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Crash Into You (Dare With Me Series Book 1)

Page 9

by J. H. Croix

  When I tore my mouth roughly from hers and blazed a damp trail down her neck with my lips and teeth, she gasped, “Flynn!”

  I was heedless of everything but Daphne and the need whipping through me. I shoved her T-shirt up with one hand, groaning aloud when my palm made contact with her silky soft skin. I cupped a breast roughly, lightly pinching her nipple and letting out a growl of satisfaction when it pebbled to a tight peak under my touch.

  Pushing her shirt up farther, I brought my mouth over her nipple as I tugged her bra down, and her breast plumped up. I needed to touch her, to have her. Her hand gripped my hair as my mouth closed over her nipple roughly, too roughly. But I couldn’t think; I couldn’t slow this down.

  Daphne was just as frantic as me. Her hands were busy yanking at the buttons on my jeans while I shoved her leggings down around her hips. I pushed her panties out of the way to discover her slick, hot, and ready. Her head fell into the crook of my neck, and I felt the warm gust of her breath across my collarbone as she shuddered when I sank two fingers into her channel.

  I needed more. I needed all of her this time. She cried out when I drew my fingers away, but I lifted her in my arms, murmuring, “I have you. Just let me take care of you.”

  My mind was hazed with lust and need with an intense protectiveness tangling inside of that. Spinning around, I slid her hips on the counter and then yanked her leggings and panties free where they fell to the floor.

  When I stepped between her legs, Daphne shimmied her hand into my open fly, stroking over my cock once through my boxers before she pushed them down, and it bounced free. Everything was a rush as our bodies communicated without words.

  I need you.


  Can’t wait


  Then my crown was at her slick entrance, and her legs were curling around my waist. The slow glide into her slick sheath was beyond intoxicating. Our heads bowed together as we breathed raggedly. Our hearts felt as if they were beating to their own metronome.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I could hardly breathe through the storm of sensation as I clung to Flynn. The rush of him filling me was intense. It had been a while, and I was tight. When I gasped, he murmured right beside my ear, “Just wait. I’ll take care of you.”

  I was restless and impatient, need nipping sharply at my heels. He held still and then pulled my hips closer to the edge of the counter, eliciting a raw moan when I felt the luscious stretch of him as he sank deeper into me.

  With the shift of position, my legs loosened, and the angle created subtle friction exactly where I needed it. Flynn held me easily, one hand tangling in my hair as our heads bowed together. His other hand was wrapped around my hips, his palm holding me with ease.

  I was awash in pleasure. I simply gave in, surrendering to the moment, into Flynn’s strong hold in a way I’d never let go in my life. I was so accustomed to being strong, to holding myself together that the experience of letting go heightened every sensation.

  Flynn’s lips pressed against the side of my neck in a hot, open kiss. Every sensation spun into the rest. Again and again, he shifted back slightly and then buried himself inside me. All the while, I chased after my sweet release as the tension tightened to an almost unbearable pain inside.

  I heard myself pleading, and then his whispered reply, “I have you here. Let go.”

  So I did. Everything pulled tight in my very center. It snapped, and pleasure spun like fiery pinwheels throughout my body as my channel clenched around him. I heard his ragged gasp as his mouth dragged along my neck in another open-mouthed kiss. I felt the lustrous heat of his release fill me and held on tight.

  We stayed frozen like that for several moments. My heartbeat was rioting in my chest. I was sated, relaxed beyond all measure. As if my mind and heart knew something my body didn’t, a sense of panic started to creep in, and I tensed.

  Somehow, Flynn seemed to know precisely what I needed before I did. His hand loosened in my hair, and his palm slipped down my back in a soothing caress. “Princess, just relax.”

  So I did. I didn’t know how long we stayed there with me seated ingloriously on the counter. Flynn eventually untangled himself, and we tidied our clothes.

  I was almost in shock from the depth of intimacy that had passed between us. When I finally brought myself to look up at him, I offered, “I’m on the pill.”

  Flynn’s eyes searched my face quietly. “I usually stop to think, but you kind of make me lose my mind.”

  I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks get hot. “It seems we do that to each other.”

  Flynn looked as if he wanted to say more, but I wasn’t ready for more. I closed the distance between us and leaned up to press a kiss on his stubbled jawline. “Good night, Flynn,” I whispered before turning and hurrying out of the kitchen.

  It was only after I was halfway up the spiral staircase that I remembered I left some popovers in the oven. Returning to the kitchen, I found Flynn checking on them. He ended up helping me clean up without a word passing between us. Somehow, he knew I needed quiet.

  I fell asleep a little bit later, wondering how Flynn understood me so well.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Come again,” I said, glancing in Diego’s direction.

  “I said it looks like you’re pissing Mandy off,” Diego commented, leaning back in his chair before taking a swallow from his beer.

  I didn’t even look in Mandy’s direction. I occasionally spent time with Mandy, on a very casual, not often basis. I wouldn’t even call it a friends with benefits arrangement. We were friendly, and there were occasional benefits.

  I took a bite of my pizza and shrugged. “I doubt it. Plus, why would she be pissed off at me?”

  Elias’s brows hitched. “Because you’re ignoring her. I’m not saying she has some sort of claim on you. But when you do see her, she usually gets what she wants from you. That’s all.”

  “Tonight, she might as well be invisible,” Diego added with a roll of his green eyes.

  I glanced between my two friends and shrugged. “She’s not invisible. I’m just not in the mood.”

  We were out for dinner at Diamond Creek Brewery. It was housed in an old plane hangar. The open space had been turned into a restaurant and brewery. The brewery part of the business was in the back with the stainless steel equipment partially visible behind a brick wall. In a touch of whimsy, there were model planes hanging from the ceiling. This place was popular with locals and tourists.

  Every few weeks, we came here for food and drinks. The food was always good, and their beer selection was hard to beat. Gabriel and Grant had just left a few minutes ago to go play pool at Sally’s Bar, another local favorite. Tucker was a few hours away, doing an overnight tourist trip in the Katmai area.

  Diego ran a hand through his dark hair, casting me a sly grin. “I think I know why you’re not interested.”

  Elias cleared his throat. “We all know why.”

  I kept my expression bland. “Do tell.”

  “You have it bad for Daphne,” Elias countered swiftly.

  “Your princess,” Diego said with a wink.

  I masked my irritation by taking a swallow of my beer. “Since when do you two pay attention to who I want?”

  Diego shrugged easily. “Dude, we live to get under your skin. It’s not easy. In fact, I don’t think any woman has gotten under your skin since I’ve known you. Except for Daphne.”

  “Well, that would be because I don’t have time. In case you missed the memo, I work all the time, and I happen to like it that way.”

  Elias looked over at me from across the table, his gaze sobering. “You do work all the time. I’m familiar with that tendency because I do too. We all like Daphne. She’s awesome.”

  “And her food is fucking amazing,” Diego said with a vigorous nod. “Don’t screw it up by getting cranky with her.”

  “Better yet, don’t screw it u
p by fucking her and making things complicated,” Elias commented.

  My friends had no freaking clue how complicated things already were. It’d been bad enough when I was only a little obsessed with her before that night. After that, it had felt like a game of whack-a-mole in my brain as I tried to keep my thoughts of Daphne from breaking through every free moment.

  After the other night in the kitchen? I was totally screwed.

  Every second of that encounter was burned deeply into my mind and had imprinted her on every cell of my body. Throwing emotions into the mix was turning out to be insanely complicated for me.

  “Can we lay off giving me shit about Daphne? The last thing I need is to screw up the situation with the best chef we’ve ever had.” Avoidance was the only defense I had at the moment.

  Diego nodded solemnly. “Exactly.”

  “Your mom seems to be enjoying herself,” I commented to Elias, figuring that would take the focus off me.

  Elias flashed a grin. “She is. She also noticed you have a thing for Daphne and thinks Daphne would be good for you.”

  I hung my head and groaned.

  Diego took pity on me. “Aw, we’ll leave ya alone for now.”

  “Hey, guys,” a voice said.

  Glancing to the side, I saw Jared Winters approaching the table. After a chorus of greetings from us, Jared looked toward me. “So are you going to take Trey up on his offer?”

  “Think so,” I replied. “I just need to hammer out the financials. I don’t have enough cash to buy him out outright, so I need to talk to the bank.”

  Jared eyed me speculatively. “You can work it out. I wish I could fly planes. I’d take him up on it in a hot minute.”

  “Hey, man, we’ll take you up in the air for your instruction hours,” Diego offered with a quick grin.

  Jared ran a charter boat business with his two brothers. While we flew through the skies, they did everything on the water. They often sent us customers, and we did the same in return.

  Jared’s green eyes twinkled with his chuckle. “Nah, man. I don’t have time to learn something new. Don’t forget I have a toddler to chase,” he added.

  Diego spoke first. “Toddlers either ruin people for more kids or not. What’s your vote?”

  Jared chuckled. “Good point. It was the sleepless nights that got to me when he was a baby.”

  “Well, there’s always that,” Diego replied with a grin.

  Jared nodded. “Yup. Trust me, having a baby is harder than flying a plane, but I’d do it all over again. Anyway, I need to keep moving. Just here to pick up some takeout and a few growlers of beer.”

  “Catch you later,” I said with a wave.

  Jared’s interruption got Diego and Elias off further discussion of Daphne. We chatted about this and that. Unfortunately—for me, at least—Daphne was never far from my thoughts. After I waved goodbye to them, since they rode here together, Mandy waylaid me in the parking lot.

  “Flynn!” she called.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw her crossing the parking lot, her footsteps crunching on the gravel.

  I smiled, keeping my expression bland. Mandy stopped beside where I stood at the back of my truck.


  I inclined my head. “Hey.”

  Mandy was gorgeous. She had rich chestnut hair and big blue eyes. She was tall and willowy and usually down for a good time with no strings attached.

  That worked for me most of the time. It’s just that I didn’t even feel the slightest twinge of interest for her now. I wasn’t comparing them because that wasn’t fair. It’s just that Daphne with her petite, curvy body and her flashing green eyes was the only thing that drew my interest these days. With Mandy standing in front of me, her eyes narrowed and curious, I actually tried to be interested.

  I felt nothing, freaking nothing.

  “I’m off for the night,” she offered with just a hint of a question at the end.

  “Good to see you, Mandy, but I’ve had a long day, and I’m tired. I have an early morning tomorrow.” I was being entirely honest there.

  Mandy’s eyes searched my face. “I take it you’re not interested.”

  I shook my head.

  Mandy stared at me, her eyes narrowing slightly as she rested a hand on her hip. “You know, that’s the first time you’ve turned me down.”

  Oh, fuck. She was not letting this go. “Mandy, don’t take it personally.”

  Mandy rolled her eyes. “It is personal, Flynn.”

  Clearly, she was taking it personally. I wasn’t sure what to make of her irritation with me. “Look, I thought we were clear on this. No expectations. I haven’t seen you in months.”

  Mandy eyed me for a long beat before letting out an annoyed huff. “It’s not that I expect anything from you, but I thought we had something.”

  Apparently, Mandy was only easy to deal with as long as I gave her what she wanted. I spun my keys around my index finger as I looked at her. “I’m not sure what to say, Mandy.” I really wasn’t.

  “Fuck you, Flynn.”

  “I’m sorry, Mandy.”

  She stalked away, anger radiating from her as she threw up her middle finger over her shoulder. So much for that. I genuinely hadn’t meant to hurt Mandy. We’d never been serious. Hell, I’d maybe hung out with her three or four times over the past year. My life didn’t leave room for much socializing. Apparently, her attitude was only easygoing if she got what she wanted. With a sigh, I climbed in my truck.

  I drove home, trying to ignore the drumbeat of anticipation. I couldn’t help but wonder if Daphne would be up late in the kitchen again.

  It didn’t slip my awareness that my very anticipation made my dismissal of Mandy bullshit. I was tired, and I did have an early morning tomorrow. Yet that didn’t change the fact I wanted Daphne. I’d stay up all night for her.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Flynn! I told you I was at Sara’s. I wasn’t with Jonathon.” Cat spun around with an irritated huff and stalked out of the kitchen.

  I kept busy at the counter, where I was adding spices to a dip.

  Nora’s dry reply reached my ears. “You know she gets upset when you don’t just check before giving her a hard time about something.”

  I didn’t even need to look to know that Flynn most likely threw a withering glare in Nora’s direction. “I know. I’ll go call Sara’s mom now. Parenting a sixteen-year-old isn’t exactly easy,” he muttered.

  He walked away, going through the door that led into the private area where he and Cat lived. I looked up to see Nora looking worried where she stood by the table. She glanced up just as I did, meeting my eyes. “Those two.” She gestured to where Flynn had just disappeared.

  I shrugged lightly. “It’s not easy being a teenager. I can’t imagine it’s easy for Flynn to be in charge since he’s her brother.”

  Nora crossed the kitchen, sliding her hips onto a stool on the other side of the counter. “No, it’s not. Flynn didn’t sign up for this.”

  “I don’t sense that he resents the responsibility at all,” I offered. “Even people who did sign up to be parents don’t usually enjoy dealing with their teenagers.”

  “Of course not. I just wish Flynn didn’t work so much. It only adds to his stress.”

  I nodded and turned to check on something in the oven. I had a million and one questions about Flynn, but assuaging my curiosity by asking them would only create curiosity about why I was so curious. There was way too much curiosity going on.

  “Flynn and Cat will be fine,” I commented as I turned back to snag a baking pan. Setting it on the counter, I began to spoon the red pepper spinach dip into the pan.

  “I know they’ll be okay. Cat adores him. It’s been good to have you here. Aside from the food, which is awesome by the way, Cat really likes you,” Nora said.

  I smiled. “I like her too. She’s so funny. She wants nothing more than to fly planes like Flynn and Grant.”

>   “I know. She also wants to have more freedom than Flynn gives her.”

  “Shocking,” I returned dryly.

  “She also wants to join the Air Force like Flynn. Needless to say, Flynn is totally against it. They’ve been arguing about it off and on for the past year.”

  My heart squeezed for both Cat and Flynn. “I can see why Cat would want to do what he did. But I can see why Flynn would be worried.”

  Nora nodded. “I get it too, so for now, I’m staying out of it. Plus, Flynn’s just cranky lately. I wish he would find someone to lighten him up. But he refuses to consider it. He doesn’t believe in love because of our mother and her shitty luck with men.”

  Okay, now my million and one questions ballooned to two million questions about Flynn. Saving me from my curiosity, Flynn opened the door at the back of the kitchen and came striding out with a dark expression. He said nothing to Nora and me as he strode by. Nora cast me a concerned look and pushed away from the counter to follow her brother.

  A few minutes later, Cat came out. “Flynn’s being an asshole,” she announced.

  I was putting dishes in the dishwasher and glanced over my shoulder. “He’s gone now, so no need to make a scene about it.”

  “Ever since I forgot to tell him Jonathon would be at Sara’s party last weekend, we’ve argued three times. Will you talk to him for me?”

  Startled, I lowered my hands and turned to face her. “Definitely not.”

  “Daphne, please,” Cat implored.

  “Cat, there’s no way I’m talking to your brother about this. It’s definitely what I would call a family matter.” I reached for a clean towel from the stack I kept on the counter beside the dishwasher.

  “But Flynn likes you. He’ll listen,” Cat protested.

  My mind flashed to exactly what we did on the kitchen counter a few nights prior. Since then, Flynn had reverted to his distant reserve with me and only called me princess once. I didn’t think what happened here in the kitchen—which I prayed to every God possible that Cat didn’t know about it—was what she meant about Flynn liking me.


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