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The Celestial Rose BoxSet

Page 37

by Annalee Adams

  Shit. Wrong choice.

  I probably would have chosen better if I’d done eeny-meeny-miny-moe, but it was too late, I’d literally ran off the edge of reality. Through the right-hand door lay absolutely nothing. Space, in fact, and a lot of it. There was no floor, no walls, no ceiling, just nothing but darkness and a hell of a long way down. On the way down, I figured out that Enoch loved its damn puzzles. I mean, what was with the mind warping sensations as soon as I crossed the threshold? It enjoyed playing with the mind, tricking and tormenting. Then again, I guess it wouldn’t be purely evil if it didn’t.

  Now, with the factual evidence of a lack of floor, the only way was down. Gravity still existed, so at least I knew I wasn’t fully alone. I hadn’t been banished into complete nothingness, immaculate extinction. At least something continued to endure its own substantiality, even if it was just tiny gravitons. This can’t be the way I die? Falling into nothing, feverishly withering through malnourishment and eventual drought. How would Adam even find my body? What happened if I died here? How did I get back to the light again? Jeez, why does everything have to be so damn hard? So many questions and tonnes of time to figure it all out. Who would have thought purgatory was a void of insignificance? Falling through the darkness, going deeper and deeper, perishing one nervous cell at a time.

  Then again, after spending a lucid moment falling, was it easy to sustain which way was up? Was I falling or rising? It was easy to perceive the bottom as literally that, the bottom. But then again, was I sure I fell in through the top, or did I jump in at the bottom and rise? I believed I was hurtling towards my inevitable death down below, but perhaps I was ascending to tranquillity as I passed up through the layers of mortality. Which way was up anymore? Did it matter? Did it need to make sense? Perhaps I was motionless, frozen in time like the crystallised sand from earlier. Was that earlier, or is that tomorrow? If time stood still, then the moment was eternal, never ending and never starting. Immobile, stagnant nothingness.


  Pulling fingernails off using pliers was an age-old trick for pussies. Not one really used for the vengeful damnation of monsters suffering their eternal decay in Enoch.

  “So, what’s with the finger-picking four eyes?” I asked the duel headed jailer as he snorted at the lack of squealing coming from my general direction.

  Did he not attend the course on torturing Dark Ones? Did he forget we could turn off emotions when necessary? I’d say it was a pretty fucking necessary moment, wouldn’t you? You just wait, once I get free of this corrupt chainage I’ll be slicing those heads off and serving them on a platter to the Queen of the damned. What did she think? Did she really think she could flutter her pretty little eyelids and I’d bend my knee? Didn't she know what love was anymore? It was the first time, in a heck of a long time, that I had felt that way. I mean actually felt something. Why on Earth would I ever give that up? For her, of all people? She was as mad as they came. Shit me, these damn cuffs are a bitch to undo. Why was I so calm? It was the place, what could I say? It brought out the dark side. I smirked.

  “What’s he smirking at?” one head said to the other. The second head laughed.

  “It’s time for the pinkies,” the first head said.

  “Oh, my no, not my pinkies.”

  The torture was a joke. What ever happened to the old ways? The whole place had gone way downhill since I paved the path. Bloody bureaucrats. It was bound to be her advisers screwing up. I never did get on with them. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was happy and all that the torture wasn't doing a damn thing, but seriously, we used to be feared. They had made a joke of the place. How the heck she even thought she could take on the light, I had no idea. The Angels were hard. Shit, when I saw them fall, I quaked in my boots right there and then. Why that one spared me and Harland, I’ll never know. But damn, we were lucky they arrived when they did.

  What the hell has gotten into me? When did I start batting for the other team? Love had a way of really fucking up your belief system. Shit, I missed her. I needed to talk to Lilith again, she really needed to listen this time. If this was the best torture tactic she had, she might as well give up. Did she not realise that a heck of a lot of Angels fell to Earth? They would be ready for her and whatever she was planning. Why did I even care anymore? It wasn't like my beloved was back there waiting for me. But she cared, didn’t she? That was why. She’d be upset if she knew her world was burning in flames. I couldn't let her come home to that. There had to be a way to end all the chaos.

  Damn, these blasted chains were really taking the piss. Hmm, what if I snapped his neck? A flickering of laughter twinkled in my eye. Two necks, I’d have to snap two necks. Hmm, what was the worst that could happen?

  “Yoohoo, Mister. Have you seen what I’ve got right here?” I said, fluttering my eyelashes. Fucking idiot.

  The jailer clumsily stomped over. “What?” it grunted. As quick as a flash, I kicked out, knocking his legs from under him. The ogre fell to the floor, legs wrapped around, snap. The second head was laughing as I wrapped my legs around and snapped his neck like a twig. Kicking the keys lose, I booted them over. With a quick grab, I was out of the cuffs and slicing the heads off, slinging them into a dirty sack I’d found by the meat grinder.

  Whistling a merry tune, I left the room. Right, dinnertime.


  Immobile, stagnant nothingness. That’s where I ended, that’s where I began. Hurtling or rising was anyone’s guess. I could have been stationery, for all I knew. Perhaps that was it, it was all a doomed invention to screw with the mind. Perhaps I was literally immovable.

  Take a deep breath, Taylor, count to ten. Breathe and remember who you are. Gulping, I forced my eyes open and raised my arms above my head, clambering for any bit of reality above me. If I believed it was there, it would be. It was all just a disjunction in my minds own formality. Clambering around in the darkness, floating in mid-air, unable to see up or down, left or right, I spun my body around. Jeez, seriously? There it was, directly in front of me. The doorway I had run through as I hurtled to my death. I’d never even moved, just imagined it all. Bloody Lilith and her games. As I clambered out of the doorway, my stomach rumbled and groaned, throat tightened and eyes watered. I’d had enough of the place!

  I couldn’t help it. I sat in a stream of tears as I pushed to compose myself. This wouldn’t help me get out of here. But I couldn't keep swallowing back the choked cries, I needed to let go of something. With a shallow river of dismay, I curled into a ball before the three doors, contemplating the never-ending doom.

  I couldn’t say how long, but time had certainly passed by. The weight of the room held me tight as I cradled my knees, easing the sobs that surrendered. There had to be a way out, there always was, I just had to find it. Staring me in the face were two more unopened doors. Two more chances. I could do this. I had to. Wiping my sodden face, I pushed my aching limbs from the floor and I rose with my head held high. I could do this. Time for door number two. But this time I cautiously walked on through, no more running for this girl!

  Behind the door was another world that opened into the belly of a monster. The area was covered in shadow, darkness crept in every corner. The room grumbled and groaned, as though my presence made it hunger in an uncertain way. Where was I? The dimly lit environment cast its gaze over me as I slowly crept forward, sneaking past the wall's blinking eyes as they spied, shifting their gaze. They slunk along beside me, watching in anticipation as I tiptoed through the darkness towards a doorway at the end. Outside the room, a passage of darkened stone rippled around me. It was as though I walked through a living beast, a callous creature concocted through its own crippled creation.

  Reaching out, I half expected the wall to grow a mouth and bite my hand off, red balloon floating in the air as I was pulled under. But this wasn’t any King movie, this was real life, and I sure wasn’t expecting anything less that the messed-up reality I lived in. The wall rippled
under my fingertips, curled away, fearful of touch. Its cool exterior iced my skin as I wiped off the residue and pulled away. It was alive, in pain, but alive. How could a building live like this? Since when did buildings actually live and thrive off of emotions? This building, though, this passageway, I pitied it. An eternal moment of solitude with no animated connection to existence. Was it once a person like me? Did she reform it into a living establishment to suit her chaotic desire? What would she do to me? What had she done to Lucian?

  Further down the corridor, I heard the whistling of a merry being. It didn’t sound right in the hateful place. Why would anyone be disturbed enough to enjoy the company of such a horrendous nightmare? Whoever this person was, they were highly disturbed. Either way, it was the first living being I’d come across, well, except for the wall that had eyes. Could it be Lilith? She’d enjoy the carnivorous cravings her creatures displayed. Perhaps she whistled at the enjoyment of reality as she sat dining in a banquet hall, feasting on the bodies of the innocent. Could my sister really be capable of that? Could anyone?

  “Who's there?” I shouted, shaking in my boots.

  The whistling stopped as I continued along the passageway. Whoever it was, I’d alerted them to my presence. It was probably not the best card to play. Turning the corner, I saw it. Streaked in shadow, a familiarity encompassed the darkness. White fangs glinted in the dimly lit passageway as I stopped dead still. Eyes squinted, it couldn’t be! Was I really that lucky? Or was this place creating a symphony of shit again?

  “Lucian?” I said, picking up pace as the man dropped a bag and ran towards me. “Lucian!” I screamed, ecstatic, shaking with adrenaline. “Lucian!” I yelled as I jumped into his arms, swinging round and collapsing to the floor.

  “Is it?” he asked “Taylor? You can’t be real!” he said, pushing me off of him. “Shit me, she’s really upped the torture this time!”


  “It is you!” Sodden cheeks glistened as he gripped my body tight, crushing me close for the ultimate moment of happiness.

  “I love you!” I cried.

  “I love you too, baby” he said, leaving a line of kisses across my face. “Damn, I’ve missed you. Never ever leave me again!” He paused. “How did you get out? Did she let you out?”

  “Who? Lilith?” I asked as he nodded in response. “I’ve not seen her yet, but I need to. We need to talk to her.”

  “No, Taylor, there’s no chance I want you anywhere near her!”

  “But Lucian, you don’t know everything about me.”

  “I know you’re Eve, she said you were. None of it makes sense, though.”

  “I am, well, I think I am. I can’t remember much from before, you know, this life,” I said, looking down at my mortal skin.

  “That’s okay. We’ll have all the time in the world to talk, my love. But for now, we need to get out of here, sharpish!”

  “But I really do need to talk to her, Lucian.” I said as I cupped his face with my hands.

  “Taylor, please,” he begged. “I’ve just gotten you back. Can we at least spend some time together before we jump into bed with your sister?”

  “That’s just creepy.” I shuddered. “Fine, you’re right, but if all hell breaks loose in the meantime, it's your fault, Mr. Darkwater.”

  “Of course, Miss Lane, now come here!” he said as he pulled me in again for one more romantic kiss.


  “Luci, mate, where the fuck you been?”

  “Joey Luchazey, you still here guarding this gate?”

  “Yep, I dunno why I’m bothering, it’s not like the Queen even notices.”

  “Hi, Joey,” I said as I walked through the passage holding Lucian's hand.

  “Ah, so you two have met?” Lucian asked.

  “Yes,” I smiled. “Where’s Gabriel and Eli?”

  “Who?” Lucian asked.

  “She means the kid and the winged bloke, mate”

  “The what?”

  “Gabriel’s an Angel, Lucian, like I said, it’s a long story.” I smiled as he nodded squeezing my hand tighter. “So, where are they?”

  “Well, the pissy Angel flew off with the kid as apparently he couldn’t eat raw goat. Fucked if I know why, meats meat ain’t it?” He said as I gagged. “What’s your problem, love? We’re all cannibals here like.”

  “Joey, where’s the kid?” Lucian asked.

  “Eli,” I said, “His name's Eli.”

  “I ain’t eaten him, if that’s what you think.” He smirked. “He was too thin by the end.”

  “The end?”

  “Yeah mate, you’ve been gone three bloody months. This ain’t no day-care facility.”

  “Shit, really?” Lucian said and then looked at me, gulping.

  I smirked. “This is a whole new you, Luci,” I said laughing, taunting him.

  “Well, what can I say, that place brings out my dark side.” He grinned.

  “Hmm, it’s one I could live with.” I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

  “Gross mate, and she’s worried about a little raw on raw meat action. Shit me.”

  Lucian laughed. “So where’s Eli?”

  “Weren’t you listening? He’s with the pissy Angel. They flew off into the sunset together, muttering about the end of days or some shit.”

  “Right, so he’s with Gabriel. Good.” I said relieved.

  “So, what’s the plan now, mate?” Joey asked Lucian.

  “Get back home and live happily ever after.” He laughed.

  “Err, don’t forget that I still need to speak to Lilith.” I said.

  “Shit, girl, you’ve got balls. I would stay away from her. She’s got a temper, that one.” He shuddered.

  “Thanks Joey, but I need to, she’s my sister.”

  “Err mate, you sure know how to pick 'em!” He laughed, taking a step back. “Don’t you, like, hate on Demons or some shit?”

  “No.” I laughed “I’m really just Taylor. I can’t remember much of my life before. The darkness took that from me.”

  “So, you’re telling me you got the darkness in you too. Like she has?”


  Lucian's jaw dropped as pure realisation throttled him. “Taylor, I never realised... what if it destroys your light like it did Lilith’s?”

  “I won’t let it. I’m not my sister, and I’m not alone. I have friends, family, and humanity to keep me sane. I’ll be fine. It’s my sister we need to worry about!”

  “Okay.” He winced. “Just tell me if you feel anything.”

  “Like what? A need to commit mass murder? No thanks, been there, done that. Don’t plan on doing it again.”

  “Oh, Luci, ol’ boy, I like this one!” Joey said, stepping forward. “So, where we off to?”

  “We?” I asked.

  “What, you can’t be leaving me here when all the actions happening over in your side of the world, mate.”

  “It depends what side you’re on.” Lucian said.

  “Oh what, you don’t trust me now? Mate, I’m on your side. I owe you me life, remember?”

  “Fair enough. How about you meet us in Elvington. Do you remember the mansion?”

  “Yeah, are the old crew there?”

  “Yeah and a few extras.”

  “How are you getting there?”

  “Oh, me and Taylor will be taking a very private and long-awaited cruise back to English shores. I need some quality time with my little lady right here.” He smiled.

  “We could fly.”

  “Damn, no, Taylor. I’m never flying again.” He shuddered.

  “Err, okay. That’s a story I want to hear!” I laughed.

  “Maybe another day.”

  “What’s this? Luci’s afraid of flying?” Joey said as he fell down in hysterical laughter.

  “Shut it, mate.” He grimaced as I joined Joey in laughing at his misfortunes.

  “Oh, I love you, Lucian Darkwater.” I smiled.

�I love you too, Taylor Lane,” he said, kissing me on the lips.

  Joey pulled me us both in for a hug. “I’ll be seeing you both.” He grinned, flashing his fangs and heading off towards the city of Bolivia.

  We watched him go, and then Lucian and I sat beside the mountain face gazing at the lake before us as it shimmered through the newly setting sun. It was a beautiful picture, one that would bring in the ignorant travellers of the world, as they caressed the water by skipping stones and creating ripples. All the while, they lived out their final days until the monsters ate them; spreading their blood over the tranquil countryside, right beside the entrance to Hell's own creator, the mastermind of all evil, Lilith herself, my beloved older sister.

  “We can’t stay here, Taylor. With this being the entrance to Enoch, all manner of things will be coming through.”

  “It’s such a shame, though.”

  “What is?”

  “That such a beautiful area has been corrupted by darkness.”

  “Yes, but it isn’t all bad. You wouldn’t have me if it wasn’t for her.” He said as he stood up, offering his hand, pulling me up.

  “No, that’s true.” I smiled, planting a soft kiss on his lips. “So, where we off to, sailor?”

  “Sailor indeed!” He smiled. “We need to hitch a ride back home. I believe we have to board back in Chile. How are you at hitch hiking?” he said, laughing as my stomach began to rumble. “Actually, when was the last time you ate?”

  “Err, the morning before I went to Enoch.”

  “Damn, Taylor! Let’s get you some food. It’s a wonder you’re still standing.”

  “Well, technically it was only a few days for us in Enoch.”

  “True, but still a few days too many.” He smiled as he picked me up and helped me onto his back.


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