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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 35

by Chrissy J

  Two days passed since me and Kendu got back to together and Eddie had a visit. Hershey drove with me up to Fishkill where he was at and boy did we both get a shock of our life. Asia was sitting in the waiting room with a huge belly.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked her she looked at me then her eye’s roamed the waiting area like she was looking for somebody. She had the nerve to say Eddie wanted her there; I counted to ten before I went off on her. I asked her oh he did, well we are to see about this shit while putting my stuff in the lockers, and Tammy walked out the bathroom.

  ‘Today must be my lucky fucking day’ I thought Tammy walked up to us with a huge smile on her face trying to rub my stomach I swerved her and looked her up and down, she asked me what I was doing there and I said I was about to ask her the same thing, before she could say anything the guard called us in to the visiting room. Me and Hershey sat on one side and Asia and Tammy sat on the other, Eddie walked out from the back two minutes later he walked up to the table shaking his head. I sat there giving him the deadly stare, he pulled me out my chair and kissed me. Asia and Tammy both rolled their eyes while Hershey sat there grinning.

  “What’s good Hershey?” Eddie asked sitting down pulling my chair next to him, I raised my eye brow at him with a questioning look. I said I know you see them sitting there, then I asked the question that was burning in my head since I saw this chick with a big belly. I asked him if that was his baby, Eddie looked at his mother and asked her was it his baby? Tammy confirmed what I knew all along that Asia baby was indeed Eddie’s baby. She said that Asia almost had a miscarriage due to them taking a DNA, Tammy just wanted to know what Eddie was going to do because according to her Asia was due the ending of July. I was boiling inside this nigga played me the time we were together and now he has a baby on the way with this bitch I started getting hot and my hands started shaking Hershey noticed it. She grabbed my hands and told me to calm down and breathe, and then she looked at Eddie and said that this was some fucked up shit. Hershey was hot I could tell she wanted to fuck Eddie up I also knew she wasn’t going to do anything while the CO’s was in the visiting room

  “Goddess I’m sorry, please look at me” Eddie said pleading with me, I wiped my face and turned to him.

  “Well since shit hitting the fan and coming out to the light, I have something I need to tell you” I said

  “Not now Diva” Hershey said shaking her head

  “Nah Hersh this nigga been playing me since we’ve been together, well I have been keeping a big secret from you. Fantasy is not your daughter, I had her tested. I know your bitch ass family will be happy once your track mouth mother call everybody, y’all never like my child anyway. Her father takes very good care of her and she has his family to love up on her. Since you like fucking trash just know I’ve been doing me too. That two day stunt I pulled I was with my new boo all the times I left the crib I was with him and this little girl I’m carrying is his, so you can finally have him Asia I’m done. Tammy, you can come get his shit out of my house” I said Eddie looked like he wanted to kill me.

  “Diva you telling the Lil girl I watched being born and took care of all this time is not my daughter and that’s not my baby your carrying?” he asked clam

  “Nope and I’m not sorry if your feelings is hurt, you don’t never have to worry about me no more. My man takes really good care of me and mines, Fantasy father has been in her life since she been born and never miss a beat with her. Oh yes the truth is finally out and I don’t have to waste all my time energy and money on you. oh yea don’t think about telling your mother or brother to come get your money out the safe because they are not getting it, I’ll be damn if I give a dime to these silly bitches. You’ll get your safe when you come home” I said standing up and walking to the door with Hershey behind me, Eddie started bugging out in the visiting room.

  “You bugged out; you know it’s going to be some shit. He not going to let this shit ride” Hershey said pulling out the parking lot.

  “I’m not worrying about that shit and neither should you, he made his bed now he has to lay in it” I said flipping my phone open and checking my messages

  “I’m hungry” Hershey said I looked at her

  “Girl you picked up some weight, you sure you’re not carrying a Lil Ha” I laughed

  “Hell no my period just left and you know a bitch always keep a EPT test in my bathroom” she said hitting her blue tooth

  “Teddy that’s their business and it don’t have anything to do with you, I’m not getting in the middle of it and neither should you. Yea she sitting right here, wow now she a bitch? We’ll be mad at her it’s funny how y’all can go and be mad at her but your brother got another bitch carrying his fucking baby, whatever nigga bye” she said hanging up on him

  “He was talking about me right?” I asked

  “Yea he said his brother is fucked up in the head and how Eddie told Asia he don’t want anything to do with her or the baby and how he want to kill himself” she said causing us to laugh, I knew Tammy ass couldn’t wait to leave off that visiting floor so she can call everybody up and run her fucking mouth like she do best.

  “That nigga will cool down, I’m done with him. He lied talking about he been stopped fucking her” I said. When we got back to my house Hershey helped me pack all of Eddie’s clothes and sneakers I kept all his jewelry in his safe, I laid in the bed looking up at the ceiling while Hershey went down stairs to the kitchen to fix her a sandwich. Major called my phone while I was watching TV just to ask me if the baby I was carrying was his, I rolled my eyes telling him no. I already knew his bitch ass sister called him and told him everything that went down. He had the nerve to say once the baby was born he wanted a DNA test before hanging up on me. “These nigga’s don’t know who they fucking with” I said out loud, Hershey walked back inside the room with her sandwich and soda asking who I was talking about now. I told her about the call I just gotten from Major demanding a DNA, she gave me a funny look.

  “That nigga better go play in traffic” she said laughing. I fell asleep and Hershey left to go pick up Ha daughter from dance practice. Kendu called two hours later asking where I was at, I let him know I was in my house and I fell asleep. He said give him five minutes that he was coming to get me.

  We hung up and I walked in the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth I checked my hair then walked out to my room. I looked around my room and thought to myself I needed to remodel the whole house I didn’t want nothing to remind me of Eddie grimy ass. I grabbed my Louis Vuitton bag and locked up the house Ken was pulling up when I was walking down the stairs. I locked up the house walking to Ken car, once I was inside I leaned over to give him a kiss before he pulled off asking if I was hungry. I gave him the look like ‘you already know’ he chuckled driving to the fish spot to get me a fish sandwich with steam shrimp. Ken started laughing joking about me being greedy while putting his hand on my stomach. The baby started kicking and moving around. I saw my father calling so I picked up on the second ring, he asked where I was at? I told him I was going to the fish spot. He told me to bring my sneaky ass back to the crib because I had some explaining to do before he hung up in my ear. “I swear today is not my fucking day” I said blowing out some air

  “What’s up?” Kendu asked

  “I need to go back to my house, my father is there and he said I have some explaining to do” I told him

  “Ok what are you explaining to him?”

  “I went to see Eddie today and told him the baby wasn’t his. Then I told him Fantasy wasn’t his and he needed to hear it from instead of anybody else” I said looking at him, he just sat there nodding his head and listening to me. Ken already knew Fantasy wasn’t Eddie’s; I told him the whole story about that situation. He felt I was fucked up at first for stringing Eddie along making him think Fantasy was his daughter, I told him at the time I was young and I was being selfish. I valued my life and I didn’t want to deal with all the b
ullshit I knew was going to follow with Eddie knowing Kevin was Fantasy father. I was glad I finally let the truth out the bag. I’ll deal with all the shit when Eddie comes home, I didn’t have to worry about Kevin handling his business. Kendu asked if I told Eddie everything, I shook my head yea.

  “I’ll be back” he said getting out the car he walked inside the fish spot and ordered my food, ten minutes later he was getting back inside the car he handed me the bag and I took my sandwich out I started eating my food while he drove back to the crib, he pulled up in front of my house.

  “I’m coming let me park the car” he said I got out and walked up the stairs to my house, I looked around and seen double trouble my father and uncle walking towards me. I opened the door and we all walked inside they seen all the bags with Eddie’s stuff.

  “I see it’s true what Tammy told me” my father said

  “About time I was starting not to like that Lil Nigga anyway, so who baby you carrying?” my uncle asked not beating around the bush, I had to hold the laugh in. My uncle didn’t give a fuck what came out his mouth. I asked my father did Tammy run her big mouth about Eddie having a baby on the way with Asia.

  “She told me that, she just left out who the girl was, and don’t try to move passed the subject Princess. Who’s the baby father?” my father asked the bell rung and I walked to open the door Kendu walked inside the living room with me, my father stood up and so did my uncle.

  “What’s shaking Mel, Mike” he said they all shook hands

  “What’s good God? What you doing with my baby?” my father asked looking at both of us, I begin sweating. Kendu looked at me grabbing my hand then he told my father that I was carrying his baby; my father just stared at me with a long and hard stare. I put my head down I didn’t want to look into my father eyes.

  “Nigga what?” my uncle yelled

  “Diva” my father said

  “Daddy Kendu is the father” I said walking towards my father I seen the vein popping on his forehead so I knew he was in piss off mode. My father looked at Kendu and asked why he had to fuck with something that belonged to him, out of all the females in Harlem why Kendu chose me?

  “Fuck all this talking shit, how long this shit been going on?” my uncle asked

  “Uncle Mike does that even matter, look I love y’all but this is my life and I have to live it not y’all” I told them, my father was just saying he can’t believe it. He turned to Kendu and asked how old was he again; Kendu told him age was nothing but a number and that he loved me and he was going to take care of me and the kids. Kendu told my father he knew he should’ve stepped to him like a man but shit just happen and he couldn’t change shit or change the way he felt about me.

  “Daddy I love him and he respect me as a woman and a mother, I’m happy with him isn’t that what you want?” I asked

  “What about Lil man and Fanny?” he asked sitting back down with his head in in hands

  “The twins been around him and they’re comfortable with him, Uncle Mike wipe that grill off your face I’m fine” I said hugging my uncle

  “I know you fine Princess, Yo K don’t hurt my niece because if you do it’s me and you” my uncle said kissing my forehead and walking out the house, my father stood up and walked to Kendu.

  “Welcome to the family” he said shaking hands with Kendu, he turn to me

  “Princess you know I love you more than life itself and if he make you happy then there’s nothing I could say as far as what you do with your love life. Just take care of my grandkids” he said hugging me. That day I became a woman, my father didn’t look at me like I was a baby or a little girl anymore, he looked at me as a grown woman and mother. I would always be his little Princess and he would always be my king, my knight in shining armor. June came and me and Hershey turned 20 Kendu and Ha threw us a little party dinner with just our family, I could see that Hershey was really happy with Ha. He moved her in her own spot in Harlem a one family brownstone. I don’t know why he brought her the house the bitch was never there she was always with him at his house with him and his daughter and she liked playing step mommy to his daughter. I enrolled in NYU and took up Business management as my major I wanted to open up my own club and beauty salon, I already spoke to my father and he said he would help and so did Kendu.

  “Baby how the twins were?” I asked Kendu walking in my house, Tammy and Teddy came and got all of Eddie’s shit they stopped speaking to me and my son. Eddie on the other hand kept calling my phone, me and Kendu was back and forth from my crib to his. I changed all the locks and remodeled everything inside the house, all the old shit was gone Lil man room was Winnie the Pooh and Scooby Doo, Fantasy had a princess theme going on in her room the baby room was baby purple and white, her room alone cost Kendu almost ten grand, with all the shit he wanted inside there. Kendu looked up at me and smiled

  “They were good, you see it’s quite in here they played all day, I fed them and gave them a bath and both of them fell out. How was your day?” he asked I sat down next to him, he took my sandals off

  “It was good, I’m beat. Story called me today” I said leaning my head back, a month ago I got another shock that changed my life Story was my Little sister, my father and her mother was in a relationship back in the days she was born a year after me. I always felt like we was Kin to each other, we looked too much alike and acted the same. We had the same likes and dislikes and we always had to be right.

  “What she wanted?” he asked

  “She wanted to know when we was going down to see auntie Tasha” I told him

  “What you told her?” he asked

  “I said I didn’t know, what you want to eat so I could start cooking” I said standing up

  “I want some Ziti and fried chicken, it’s like I’m getting all your craving and shit” he joked

  “You still look good baby” I laughed walking up to my room and starting the shower.

  “they just went to sleep?” I asked Kendu walking inside Lil man room where the twins were sleep. Ken told me they both fell asleep five minutes before I walked in the house; he kissed my forehead before telling me he was running to the supermarket. I jumped in and out the shower and sat up in my bed looking over homework.

  Chapter 14

  Shit Hit The Fan

  I was half way done with my homework when my phone started ringing, I seen a number I didn’t recognize. I was hesitant to answer it at first but then I said fuck it and picked up on the fourth ring. When I answered it I heard Eddie voice on the other end, my heart beat started increasing. He said he was out and he was on his way to pick up his son, I lied trying to tell him I wasn’t in the house. Eddie told me to cut the bullshit and he seen my new nigga leave the house, he said open the door so he can see his fucking son. I hung up on him, calling my father who answered on the first ring; I didn’t give him the chance to say anything before I started questioning him if he spoke to Eddie lawyer. He told me he haven’t spoken to Ms. Goldstein, he asked me what was going on and I let him know that Eddie just called me telling me he was out and for me to open the door. I didn’t feel myself shaking as I got up walking to the Lil man room to get him and Fantasy. I was not in the mood for Eddie and his bullshit so I just wanted him to come get his son and go on. My father was standing in front of the door once I opened it, Lil man seen Eddie and partially jumped out of my arms towards his father, Fantasy did the same thing. Eddie didn’t pull back from Fantasy so I let her go into his arms as he rain kisses over them, Eddie looked around the house and I knew he was going to say some smart shit. The way Eddie looked at me sent a shiver down my spine, by far was I a punk bitch or a scared one but I knew what Eddie was capable of and the way he looked the last time I seen on the visiting floor and now was a different look. Eddie turned to my father and said ‘damn Mel, A nigga leave for a couple of months and she changed up the whole crib and got a new nigga around my son and daughter’ I popped my neck telling Eddie I can do and have anybody around my kids and it was
time for him to go. He was really pissing me off, my father and Eddie sat in the living room for an hour talking about business. Tammy didn’t say two words to me she knew better, I sat in the kitchen. Looking up from texting Bookie and making sure the blocks was good I seen my father walking inside the kitchen I could tell he was getting pissed of his vein in his neck was popping. He looked at me and asked what was wrong? I got up going into my daddy arms, I told him I was just tried and I had a lot of homework to be done let alone Eddie popping up really was a surprise, nodding his head he told me he was about to tell Eddie it was time to go but Eddie walked into the kitchen talking about the people was coming over to the house to make sure he could do his remaining time there; it felt like the wind was knocked out of me. My father just started spazzing out he grabbed Eddie by the throat and started choking damn near the life out of him, I just stood there in shock my father never came out of character and for him to do so in front of me had me shook. I screamed for my father to let Eddie go, I didn’t see the gun my father pulled out until he had it in Eddie face threatening him to stay the fuck away from me.

  “Shawty what’s wrong with you? Why are you yelling?” Kendu asked walking in the kitchen he seen what was going on and pulled me to the side I didn’t want my father killing Eddie, well not in my house in front of my kids who was in the living room crying their heads off. Hershey tried calming me down but I was literally shaking then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that caused me to double over in pain, everybody stopped what they was doing an ran over to me Ken didn’t waste no time he threw his keys to Hershey and nodded to my father before walking out the house. Hershey and Ha stayed behind to get the kids then they met us at the hospital.

  Ken drove me to the hospital, my father stayed at the house with Eddie. The doctors kept me over night to watch my blood pressure I was so upset I had to stay in the hospital but Ken was not having it no other way. Soon after Ken left my father called to let me know Eddie was gone and everything was change and he was doing the remaining house arrest at Teddy house which still bugged me out because Teddy only lived two blocks from my house. Two weeks passed and everything with Eddie died down or so I thought, Ken stayed with me every night and if he had something to do Hershey would come over or Story.


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