Book Read Free

Easy Melody

Page 10

by Kristen Proby

  I hear a noise behind me, and without pausing, I turn to see her standing in the doorway, wearing one of my button-down shirts in blue. Her eyes are happy. Shining. Full of lust and mischief.

  She slowly walks across the room to me, and as I’m playing the bridge of the song, she stands on the bench at my hip, balances on my shoulders, and turns to face me, then plants her perfect ass on the piano above the keys, her bare pussy spread before me at eye-level.

  Holy fuck.

  I love that she knows exactly what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it. Or demand it.

  I take my hands off the keys, but she slowly shakes her head no, a half-smile on her perfect pink lips, so I continue to play, starting the song over again at the beginning. She spreads her thighs wide, and drags a perfectly manicured forefinger from her wet opening to her clit and down again, then licks that finger clean.

  Jesus, I’m rock hard and yearning for her, but she’s in control here. As my fingers move over the keys, she grips my hair in her fingers and guides me forward to her pussy, and I need no other invitation. I lick her, tracing the path of her finger a moment ago, then I suck on her clit, in tight, rapid pulses. Her fist tightens on my hair, and then it’s gone, and she’s leaning back on the piano, on her elbows, so she can still watch me.

  She tastes so fucking good. Musky and sweet at the same time. I lick down to her lips, suck them in my mouth and fuck her with my tongue, lapping at her. Her head is thrashing and she’s mewling, her noises moving through my body and straight to my pulsing cock.

  My fingers fumble on the keys. Fuck it. My hands grip her thighs and spread her wider as I push my face more firmly against her. She’s going to come. My hands scoop up her ass, pulling her against my lips, and she jerks violently, her heels making the piano shout loudly as she plants them on the keys and pulses against my mouth.

  Finally, she melts back into the top of the piano, panting, moaning, shaking.

  I pull back and watch my fingers gently pet her swollen pussy. She raises her head to look down at me, and seeing that look in her eyes sends me over the edge.

  I stand abruptly, sending the bench over on its side, and I don’t care. I need to be inside her.


  “Fuck me, that was hot,” I growl.

  Chapter Nine


  Hell yes, it was hot. Declan’s given me some pretty amazing orgasms, but I don’t think I’ve ever come like that.

  I want to curl up in a satisfied ball and sleep like a kitten.

  Instead, Declan grips my hips and pulls me off the piano, tugs me around to the side and bends me over it, so the very tips of my toes barely reach the floor.

  I’ve never felt so small in all of my life. Because I’m not small. But Declan moves me around like I am, and I freaking love it.

  “Do you have any idea,” he growls against my ear as he pushes inside me, and grips my throat with his other hand, tipping my head back. “Any idea how fucking amazing you are? Jesus, I can’t see straight.”

  He’s keeping me pulled back against his chest, not choking me, just making sure I stay right where he wants me, his mouth is pressed to my ear, and he’s fucking me harder than he ever has before.

  “Never stop wanting you,” he mutters, then groans when I tighten my pussy around him. He wraps my left leg back around his hip and finds my clit with his fingers, and proceeds to play it like he did when I was splayed before him, and that’s it. I can’t hold back.

  “Ohmygod,” I cry as I tighten further and, unable to control any muscle in my body, I come around him.

  “Oh fuck,” he growls and comes with me, pushing harder and deeper, until it just almost hurts, in the very best way.

  He releases his hold on me and I collapse against the piano, gasping for air, drained of all energy. He’s gripping my hips, still buried to the hilt. Finally, he places kisses on my spine as he pulls out, then leads me out of the room.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We both need a shower.”

  “I just took one.” He grins back at me, completely proud of himself.

  “You need another one.”


  “You’re sure you’re okay with this?” I ask for the fourth time in fifteen minutes and hate the uncertainty in my voice. Declan just smiles and kisses my forehead before I lower myself into my car.

  “You’ll have a good time. My sisters are fun. Plus, there are shoes involved, and for some reason, that makes women bond.”

  “Kind of like football for guys,” I agree with a nod. “Okay, I’m gonna go, but just for a little while, so I don’t seem rude.”

  “You have no reason to be nervous,” he says reasonably as he leans on my door.

  “I’m not nervous,” I lie and square my shoulders. “It’s just shoes.”

  “Exactly.” He leans through the open window and kisses me in that way he does that makes my toes curl, then pulls away and waves as I drive away.

  I’m still not sure that this is a good idea. I’ve only officially met his sisters and Kate once, and intruding on their shopping time feels… odd.

  But then again, there will be shoes, so who am I to say no?

  I find a parking space quickly and knock on the locked door of Head Over Heels. Charly has pulled curtains over the windows to block the view of us drooling and making asses of ourselves over shoes, I’m sure.

  “Hey!” Charly says as she opens the door. “You came! I’m so glad. Come on in, we have wine and food and shoes.”

  “You just said my three favorite words,” I say as I follow her inside. “Hi, everyone.”

  “Welcome! White or red?” Kate asks as she holds up two bottles.

  “Red, please.”

  “You got it.”

  “It’s good to see you again,” Gabby says and pulls me in for a hug. For such a little woman, she sure is strong. Savannah waves with a big smile on her pretty face and then points down to her foot.

  “What do you think of these wedges?”

  “Hmm.” I study them as I take my first sip of wine. “Too clunky for your foot.”

  “Told you,” Kate says smugly and clinks her glass to mine. “Van, you should stick with the classic heels. Your feet were made for them.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to be classic,” she says with a frown. “Maybe I want to be daring and unusual.”

  “Those wedges don’t say daring or unusual,” Charly says, but pulls a red box out of a stack. “But these might work.”

  Van takes the box and smiles widely when she pulls out a pair of black peep-toe heels with little white skull and crossbones all over them.

  “These are adorable!”

  “The style fits you much better,” Gabby agrees and we all sigh when she steps into them and walks around the room.

  “Those are sexy,” I say and sip my wine.

  “Good. I’m going for sexy,” Van says with a firm nod. “Put these in my pile.”

  “You got it,” Charly says and sets them aside. “Callie, what are you looking for tonight?”

  “Nothing specific,” I reply. “I’m gonna poke through and I’ll know it when I see it.”

  “Good plan,” Kate says with a nod and sips her white wine. “I’m looking for something sexy to wear in bed.”

  “You wear shoes to bed?” Van asks in surprise. “Why?”

  “Because they’re sexy,” Gabby says. “I never had before Rhys, but let me tell you, he’s very thankful when I do.”

  “I don’t have anyone to wear sexy shoes for,” Charly says with a sigh.

  “What happened to Harrison?” Kate asks, her nose wrinkled as if she smelled something bad.

  “Not dating him again,” Charly replies dryly. “I mean, he didn’t even tap a toe when we heard Dec play.”

  “He was pretty uptight,” Kate says with a nod. “Not really your type.”

  “What is your type?” I ask and pull a pair of pink patent leather sling backs out of a box and almos
t die at how pretty they are. “Oh God, these are hot.”

  “Put them on!” Gabby exclaims.

  “My type doesn’t seem to exist,” Charly replies, eyeing the pink shoes on my feet. “Those, however, are your type.”

  “Oh yeah,” I breathe and walk around the store in them, already in love. “These babies are going home with me. Now, back to you.”

  “Charly likes the assholes,” Gabby informs me unabashedly.

  “I do not,” Charly disagrees with a frown. “I just seem to find the assholes.”

  “Tell me about this Harrison guy,” I urge her. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “He wore khakis and a tie to your bar to watch Dec play,” she begins and I automatically don’t like him.

  “Maybe he thought it would be a fancier place,” Van says reasonably, but Charly shakes her head no.

  “That’s just what he always wears.”

  “Always?” Kate asks and frowns when Charly nods yes. “I didn’t like that he wasn’t very gentlemanly. I mean, it was a first date, and he didn’t hold one door for you or offer to pay for dinner or your drinks.”

  “I was mortified that Eli paid for everything,” Charly says with a sigh.

  “He didn’t care about that,” Kate says and pulls out a pair of royal blue heels, then passes them to me. “These would look great on you. He just didn’t like Harrison.”

  “Well, then it’s unanimous, no one likes him,” Van says and zips up a super hot pair of black leather knee-high boots. “We do, however, like these.”

  “Indeed,” Charly says, admiring the boots. “I’ll sell out of those real quick.”

  I drain my glass and walk to the counter to pour more. “Does anyone else want more wine?”

  “Me!” Gabby says with a giggle and joins me. “This wine is pretty strong.”

  “I hope you’re not driving home,” I reply with a smile.

  “Nah, she’s staying with me tonight,” Van says and holds her glass out for more too. “We’ll call Uber.”

  “Or Eli,” Gabby adds. “He can take us home when he takes Kate.”

  “Yeah, that,” Van says and takes a sip of wine, then waves a hand. “Oh! I forgot! I brought food.” She runs into the back room, then comes back with a bag of chips and three containers full of different dips. “This will soak up some of the alcohol.”

  “Good idea! I still have some paper plates back here somewhere,” Charly says as she disappears and comes back with a stack of plates and utensils.

  For the next hour, we proceed to eat, drink and try on shoes. When all is said and done, I have four pairs picked out, but Van leads us all with six pairs.

  “Now I need a man to impress with my new shoes,” Van says with a pout.

  “You’re not ready for a man,” Charly says.

  “How do you know what I’m ready for?” Van asks, slurring her words and pointing to Charly’s left. “Which one are you?”

  “Over here.” Charly moves Van’s finger in front of her. “You told me you’re not ready.”

  “I’m ready.” Van sniffs, her nose dripping from the hot jalapeño dip, and flips her dark hair over her shoulder. “I haven’t gotten laid in a long time, and maybe I just want to get laid. Laid.”

  “How many times are you going to say laid?” Charly says and drains a bottle, not bothering to pour it into a glass.

  Atta girl.

  “I’ll say laid all day. Laid laid laid,” Van says and then snorts. “Some of you are getting laid. Even Callie is getting laid.”

  All eyes suddenly turn to me. I look around, then simply drink the rest of my wine.

  Oh God.

  “You’re fucking Declan,” Kate says, pointing at me.

  “Kind of,” I reply. God, I can’t feel my lips. What if they say stuff I don’t want them to? Dumb wine.

  “You don’t kind of fuck, even I remember that,” Van says with a giggle.

  “Well, I mean, she could be kind of,” Gabby says diplomatically. “I mean, maybe there’s just oral.”

  “Oral doesn’t count?” I ask, surprised. “I thought it counted.”

  “For the sake of right now,” Charly says and plops right down on the floor, “we’re gonna say it doesn’t count.”

  “And please remember that he’s our brother, so we don’t want details, because ew,” Gabby adds.

  “Um, well, um… yes.”

  “Yes to what? Oral or everything?” Kate asks, leaning forward like she’s watching a riveting TV show.

  “Everything,” I whisper. “Please don’t hate me.”

  “Oh God,” Van says and waves me off. “We know that Declan has sex, but he doesn’t have sex with girls he actually likes. He’s a man-whore.”

  “Savannah!” Kate cries and covers her face. “Don’t tell her that.”

  “No, I know about his reputation,” I say with a shrug. “But he’s having sex with me, and he even takes me out on dates.”

  All four women stare at me with glassy, round owl-eyes, blinking slowly.

  “Wow,” Kate whispers. “So what are you gonna do?”

  “Keep having sex with him?”

  “No, like, after that,” Gabby says, petting a pair of suede boots.


  “Okay, focus,” Kate says and takes me by the shoulders, looking me in the eye. “What is going to happen in the long term?”

  “I don’t know,” I reply and frown. “That’s scary to think about.”

  “Just be nice to him,” Gabby says. “Of all our guys, Declan is the most sensitive. It’s probably the artistic side of him.”

  “I’m nice to him,” I reply. “I want to give him head, but he hasn’t given me a chance to yet.”

  “Does he go downtown on you?” Charly asks.

  “Hell yes. On pianos.”

  “Wow,” they all reply in awe.

  “Yeah. He has mad skills.”

  “So, we’re a little drunk, and I really like you, but I have to say this part,” Kate says and pushes her red hair back over her shoulders. “Don’t be a bitch to him. Like, ever. Because we will kick your ass.”

  “You’re pretty possessive for someone who isn’t related by blood.” I cock my hip out and brace my hand on it and try to look badass, but I’m pretty sure I’m failing.

  “I like her,” Van says with a smile. “She has gumption.”

  “I’m as close to blood-related to Declan as it gets,” Kate says and mirrors my stance. She looks more badass than I do, I’m sure. “I’ve known Declan for more than ten years, and he’s special to me.”

  “Okay. Got it.”

  “So don’t be a bitch.”

  “But, what if it’s sometimes just in my nature to be a bitch, but it’s not on purpose?” I ask sincerely. “Because sometimes I just am.”

  “That doesn’t count, because we all do that,” Charly says. “She’s talking about the on-purpose kind.”

  “Oh good.” I sigh and smile. “I can do that.”

  “I don’t want to stop drinking,” Van whines. “I feel good and I want to stay this way.”

  “We can’t go bar hopping with a bunch of shoe boxes,” Gabby says.

  “Leave them here and come pick them up tomorrow,” Charly says. “That’s easier.”

  “We can go drink at my bar,” I offer without thinking. “On me.”

  “You don’t have to give us free drinks,” Kate says.

  “But if you really want to, who are we to argue? Let’s go!” Gabby grabs Van's and Charly’s hands and leads us out of the shop.

  “Wait! I have to lock up!”

  We wait for Charly to lock the door, and then the five of us stumble down the sidewalk to my bar, just three blocks over. When we file in and walk to the bar, Adam looks up and grins.

  “Hello there, ladies.”

  “Oh, you’re cute,” Van says and leans over the bar toward him, as if she’s going to tell him a secret. “I haven’t gotten laid in a long time, hot stuff.”

bsp; Adam laughs and pats her hand as Gabby tries to pull Van off the bar.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. You’re too beautiful to not have all kinds of men knocking on your door.”

  “Really cute,” Van says to Gabby and then giggles.

  “Drinks are on us tonight,” I inform him and gesture toward the stairs to the roof. “We’re going up where it’s private.”

  “I’ll have Jessica stay down here and I’ll go up and pour drinks for you guys,” he offers, and I simply nod and lead the girls upstairs.

  “Oh, it’s so pretty up here,” Kate says, taking a deep breath. “Look! Café du Monde is right there! I want beignets.”

  “Later,” Charly says and plops down in one of the plush couches. I turn on the gas fireplaces for light and heat and walk to the bar.

  “Shall we keep drinking wine?” I ask.

  “Shots first!” Gabby yells and runs to the bar just as Adam comes upstairs. “The hot guy can pour us shots.”

  “The hot guy can,” Adam agrees and winks at her. “What’s your poison?”

  “Tequila!” all of the girls exclaim at once, and before I know it, we’ve all had three shots and are nursing glasses of wine.

  “We should totally drunk text the boys,” Kate says, pulling her phone out of her purse. “Eli will love it.”

  “Good call!” Gabby says and pulls her phone out. “I’m telling Rhys that he needs to go downtown on me on a piano.”

  I smirk and sip my wine, squirming a little in my seat as I remember the sex on the piano last weekend. Damn, Declan’s good at the getting laid stuff.

  Too bad I’m not seeing him tonight.

  “That good, huh?” Charly asks as she sits next to me.

  “You have no idea,” I reply and clink my glass to hers.

  “Been awhile for me too,” she says with a sigh. “Men suck. And sometimes you get hung up on them, and can’t have sex with someone new, and they still suck.”

  “Are you hung up?” I ask, watching as Van takes her phone out of her pocket, and with her tongue between her teeth, punches out a text, then puts her phone away with a satisfied smile.

  “Unfortunately,” Charly says. “Because men suck.”

  “They sure can,” I reply. “Women can suck too.”

  “I don’t swing that way,” Charly replies, then we both erupt into giggles.


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