Leaving Home

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Leaving Home Page 17

by Chase, T. A.

  Chaz shrugged. “Guess I know you better than you think.”


  Peter led the way down the hall to their room. Chaz set his bags down, then flopped

  onto the bed without even bothering to take off his boots. He felt Peter tug at his laces, and Chaz couldn’t bring himself to argue or help. As much as he wanted to plunge his cock as

  deep into Peter as he could, Chaz knew his body wasn’t up to it at the moment.

  He lay pliant while Peter undressed him. Maybe he could fuck if Peter was willing to

  do all the work. Soon he was naked, but still lying face down on the mattress. He heard a zipper, and grinned to himself. Apparently, Peter had decided he wanted to top this time. It didn’t bother Chaz at all, as long as Peter didn’t expect him to do anything.

  Surprise hit him when he heard water running. Chaz rolled over on his back and

  looked towards Peter’s bathroom. It sounded like Peter was running water.

  “Are you thinking we should take a shower together?” he asked as Peter appeared in

  the doorway.

  Peter shook his head. “No. You’re going to take a hot shower, then lie down for a while.

  I can wait for sex. I don’t want you hurting yourself more by trying to make me happy.”


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  “Trying to? I know I can make you happy. Hell, before I leave on Wednesday, all of

  your friends will know just how happy you are with me.” He winked, and Peter rolled his


  “You’re hopeless.”

  He grunted as Peter grabbed his hand before gently helping him to his feet. Chaz

  appreciated the fact that Peter didn’t yank or hurry him. He got into the bathroom, then into the shower. Sighing, he let his head hang while the hot water pounded his muscles.

  “Do you need me to help you dry off before heading back to bed?” Peter peeked around

  the shower door.

  “No. If you have something else to do, I’ll be fine for now.”

  Chaz didn’t want Peter hanging around because he felt sorry for him. Peter patted his


  “All right. I’ll come back and check on you later. Of course, I’ll be waking you for

  dinner because Margie won’t let you get away without eating tonight.”

  “I haven’t been gone that long, but I missed her cooking the first night in Tulsa,” Chaz

  said. “Tell her I wouldn’t dream of missing one of her meals.”

  “I will.” Peter smiled. “Just relax for a little while. Even without getting hit the other night, driving all this way has to be hell on your back.”

  Chaz nodded, but didn’t reply, and Peter left. After letting the shower rain down on

  him for a while, Chaz turned it off. He grabbed a towel, then dried his skin. He wandered into the bedroom, dropping onto the bed without dressing. He would just be changing his

  clothes when he woke for dinner. No need to get any more of them dirty.

  When the knock sounded on the door an hour later, Chaz was already dressed and he’d

  taken several pills to ease not only the pain, but his nerves as well. He’d never been so worried about meeting people before. At least, not meeting any man’s family. Not that he’d ever been serious enough with a guy to be introduced to the people important to him.

  Chaz opened the door, and smiled when he saw Peter standing there. “Hey, honey, is

  everyone gathered at the table to meet the boyfriend?”

  Peter grinned before leaning forward to brush a kiss over Chaz’s lips. “Yes, they are all eager to meet you, and make sure you’re good enough for me.”

  While cringing inside, Chaz laughed out loud. “I’ll try to be on my best behaviour. I

  don’t want them trying to convince you to get rid of me.”


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  “You don’t have to worry about that,” Peter whispered against Chaz’s lips.

  “No more of that. Dinner’s ready, and you know how Margie feels about it getting


  Chaz looked over Peter’s shoulder to see a dark-haired man approaching them. He

  looked rather familiar to Chaz, so he figured it was probably Randy.

  “Shut up, Randy,” Peter said, confirming Chaz’s identification. “You and Les have not

  shown up at dinner many times, so if I don’t feel like bringing Chaz to the interrogation room, I shouldn’t have to.”

  Randy laughed, and Chaz saw how some guy could find Randy attractive. Yet, as far as

  Chaz was concerned, Randy couldn’t hold a candle to Peter.

  “It’s not just Margie who is going to complain this time, Peter. Tony and Brody came

  over for dinner. Plus Tammy and Jackson are going to join us as well. It’s like old home

  week. Too bad Derek and Max couldn’t have made it up.” Randy wiggled his eyebrows at

  Peter. “Then you could’ve introduced your guy to the entire family.”

  “And have Chaz running for the door? I don’t think so.” Peter shook his head. “But I do

  know that if we don’t show up at the table, they will all come looking for us, and I don’t want them interrupting anything.”

  “I’m Chaz O’Brien,” Chaz introduced himself to Randy. “And I’m guessing you’re

  Randy Hersch.”

  “Yes, I am. It’s good to see you again, Chaz, though we never really talked much when I

  was riding.”

  Randy’s grip was firm, and by the calluses on his palms Chaz knew that Randy was still


  “Retirement keeping you busy, man?” Chaz let Randy’s hand go, then entwined his

  fingers with Peter’s.

  Randy chuckled. “God, yes. I’m busier now than I ever was while I was riding. I train

  cutting horses, plus help with the roughstock breeding programme Les owns a piece of.

  There are a million things for me to do around this place, and that’s with Les and Jackson helping out.”

  “Sounds like you’re having a good time, though,” Chaz pointed out as he and Peter

  followed Randy towards the formal dining room.


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  “Yeah, I am. Never really thought my life would end up like this, but I have no

  complaints about it.”

  They walked into the room, and Chaz spotted Les standing at the head of the table,

  talking to a tall African-American man while Margie and a petite woman chatted at the other end. All of them looked over when Chaz and Peter entered.

  “Everyone, this is Chaz. I’m sure you’ve been talking amongst yourselves about him.

  Chaz, this is my family. You’ve already met Les, Randy and Margie. This is Jackson, Les’

  foreman, and his wife Tammy, who happens to be Randy’s sister.” Peter looked around.

  “Where are Brody and Tony?”

  “Here we are. We just had to grab drinks for everyone. We decided to let Margie take a

  little break.”

  Chaz was finishing up shaking hands with Tammy when two men strolled in, each

  carrying a tray of glasses. He instantly recognised Tony Romanos, one of the PBR’s few two-time world champions. He’d worked a lot of events that Tony had ridden at. So that meant

  the big blond was Brody, Tony’s partner.

  “Chaz, my man, how are you doing? It’s great to have you come hang out with us.”

  Tony smacked him on the back, and Chaz hoped he hid his wince of pain. “I’ll be making an appearance in Nashville this weekend. Maybe I’ll hitch a ride to Tennessee with you.”

  “Yeah, right. You’ve gotten too used to the luxury of having a private jet at your beck

  and call.” Brody snorted a
s he offered Chaz his hand. “Brody MacCafferty, Tony’s partner.

  I’ve seen you work a few events. You’re one of the best.”

  “Thanks.” Chaz grinned at Tony. “You’re welcome to ride with me if you want, man,

  but I think a plane might be easier on your old bones.”

  Tony punched him in the arm. “I’m not that much older than you, so shut the fuck up.”

  “Tony,” Les said in a warning tone.

  “Sorry, ladies.” Tony turned to tip an imaginary hat at Margie and Tammy. “My

  language is not appropriate for the dinner table.”

  “As much as your courtesy is appreciated by the ladies, I know I’ve heard Tammy

  swear worse than that out in the barns,” Jackson teased.

  Tammy slugged him in the chest. “Thanks a lot, Jackson. You’re my husband. You’re

  not supposed to rat me out like that.”

  Jackson held up his hands. “Why? You do it to me all the time.”


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  “It’s a woman’s prerogative to do that,” Margie informed all the men in the room.

  “Thank God I don’t have to deal with females on an intimate basis,” Randy quipped.

  Chaz smiled as everyone laughed, then there was a general movement towards the

  table. Everyone found their seats, and the conversation flowed along with the food.

  “Peter, have you heard from Roscoe again?” Les asked.

  Peter shook his head. “Not since the night Chaz and I kicked him out. I guess he figured

  he wasn’t ever going to get money from you or me, so he left for greener pastures. I did hear from my mother, though.”

  Chaz shot him a glance. “You didn’t tell me that.”

  “It was earlier today, and you were driving. I didn’t think it was important enough to

  bother you. I was going to see you anyway.” Peter shrugged. “She just called me to inform me that she was fine, and not to bother her or the rest of the family again. I got the hint. I’m done worrying about them.”

  Chaz reached over to grip Peter’s hand. “You’ve made a brand new family for yourself,

  and, from what I’ve seen, they’re far superior to your old one.”

  “Thanks,” Peter said and smiled. “Yes, I know how lucky I am with my family and my


  Chaz felt his face grow warm, but he didn’t retreat from Peter. This was heading

  towards a really serious relationship, and he wasn’t going to deny it or Peter in front of anyone.

  Dinner was finished, and after cleaning the dishes they all moved to the living room.

  Chaz found himself being enveloped by the men and women Peter was closest to, and he

  discovered he enjoyed it.

  After an hour or so, Tony and Brody headed home while Les and Randy went off to

  find their own bed. Chaz and Peter stared at each other for a moment, before going to Peter’s bedroom. Peter got ready for bed first, then, while he waited on the bed, Chaz went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He crushed up some pills to sniff, wanting to ensure his back wouldn’t bother him during the night.

  He climbed into bed, then kissed Peter. As their lips touched, Chaz thought it was the

  best welcome home he’d ever received.

  “We need to talk, Chaz.”


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  Chaz sighed, having a feeling he knew what was coming. “No, we don’t, Peter. I told

  you I’m fine, and I’m dealing with the pills.”

  Peter looked at him, scepticism showing in the very tilt of Peter’s head. “Are you really dealing with it? Or are you just telling me that so I’ll leave you alone?”

  “I’m doing what I need to do, and I’m not addicted to any of that shit. I don’t need to

  take it all the time.” Chaz pressed his lips to Peter’s, stroking his tongue along the seam of Peter’s mouth.

  He slid his hand down to cup Peter’s balls, then he squeezed a little. Peter gasped, and

  Chaz gave a mental cheer. Getting Peter all hot and bothered would be the perfect way to

  avoid the conversation, so Chaz set about seducing Peter.

  When their lovemaking was over, Chaz let Peter snuggle close to him while Chaz made

  the decision to avoid talking about his problems. Chaz knew he could deal with his pain and the pills on his own. He didn’t need help from anyone, and he’d prove that to Peter.


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  Chapter Twelve

  Peter sat, eager to watch Chaz work. He couldn’t believe it when Chaz had invited him

  to come out to Oakland for the event there. It had been two weeks since they’d seen each

  other, but they’d managed to talk every day and night that whole time, though not about the white elephant standing between them. Every time he tried to bring up the Vicodin and other drugs, Chaz changed the subject or would get defensive about Peter not trusting him to

  handle the problem himself.

  Peter was still in shock at how fast their relationship seemed to be developing. He never would’ve thought a man he’d found strung out in an alley would turn out to be the love of his life. While he still had concerns about Chaz’s use of pain drugs, he couldn’t bring himself to break it off with Chaz. Peter simply kept hoping that Chaz would quit like he’d said he would.

  The bullfighters came out, and Peter jumped to his feet, yelling like a fool. Somehow

  Chaz must have heard him, because Chaz glanced right at him. He waved, and Chaz waved

  back. He settled back in his seat as Chaz began jogging around the arena floor. His lover started out with a slight hitch to his step, but the more he stretched and warmed up, the looser his stride seemed to be.

  As the rounds went on, Peter winced and cringed each time a bull got close to Chaz.

  Why would any man be willing to chance injury in such a dangerous way? Yet he could tell

  that he loved his job by Chaz’s big grin. Maybe that was why the pills were so important to him. They allowed him to keep doing the job he felt he was best at.

  At the end of the night, Peter climbed out of the seats to where Chaz had told him they

  would meet up. He stood at the door, watching as the riders walked out first in their tight jeans, bright buckles, and patterned western shirts. Peter smiled as, one by one, each of the unmarried riders picked a girl out of the crowd, then approached her. The other men formed groups, making plans for a late dinner or hanging out at the hotel bar.

  Finally Chaz left the building with his other bullfighting friends in tow. Peter greeted

  him with a firm handshake, not sure if Chaz was out to his friends, and Peter wasn’t much into public displays anyway. Chaz winked like he knew what Peter was thinking.


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  “Hey, Sam, Brian, this is Peter Skinner. We met while I was on break.” Chaz introduced

  him to the other men.

  “Awesome to meet you,” Brian said, shaking Peter’s hand vigorously. “I’m going to

  head to the club with some of the guys. You all want to come?”

  Sam shook his head. “No. I have to get back to the hotel. I promised Betty I’d call before she went to bed. I have to check on the kids.”

  Chaz looked at Peter, who didn’t really want to go, but wasn’t going to say so in case

  Chaz did. “Nah. We’re going to grab something to eat, then head back to the hotel.”

  “Cool. Catch you all later.” Brian jogged off in the direction where several cowboys

  were standing, obviously waiting for him.

  Sam waved goodbye, then walked away. Peter followed Chaz to where the man had

  parked his truck. Peter had taken Les’ jet to Oakland,
then a cab to the arena after checking into Chaz’s hotel. It had been a little nerve-racking to travel on his own, but he’d managed.

  “I’m glad you were able to make it. Great of Les to let you use his plane,” Chaz

  chattered as they climbed into the vehicle.

  “He said it doesn’t really get that much use, so he’s happy to ferry people around with

  it. The pilot is happier, too, when he’s flying.” Peter glanced around, spying no one near them. He leant forward to press a quick kiss to Chaz’s mouth. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Missed you too. Never thought I’d say that to a guy in my life.” Chaz started the

  engine, then pulled out of the parking space. “I thought we’d hit the steakhouse just down the street. It shouldn’t be too busy this late. And it’s not a place where you have to dress fancy.”

  “Sounds great to me.” Peter wiggled in his seat, trying to get comfortable.

  They arrived at the restaurant, and Chaz had been right. There wasn’t a wait for a table, so they were seated right away. Peter and Chaz talked, catching up on news they hadn’t

  shared in their nightly phone calls. Peter noticed Chaz seemed rather fidgety, but chalked it up to the adrenaline from the round earlier.

  After two beers, and some of the best steak Peter had ever had, they climbed into the

  truck to head back to the hotel. Peter didn’t feel like talking, so he settled back into his seat, and closed his eyes.

  Later on, when asked, Peter wouldn’t remember anything leading up to the accident.

  All he had heard was screeching tyres, then the sound of metal hitting metal. After that, there


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  was simply pain, overwhelming him to the point where he slipped into darkness,

  accompanied by someone’s screams.

  * * * *

  Peter struggled to open his eyes. His head pounded and it was almost like every atom

  in his body ached for some reason. Either he’d got rip-roaring drunk last night or he was coming down with the flu. As he tried to focus enough of his energy to force his eyelids

  wide, he heard a voice whispering beside his ear.

  “You have to be okay, Peter. I’m so sorry about what I did. It was all my fault. I know


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