her.

  I shake my head. “We had to come here as my father is out of control.”

  She pulls back and her brow furrows. “We?”

  Rhys is in danger, but he has his pack to help him. “My mate came with me.”

  “A shifter mate?”

  I feel heat coursing through my cheeks as I think about explaining Rhys to my mom. Before she was gone, I had hardly had a boyfriend, let alone a mate. “Yes, his name is Rhys.”

  She gasps. “Rhys Verne?”

  How the hell does she know him? “Yes, how do you know him?”

  “Sweetheart, we were great friends at school, until he was forced to leave when the truth came out.” She shakes her head. “He seems a bit old for you.”

  I laugh. “It’s not like I chose Rhys, it was out of my hands.”

  “I guess.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “How have you coped all this time with me gone?” she asks, her voice dripping with emotion.

  I shake my head. “It was tough at first. I couldn’t believe you were gone. My father showed me your body ripped apart.” I swallow hard. “I had to pick myself up, find a job, and keep slugging on.”


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