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The Celestial Rose BoxSet

Page 14

by Annalee Adams

  She had been dressed in a white nightdress, with legs that resembled the vines that climbed a tree littered with varicose veins. Glancing over her skeletal body, I came to her neck, her thickened double chin hung there, but the head that lay above appeared small, thin, and shallow. Her eyes sank deep into her skull, with greyed lips and mottled skin, as her complexion appeared heavy, with the make-up of a tangerine.

  In the dream, I dug deep into my bag and pulled out a black velvet pouch. I stood close to her body and bent forward, afraid she may move or speak. It was a silly fear, but one that was at the forefront of my mind. I bent down and gently placed a golden necklace around her neck. I could already feel the cold coming from the internal structure of the casket, and as I gradually placed the necklace across her neckline, my two index fingers mistakenly stroked her neck and I jumped in shock. Her skin felt rubbery to touch, chilled to the bone, it felt like I had been given frostbite by the touch of nitrous oxide wrapping itself across my skin.

  After giving her back her necklace, I felt a little more at ease. I stroked back her luxurious curls with my fingertips passing over the top of her forehead, taking a moment just to stare. I felt a great loss, as this before me was the shell with the snail having left its home a long time ago. Leaning over, I kissed her goodbye. She smelled empty, neutral, what can only be described as the smell of death; cold and final. Her curly locks brushed my skin as my rose-red lips touched her orange features; my lips will forever remember the frosting they became coated with. Then, as I rose back up, her cold sunken eyes stared at me, open and alert. I shrieked and leapt backwards, falling over and taking her casket with me.

  In an instant, Lucian was by my side, staring through me at the horror before us. But even he could not protect me from myself. The corpse-like version of me creaked and cracked, breaking free from rigour mortis. It arched its back and sat up, clambering out of the coffin, etching itself towards the me.

  A deep rumbling noise screamed out from her body as she spewed up a bucketful of embalming fluid. The stench of necrotic tissue from her decaying body elevated the area, putrid fatty tissue spilled like a fountain from every orifice her body held. The creature before me arched up each body part and inched towards me. A deafening scream encircled the air around us, a scream that smashed a thousand light bulbs, like a banshee with a devastating warning, sounding out the rhythm of death.

  Lucian grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him, he was shouting at me but the screaming was too loud. He clasped his hand over my mouth and I realised that the screaming came from me, from my mouth. My dead corpse reached over to me, with its icy fingers wrapped around my skin, tearing at me. Shaking me repeatedly, the shouting started to take over and began to form words that hung around in front of my face.

  Death had woken my body, deep and shivering in sweat. I sat curled up in soaked sweaty sheets, brought out of terror by my dad. My arm hurt, the warmth of freshly cut blood flowed from my veins. The evil dream version of me had attacked, cutting me in real life. Dad soothed my hair, bandaged me up, and held me tight as I realised my imagination had became my reality, and that thought terrified me.


  Monday morning arose with Lucian at my door holding a dozen red roses.

  “Just because I love you,” he said. “What happened?” He noticed the blood-stained bandage on my arm.

  “It’s okay,” I smiled, placing the roses by my bedside.

  “No, really, what happened?” he asked.

  “It’s okay, really. I don’t know what happened, it was just another nightmare. I must have caught myself on something.”

  “No, it’s a perfect cut, Taylor,” he said inspecting the wound. “Someone did this to you, who?”



  “It was me, in the dream, an older evil version of me. She attacked.”

  “A dream, really?"

  “Yes, that’s what I was trying to say. It wasn’t real.”

  “It looks real enough. We need to speak to Lawrence, this isn’t right.”

  “Okay, but don’t worry,” I reassured him.

  As usual, he glided around his car to open the door for me, kissing me on the forehead as I bent to sit down. It was the little things, the romantic gestures, traditional values; they all made him human to me. There was nothing dark about him. He had never hurt me and never would, and that I believed. After all, with his strength he could snap me like a twig.

  “Taylor, have you heard about the Sarah from English?”

  “No, why?”

  “She’s been taken. It’s the beast again, he’s back.”

  “Oh no! What should I do?”

  “Nothing. You’ve been hurt enough, let us handle this.”

  We parked in Lucian's favourite spot at the academy. He raced around and slid open the door, holding out his hand to help me out. That part of him always made me smile. Hand in hand, we walked together as I noticed the crowds of students smiling in awe.

  At the top of the steps, Elisha and Harland were talking to each other. Harland’s gang stood behind him and the rest of the Darkwaters were behind Elisha. They weren’t arguing, they were talking like a pair of old friends. It was unusual to say the least. Lucian noticed me staring and smirked.

  “It’s okay, Taylor, we don’t despise him,” he continued laughing.

  “But I thought you did?”

  “No, we have concluded that we have a common interest.”

  “What’s that?”


  “Pardon? But why would you all be making friends because of me? I mean. don’t get me wrong. it’s great, it’s a good thing. but I really thought you hated each other.”

  “We still do, in some ways, but we’ve put our differences aside for now. At least until Seine and the beast have been caught.”

  “Do you think Seine's working with the beast?”

  “Yes, I’d say so, and Lilith probably isn’t far behind. It’s strange, though, as she usually stands back. After all, we are meant to reign in any renegades and send them back to Enoch. Keeping a balance in the world, you know?”

  “Then why is she waking?”

  “I don’t know. Unless...”

  “Unless what?”

  “Unless she isn’t in charge anymore.”

  “Why would that happen?”

  “I don’t know, I haven’t been to Enoch for centuries, but it seems that with any discord they have going on there is flowing through to this plane of existence.”

  “Is Enoch on another plane then?”

  “Yes, no mortal can access it,” he said.

  “No mortal can access what?” Harland asked bouncing up behind me.

  “Enoch.” I said.

  “Who would want to go there anyway?”

  “I’d like to see it,” I said, casually. Lucian and Harland both looked at me horrified.

  “No, you really wouldn’t.” Lucian said. “It’s a realm of monsters, after all.”

  “Yeah, mate. If you think Harland’s bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” Nic said, joining the conversation. “Let’s just say I ain’t planning on going back to that hell hole.”

  “Oi!” Harland punched Nic in the arm.

  “Easy tiger,” Nic growled.

  “Oh, also...” Harland said, jabbing me in the ribs.

  “Ow, what was that for?” I yelped as he laughed it off.

  “It serves you right for not contacting me in days. I’ve not known how you are, you got me worried. There’s another girl missing, you know?”

  “Yes, I heard. Her name was Sarah.”

  “There are so many Sarah’s in this school, love, I lose count,” he joked.

  “You’re as bright as ever, Harland.” I jabbed him back in his ribs.

  “Ow, yeah, I deserved that one.” Harland grimaced while Lucian laughed.

  “So, TayTay, you on for a little competition tonight?” Nicholas shouted punching the air.

Harland laughed. “Who's TayTay?”

  “New nickname, mate, keep up with the times,” Nic said.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yeah, you’s one of us now, you need a cool name.”

  “What and you couldn’t come up with anything better than TayTay?”

  “No, that’s as good as it gets.” He said laughed.

  Lucian smirked. “Not tonight. Nic, we need to speak to Lawrence.”

  “Okies, you owe me a fight then, TayTay.”

  “Great,” I replied as Nic ran off to meet his mates.

  “Don’t worry, Lucian, I’ve got her now.” Harland linked arms, pulling me towards our first class of the day. I nodded back at Lucian, blowing him a kiss as Harland and I waltzed off.

  Classes were difficult. There was a message over the tannoy about Sarah, the newest of the missing girls. Police were interviewing students and opening lockers; nothing to be found except that Jayden was a drug mule with stashes of marijuana piled high in his locker. I didn’t see that one coming. I think suspension was the least of his worries as the police carted him off down to the precinct for questioning.

  “How did you not see it coming? He’s always stoned. You can smell it on him a mile away.”

  “I can’t!” I exclaimed.

  “Taylor, you can’t always picture the best in people. It’s a loving quality but one that will smack you hard in the face one day,” Harland said.

  “And you, Harland, are an ass at times. We balance each other out.”

  “Aww, you do love me, really.” He jabbed me playfully.

  “No, Harland, just no.” I laughed, pushing him sideways.

  “Well, never forget Taylor, you will always have a place with the Arellanos, no matter what.”

  “Erm, thank you, Harland, I think.” I joined in his laughter.

  Lunchtime arrived with Lucian whizzing me off to a picnic on the rafters overlooking the woods we had once flown over. It was quiet out there, peaceful. All the other students were chatting away in the dinner hall or sprawling out on the grassy areas beside the academy. But Lucian, well, he liked his privacy and when it was just me and him, so did I.

  “How was your morning?” Lucian asked, clearly engaged in everything I had to say.

  “It was good. Harland watched over me.”

  “Ha, I bet he did.” He laughed.

  “What makes you say it like that?”

  “He has a thing for you and has since you met on your first day.”

  “Aww, well, I’m yours Lucian and you are mine, remember?”

  “Always.” He smiled.

  The picnic was lovely; fresh ham salad with a dashing of garlic mayonnaise dip. Beautiful, and clearly one of Lucian's favourites, as he devoured the remainder of the dip. After clearing away, he stood up silhouetted in the sunlight, lighting up his skin with a lustrous glow.

  I could smell the garlic around him as he bent down holding out his hand.

  “After a wonderful date, would you give me the honour of a first dance with you, Taylor Lane?”

  “Why yes, of course, Lucian Darkwater,” I said, gladly taking his hand. “But where art thou music?” I laughed.

  “Ah yes, movement without music is no movement at all.”

  He clapped his hands and music blared out from his phone as the sound of The Beatles flooded the field. I laughed, remembering beautiful memories of morning pancakes, smelling the sweet honey, and watching my mother dance her way around the kitchen. A tear fell from my eye. It was her favourite song. He remembered.

  Lucian stroked my face, easing back the tear as it fell away from me.

  “She would be proud of who you’ve become, Taylor,” he said, holding me tight as the next track came on and he started singing.

  Twirling around, we danced together in a colourful array of movement and delight. I laughed as he continued to sing to me, gracefully swishing and playing around to the beat. My hair flickered in the breeze as I spun out across the rafters, losing my step, and falling to the ground only to be caught in the arms of my lover once again.

  “I’ll always save you, Taylor Lane.”

  “I’ll always need saving, Lucian Darkwater.” I replied, laughing as he kissed me delicately.

  “So, will you give me the honour of taking you to the ball, Miss Lane?”

  “I would love that, thank you.”

  “It would be my pleasure, now come here,” he said as he picked me up and over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift and raced off back to an afternoon of classes.

  Giggling as he ran with me, I found myself feeling a giddy sense of excitement. The Yuletide Ball. I hadn’t been to a ball in such a long time. It was supposed to be amazing. The decorating committee had Elisha as its leader, so no expense would be spared. She was the queen of all things beautiful and I was certain it would be awe inspiring.

  The rest of the day passed with ease as I sat beside Lucian, listening to the sound of the rain patter against the window. The wind whistled through the corridors as the sound of sorrow erupted by the stairs, beside a memorial created by the students of Stonebridge Academy. The idea was blessed by the faculty as an offering of solace for the loved ones of the missing girls.

  After paying my respects, I left to meet Lucian at his car, ready for our journey home.

  Lucian and I chatted in the car, before he dropped me off to change for training. I’d noticed he was quite eager to get back, and when I walked into my bedroom I saw why.

  A beautiful ivory gown was hanging over the door of my wardrobe. It was a stunning long, silk dress with a selection of exquisite iridescent crystals embroidered across the cleavage, tapered with a silver edging, giving detail to the figure as it hugged the body beautifully.

  I was so excited, it was just perfect. I couldn’t have chosen better myself.

  “Wow!” Dad exclaimed as he walked in behind me. “That is beautiful... and it covers you up! Good choice.” I laughed.

  “I didn’t buy it, Dad, Lucian did. He wanted to choose a dress for me and I absolutely love it!”

  “The boy has good taste.” Dad smiled as he grabbed his coat, ready to go.

  “Where are you off to?” I enquired.

  “Just out at the station for a few drinks tonight. Don’t wait up and make sure Lucian has you home by eleven.”

  “Where’s Caleb?”

  “Ah, he’s over at his mates for the night. They're playing video games and getting drunk, probably,” he laughed.

  “Dad!” I exclaimed, laughing under my breath.

  “No, he’s fine. He's being supervised.” He laughed again.

  Dad kissed my forehead as he left, and waved to Lucian, who was walking up the driveway.

  I ran up to him, jumping into his arms.

  “Lucian! Thank you so much, it’s perfect!”

  “So glad you like it.” He smiled.

  “I can’t wait for the ball, to be all dressed up... I'll feel like a princess in the arms of my own prince charming.” I daydreamed as Lucian laughed at my childlike fantasies.

  “So, ma'am, are you ready to go?”

  I gulped, having completely forgotten.

  “Oops, I will be five minutes,” I said as I ran upstairs, arriving minutes later in jeans, a cute vest top, and jumper under my arm.

  “Perfect!” he exclaimed, as he ushered me out the door and over to the car.

  As we arrived, Lawrence opened the door, dressed smartly in a suit with his cane at hand.

  “Taylor! I’m glad you’re here.” He wrapped his arm around me, ushering me inside. “So how have you been, my girl?”

  “Good, thanks Lawrence. Nothing new to report, yet.”

  “We will have the doctor summoned later to check out that arm. Lucian told me you have experienced dreams of the dead?”

  “Yes, well, I usually have night terrors, but nothing that has physically hurt me, until now.”

  “That will be the realms crossing over. Our dreams are somewhat real. It is a sta
ge we pass into every night, but our physical bodies do not pass over with us. So normally, nothing can harm our physiology, but they can be somewhat terrifying.” He shuddered. "It appears that with you being able to cross over into the shadow realm, your unconscious mind has figured out how to cross over into other realms, and its doing this while you sleep.”

  “What, so in another realm I’m a zombie?” I asked.

  Lucian smirked as Lawrence explained.

  “No, not at all, Taylor. That part is literally just a dream, a method of astral projection of sorts, a way your mind is working through your problems. The reason you were injured is because, while you were dreaming, your body was subjected to another realm where something else attacked you.”

  “That’s terrifying!” I exclaimed. “How am I supposed to ever sleep again?”

  “We must teach you how to ground yourself, how to remain on this plane of existence, and how to choose when and where to travel to.”

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  “But first, let’s have a drink and relax the mind.”

  The next hour was spent with Lawrence learning how to picture energy surrounding myself, a ball of white light, a cocoon of sorts, something to protect me and keep me grounded. Lucian entered the training room and Lawrence nodded.

  “Taylor, it is time you had something to protect you within your dreams, too.” He said as he traced a symbol in the air. “This is a sigil. It is one of great importance and protection. It is one that will ground you and give you the control you desire before you learn it fully, yourself, as this can take years.”

  “Okay, what do I need to do?” I asked.

  “It will be drawn on to you by a friend of our family and one that humans would label a witch. But she has a lot more about her than the simple witchcraft stories on television now-a-days.”

  “Okay,” I said, listening.

  “Eliza May has worked alongside our family for centuries. She is older than most and well regarded,” he said. “You look uncertain. Nothing she does will cause you any harm.”

  I hesitated.

  “But what is it she will be doing?”

  “She will, I guess you would call it, tattoo you with this sigil. It can never be removed and will not prevent you from using any of your abilities.” Lawrence explained.


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