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Half-Demon's Revenge

Page 33

by Lina J. Potter

  I omitted the part where it was I who had shown the assassin, and not him, but rather his confession, while he was still lying low. He did want to live, after all.

  “Anyway, the assassin told all the details about his employer, and it turned out to be Lavinia. What was her reason? Well, maybe Andre had decided not to marry her, while I never noticed that. Yes, Uncle, it’s my fault. I should have known better. But how could I? Didn’t you receive them in the capital yourself and kiss the lady’s hand? Even you were confused, let alone me! Of course, now you know everything, but could you have predicted that? What a tragedy!”

  Abigail’s expression as she looked at that show made me want to grab her by the tail and squeeze the venom out of her. Let her suffer, the unmilked viper! Meanwhile, I was singing like a nightingale.

  “The Riolonians may have invited me to talk, but the war couldn’t be stopped anymore. The Tevarrians marched out the next day...and something happened. I have no idea what exactly. Imagine me standing next to the command point, looking at our people. Suddenly, I heard a scream and rolled down. And there, I saw a real nightmare! Tentacles, fangs, skeletons in black cloaks, a real horror show! All of them were moving before my eyes, trying to reach me. My friend saved me, but almost died trying...and then, my magic manifested.

  “And how! Fire magic, just like my mother’s! I burned all those vermin and sent them right to the Dark Tempter! I pulled out all the stops, almost screwed the poo...err, I mean, almost died, forgive me, Auntie. Yes, I realize that would have been such a tragedy for you, I notice your distress. Are you all right? May I kiss your hand?”



  “Afterward, Darius and I had a talk and decided there was to be no war until we sorted the whole mess out. Then we left. We didn’t feel well there. The templars said that it was always like that in the places where portals to the Dark Tempter’s minions opened.”

  “Oh, you’re asking about templars? Yes, there were some. They examined us, questioned us, saw the scene of the event, and left. What do you mean, they haven’t come here? It cannot be! There were eight of them! They were such powerful warriors! Who could ever defeat them...err, I mean, who could ever raise their hand against the holy servants? What a horror! What if they also killed Tom and I, as witnesses... The witnesses of what? I don’t know! But that’s beside the point! I’m so afraid! Uncle, assign me some guards!”

  “Excuse me, wife? Oh, that’s right, my wife! What a nightmare! My wife killed my cousin! What am I to do with her? She’ll kill me as well! And you, Uncle, and you, Auntie...oh, I’m sorry. But she’s a murderer, isn’t she?! WHAT A HORROR!”

  I was wailing, pretending to be desperate and grief-stricken, speaking with a tone that made me want to kill myself, but my relatives had to endure.

  No big deal, you won’t have to suffer for long.

  “No, Uncle, I don’t want to meet my wife. Maybe tomorrow, and in your presence? I’m afraid of her, and really, I’ve just arrived. I wanted to wash myself, have a good night’s sleep, and really... Oh, tomorrow is fine? Great. How about we invite some templars to the meeting, too? I mean, that was your offer, Auntie, and how can I ignore such wise counsel? In their presence, she could never lie!”

  Uncle nodded in agreement, and with that, the interrogation was over. I went to my chambers and lay down in the bath. The water was warm, and I could finally relax...

  What a bitch, and may dogs forgive me!

  The next day, the templars would arrive at the palace, and the investigation would start. Naturally, Lavinia would be turned inside out, and soon, they would discover her true vampiric nature, which would present a huge problem for me.

  So your wife’s a vampire? Did you know that? If not, why does your wife say otherwise? Oh, and she also says that...

  In a word, if the templars didn’t find a motive to look into me, I would be quite surprised. They would. And if, sooner or later, they learned who I really was—and they could—Uncle wouldn’t protect me; he’d be happy to give me up. I didn’t know if I could survive against the Church, but I would have to forget about the throne for good.

  That left me with only one option. By the next morning, I shouldn’t be married anymore.


  As I hoped, Lavinia had been placed in a tower. How could it be otherwise? Noble ladies weren’t to be sent to a dungeon, especially such...charming ones.

  The vampire was sitting on the bed with a pretty dark expression on her face, and when I stepped out from a secret passage, was startled, barely managing to stifle a shriek. She managed only a weak exclamation.



  I pressed a finger against my lips, and she obeyed, then beckoned her with my hand, and she rushed inside the secret passage, quick as lightning.

  We could talk there.

  “So you’ve finally got caught, little mouse?”

  “ husband...I’m so happy...”

  “That you won’t have to burn at the stake?” Definitely.


  Lavinia’s face grew deathly pale. I had a killer follow-up.

  “Uncle’s going to interrogate you tomorrow, together with the templars. Do you want that?”

  Lavinia shook her head so emphatically, making it clear that she didn’t—at all.

  “Well then, let’s go.”


  “To my chambers. We’ll find you some clothes, weapons, money for the road, and you’ll leave.”


  There was so much gratitude in her voice. Of course, the vampire was no fool. She knew that she would get a thorough interrogation, and that the plot had been revealed.

  She understood everything else as well.

  First, that they didn’t leave any witnesses in such cases. Second, that she was no match for the templars. And third, that even if she didn’t die there, the Tevarrians would finish her off. What for? Well, if they had a good enough reason, she wouldn’t be alive anymore. Thus, my offer was her salvation.

  What about me, you ask? Have you ever seen a half-demon do things pro bono? For me, there’s always a profit to be made.

  In my room, we picked out from my wardrobe everything that Lavinia would need.

  “Are you taking a risk, husband of mine?”

  “How so?”

  “If I get caught...”

  “You? Unlikely. You’re a vampire, you’ll change your face, fix it with blood...”

  “How do you—”

  “Know about that? I had good teachers, and my mother cleaned out the palace library when she left.”

  “Yes, I’ve noticed...there are no books left here.”

  “Because they are in another place. Hurry up, fold up the pants.”

  I packed the vampire’s bag in earnest. Honestly, I wouldn’t have parted with her that way, but I had no choice. I needed to let her go, or she would be dead. Too bad, I had hoped to make an assistant out of her. Children would have been a problem, but there was a solution for everything.

  Lavinia packed quietly, following all my orders. She understood that the most profitable course for me was to kill her and bury her somewhere in the garden, seeing as it was big enough, and uncle’s gardeners were lazybones. They would have never found even a herd of cattle, let alone a vampire’s body. The fact that instead of that, I was going to release her, made an impression on her.

  It really would have been so much easier to just kill her...yet I couldn’t. Maybe it was the vampire’s special abilities, or... She hadn’t done me ill. She was also a victim. I was lucky. I had been loved and cherished, but she had been raised for such games and was only a pawn. I felt pity.

  “Do you realize that you’ll have to run fast and run far?”

  “Yes. To Mirall and further.”

  “Good girl. Go to the port, get on a ship...and arrange it so it leaves tonight. I have every confidence that you’ll be able to persuade the captain.”

  “What if I don’t get there?”

  “What can stop a vampire in the street at night, I wonder? And really, isn’t it too early for you to relax? The templars will be here in less than half a day.”

  After I mentioned the templars, the vampire came to her senses and quickly finished packing. Money, some jewels, clothes, a weapon...

  “I’ll lead you out of the palace. After that, you’re on your own. But the port’s not far.”

  Uncle had always hated living next to common folk, but both the port and the palace had been positioned really well, and the port had separate docks for each ship, magnificent wharfs, a breakwater, and the sight of ships in the harbor was indeed breathtaking.

  As for the mess there... During grandpa’s reign, there had been no mess! Rudolph had brought it on himself, really.

  Lavinia put the backpack on and came up to me.

  “Alex...thank you.”

  The kiss was long and sweet, no worse than... Stop it! Stupid memory! Forget about it!

  I answered it, but I was the first to break free.

  “Sorry, now’s not the time.”

  Lavinia sighed.

  “Tell me, have you ever wanted me to remain your wife?”

  I shrugged.

  “I don’t know. We could have had a future together, but there’s no point in discussing it anymore.”

  The vampire seemed happy with that answer. I went into the secret passage first, and she followed me. I wasn’t afraid of turning my back to her anymore. I was her only hope to survive, and that meant something.

  Outside, it was dark and windy. The sea smelled of salt and fish, and the sounds of nightlife were coming from the port.

  Lavinia threw me an imploring look, and I waved my hand.

  “Off with you!”

  At least I would know that she had indeed left. But we didn’t meet anybody on our way there.

  Finding the Jewel of Mirall was easy. It was the sixth ship of those we examined. Fortunately, some of the crew and the captain were aboard. I nodded to Lavinia. Go on.

  We had already found an old boat to take her to the ship. She could have swum there, but that wouldn’t have been a very pleasant experience. And vampires didn’t like saltwater, either, as it stripped them of their powers. She would survive if she didn’t touch it or bathe in it, though, so no worries.

  The vampire touched my cheek with her lips, clumsily climbed down into the boat, and pushed it away from the wharf.

  I waited until the boat reached the ship, and a bright silhouette climbed aboard, waited until a commotion started, and the ship left the port, flapping her sails.

  That was it. Nobody could get her anymore.

  I returned to the palace without any incidents on the way. Maybe my aura had scared the local rats away. Rats were smart; they would never attack a tiger unless it decided to eat the rat. And the tiger didn’t want to.

  The palace was shining with bright lights, but it was obvious that everybody was still sleeping. The alarm wasn’t sounded yet, but I had to finish up with something.

  I’ve told you already that there aren’t any noble half-demons, haven’t it?

  I didn’t want to do that, but I had no choice left. I went to my uncle’s bedroom.


  There are lots of secret passageways in each self-respecting palace. The ones known only by the builders and the customer, the ones that have been keeping their secrets for many centuries.

  What are they made for? Each passage had its purpose. Nobody would turn their palace into a cheese wheel without a good reason. To eavesdrop; to send an assassin; to escape from an assassin; to hide something valuable.

  The first two types were safe. As for the others...

  It was a pretty obvious solution to fill the tunnels with traps: I’ll leave, and you’ll die.

  I would never advise anyone to prowl around in secret passageways in a palace. But me, I was a different story. I was Radenor’s heir. There might not have been a crown on my head, but the heart of Radenor had already acknowledged me as the rightful king, and I would definitely pay it a visit, right on the night of my official coronation. Meanwhile...

  A snake slithered before me in the secret passage, navigating the traps, showing me how to disable and enable them. It was even blacker than the darkness inside the corridor, but I needed no torches, as in my half-demon form, my eyesight was sharp enough.

  Finally, I reached Uncle’s chambers. Inside, it was all peace and quiet. Uncle was sleeping, his palm under his cheek. There was nobody else in the room, I knew that; not his latest mistress, not my aunt, who endured his carousal like only the truly power-hungry could. The palace whispered to me that Uncle was alone...which was exactly what I needed. I touched cold white stone with my hand.

  Let nobody hear us from outside... Please.

  It felt like a dog had pressed its cold nose into my palm.

  As you wish, Master.

  I had never had dogs. Horses could stand me, in my human form, more or less, but a puppy...they hated half-demons.

  I pushed the lever and entered the royal bedroom. The snake slithered around my feet, and the door closed behind me.

  No problem, I could open it at any time.

  Uncle was sleeping. The Golden Knight had never been known to be a light sleeper.

  I lit the candles in a high candle-holder and walked across the room. In a second, the chamber became light as day. Uncle woke up and winced in displeasure.

  “Is it morning already?”

  “No. It’s night.”

  “Then what the...Alex?”

  I smiled, cold and unemotional. The grey ice had already separated me from the world. I didn’t care about anything, including the life of that creature. How was he any better than the others? A wretch and a vermin.

  “Good evening, Uncle. Could you give me a second of your precious time?”

  “Have you gone mad? It’s night! And...” Judging by his face, some sort of thinking process was taking place beneath his golden curls. “How did you get here?”

  “I just came in.”

  “What about the guards? How did they let you in?”

  “They didn’t,” I said, shrugging. The dark snake coiled around my feet, snuggling up to me like a playful kitten, but Rudolph couldn’t see it. Was that strange? Not really. See, he had never truly been crowned. The babble in the temple doesn’t count. He wasn’t the king, just a usurper, and he couldn’t see much.

  Uncle started to realize something and sat up.


  “Don’t scream, Uncle, nobody will hear us.”


  “It’s not a mutiny. It’s the privilege of the King of Radenor.”

  It was as if somebody let all the air out of Uncle’s body. Instead of a lion, I saw a rat. A cowardly rat with shifty eyes that sat among the luxurious pillows of the royal bed and dared not to move.


  “Didn’t your father tell you that there was something more to being a king than having an empty piece of iron on your head?”

  It wasn’t an idle question. I really had to learn what my grandfather had known.

  Rudolph perked up, returning to something he was used to. Talking seemed to calm him down.


  “He never even mentioned it?”

  He shook his head again. What a pity.

  “Then I don’t have any more questions for you, Uncle. Oh, wait. I do have one. Tell me, when you ordered my mother’s torture, did you know that she was innocent?”

  The look on his face said volumes. Anger flared inside of me.

  “So you knew. Were you afraid that your father would make her the queen instead of you, scum?”

  “You don’t have the right!” Rudolph jumped out of bed and stood up next to me, a disheveled giant of a man. “I am the rightful king!”

  “And you’ll become a rightful corpse.”

  I wasn’t interested in
anything else. My hand took on the demonic form, becoming longer, covered with thick scales...and my claws! Majestic!

  And those claws went right into Uncle’s belly.

  Screaming in pain, Rudolph fell to his knees, while I roughly pulled out my hand. His guts poured out, slimy and resembling a knot of snakes. Only snakes were pleasantly dry to the touch, unlike his innards, which yielded to my touch with a disgusting squish.

  “Farewell, Uncle. That’s for your sister.”

  He could still hear me, I knew that. He twitched, croaked, but he couldn’t die from that wound. I shoved the tangled intestines aside and smirked.

  “I won’t torture you too long. I’ll just kill you, and that’s it. Have you ever thought that there would be a reckoning, and that you would have to pay the price? Maybe I will, too. But my mother was innocent. You ruined her life and her soul, you took around eighty years of domestic bliss away from her, and I’ll pay you in kind. You will suffer, but it will be short. Your wife will be so much worse off.”

  Uncle groaned, trying to say something, but I shook my head.

  “Don’t. I won’t kill her...right away. But she’ll regret that I didn’t.”

  And then, I reached out to him and ripped his throat out. I could see his spine from the tear, and my hands were smeared with his gooey entrails. I threw them aside.

  In a few seconds, Uncle grew silent. I snickered.


  Did I leave any marks?

  Nope, nothing. I never stepped in blood, as for the rest...

  Oh yes, my wife escaped and killed His Majesty. What a tragedy!

  King Rudolph was dead. Long live King Alexander!


  When the alarm was sounded, I was peacefully sleeping in my bed. I wasn’t plagued by nightmares, and the ghost of my uncle didn’t haunt my rest. Dead is dead, and off with him!

  He had long since deserved it. Too bad nobody had dealt with him before me.

  “Your Highness!”


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