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Page 20

by Brooke Sivendra

  “I shot him in the stomach,” Abi said, shaking her head.

  James grinned in appreciation. “And I shot him from behind, which caused this mess.”

  Abi paused, finally looking down. She felt her chest and abdomen, and it wasn’t her blood. She wasn’t bleeding, just like James had said. She wondered if James shooting Lamberi from behind had been a risky move when the bullet could’ve gone through him and hit her, and then she remembered she was wearing a vest.

  She exhaled a shaky breath of relief.

  “Sorry I couldn’t give you any warning. I don’t know what happened to our ear pieces,” James said, his lips forming a thin line. “We tested them in the tunnels earlier, but something caused interference.” James met her gaze. “You’re a brave woman, Abi. You did well today.”

  Abi didn’t feel brave at all. She felt like she’d been fighting to keep her herself together throughout the entire ordeal.

  James looked to Rachel. “The same to you, Rachel. Normally, I would never send two clients in like we did with you both because they wouldn’t cope. I’ve only ever done it on a few occasions, and they were exceptions—not because of the mission, but because of who was being sent in. You both handled it better than I thought you were going to. We’re used to this, and we’ve been trained for it. I know you do some training with IFRT, but training is never as good as field experience. With new recruits, they start on very small jobs, getting a feel for being in the field and managing the adrenaline. They slowly work their way up once I know they can think under pressure.” He paused, grinning. “You did better than any of my new recruits would’ve done. Don’t tell Asher I said this, but if you ever want a job, give me a call,” he told them, and Abi could tell he was only half-kidding.

  Abi mustered a smile, because what else was there to do?

  James turned serious. “Lamberi is dead. I double-checked before we left, and I took some DNA to see if we can get a match to any medical records.” He shrugged. “We might not get that lucky. But the bullet in his stomach killed him, and the one in his shoulder added to his pain. There’s no doubt about it. Now Asher can focus on Santina without worrying about Lamberi coming after you,” James said, looking at Abi.

  Abi cleared her throat. “But do you think his men will retaliate for his death?”

  James chewed on his cheek. “I don’t know, but it’s possible.”

  “Then Asher still has to worry,” Abi said with a sigh.

  “Asher is always going to have to worry about something,” James said. “That’s part of his title. But I can promise you there’s a difference between those worries, and someone specifically coming for someone you love. That’s a different level of torture completely. There’s nothing worse,” he said, his voice sounding far away.

  “That reminds me . . .” Abi started wryly. “You owe me a story.”


  He paced the hallway, his mind a murky pond of thoughts. He was relieved and he was angry—he didn’t know whether to kill James Thomas or thank him. Lamberi was dead, and that gave him a sense of peace that nothing else could’ve, but it crippled him to think about the price Abi had almost paid.

  “You’re going to wear a hole in the floor,” Jesse said gently.

  Asher sighed. He’d been surprised when James had said Jesse would stay behind with the teams and provide security for Asher. From the last conversations he’d had with Thomas Security, Jesse still hadn’t been cleared.

  Asher had felt a soothing sense of relief when James had told him Jesse would stay. He hadn’t realized how much questioning Jesse had impacted him.

  Jesse had been with his family since Asher was born. He’d been loyal to King Martin—as far as Asher knew—and they’d never had a reason not to trust him. But more than that, Jesse had been good to Asher. He’d always looked out for him as a friend, not just a security guard, and having Jesse back felt like a little piece of his old life was still there. A sense of normalcy.

  Asher stopped pacing. “Happy?” he asked with a smirk.

  Jesse laughed. “Quite.”

  Asher smiled. He didn’t like how the events of tonight had unfolded, but he knew the outcome had been achieved and everyone was coming home safe.

  Jesse said “Copy,” and Asher realized he had an earpiece in.

  “Do you wear them all the time now?” Asher asked when it appeared the conversation was over.

  “Earpieces? Yes. It’s the best way to communicate throughout the palace. We’d trialed them before, but we’d always had tech issues. But these earpieces are good,” Jesse said, then quickly added, “Except in tunnels, evidently.”

  “Evidently,” Asher said, his anger still lingering, and Jesse didn’t miss it.

  “I get why you feel the way you do, Ash,” Jesse said. “But they achieved something I don’t think our team would’ve ever been able to do. This is why they have the reputation they do—they achieve things no one else can. Recently, they took down an organized crime unit that multiple agencies around the world had been trying to destroy for years. People are still talking about it. They say James Thomas can do the impossible, and that’s why I suggested bringing him in.”

  Jesse sighed. “I know I’ve been under investigation, Ash. And likely still am—even being here tonight might’ve been a test. And as hard as that’s been, given how long I’d worked for your father and how long I’ve been your bodyguard, I understand it. If they didn’t investigate me, I’d honestly be concerned. I haven’t liked being kept in the dark, but it’s not about liking what they do. It’s about getting results, and I couldn’t have gotten you the results they did tonight. So when he comes in here, go easy on him. Especially when you see Abi,” he said with a slight grimace.

  Asher frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked quickly.

  Jesse sighed. “She’s covered in Lamberi’s blood, and James is concerned you’re going to lose it when you see her. She’s not hurt, and the last thing she needs after tonight’s ordeal is for you to be arguing with him. So, when she comes in, take her to the living suites and let her clean up. James needs to debrief with his team and Samuel and then we’re going to meet up in the morning.”

  “Okay,” Asher said heavily. He’d dealt with enough tonight, and in all honesty all he wanted was time with Abi.

  “Good,” Jesse said, sounding pleased with himself. Asher wondered if he’d been expecting a fight.

  Asher heard the garage door open and Jesse reached for the door handle.

  “Copy,” Jesse said. “Wait inside,” he told Asher, as if Asher had a choice—Jesse was standing in his way.

  The door eventually opened and James walked in first. Even Asher had to admit he looked like hell. He had a cut on his jaw, multiple scrapes on his arms and one arm was covered in blood. Asher didn’t know if it was his or someone else’s.

  Rachel followed, and then Abi—on crutches again.

  Asher’s stomach churned when he saw her, but he remembered Jesse’s words. He forced himself to stay calm.

  She looked up, smiling when she saw him.

  He tried his best to return her smile, but he couldn’t draw his gaze away from her neck and chest. There was even blood splattered over her face.

  He took her hand, drawing her in. “You’re going to give me a heart attack one day,” he whispered in her ear.

  She gave a small smile. “Don’t worry, I have no desire to go on any more adventures with James Thomas.”

  Asher smiled fully now, kissing the crown of her head.

  “Come with me,” Asher said, needing to wash that blood off her.

  Asher released her, only so she could move.

  He saw James talking quietly to Jesse, who was nodding in return. Asher liked that they were communicating.

  James looked over to him, as if sensing he was being watched.

  “Thank you,” Asher said.

  “You’re welcome,” James responded with a nod.

  Asher turned back to Abi. La
mberi was dead, and now she would be able to sleep at night without fearing him in her dreams.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Asher said.

  Security followed them to their living quarters and scoped the suite before they were allowed in. Security stayed outside the door.

  Asher led her into the bathroom. Once again Abi was injured and back from hell, but this time it felt different. This time it felt like a new beginning.

  He closed the door behind them and locked it. Her back was still healing and he didn’t want the hot water to sting her wounds, so he wet a small towel with warm water.

  “Come here,” he whispered, his voice gruff.

  She stopped in front of him and he wiped the towel over her neck.

  He brought his lips to hers and drew her in. She melted in his arms and her tongue swept over his. He closed his eyes, savoring every moment.

  Asher cupped her ass, drawing her in, pressing their bodies flush.

  She kissed him faster, hungrier, and he gave her everything back.

  “I was so scared of losing you,” he whispered, pulling back to kiss her neck. He wanted to kiss everywhere Lamberi had touched her.

  “And I was so scared Lamberi would punish you for my escape,” Abi said, meeting his eyes.

  “I would’ve paid the price, Abi. I would’ve paid it a million times over,” he said.

  Her eyes glistened. “I know, but I didn’t want that for you. Besides, I couldn’t live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder, worried when he would come for me.”

  Her eyes dropped down to her bloody T-shirt. Asher lifted it and pulled it over her head, throwing it on the bathroom floor. She stood tall, not embarrassed, and he loved that. He removed her bra, grabbed a clean towel and wiped away the final remnants of Lamberi’s blood. Then he threw the towel on the floor beside her stained T-shirt.

  His lips ran over her collarbone and she tilted her head back, opening her neck to him.

  Asher groaned as her chest rose and his lips trailed between her breasts. His thumb brushed over her breast and her nipple hardened beneath it.

  Her breath grew heavy and Asher’s body ached in response.

  She looked up at him with wanton eyes. “Make me forget about Lamberi—about killing him and about being held captive. I want to forget it all.”

  Asher’s hands ran through her hair and his mouth crashed down on hers. “I’ll make you forget everything but me,” he promised, his voice low and thick.

  A moan fell from his lips and his cock hardened.

  His hands went to her hips but he took his time. He kissed her until he was breathless, and then he kissed her until she was panting.

  His fingers trailed the soft skin of her waist, stopping on the top button of her jeans. He paused, looking into her eyes.

  She nodded and he fought to keep control.

  “Not here,” he said, lifting her into his arms. He carried her into the bedroom, grateful security were still outside the living quarters, and sat her on the edge of the bed.

  She lay back but Asher didn’t miss the slight wince.

  “I’m fine,” Abi said quickly.

  “You’re not fine,” Asher said, taking her arm, pulling her up.

  But she shook her head stubbornly.

  “Don’t,” she said gently. “I’m fine. I really am.”

  Asher didn’t have it in him to resist. “You have no idea how much I want you,” he told her, his voice husky.

  He lay over her, holding his weight on his elbows. She grabbed his hips, pulling him closer. Her sweet lips brushed over his and any lingering concerns for her back left him. He needed this—they needed this.

  He was hard and aching for her. Throbbing.

  She lifted her hips, grinding into him, knocking the breath from his lungs.

  A guttural groan fell from his lips and he could barely think straight. His mouth consumed her, kissing her like he’d never kissed before. Heat spread through his body, and he felt alive.

  “I need you,” she whispered, but she had no idea just how much he needed her.

  “I’ll take care of you,” he whispered, a promise. He’d take care of her in the bedroom, and out of the bedroom. Any way she needed. Forever.

  He placed kisses from her neck to her shoulder and between her breasts. She arched her back and he swore under his breath.

  Her hard nipples were visible through her lace bra and his mouth went to one, flicking it gently with his tongue and then sucking it harder. Abi moaned in response and he pulled the lace down, taking her nipple in his mouth. She sucked in a sharp breath and lifted her hips—a silent beg for more.

  His hand ran over her tight stomach and down to her jeans. He undid them and kneeled, sliding them off. He took a moment to take her in.

  Her white lingerie and her willing eyes made her look angelic. Some might argue Abi was far from angelic, but to him she was. She was pure and good and he wanted every inch of her.

  She followed his gaze as it swept over her body. Her hair was sprawled over the bedding, messy yet beautiful.

  She raised an eyebrow and her lips parted. Asher swore under his breath then lowered to his knees. He spread her legs wide, opening her to him. He kissed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, teasing her. She shuddered and Asher smiled as his lips continued to please her.

  He ran a finger between her wet folds, his cock thick and hard, begging to enter. He forced himself to go slow, to give her everything she needed, to make her forget the past few weeks and focus only on him.

  He ran his tongue over her clit and she bucked against him. Her hands threaded through his hair, tugging it, setting the pace. He licked and sucked her as she rocked against his face. Her voice was hoarse and the sweet pant from her lips drove him wild. She shuddered, and he knew she was close.

  He sucked harder as he pushed two fingers deep inside her. She was so wet and hot he couldn’t think straight, and he could barely remember what he was supposed to do.

  Abi screamed his name and he licked her softly as she came around his fingers, clenching them tight.

  When she settled, he stood, stripping his clothes at a speed he was sure he’d never done before. Her eyes heated, and the corners of her lips turned up.

  He hovered over her and she parted her lips. He thrust his tongue in, giving her a taste of her own sweetness. “Abi,” he moaned as he lifted her. He lay down, propped up by pillows and she climbed onto him, straddling his lap. Their eyes locked as she lowered onto him. Asher sucked in a breath and his eyes rolled back, closing.

  He groaned, deep and guttural, biting his lip as she rode him.

  His fingers dug into her hips, slowing her down, because if she continued at that pace Asher didn’t think he’d last a minute.

  She leaned forward, her breasts brushing against his naked chest, her lips finding his. She sucked his earlobe and whispered in his ear. Asher wasn’t even sure what she was saying, but he liked it anyway. Everything about her felt good.

  He rocked against her, pushing in deeper, needing to feel all of her.

  She was his, and only his. No one was taking her from him.

  Never again.

  He grabbed one breast, guiding her nipple into his mouth. It was full and swollen and heavy and he closed his eyes, relishing in the moment before moving to the other one.

  “You’re so wet,” Asher groaned, slapping her ass as she rocked against him.

  “Whose fault is that?” she asked, panting in his ear.

  “Come here,” he said, cupping her cheek and guiding his mouth to hers. He kissed her hungrily as he rocked harder, slamming his throbbing cock into her hot pussy. She tightened around him and he almost came.

  He swore again and she kissed him harder.

  Their bodies were slick with sweat and their breaths frantic and panting.

  She was blowing his mind and he gave in, releasing all control.

  She responded, grinding harder and faster, her clit rubbing against his pelvic bone

  She was so hot and tight and he still couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Baby,” he whispered as he cupped her ass, pushing deeper. He felt his orgasm building and her hot kisses on his neck were driving him wild.

  “I’m going to come,” she moaned, almost a whimper.

  “Come on me,” he commanded. He was right on the edge, right there with her.

  He felt the moment she released, clenching around him so tightly his body exploded, every nerve alive and firing.

  He held her tight, grinding against her until they both settled. Once they were still, he didn’t let her move.

  “Stay here for a moment,” he whispered, and she laid her head on the pillow beside him, kissing his neck.

  He closed his eyes as he held her, basking in the warmth of his orgasm.

  He wanted this forever.

  He wanted her forever.

  He wanted her to be his queen.


  His ragged breathing settled and his hands caressed her skin, leaving a hot trail in their wake. She lazily pressed her lips to the soft skin of his neck. Her body felt light and heavy at the same time, and her head was spinning, but she’d never felt happier.

  He gave a sated groan as he closed his eyes.

  She took a moment to watch Asher without him realizing. He looked peaceful and content. His jaw was soft and relaxed and the steady rhythm of his heart told her he’d needed this as much as she had.

  He’d told her he’d make her forget, and that he’d take care of her, and he’d done exactly that.

  “What?” he asked with a hint of a smile that told her he knew she was watching him.

  “Nothing,” she said. Her voice seemed to have that post-sex glow that people said came after. Abi was sure they’d meant post-sex skin glow, but her voice seemed to have absorbed that.

  “Nothing?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  She chuckled. “That was everything I’d ever hoped for. If I’d known you were going to be that good in bed I’d have ripped your clothes off the second I met you.”

  Asher’s chest rumbled as he laughed. “What am I going to do with you?” he mused.


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