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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage

Page 8

by J. E. Cluney

“Why would I have more than one dad?” I frowned.

  “Kitsunes have numerous mates, when they bear children, they all act as a father, no matter who is the actual biological father,” Tristan murmured. “At least you know they’re alive.”

  “Do they even know I’m alive?” I muttered. If they did, why hadn’t they sought me out? Searched for me?

  Did they think I was dead?


  “You’re doing it wrong,” Damien grumbled as he stood before me with his arms crossed.

  “No shit,” I shot back as I fisted my hands.

  Leon, Tristan, and little Wesley had brought me to the training room after the library session, a room with padded walls and an assortment of weaponry. It reminded me a little of a dojo, or at least, what I’d expect one to look like, since I’d never been to one.

  Mr Oxley and Dominic were doing some research and digging for me, to find out more about my family and heritage.

  I still couldn’t believe I had a real father somewhere out there, and brothers. Real brothers.

  Leon had said some of them may be different kinds of supes, as kitsunes normally took various supernatural partners. Kitsune couplings was rare now since their dramatic drop in numbers over the last century. Apparently there was an ancient order of hunters who deemed kitsunes one of the most dangerous supes, and were willing to sacrifice themselves to kill them. Since, you know, bad luck followed them everywhere until they died if they killed a kitsune.

  The order had supposedly died out, the Supernatural Council hunting them down and putting an end to it.

  I hoped it was a messy end. They deserved nothing less.

  Strange, for me to suddenly be on the side of the supes. But a lot had changed in the last twenty-four hours. My whole life had been torn open and thrown around.

  Nothing was what I’d believed, and this, right here, was real.

  “Sav?” Leon sighed, pursing his lips as he stood in front of me beside Damien.

  “Mmm?” I blinked, shutting my mind off for a few moments.

  “You need to focus. Since you’ve never shifted, such a postponed shift will be difficult the first time around. It’ll get easier the more you do it,” he gave me a warm smile to assure me he wasn’t getting frustrated with me.

  My mind jumped back to our incredible sexy moment earlier. I was ready to do that again. That had been one intense orgasm.

  “Right,” I nodded, dragging my eyes away from him. Of course sex was at the forefront of my mind, like usual.

  Not even the world ending would change that.

  “Feel your inner beast pulling forth, clawing to escape. Your power has been awakened since last night, so you should feel it inside you,” Damien added. He looked like he’d rather be doing something else, like this was a pain for him.

  Sorry for not knowing I was an awesome supernatural until now.

  Awesome. To think I’d ever have considered a supernatural awesome before last night made me smirk. How the tables had flipped.

  “Close your eyes, focus on the energy inside you, try to pull it forth, imagine your body changing, taking on the form of your magic and power,” Leon said, his voice smooth and relaxing.

  I closed my eyes like asked, letting out a deep breath to relax myself.

  I could feel my energy inside me, and for some reason I was picturing a fiery pink and white energy pulsing through me.

  Was that what my aura would look like?

  I imagined it flowing forth, taking over me like how Leon had said it had cloaked me.

  “Shouldn’t she be naked?” Wesley’s little voice piped up.

  My eyes shot open and I glared at him.

  “He has a point,” Damien grumbled, his gruff voice a stark contrast to his so-called twin.

  “What? Why?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  Did they seriously just want me naked again? I mean, I didn’t really care, but why was that an issue?

  “When you shift, it’s best to not have any clothing on, sometimes you can get tangled up in it or wreck your clothes,” Leon explained.

  Right. Now that made sense.

  “Fine,” I sighed as I pulled my top over my head.

  I felt all eyes on me now, even Damien, who was pretending to not be interested, but a smirk was playing at his lips.


  I unclasped my bra and turned, throwing it playfully at little Wesley. The little shithead could hang onto it for me.

  Wesley was giving me a toothy grin, while Tristan had a lustful look in his eyes that made my lady parts react instantly.

  This only caused my companions to stir restlessly at my arousal.

  Men. Sex was always on their minds. Guess it was on mine too a majority of the time, so I couldn’t call them out.

  I shimmied out of my pants, making sure to sway my ass teasingly at Damien and Leon.

  A growl rose up from behind me, and I bit my lip as I smiled. I wasn’t sure which brother it had come from though.

  Then my panties were off, and I set them in a pile on the floor, smirking at Tristan’s dejected look. Guess he was hoping I’d toss him my panties.

  I was almost tempted to, but the air felt thick now, and when I drew in a deep breath, I realized why.

  I could smell their desires. So this was what it was like for supes. I hadn’t put much thought into it with Leon, as I was just as horny and desperate, but now, I could almost taste their lust for me. And it only made my body quiver and react more.

  Damn. I could definitely go for a foursome. Sorry Wes, I wasn’t into children.

  “Um, how about you show her how to shift,” Leon said, his voice sounding dry as he gulped and glanced at his brother.

  “Fine,” Damien growled.

  He tore off his black shirt, revealing just as perfect skin as his brothers, only a more pale complexion. He had a tribal tattoo that snaked across the left side of his chest and over his shoulder. His shirt covered it quite well, considering I hadn’t known he had a tattoo.

  But damn, he was bulkier than Leon, in a wrestler kind of way. Broad across the shoulders with ripped abs that flexed as he unbuttoned his jeans.

  Now that I was in the mood and looking, he really was fine as fuck, with a rounded ass and toned legs, which he revealed when he yanked his jeans and black briefs down.

  And he was hung, more-so than his smaller brother. Guess I knew who I wanted to fuck next.

  Hell, I’d get them all if I could. Even cute little Wesley, once he was himself again. I was curious what a phoenix would be like.

  I licked my lips inadvertently as I eyed him, and he caught me, raising an eyebrow. I wasn’t sure what his expression was, curiosity and distaste all in one? He wasn’t my biggest fan here. I didn’t blame him either, he was still hung up on my huntress thing.

  I ignored the wetness between my legs as Damien strode off to the side, giving me a perfect view of that fine ass. God, I wanted to grip it tight as he pounded into me with that huge cock, screwing me senseless.

  Damien stretched out, and I watched in awe as his aura flared, the vibrant yellow pulsing around him, glitters of white flashing through it.

  His body fell to all fours as he moved, and his aura took on the shape of a wolf around him, his body morphing and cracking as it shifted into a wolf shape as well.

  I’d never seen a werewolf turn, and it was quite a sight to behold.

  A snout protruded from his face, his teeth lengthening into canines and his legs cracking into place, his arms shrinking and hands morphing into paws.

  It took less than a minute before a large black wolf was loping around the training room.

  “See, once you’ve done it a few times, it comes naturally,” Leon stated, although his eyes were trailing over my naked form longingly.

  “Right,” I breathed, watching as Damien circled back and came to a standstill beside his brother. He was giant. Nothing like what werewolves were normally like. I’d hunted the odd one in wolf form, and they were the
size of a normal wolf. Damien looked like a small horse, like I could climb onto his back and ride him around.

  Now that was an interesting thought.

  “Why’s he so big?” I asked, and Tristan snickered behind me. Guess he was thinking of something else.

  “His angel grace amplifies his wolf form. So we’re stronger and faster, bigger and better than normal werewolves,” Leon’s mouth tugged into a lopsided smile.

  “Angel grace?” I asked, folding my arms over my boobs. Standing stark naked before four, well, three men, didn’t bother me in the slightest. I was actually enjoying their struggle to not check me out openly.

  Leon was definitely having a hard time with that, and Damien’s golden eyes were glancing over me.

  “Angel grace is what we call the magic of angels. It’s where they get all their power from, a piece of heavenly goodness I guess,” Leon said with an eye roll.

  “Right. So are heaven and hell real then?” I asked as I tapped my foot on the floor.

  “Well, if angels and demons are real, we can only assume so,” Leon shrugged. “But it’s not like I’ve ever been to either.”

  “Huh.” So I guess I was hell-bound then.

  I was trying hard not to think about the fact that I’d killed innocent supes. It was resting heavily on my conscience. But I hadn’t known any different. I had to remind myself of that. Not to mention I couldn’t undo it.

  Which of the supes had I killed had been innocent?

  No. I wouldn’t dwell on that. It would kill me.

  I needed to focus on this. On learning how to shift. Then I’d figure out the rest.

  Find a way to right my wrongs.

  “So, are we calling you Savannah now?” Tristan asked from behind me.

  “No, Savage is my name, but you can stick with Sav,” I said instantly. Sav had been the name I’d always been called, but when I’d turned twelve, I’d chosen to be called Savage, a name I thought sounded awesome and went with my kickass attitude. Up until then, Sav was my name. Apparently my adopted dad had heard my mother call me that before her death. Except now, the whole scene I’d envisioned was different. Instead of my adopted father and uncle coming to the rescue of my family as they were under attack by shifters, they were doing the attacking. I tried not to think of that beautiful woman who was my mother crying out for me as she met her end.

  My throat tightened but I shoved it aside harshly. That was the past, there was no changing it. Only moving forward.

  “All right, let’s get down to business, focus on your power again, feel your body become one with it, see yourself shifting. It may hurt at first, but don’t fight it,” Leon said, his velvety smooth voice making my skin prickle.

  I closed my eyes again, letting my arms fall away as I let my power and energy surge through me.

  I could do this.

  This was who I was.



  Being trapped in this shitty little child’s body was a pain in the ass. But despite wanting to hate Savage, I was finding her an interesting person to have around. Not to mention how her world had been turned on its head. I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for her.

  But she did render me rather useless when she’d killed me. How had I not seen that coming?

  Well, I guess we’d all been caught off guard. We were not expecting to go up against a kitsune, so we weren’t prepared.

  I know Mr Oxley was unhappy about that. He’d made sure we’d been trained to expect anything, and we’d fucked up. But we’d brought her back here, so he was pleased with that.

  “She’s sexy as fuck, isn’t she?” Tristan murmured from his seat beside me. He was sitting with his back against the wall and his legs outstretched, while I sat beside him.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. She sure was. With her long slender legs, lean body but sizable bust. Those gorgeous boobs I’d seen quite a nice shot of when she was facing our way. So perky and round, I wanted to hold them and feel just how warm she was.

  But I was of no use like this, she wouldn’t even give me the time of day. And at breakfast we’d all scented what had happened between her and Leon. Mr Oxley didn’t seem to care, but Damien was none too pleased, and I knew Tristan wanted her badly.

  I shifted unhappily in my diaper, grateful that Dominic had hunted through my baby room for some toddler clothing. Which was already feeling small on me. I was outgrowing them as the hours passed. Good. I wanted to be back to myself again.

  I wanted my dick to be normal again too. I hated when it went tiny like this.

  And despite Sav’s intoxicating scent of arousal, it was limp and useless. I hated this.

  It was the strangest thing, knowing it was turning you on inside, but your body not reacting correctly.

  Sav cried out as she collapsed to her knees, and Tristan went to stand but faltered as a bright pink and white aura swirled around her, taking on the form of a kitsune.

  She growled and bent over, her back arching into the air as her claws dug into the wooden floorboards.

  She cried out as her body began creaking and cracking, and I stared wide-eyed as her body began the shift.

  I’d never seen a kitsune before.

  White fur sprouted all over her, her blonde locks receding as a snout protruded from her face, the bones cracking and groaning as she whimpered.

  It did look quite painful, especially with how slow the shift was. Having been dormant for so long, I could only cringe, knowing how much it must hurt. She should’ve been shifting at sixteen, and she was now in her early twenties. Four tails formed behind her, and I watched as they slowly unfurled and splayed out around her. Intricate pink swirls decorated them, pulsing with a soft glow.

  The cracking slowly ceased, and I frowned at the creature before me.

  It wasn’t a full shift. Similar to what the boys could do if they chose to.

  Damien padded forward, his body crunching and shifting as he stood upright in a humanoid wolf form. The true werewolf state that many knew werewolves by, with his tail swaying behind him.

  He offered his hand to Savage, and her white fur-covered hand accepted the offer. She was uneasy on her feet, but I could only stare.

  A pink crescent moon marked her forehead, and the tips of her snow white ears were pink as well. She stumbled a bit as she struggled to get her footing on her new clawed feet, her legs shaped more canine-like now. Her face was softer and more fox-like than Damien’s, and she turned to look at her four tails trailing behind her. I pursed my lips at her still feminine body, her smaller, leaner figure a stark contrast to the black werewolf standing with her.

  She reached out with a clawed hand to touch her tails, hesitating before she stroked them.

  Seeing her see herself for the first time was a remarkable sight to behold, her utter astonishment.

  “You’re beautiful,” Tristan said as he stood up, abandoning me on the floor.

  I pushed myself up onto my stubby little legs and followed after him.

  White fur covered her body head to toe, and she was a dazzling creature with her pink markings pulsing softly.

  “If you focus, you can make your markings dull down too, so if needed, you can hide easier,” Leon said, mesmerized by the gorgeous creature before us.

  Sav nodded and closed her stunning blue eyes. In only seconds the pulsing pink had dulled down.

  Those blue eyes reopened, and the flecks of pink in them were more vibrant than before as she looked around at all of us.

  “Werewolves and many shifters can get a pack mentality when they’re in shifted forms, giving them the ability to communicate telepathically while shifted,” Leon explained.

  “I’ve never seen a kitsune in the flesh before, you’re stunning,” Tristan whistled as he circled her. “The crescent moon on your head is generally the marking of your lineage. Kitsunes will have different facial markings to symbolize their lines,” Tristan said as he marveled over her.

  Sav looked back at her tails
again, and I cracked a smile as she practiced moving them. She started by wiggling her butt, which made a round of chuckles fill the room. But after a few moments, she figured out how to move each one, although they were not so graceful in moving as she worked out what she was doing.

  “What other powers do kitsunes have?” I asked Tristan as I looked up at Sav.

  “They can harness their kitsune energy, so the aura that she can cloak herself in can come alive, becoming an extension of herself,” Tristan said. “It’s why they are classed as one of the deadliest supes, with Warlocks and Necromancers taking the top. They can create apparent clones using their power that can be used in battle. It takes a lot of training to do that though. Not to mention they are the only ones with a weapon deadly to most supes,” Tristan said as he stepped back and rested his hands on his hips as he took in the magical sight of our kitsune.

  Ours. Why had I thought that?

  Sav cocked her head at Tristan, and then took a few steps back while Damien and Leon watched after her.

  We watched as she practiced moving around in this form, walking and turning, getting the hang of this new body.

  “The form you’ve taken is the half-state, which is best for battle. Your full state will be on all fours and smaller. We can practice that later on,” Tristan called out.

  Sav barely acknowledged him as she did a cartwheel, her four tails splaying out around her as she did so.

  I had to say, I was impressed with how easily she was adapting to this new state.

  She shot off, sprinting across the room and leaping at the wall. As soon as her feet connected, she launched backwards, flipping in the air and landing superhero style with one hand on the floor as her tails flicked out behind her.

  Fuck. She was badass. Warrior lines was definitely correct.

  We could use her help.

  The thought was instant, and I pondered on it.

  I’d speak to the others and see what they thought.


  Well, having tails was certainly a new sensation. And learning how to move each one was interesting indeed. But, as if I’d always known how, I quickly adapted to it. Guess it was like walking really, although that did take ages. More like breathing, I just knew how to do it after a moment.


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