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The Endless Skies

Page 26

by Shannon Price

  This, I realize. This was missing. Not only Callen himself but a feeling of peace. Callen brings a lifetime of shared memories with him. Shirene is gone, and we’ve lost so many friends. But this? This I refuse to lose.

  I deserve to wear my warrior blues after everything I’ve been through. I am still my own person, still Rowan An’Talla, still my father’s daughter. But Callen is like a sunrise—his light makes every part of my life warmer, brighter. Better.

  “Stay here tonight,” I say.

  His breath catches. “Already bolder than usual, warrior.”

  “Skies. You know what I mean.”

  He laughs. “I do, and I’ll stay.”

  The study door opens, and I jump, heat rising to my cheeks as my mother enters. She looks from Callen to me, then gives us a knowing smile.

  “Welcome home,” she says.

  And we are home—the both of us.


  The Endless Skies first came to me in a dream: the image of a winged lion in a secluded grotto, a lion that dream-me knew to be a prince. Though the plot changed ten times over, the messages of loyalty and love never wavered. This is my oldest story, and my most dear. To hold this book in my hands as an actual, finished creation is a feeling beyond words. And I definitely did not get here alone.

  A huge debt of gratitude to Diana Gill, who saw everything this story could be and who gave me time to perfect it. To my kick-ass editor Rachel Bass, who is as much of a fan of this adventure as I am: thank you for the wise (and often hilarious) notes, and for keeping me sane as we revised during a global crisis. To everyone at Tor Teen who made this book a reality: Anneliese Merz, Laura Etzkorn, Saraciea Fennell, Andrew King, Heather Saunders, Kristin Temple, and every one of the book-making champions I have yet to know by name. You are my heroes.

  A standing ovation to cover artist Larry Rostant, cover designer Lesley Worrell, model Carrie Kseniia, and make-up artist Rebecca Clare for bringing my girl Rowan to life. You created the exact kind of cover that I have dreamed of having since I was a kid. It’s perfect, and I am so grateful.

  None of this would be possible without my agent-extraordinaire, Elana Roth Parker, who puts up with my panicked, late-night emails and never complains. Thank you for taking a chance on me, all those emails ago. Much love to #TeamElana, who have rooted for me from the start. Cheers to us and our matching team mugs! A special shout-out to Lily Meade, who made me so many gorgeous promo graphics; and to Anna Bright, for being the tulle-skirt-wearing book cheerleader that everyone deserves.

  Thank you to the many friends who I have been lucky to make over the course of this book’s journey, including Grace Li, Rachel Griffin, Kristin Dwyer, Adrienne Young, and every wonderful person who I am accidentally forgetting. Thank you to the inaugural cohort of Writing with the Soul. I am so humbled by your talent and perseverance.

  To all who blurbed this book, though I won’t know who you are until after I send in these acknowledgments: thank you for your time, support, and immeasurable kindness. I promise to pay it forward wherever I can.

  Huge thanks to all the readers, bloggers, booksellers, librarians, and educators who fell in love with this book and shared it with friends. I get to have my dream job because of you—and I’m so grateful.

  Endless love to Joss Diaz and Kalyn Josephson, my virtual writing date buddies, who endured a draft of this that included the sentence “the warm was warm” and somehow still want to hang out with me. I’ll see you on Sunday … but give me two minutes to make my coffee.

  I could never forget the 5quad: thank you for being the kind of friends who not only send me encouraging IG messages and are flexible around my deadlines, but who also sit me down to have a lengthy talk on happiness and career when I really need one. I love and appreciate all of you so much.

  Thank you always to my family, whose support for my books gives my heart purpose. To my mama, who never sent me home with anything less than five frozen meals so I’d have more time to write. To my dad, whose excitement over each and every publishing milestone makes them all the more meaningful. To my sister, for reading a very ugly version of this and giving me line edits when I didn’t ask for (but very much needed) them. Special shout-out to the Moos, who are never more than a text and a virtual cheers away; and to Richard, for always asking me how writing is going and being genuinely interested to hear the answer.

  Finally, to Gaston, who not only deserves the dedication, but also a space here. I legitimately don’t know how we did puppyhood, pandemic, and book deadlines all in the same few months, but we did. You are the reason I didn’t give up on myself. I love you. You are everything.


  A Thousand Fires


  SHANNON PRICE believes in good bread, good wine, and good books. She lives in California, where she dreams of one day living in a house by the sea. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice



  Prologue: Shirene

  1. Rowan

  2. Shirene

  3. Callen

  4. Rowan

  5. Shirene

  6. Rowan

  7. Callen

  8. Rowan

  9. Callen

  10. Rowan

  11. Callen

  12. Callen

  13. Rowan

  14. Shirene

  15. Rowan

  16. Rowan

  17. Shirene

  18. Rowan

  19. Callen

  20. Rowan

  21. Callen

  22. Rowan

  23. Callen

  24. Shirene

  25. Rowan

  26. Callen

  27. Rowan

  28. Callen

  29. Rowan

  30. Callen

  31. Rowan

  32. Callen

  33. Rowan

  34. Callen

  35. Rowan

  36. Callen

  37. Rowan

  38. Callen

  39. Shirene

  40. Rowan

  41. Callen

  42. Rowan

  43. Shirene

  44. Callen

  45. Rowan

  46. Rowan

  47. Callen

  48. Rowan

  Epilogue: Rowan


  Also by Shannon Price

  About the Author


  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  Copyright © 2021 by Shannon Price

  All rights reserved.

  Map by Jennifer Hanover

  Cover art by Larry Rostant

  Cover design by Lesley Worrell

  A Tor Teen Book

  Published by Tom Doherty Associates

  120 Broadway

  New York, NY 10271

  Tor® is a registered trademark of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC.

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

  Price, Shannon, author.

  The endless skies / Shannon Price.—First edition.

  p. cm.

  “A Tom Doherty Associates book.”

  ISBN 978-1-250-30201-4 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-250-30200-7 (ebook)

  1. Fantasy—Fiction. 2. Soldiers—Fiction. 3. Shapeshifting—Fiction. I. Title.



  eISBN 9781250302007

  Our ebooks may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension 5442, or by email at

  First Edition: 2021




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