Institute of Supernaturals: Savage

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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage Page 17

by J. E. Cluney

  While I was stuck here, awkwardly playing scrabble to pass the time.

  I finished my work, making a small sound of approval as Tristan snorted at my full use of the seven letters I had.

  “I don’t think ‘fuckwit’ is allowed,” he sniggered, while Wesley was peering at the two dicks still penetrating me.

  ‘It is,’ I growled as I shifted uncomfortably on top of my two werewolf lovers.

  Note to self, no more screwing with them in werewolf state.

  “Let her have it,” Wesley grinned. “She needs a break, considering how uncomfortable that must be.”

  I snarled at him, and Leon just sighed as he shifted one leg that was falling asleep on the awkward angle.

  “What’s it feel like?” Tristan asked as his gaze dropped to the furry balls of my two knotted mates.

  ‘Frustrating,’ was my instant response.

  “Yeah,” he clicked his tongue as he cocked his head at us.

  At least I could feel their dicks starting to shrink.

  Good. Because I really wanted to shower. And strangely, I was tired. Normally I didn’t fall asleep until early hours of the morning.

  All well. I’d been practicing my aura training, guess that was draining.

  “You need to pick new letters,” Wesley said as he thrust the bag of scrabble letters at me.

  ‘I’m winning,’ I remarked as I reached into the bag for more letters.

  “Don’t get cocky,” Tristan said, and then his grin widened as he realized his pun and snorted.

  ‘Fuck off,’ I grumbled as I set my new tiles on my little plastic bench.

  “Such a charming woman to be mated to,” Tristan chuckled.

  ‘Try being stuck in her,’ Leon sighed as his tail flicked around.

  Wesley lifted up his bench of tiles before they got knocked over, sending Leon a dark look.

  I gasped as Damien dick suddenly slid out of me, and semen leaked out of my butt and onto the floor.

  “Well,” Tristan just murmured as he stared at the river of cum pouring from me. Damien had cum inside me quite a few times since we’d knotted.

  How embarrassing.

  ‘Finally,’ Damien said in relief as he dragged himself out from under me, leaving me straddling Leon as he stood and stretched his legs. He shifted back to man, and I just flattened my ears.

  ‘Leon, can you shift back?’ I asked. If he did, wouldn’t that shrink his dick?

  ‘No, not when knotted,’ he muttered.

  Of course not.

  Wesley and Tristan both snickered at this, seeing the pun.


  I was mated to a bunch of hot men with childish minds. Great.

  “We should finish our scrabble,” Tristan said as he cleared his throat, his eyes still lingering on my asshole. I shielded it with my tails. Damien and Leon’s wings had withdrawn once we’d tried to position ourselves for a game of scrabble.

  Never again.

  And why on earth had I agreed to the game?

  ‘Since you’re stuck in me, carry me to my room,’ I demanded as I turned my head to face Leon directly.

  ‘I’m not carrying you,’ he said in bewilderment.


  I stood, painfully and with some difficulty, and Leon yelped as I yanked his pelvis up with me.

  Tristan and Wesley were silent as they watched me defiantly try to get Leon up so I could somehow get to my room with him stuck in me.

  I tried to twist, but his dick didn’t seem to allow that. He’d somehow gotten to his feet, and was standing before me with his legs bent uncomfortably as my legs were splayed apart for him.

  Now the battle of trying to walk like this.

  Leon growled in annoyance, lifting me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

  What a good boy.

  He snarled at this, but proceeded to carry me from the room.

  “I so hope Dominic is home to see that,” Wesley murmured as he watched us go. Damien was busy gathering up his clothes, watching us in amusement.

  I stared back at the scrabble game, smirking inwardly.

  I always win.


  I sat on the stone bench out in the garden, staring up at the clear blue sky. Days had passed since coming to this mansion, days that had involved various sexual antics with my boys.

  My boys. A term I was getting used to.

  Jackson had given up on the texts and calls when I’d stopped responding. I felt guilty, but it was for both our best interests.

  I had to abandon my old life. That lie I’d been living.

  The brothers were teaching me more about my aura magic, although I’d successfully only managed one arm to extend, although our latest session had resulted in a second starting to form. A stubby thing that had thumped Damien in the gut.

  “He’s good to go.”

  I turned to spy Damien walking over to me with the box from the garage.

  It was time to release his squirrel back into the wild.

  I watched as the burly, gruff man set the box down carefully under the oak tree behind the bench I was perched on.

  His gentleness with the tiny creature still took me by surprise, and yet it warmed me inside. There was a unique tenderness to the rough man.

  He eased the squirrel out of the box, and the tawny creature sat in his hand for a moment, watching him curiously. It looked much healthier than the other day, and I knew he’d been caring for it each day.

  It leaped from his hand, soaring across to the trunk of the tree and scurrying up into the branches overhead.

  I was more focused on Damien and his proud expression, one of admiration and joy all rolled together.

  And I was smiling happily, thrilled that he was feeling so wonderful.

  “So is this what you wanted me to meet you out here for?” I asked softly as I stared at the ruggedly handsome man.

  He’d let that stubble along his jawline grow into a short beard, and it suited him. In his black tee and jeans, he was deliciously attractive. His rounded ass was enhanced in the light blue jeans, and the tee hugged his toned, ripped body.

  “Stop thinking about my body before you get horny,” he chuckled, and the sound made my heart flutter. I loved hearing him let go, losing that hard-assed exterior shell he protected himself with.

  The past few days I’d caught him alone here and there, and the hard exterior had crumbled away.

  I’d found he liked to watch the wildlife outside, he’d just sit motionless, watching the natural world around him in the garden.

  I’d joined him, and found he loved to nature watch. Just pretend there was nothing wrong with the world and enjoy the life around him.

  I’d learned a lot about them all over the past few days.

  I’d watched them all take turns playing PlayStation. They even occasionally set it up in the theater room, but they mainly stuck to the living area on a huge flatscreen TV that spanned half the wall anyway.

  I’d caught Tristan drawing once, and upon closer inspection, found he was drawing me in kitsune form. And he was damn good too.

  I’d found the gym on the far side of the garage where the twins worked out, and found Wesley all over the mansion with different handheld consoles and even a laptop once with a headset.

  Gaming really was his thing.

  “You’re fitting in here,” Damien noted, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “I’m enjoying it. It’s like a holiday, I’m trying not to think of my old life, and my real family. It’s so stressful sometimes,” I admitted.

  “I know. We can all feel it now. The more time we spend together, the stronger our bond gets,” Damien said as he sat down beside me on the bench.

  I huddled into his warm side, stretching my legs out to bask them in the sun, since the oak tree shaded the top half of me.

  “But you’re not really happy,” Damien frowned as he turned to me, those emerald eyes concerned.

  “I was a hunter for so long, and now,
nothing. I do nothing. I itch to search for new hunts, even though I know it’s wrong. It’s not that I’m not happy, I’m just bored. I’ve been reading and spending time with you guys, but hunting and fighting has always been my thing. And now I have all these new abilities, and we haven’t used them,” I sighed.

  “You want to go bounty hunting,” Damien said knowingly.

  “You guys said you wanted me to get in on it, but we haven’t done anything,” I pouted, feeling childish for voicing my true desire.

  “Mr Oxley normally gives us our hunts, but he’s still away. He hasn’t made contact over the past two days, which is unlike him,” Damien stated, frowning as he looked out across the grassy expanse of the grounds.

  “I haven’t seen Dominic much either,” I remarked.

  “But it’s not the first time Mr Oxley has dropped contact. He gets caught up sometimes in whatever tasks he’s out doing. We’ll hear from him soon enough,” Damien shrugged.

  Most of our meals had been self-served or take-out. Turns out Leon was a good cook when he wanted to be, and Wesley made some wicked desserts.

  Me? I’d spent half my life on the road living on Gas ’n’ Sip food. The other half was spent scrounging together simple pasta for dinner or canned foods. So I was no cook, much to Jackson’s and Thomas’s frustration.

  My jaw set as an image of us all at the dining table popped into my head, the pair of them laughing as I fumed after having ruined a fancy pasta dish I’d been trying to make for all of us.

  ‘They were the family you knew,’ Damien’s voiced brushed into the memory tenderly.

  I shook my head, hating the happy moment flaring up.

  Thomas wanted me dead. As for Jackson, the man who was my brother for so long, I really didn’t know. I’d been avoiding dwelling on it too much.

  Hell, Wesley had become my sparring partner. Turns out the shithead can’t die unless he’s struck in the heart. He recovers extremely quickly. So he’d started joining in on my sparring and aura training, becoming my proper test dummy.

  “You clawed open his ass,” Damien chuckled.

  I smirked at this. He’d turned in an attempt to dodge my aura arm, but my second arm had bumped him forward, and I’d clawed his ass with my good one. Pretty severely too. He’d healed up within a few hours, and Leon patched him up.

  The bond the four of them shared was incredible. True brothers in arms.

  I adored it.

  “Hey, I brought you out here for a reason,” Damien said, breaking my thoughts.

  “Hmm?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  He stood and headed around the old oak, peeking around and beckoning me to follow.

  I rolled my eyes, loving this lighter, cheerier version of him. He was becoming more at home around me, and I was seeing a side of him I didn’t even think the others saw.

  Scratch that, they definitely didn’t see this side of him.

  I grinned widely as he bowed before me, holding a picnic basket he’d hidden behind the oat.

  “A picnic for my princess.”

  “And to think it was only a handful of days ago that you wanted me dead,” I said sweetly as he set the basket down and pulled a blanket out of it.

  “I thought you were just a hunter,” he shrugged as he laid the blanket out. “Hunters are bad news for us.”

  I sat down as he indicated for me to do so, and watched in delight as he pulled out some goodies for us to eat.

  Some freshly made sandwiches, which made me wonder if he’d done them. A quick peek in his head revealed that he had indeed, but not so much the dessert.

  “Hey!” he grumbled, obviously wanting the dessert to be a surprise.

  “A bought chocolate cake is not a huge surprise,” I giggled as he offered me a can of cola.

  I accepted and cracked it open to take a decent swig of it.

  He proceeded to set out the items for us, including some crackers and cheese.

  He offered the ham and cheese sandwich to me on a small plate, and I graciously accepted it.

  God, he was being utterly adorable today. Nothing like the alpha male werewolf who’d jammed his dick in my ass.

  He choked on his drink, and I burst into laughter as it streamed from his nose and his eyes watered as he sputtered.

  So much for a sweet little picnic.

  I was anything but sweet.


  I awoke as I sensed someone coming up to us.

  I was nestled into Damien’s side, having fallen asleep as he held me on the picnic blanket. We’d had our lunch after his struggle with his cola earlier, then spoke about his teenage dream of becoming a vet. He’d given it up when he’d found he loved bounty hunting.

  I’d tried to tell him he could do both, and somehow we’d ended up making out.

  Okay, maybe we had a quickie too.

  Doggy style, out in the open.

  At least the grounds were walled off, but if any of the boys were looking, they would’ve seen us going at it.

  We’d ended up falling asleep with a cool breeze mixed with the warm sunlight on our legs.

  And now I was glaring at Dominic as he stood beside us, staring down at me.

  “What do you want?” Damien growled, his arm tightening around my shoulders as he held me closer to his chest. He didn’t even bother to open his eyes.

  “Mr Oxley called. He has a hunt for you,” Dominic stated.

  “Did he say anything else?” I blurted. I knew he was looking into my family, my real family, and I was beginning to get antsy.

  “He’ll be back in the next few days. He’ll tell us everything then,” Dominic said as he straightened himself. He was wearing a dark forest green suit I realized as I blinked to clear my eyes.

  Where had he been? What errands required a fancy weird suit?

  And what would Mr Oxley be telling us?

  “What’s the hunt?” Damien asked, his body tensing at the mention of a hunt.

  I couldn’t help it, I was just as eager to get back out into the field, but my mind was still caught up on what Mr Oxley had found out. Why couldn’t he tell us anything over the phone?

  Was it bad news that he could only deliver in person? My stomach knotted at that, but Damien’s hand stroked my back in an effort to relax me as he projected some calming sensations. Something we were learning to do. Project emotions onto one another. This bond thing really had some interesting elements.

  “He wants to test you all working together. There’s a small nest of six vamps causing trouble, murdering local teenagers, draining them and leaving them out in the open for the whole world to see. The Council has been struggling to cover it up and they want it dealt with quickly. Mr Oxley put you guys forward since it’s nearby,” Dominic said as he flicked a bug off his suit and sniffed.

  “Sounds fun,” Damien murmured, turning his head to look at me with one emerald eye open.

  “You down to kick ass?”

  I grinned, trying to ignore the worries about my true family.

  I was dying to get back into kicking ass.


  We headed inside to find the rest of the guys enjoying some roast chicken sandwiches as they played the PlayStation. Damien had packed up the picnic and was carrying the wicker basket as we entered the room.

  They all sobered up as Dominic explained the impending hunt to them, giving us all more details.

  Tristan was watching him closely, and a dive into his mind revealed that he thought Dominic was acting strange. He wasn’t sure if it was the odd dislike for me, or if there was something more to it. But even I could tell he seemed to be stiffer than usual. Maybe an errand he’d been running hadn’t gone well? What kind of errands did Mr Oxley have him running all the time anyway? I had a feeling it wasn’t his dry-cleaning.

  Leon offered to drive, as it was only a short forty-five minute drive away. But we had to prepare first.

  I glanced around at the four men, seeing the fire burning in the eyes of my mates a
t the prospect of a hunt. They’d hated my upbringing, but hunting was in our nature, we were all predators, and we took satisfaction in a job well done. This would be my first proper bounty hunt, and according to Dominic, the pay was good too.

  To be paid to hunt, now that was something I’d always wanted.

  My eyes fell on Dominic, on his distant look as his eyes slid to the side.

  Something was seriously up with him. But we weren’t friends, so I’d leave it be.

  I abandoned them to head for my room, intent to collect my phone and kitsune blade and to change into something more manageable. This blue dress I’d chosen for Damien’s invitation outside was not ideal for hunting.

  I loaded up my duffel bag of clothes into the wardrobe, grateful that Damien had grabbed a bunch of clothing for me, including a couple of dresses. But I’d need to do some shopping. That’s what I’d spend my payout on. Some new clothes. And maybe a proper service on my bike.

  I’d enjoyed a ride around on it yesterday afternoon, enjoying the freedom she offered. I’d missed not feeling that thrumming metal beast between my legs. So much power and speed, and no one could stop me.

  I’d returned to find the boys unhappy with me leaving the grounds. Mr Oxley had not wanted me to leave, but I’d worn a helmet and made sure no one had followed me home. They’d mellowed out when I explained I had needed the getaway, as I felt too cooped up here each day.

  I threw on some jeans and a purple tank top, tying my blonde locks back into a high bun.

  My eyes moved to my messenger bag over by the desk in my room, and I strode over to it. I rifled through for my kitsune blade, which had been untouched since I’d come here.

  The cool hilt of the blade sent a spark of anticipation through me.

  This was who I was. A huntress.

  I put my sheath onto my back, clipping the blade in so that the hilt hung on the underside for easy access, and then threw my leather jacket over the top to hide it.

  I popped on some heeled ankle high boots, reminding myself to thank Damien for grabbing up some shoes for me. I had some sneakers, my usual knee high boots, my ankle boots, and a few pairs of heels. I doubted any of the other guys would have thought to grab them all when breaking into my room.


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