Institute of Supernaturals: Savage

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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage Page 18

by J. E. Cluney

  Hell, they probably would have spent most of their time in my panty drawer. Well, Damien had grabbed more panties than clothes, but I’d forgive him, since he did get me my boots.

  I gave myself a quick glance in the mirror, then reached out to my boys. They were still getting ready. Leon and Damien were getting some machetes, since vampires could be killed by beheading or staking with wood or silver. Wesley was getting changed into old clothes that he didn’t mind destroying if needed, and Tristan was gathering up some demon weapons.

  I took the chance to throw on some eyeliner and eyeshadow, because a girl has to look good to kill.

  Once I looked like biker Cinderella out to kill, I headed out.

  Time to get back to work.


  The drive was slow and quiet, the Jeep humming with adrenaline as I barely contained my excitement. I knew my boys were excited to have me with them, but they were nervous too. The nest consisted of at least six vamps, so we had to be careful and watch our backs.

  Their worry for me was choking, but I ignored it, knowing I could take care of myself.

  Besides, the plan was simple. We’d check for any innocents inside the dilapidated building, then Wesley was going to torch it. Our main job would be to catch and kill any vamps fleeing the building.

  A good plan, and Damien was already on google earth to investigate the layout to position us around the outside.

  “Maybe Sav should hang back?” Wes suggested, and I shot him a deathly look. He even squirmed under my furious gaze.

  “She’s part of the team now, and she’s been hunting far longer than us,” Tristan said, backing me up. Bonus points for him. Maybe he’d get that strap-on on me after all.

  He glanced at me with a mischievous glint in his eye as he caught onto my thought.

  “I’m just surprised she didn’t get pregnant with you two, considering the whole knotting thing is to help impregnate mates,” Wesley mused from his seat on the far side of Tristan.

  Why we’d jammed the tallest of us into the middle seat was beyond me, but he was handling it quite well.

  “Kitsunes have low conception rates,” Leon shrugged, remaining focused on the road ahead.

  I would’ve preferred to hunt once night had fallen, but if we wanted to get our bounty, we needed to go now.

  Otherwise the Council would put out a wide bounty call. Apparently, Mr Oxley had pull, and would offer his boys up first. They were young, but had been hunting since they were teens, and they were good at it. I questioned this since they’d been a mess when they’d come after me. I’d handed them their asses.

  I wasn’t sure how good that classed them as.

  ‘We get the job done every other time,” Wesley grumbled. “You were different.”

  “Sure,” I smirked.

  “We may fuck up here and there, but one of us always finishes the job,” Tristan explained. “That’s why we make a good team, because we look out for each other and clean up their messes,” he said pointedly at Wesley.

  What messes had they done?

  An image of Wes setting a car on fire struck me, and the vehicle exploded and blew them all backwards, the bounty nearly escaping.

  Thankfully Tristan possessed him and walked him back before shoving a demon blade through his chest.

  So they were sometimes messy bounty hunters. But if the job got done, the Council didn’t care. Their one rule was to not get caught by police or seen as supes.

  Which they’d apparently managed so far. Surprisingly.

  “We’re almost there, focus,” Leon growled as he turned onto an old dirt track.

  At least we were in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and wouldn’t need to worry about being seen. They were holed up in some old abandoned farmhouse.

  My blood ran hot as my muscles tensed, and I drew in a steadying breath.

  This would be my first hunt with others in a while. And I’d normally only hunted with my family.

  Adopted, fake-ass family.

  I dared a glance at my phone, but no messages or missed calls lit up my screen.

  Jackson had given up on me. It hurt a little, but I knew it was for the best. My brother was not someone I could trust, no matter how much I wanted to.

  That life was long gone now.

  The Jeep veered off to the side of the track, and Leon shut the engine off, informing us we’d be walking the rest of the way there.

  I was glad I’d gone with my boots with the thick heels. Fuck walking down this track in normal heels.

  “You swear so much, even in your thoughts,” Leon stated, shaking his head with mild amusement as we clambered out of the Jeep.

  “And?” I questioned. What was wrong with my swearing?

  “It’s unladylike,” Wesley commented, and I looked at him.

  “It’s unmanly to shove a flaming dildo up someone’s vag, but you don’t see me stating it,” I retorted.

  Tristan laughed, and even Damien was stifling chuckles as we started walking.

  “You were going to kill me,” Wesley groaned.

  Unlikely, but whatever.

  I flicked my eyes to the fields surrounding us. All overgrown and in serious need of upkeep.

  We fell into a familiar silence as we all walked, our footsteps soft and nearly soundless.

  At least they’d had some basic hunter training.

  We came across an old, burnt out sedan just before the bend in the track, and we crouched down behind it.

  I looked over to Damien, who nodded and indicated over the car.

  ‘It’s just up ahead, Wes, you should be able to see from here to set it alight when needed. Tristan, find out who’s inside, just what we’re up against. Then we’ll take up our positions.’

  I nodded, accepting Damien’s instructions as Tristan leaned against the car and closed his eyes.

  Curious, I delved into his mind, finding myself being projected alongside him into the mind of an unsuspecting vampire inside the home.

  The house was appalling, in complete disrepair, walls crumbled and old furniture that needed to be burned by the looks of the bloody stains on them.

  Two vampires were catching a nap on the ugly brown couches, and the shutters were drawn over all the windows.

  Vampires didn’t just explode in the sun like many believed, but prolonged exposure did begin to burnt them. So they stuck to the shadows and indoors in daylight hours, many sleeping away the day to hunt and come alive at night.

  The vampire Tristan had domineered was glancing out the window, keeping guard.

  Now that I was with Tristan in possessing him, I could see the vampire’s thoughts as well, of all the horrible murders he and his nest mates had done. It made me furious to see how much he’d enjoyed feeding on the teenage girls, loving how sweet their blood tasted. He and some of the other male vamps had even defiled their bodies for fun, and it sickened me.

  I could feel him battling against the possession, shrieking inside his mind, but Tristan’s grip was strong, and he forced the vampire to walk through the house, revealing to us the size of the nest.

  There was a basement as well where four of them were currently sleeping, and there was another vamp in the kitchen, complaining about being hungry and needing to feed. He questioned our puppet, but Tristan was quick in replying through the vampire that everything was fine.

  The vampire at the stained, ugly table just rolled his eyes and focused back on a playboy magazine.

  I slipped out of the strange possession state, focusing back on my own surroundings and looking around.

  Damien was beside me with a concerned look.

  ‘You okay,’ he asked silently.

  ‘Yeah, I think I joined Tristan in his possession or something, doesn’t seem to be any victims in there, just the vamps,’ I thought back.

  He just nodded, and after a few more moments, Tristan opened his eyes.

  ‘Safe for us to light it up. I’ll use the vamp to hold down the two in the living room when
we set the place on fire. There’s four in the basement who will become trapped and burn with the house, but the one in the kitchen and three upstairs may come out. We need to be ready for them,’ Tristan relayed to us.

  So much for a small nest like Dominic said, there was more than he’d told us. Something unsettled me about this whole thing, and the way Dominic had been.

  ‘I feel it too,’ Leon agreed, and the other boys all had slight waves of uneasiness rolling off them.

  Dominic had told us there were six vamps. He’d definitely got that wrong. Was it just a data issue, had he gotten the wrong intel?

  No. I could tell from the other guys that Dominic never got anything wrong, he was always rechecking things to confirm his report. And the data shared from the Council was normally fairly accurate.

  Surely it was just a mistake though?

  ‘Doesn’t matter, we can talk to him when we get back. For now, we’ll handle this,’ Damien said firmly.

  He was right, mistake or not, these vamps were bad, and we needed to handle them.

  With his urging, we all moved off stealthily to take up our positions around the house, leaving Wesley by the car.

  I crept through the broken wooden fence and kept low as I made my way through the overgrown wheat field.

  My mark was off to the back of the building, taking cover behind the old shed that was leaning badly to one side. It looked like all it needed was a strong breeze to send it crumbling to ruins.

  I slinked through the fence and darted up to the side of the shed, unsheathing my kitsune blade as I got ready.

  I projected my readiness to the other boys, who all responded that they were in position.

  Wesley told us to stand firm, and I dug my feet into the ground.

  The old wooden farmhouse exploded in a ball of fire, the whole building going up in flames instantly.

  Flames shattered the windows as they licked around the building, and the shrieks that rose up inside made the adrenaline course through me.

  A window on the top floor smashed, a flaming body hurling themselves out. I shot forward, crossing the space between us in seconds as the flaming vampire screamed and flailed.

  I slammed my dagger into their chest, scrunching up my nose at the smell of burning flesh.

  The charred face of the vampire turned to me, the skin melting off its cheek as it snarled, baring its fangs. Those eyes made a shiver tear through me, the darkness and hunger inside them. It was only the briefest moment, and then it exploded into ash, catching on a soft breeze and scattering across the yard.

  Leon was handling another vampire that had launched out of a high window, and Tristan was keeping his puppet inside along with the living room vamps.

  Those in the basement would perish quickly.

  Damien had encountered the vamp from the kitchen as he broke down the front door to escape, and he’d cut off its head with ease.

  The final vamp upstairs had been caught by Wes with a fiery vortex slamming it back into the house as it tried to leap from the top window out the front of the house.

  I dusted the ash off my jeans as I circled the burning house, the heat radiating from it making me take my jacket off and cough on the smoke.

  I joined up with the guys around the front of the building, and we all watched on as the house crumpled, ash and embers exploding upwards as the ceiling caved in.

  “That wasn’t so hard,” Wesley grinned.

  To be honest, it was too easy for me.

  I preferred more of a fight. That vamp had been a piece of cake.

  “They don’t all have to be hard fights,” Leon mused. “Take the easy win.”

  Right, I shouldn’t be complaining if it was an easy bounty hunt.

  “How does the Council know it was you guys who killed them?” I asked.

  “Damien will call it in, and we’ll have our money once they get their witch to check it over. The hunts where we have to capture a supe alive are harder. Cause you can’t just kill them,” Tristan smirked as he watched the house burn with a delighted satisfaction. The way his mouth curved up as the flames danced in his eyes made him look hotter than hell. I loved seeing a bad boy take satisfaction in something so harsh. It suited him, his whole personality.

  I followed his gaze to the burning building, finding my mouth curving upwards as I reminded myself of their crimes.

  I’d checked on my way over, and sure enough, a string of teenage murders had happened in the area. Covered up as maulings or whatnot, but I knew the truth. With my laptop, I could’ve checked the autopsy reports and found the truth. They’d been vampire attacks.

  These murderous monsters were dead now, and many lives would be saved.

  I stepped backwards into the warmth of Damien’s body, and those steel arms wrapped around my waist as he nuzzled my neck.

  We’d put an end to the vampires.

  Time to celebrate, my mind whispered, and my body warmed at the thought.

  Being a kitsune sure was interesting.


  I squealed as Damien hefted me onto the hood of the Jeep, his strong arms planted on either side of me as he kissed me.

  “Don’t keep her all to yourself,” Tristan growled as he shoved my dark werewolf aside, his warm lips tearing away from mine.

  They were replaced quickly with passionately hungry lips as my arousal filled the air with a desperate need to be satisfied.

  Apparently, the adrenaline rush they’d all gotten from the hunt sent them into a testosterone-driven overdrive as soon as my pheromones hit the air.

  I moaned as Tristan’s hand slid under my shirt, those soft, warm fingers sliding over my abdomen and snaking up to stroke just beneath my breasts. I quivered at the teasing touch as he ravished my mouth, desperate for more. He removed my sheath and blade, setting it on the hood as he continued to kiss me.

  He was yanked away from me, Leon replacing him with a gentle warmth as he kissed me as well, his lips softer and sweeter. His hands worked me out of my shirt, then grazed down my back, swirling over my shoulders and resting at my waist. My body ached for him, hell, for any of them, and this desperate fight for me was only fueling my desire.

  Wesley quickly got in, his fiery kiss sending heat through me as his hands expertly removed my bra and tossed it onto the hood.

  I squealed as Damien yanked me off the hood, pressing me hard against his body.

  His erection was pushing into my belly, and I trembled as he kissed me.

  I helped him remove his shirt, noting that the other three guys were undressing around me.

  We’d be screwed if someone saw the smoke and came looking. They’d find a bunch of naked people about to fuck while a house burned to the the ground. At least there’d be no bodies, not really.

  Damien fumbled with the button of my jeans as his tongue darted into my mouth, exploring and battling my own.

  I helped him get my jeans undone, but they were yanked down from behind me along with my panties.

  Great, now I was the only one naked.

  A nip on my earlobe as Damien was still kissing me alerted me to Tristan’s joining. His tall, leaner but still athletic body pushed against my back, and I squeaked in surprise as his length brushed between my cheeks.

  Guess I wasn’t the only one naked.

  “Time to celebrate, my love,” Tristan breathed as he moved to kiss my spine, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh there.

  Leon’s hand slid between Damien and I, his thumb running over my nipple. My hooded eyes flicked to where he now stood beside me, naked with his dick in his hand.

  They really were amped up right now, unable to control themselves. Not that I was complaining.

  I knew I was giving off ‘fuck me’ pheromones.

  Tristan’s hand slid between my cheeks, and I gasped into Damien’s still hungry mouth as his finger found my rear entrance.

  He stroked it and prodded at it, until he finally, ever so slowly, inserted a digit.

  By now I was d
ripping with excitement, with Leon caressing my breasts and stroking himself, Wesley now on the opposite side of me as he watched, enjoying the show. Damien was removing his pants now, and I moaned as he hefted me up and onto his waist.

  I wrapped my legs around him, his member easing into me gently. My slick walls took him with ease, and Tristan continued working my ass with his fingers.

  Moans and grunts surrounded me as Damien took hold of my hip with one hand and began guiding me against him.

  It didn’t take long before the back door was relaxing, and Tristan joined in.

  I moaned and gasped as he eased into me, taking it slow at first as I adjusted to him. I was grateful I’d completely healed up after Damien’s harsh butt play.

  “Sorry,” he rasped as he broke away to draw in desperate mouthfuls of air before nibbling on my neck.

  Tristan was kissing the other side as he held himself inside me, pulling out slowly then sliding back in.

  The shudders that coursed through me as they both fucked me were delicious, and I moaned as Wesley took my hand and guided it to his dick.

  Sure. I guess I could manage that. Although with Leon working my nipples while I was filled by both my guys, I doubted I’d be able to keep it going for long.

  Moans escaped them all at this train of thought, and I could feel their ache to finish me off, to make me cry out in bliss.

  I wrapped my fingers around Wesley’s throbbing shaft, loving how he closed his eyes and lolled his head back with a hiss.

  That’s right, only I could bring this pleasure to them.

  I bounced between my two men, moaning and letting out soft cries of bliss as they both screwed me, driving into me harder and faster as the pleasure coiled inside me.

  My hand worked in time with their rhythm, and I knew Wes was going to blow his load any second now.

  Damien bit down onto my shoulder as he drove into me hard and deep, gripping my hip with one hand and holding me against him at the waist.

  Tristan was growling softly as he bucked into me, my ass stretching to take his length, and the joint sensation sending tremors of pleasure coursing through me.


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