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Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Brenna Harlow

  "I apologize. You are right."

  I squeeze the straps of my bag tighter. "What happens if one of them comes for me?" A tree falls somewhere deep within the forest, and my head snaps in the direction of the noise. I wipe beads of sweat from my forehead and inhale, tasting the air on my tongue.

  It's alright. It's alright. It's alright. I exhale slowly.

  A warm hand slips into mine, and I gaze into the black eyes of my companion.

  "It's okay, Kora. I'll protect you."

  My heart begins to slow. I have to trust him. Without his protection, I won't fare well out in the open.

  "Okay." I squeeze back, embracing the burn of his skin.


  Kora kicks a small pebble down the road, a frown on her face. We’ve walked in silence for minutes and she has not released my hand. Her small fingers hang loosely in my grasp.

  She kicks the stone again, sending it bouncing down the roadway.

  "What is on your mind?" It's been hours since I’ve sworn not to peek into her mind. I shouldn’t have made promises I could not keep. And vowing not to taste her blood? That vow must be broken, when the time is right.

  "Nothing really." Kora's head is tilted, her eyes focused on the ground.

  I tilt my head to the side. "Are you still thinking of the other dhampirs?"

  She lifts her gaze to mine. "Dhampirs?"

  My brows furrow. "Yes, dhampirs."

  "Oh, you mean vampires?" Kora licks her bottom lip, and I follow her pink tongue with my eyes until it retreats back into her mouth.

  "No, I mean dhampirs. The people from Azure, who were once great and mighty."

  Kora tugs her hand from mind and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, well here in the good ol’ United States of America, we call bloodsuckers vampires. And that is what you are, correct? You suck the blood from innocents?"

  A flashback comes to my mind, of a man in a dark room with three females chained to the wall. I was too maddened to do anything but kill. "Not all are innocent," I whisper. I remember the women's screams as their veins ran dry.

  "Regardless, you're totally a vampire." My head snaps up.

  "Tell me what you know about vampires, then." Vampire. The word sounds wrong on my tongue. I am a dhampir.

  "Okay, well, vampires originated in Transylvania, I think. Um, they drink blood. Stake to the heart is the only way to kill them. They steal souls and turn into bats. Hmm, unless we’re going off of the sparkle vampires. They just glimmer and fall in love, I think."

  "None of that is right. Do you see me sparkling or turning into a bat?" I hold out my arms. I don't know what a bat is, but I know this is my only form.

  Rustling of leaves in the woodland across from the road grabs my attention.


  I wrap my arm around Kora's waist and pull her to my chest. She doesn't shriek, or even move, though her heart thunders beneath my palm. The briars begin to tremor. My face is pressed against Kora’s cheek, and my lips graze her skin as I speak. "Stay right behind me. Do not move."

  She nods her head, and I pull her behind me as the dhampir steps out of the woods. Her hair is blood red, falling around her face. Her skin is taut and dried blood is smeared over her mouth.

  "You must leave. This is my fated. You would be in violation of the sacred law to harm her." My tone is stiff. As I suspected, she does not listen. She takes one step forward, her eyes seeing through me.

  Kora begins to suck noisy breathes in through her mouth, gasping like a sea creature out of water. Though I have promised not to listen, her frightened thoughts seep from her mind like a dense mist.

  Do not worry, my mate. I will save you. I know she cannot hear me yet, but the need to comfort her conflicts with my rage.

  The rage wins out, paired with the fierce need to protect my beloved. By the time the dhampir takes her second running step, I am there. Her eyes flash with recognition before I tackle her to the ground.

  "You are not taking her from me!" I rear my fist back, the anger I've held in for so long flying out and landing against the dhampir's chin with a pop. She hisses, writhing beneath me and snapping her teeth near my neck.

  "No. Listen to me. You are not well." I shake the dhampir’s shoulders, and then slam her back down onto the pavement. No matter what I do or say, she still focuses her attention on my mate. When she tugs away, she tugs in the direction of Kora. When she snarls and bites, her eyes are heated and searing into my mate.

  She is lost. There is no hope for her, not any longer. I have to make the decision.

  "Kora, turn around." She does as I say, twisting and shoving her hands over her ears.

  I wrap my hand around the dhampir’s throat, and her fingers dig into the pavement, slapping against the ground as she tries to get to the blood that her maddened mind so desperately craves. I flinch as her neck snaps, and then pull until it releases from her shoulders.

  Her head falls beside her body as I struggle back to my feet. I rake my hand through my hair, and when I pull away, it comes back red with blood. I wipe my palms against my pants leg and turn to Kora.

  Her shoulders sag and shake. White hair whips around her head as she struggles to catch her breath. "Come." I pull her into my arms. "Let's get going."

  She stumbles before grabbing my arm, clinging to me as we continue our journey.


  Blood. There is so much blood.

  The moment Aldeon opens up the vampire’s neck, the memories return. Cece, the light slowly fading from her eyes. Blood dripping down her neck, and vampires with crimson eyes licking greedily at her skin.

  When Aldeon rips the vampire’s head from her body, it almost feels like justice. Almost.

  "Come," he says, before pulling me to his warm chest and wrapping his arms around my back. "Let's get going."

  I'm still coming down from the rush of the fear and panic, and my mind is foggy. When I close my eyes, all I see is red.

  My feet slap against the pavement as he guides me along the road. He was right. I can trust him to protect me.

  When he spoke to the vampire, the language that spewed from his mouth was not English. He was more than just different. Aldeon was otherworldly. "What did you say to her?" My voice is muffled by the fabric of his shirt, and I move out of his grasp.

  "Hm?" Aldeon is alert, scanning the horizon with wide eyes.

  "What did you say to her?" My voice is clearer now, stronger.

  His eyes touch mine before he purses his lips and looks away. "I just warned that you were not hers to claim."

  "And I’m yours?" My eyes narrow, and I pull out of his grasp.

  Aldeon stops and turns to me. "Kora, let’s get to the scavenging place. I will explain my intentions there, but right now, my priority is getting you there in one piece."

  Dammit, he's right. I sigh and start walking again, with Aldeon in step beside me.

  This is bullshit. I'm caught in a web and I don't even know what the spider wants. Does it want to eat me? To lay its eggs in my flesh so its spawn can feast on my soul? I huff and kick another stone down the road.

  I don't like being played with, and I don't enjoy being kept in the dark. I think I've handled everything else in stride... So why does he keep avoiding his motivations? Are his plans sinister? Does he want me for some grand scheme? A chill creeps up my spine.

  No. That can't be it. I've seen the way he looks at me, the way his hand caresses mine. If he wanted to hurt me, he wouldn't be so doting.

  Minutes turn to hours, and soon, the red Beetle comes into view. "Look! We're almost there!" My heart leaps with anticipation, and my steps quicken.

  The wind breezes against my face, tickling my raw nose. It's cold, and getting more frigid by the second. I want to be inside, warm, but most of all, I want Aldeon to explain.

  We turn onto the parking lot, weaving through cars and abandoned shopping carts until we get to the glass doors. Fingerprints dot the window.

  "Do you think
it's safe?"

  Aldeon narrows his eyes as he surveys through the glass. "Yes, no minds are active inside."

  "Then what are you waiting for?" I push the door open and thrust myself inside. It's dark, but the skylight windows cast a dim glow over the rows and rows of merchandise.

  The DVD rack is still toppled on its side, and the floors are covered in icky stains and caked in dust. The cash registers are all popped open and dollar bills are stuck against the floor. A mop bucket is on its side near the men’s sporting section.

  "This is it?" Aldeon's voice breaks the silence as he comes up behind me.

  "Yep, this is it!"

  There are so many things. I can find a fresh set of clothes, maybe even new shoes. There's more food here, and maybe I can find more medicine.

  I skip all the way to the non-perishables. Reaching over my shoulder, I fish my flashlight from my bag so I can see the darkest corners of the room. A shelf taller than me lies on its side, propped against the rack beside it. I crouch and shine my flashlight underneath.

  "Jackpot." A can of boiled peanuts sits beneath the shelf, in the gap between racks. I reach underneath and pull it free.

  "More mush?" Aldeon's brows raise.

  "No, not mush. This, my fine sir, is the meal of champions." I wiggle my eyebrows as I drop the can into my backpack. Aldeon’s sharp incisors peek from beneath his upper lip as he smiles. My heart soars at his appraisal, and I urge it to quieten. I can’t give in to his charm, not when I know nothing about him.

  I bite my lower lip and shift from foot to foot.

  "You want answers," Aldeon breathes.

  I nod my head. Yes, I want answers... But I'm not sure what's going to happen when I get them.


  Kora's white hair whips from side to side as she walks. The stench in this building is strong, mold and spoiled nectar wafting through the stagnant air.

  "So?" Kora squares her shoulders without facing me. Her fingers trail along one of the shelves, making drawings in the thick layer of dust.

  "I don't know where to begin." I stroke my chin, watching her as she stiffens.

  "You can start with how you got here. Or why you chose to save me." She tucks one lock of hair behind her ear.

  "I don't remember how I got here. There was only the madness, and then you."

  "Madness?" She continues down the aisle as I trail in her wake.

  "Yes, for years I was consumed with the insanity that plagues the rest of dhampir kind." Vivid images of flesh and blood pass before my eyes.

  "So why aren't you still like them? What changed?" Kora picks up an item from the ground and dusts it off.

  "I'm no longer starved."

  Her eyes cut to mine, narrowing. "Hm," is all she says.

  "But I was not in control of the madness. Every life I took is a stain upon my soul."

  "Hm." She turns her head from me and briskly walks away. I follow.

  "And then I saw you, and something else began to stir."

  Her steps slow.

  "A tug on my chest, an urge unlike any other."

  She turns, and her movements slow. It seems as if time has paused. Wide eyes stare up at me, and my throat bobs as I swallow. What if this isn't the right time? What if she hears my words, and then chooses to dismiss me?

  "I-" I gape, trying to find the perfect phrase to describe my love. To describe the feeling I get when I look at her.

  How can I tell her that when her skin touches mine, a flame ignites? Is it possible to describe the ache in my chest when she's away? I lick my bottom lip, mind whirling.

  Kora crosses her arms over her chest. "Come on, Aldeon. Spit it out."

  "You are my mate. My fated. The other half of my soul." I drop to one knee and grip her hands. I give them a gentle squeeze, watching her reaction to my words.

  "Wha- what?" She tries to pull her hand away, but my grip is strong.

  "My species recognizes the Calling, here." I place my free hand over my chest. "It is our way of knowing. When the soul ignites near its partner, we are called to them. Pulled to our perfect mates. And, Kora, you are mine." I squeeze her palm gently. "I never had a chance. The moment I found you, it was decided. Now that I've actually met you, touched you?" I shake my head. "I can never go back."

  Kora's plump lips are parted, but she doesn't make a sound. I kneel with my heart exposed, waiting on her lashes.

  "I... I don't know what to say." Kora tugs on her hand again, and this time, I release it. She backs away. One, two steps.

  "I can't be without you." My voice breaks, and Kora turns away from me.

  I rise to my full height, sagging shoulders marking my defeat.

  "Come on. Let's go get some new clothes. I want to change out of this dirt."

  Her tone distracts me from my internalized pity. She looks over her shoulder and flashes a smile. Has she accepted my confession? The need to peek into her thoughts has become an increasing nuisance. I can feel the tension in the air, though it is being concealed with fake niceties.

  "Sure, lead the way." I open my arm, gesturing to the expansive room.

  Kora's movements are stilted as she moves through the aisles. Even without touching her mind, I know that I am the cause of her awkward nature. When she reaches a large section of fabrics and garbs, pieces of her unease dissipate. Her shoulders relax as she runs her fingers over the thin materials.

  "Do you know where the men’s section is?" She turns toward me, face relaxed.

  I shake my head, no.

  "Follow me. You need some new clothes."

  I look down at my garments. My traditional pantsware billows around my thighs, tightening at the ankles. Patches of red stains, smeared dirt, and holes dot the gray fabric. "Yes, I suppose you are right."

  She nods once and turns, weaving her way through the tight racks.

  "Do you want to talk about my admission?" I rub the back of my neck.

  "Nope." She looks away from me, but I hear as her heart skips a single beat.


  As I lead Aldeon through the store, my thoughts whirl.

  Suddenly, everything makes sense. His dramatic appearance, the fierce look in his eyes when he took down the other vampires, the way he's caressed my skin.

  Fuck. He really thinks I'm his mate. The other half to his soul? What does that even mean? I didn't even think vampires had souls.

  Shit, shit, shit. I need to figure this out before he decides to take his interest to the next level. Maybe I can ditch him, move to another town. Leave my cave and trek into the wilderness.

  The thought sends an ache of longing through my chest, which leads to more confusion. He heals your loneliness. Shut up, shut up, shut up!

  It's hard to contain my mental breakdown with the vampire hot on my heels.

  "Here, these are the men’s clothes. You can find underwear here, and pants over there." I point across the room, to a rack filled with folded jeans. Those don't really seem like his style though... "Or over there." I move my hand in the direction of a shelf stuffed full of sweat pants.

  "I will wear these items and make you proud." Aldeon inclines his head toward me.

  Uh, okay then. "Need anything else before I go-"

  Before I can finish my sentence, Aldeon shoves his pants down to his knees. His massive manhood swings between his muscled thighs. I freeze in place, jaw dropping. "Aldeon!" I slap my hand over my eyes.

  "Have I done something to displease you, Kora?" Aldeon's voice is cool, silky. Does he not understand that pulling his dick out in front of an unsuspecting woman is so not okay?

  “Um, yes! You aren’t supposed to just strip naked in front of people!”

  “Do you not know what a male body looks like? Do your people hide their cocks?” His tone is curious, but I don't dare peek between my fingers.

  “Yes, Aldeon, they do. Unless they’re interested in one another, they stay fully clothed.” I grind my teeth between my locked jaw.

  “I am interested in
you, Kora,” Aldeon says.

  My blush deepens, spreading to my chest.

  “Yes, well, even then there is something called consent, and I didn’t consent to being flashed.”

  The image of his cock is glued to the back of my eyelids. Even when I press until I'm seeing stars, his shaft is still visible. And not because it was inadequate. He's got more under the belt than any human man I've been with, that's for sure.

  “I apologize. I know of consent, I just didn’t know that humans were so fickle about nudity. It’s the natural body, after all.” Aldeon pauses, and I hear rustling as clothes slap against the marbled floor. “Is it because you are reminded of mating?”

  "Stop calling it mating, please. Ugh."

  I jump as Aldeon's skin touches my cheek. His voice comes from just over my shoulder "Mating is exactly what it is."

  I drop my hands and turn to face him. He’s standing close, his eyes searching mine. I remember his question and cross my arms over my chest.

  "No, not reminded at all." My lie shows itself as red patches on my skin. "It's not polite to expose yourself. Back when laws existed you would have been cited, probably taken down to the station."

  Aldeon's brows furrow together.

  "Look, I'm going to find some clothes. Do not follow me, or I'll shoot you again." I pat my hand over my bag before turning and booking it back to my side of the clothing department.

  Once there, I grab random items off racks and shut myself into the fitting room. I release a shaky breath and place my hand over my heart.

  I examine myself in the shattered mirror hanging on the back of the door. Inhale. My nostrils constrict, and then flare. Exhale.

  Nothing has changed. Sure, Aldeon thinks I'm his soul mate and I just saw his massive dong, but otherwise, I'm in a pretty good spot. He's going to protect me from the others, and he's not terrible at conversation. Once I tell him I'm not looking for a relationship, that'll be that.

  Even my reflection calls bullshit, with her raised brows and pouty lips. A thin line of mud is caked over the top of my forehead, and I rub the skin until it's raw.


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