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The Opposite of Ordinary

Page 25

by Jessica Sorensen

  I put my hand against his chest and not so gently push him back. “First of all, your breath smells like dog shit, so please don’t breathe on me. And second, I know it was you who told Queeny I kissed Zane.”

  “So what if it was?” he replies coolly. “It’s the truth.”

  “No, it isn’t,” I argue, struggling to remain composed. “And you’re going to admit that right now.”

  He laughs in my face. “Like I’d ever do that.”

  Again, I gently push him away from me. “Again with the breath, dude. Seriously, what did you eat for lunch?”

  Clarissa giggles from beside me, earning a scowl from Judd.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re laughing about,” he says to her with a smug grin. “Or why you’re even here. Didn’t I dump you?”

  “Yeah, I remember,” Clarissa retorts with a wistful look on her face. “One of the best days of my life.”

  “Bullshit.” Judd turns toward her. “You loved me, and you know it.”

  “Nah, I really didn’t.” Clarissa shrugs. “Sorry.”

  “You’re such a liar.” Judd invades her personal space. “If I kissed you right now, you’d like it.”

  Clarissa gags, stepping back from him. “God, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.”

  “Oh, my God, I don’t have time for this shit. No one will be kissing any losers in front of me.” Queeny steps between them and pushes Judd and Clarissa away from each other. “I have to go. I have a nail appointment.” She snaps her fingers at Knox. “Come on; I need a ride. My car’s in the shop.”

  “You may not want to leave just yet, Knox.” I retrieve my phone and open the thread Queeny had with Sidekick from Hell Land. “Not until you read this.”

  With his brows puckered, he takes the phone from my hand and begins to read. Queeny glances from me to the phone. Then her eyes widen, and she lunges for it. However, Knox jumps out of her way, his expression falling.

  “Who’s this Sidekick from Hell Land?” he asks, glancing up at me.

  I point a finger at Judd, one of his best friends. “That would be yours truly right there.”

  Judd gives me a look deadly enough to wither a thousand rose bushes. “If you don’t shut that little trap of yours, your mommy’s little store is going to be out of business very soon. Got it?”

  “And if you don’t start spitting out the truth, then everyone is going to know what happened last year at the summer bonfire party,” Clarissa says, dazzling him with a winner smile.

  “You promised you’d never say anything about that,” Judd hisses, glancing around at everyone watching us. “And I was drunk, so it doesn’t count.”

  “Then I guess you don’t have anything to worry about if I tell everyone.” Clarissa keeps the smile on. “Do you?”

  Judd shakes his head a hundred times. “You know, you used to be a lot nicer.”

  “I still am nice to people who are deserving.” She stares Judd down with her hands set on her hips. “So what’s it going to be, Judd? Secret number one or two?”

  Judd grits his teeth as he glares at Clarissa. “Fine. I did it, okay? I lied to Queeny and told her I saw Ash kiss Zane.”

  “You what!” Queeny screeches, shoving him.

  Judd stumbles, crashing toward Knox, who moves out of the way and lets him slam against the lockers with a loud bang.

  “You slept with my girlfriend?” Knox asks him, clutching my phone in his hand.

  “She’s not your girlfriend.” Judd regains his balance and dusts a speck of lint off his shoulders. “She was only pretending to be so she could get back at Ash.” He looks at Queeny. “Right?”

  Queeny glances back and forth between the two guys then shrugs. “Technically, I wasn’t dating either of you. Thank God. You’re both awfully pathetic.”

  “That’s such a lie.” Judd moves toward her in desperation. “I know you have feelings for me.”

  “I never lie. But you do, apparently, which you will be paying for eventually.” Queeny yawns, patting her lips with her fingers. “I’m so over this conversation.” She turns to Janie and Reina. “One of you need to give me a ride.”

  They both jump at the chance to offer their help, and Queeny awards Reina with the honors. More like curse. However, the girl deserves to be cursed. Then the three of them strut down the hallway, chatting about what color Queeny should get her nails painted.

  When they reach the doors, Queeny casts a glance over her shoulder at me. “Ash, if you want, you can come with us.” Not an ounce of remorse is in her eyes. “Consider it an I’m sorry for Judd lying to me.”

  It’s like she doesn’t get it at all, that what she did was wrong, even if Judd lied to her.

  I easily shake my head. “No thanks. I’ll stay where I’m at.”

  “With her.” She pulls a disgusted face in Clarissa’s direction. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, seriously,” I reply evenly. “I like it here.”

  “Whatever. Choose freaks over popularity,” she sneers. “Your loss, beotch.” Then she slams her hand against the doors and walks away from me.

  I couldn’t be more relieved to see her go.

  But I’m not done yet.

  I reel on Judd. “Tell me why you did it? I want to know.”

  Judd is staring at the door with his jaw set tight and … Wait, what the eff? Are those tears in his eyes?

  “You’re in love with her?” Clarissa says through a shocked laugh. “That’s why you did it, didn’t you?”

  Judd turns his face toward Clarissa, a single tear falling down his cheek. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not pathetic.”

  “You kind of are,” she disagrees, shaking her head. “But the question is: how did you reach such a high level of pathetic-ness?”

  Judd brushes his hair out of his eyes and stands tall, appearing more confident than he should. “I’m not the only one who’s pathetic. Ash is just as pathetic for not knowing that her own boyfriend and best friend were screwing around behind her back for months.”

  Knox’s gaze shoots to mine. “Ash, I don’t think—”

  Judd cuts him off with a sharp laugh. “Don’t pretend you’re all innocent in this. You’re the one who told me to lie to Queeny and tell her Ash kissed Zane. And for what? So she would finally stop trying to hide your relationship? Because you wanted to be with Queeny but were too afraid to break up with Ash, so you let Queeny do all the damage for you. Talk about pathetic.”

  “You better shut your mouth,” Knox warns, getting in Judd’s face.

  “No. I’m not going to take the fall for this alone.” Judd refuses to back down, poking Knox in the chest. “You’re going down with me.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Not only did Judd start the rumor, Knox was in on it, too. All of this because two guys wanted to sleep with Queeny. Well, jokes on them, because they were both sleeping with her at the same time.

  Ew! Ew! Double ew!

  “Time out.” I push my way between the testosterone party with my hands positioned in a T.

  They both glance at me, blinking, then anger blazes from their eyes.

  “Move, Ash,” Knox warns in a trembling voice.

  “Don’t worry; I totally plan on letting you two kick each other’s asses. But first …” I reach for his hand and pry my phone from his fingers. “I just got this, and I really don’t want it getting broken when you guys start bitch slapping each other.” I step back and wave at them. “Well, it’s been nice knowing you, but I have other places to go and way better people to see.” Then I turn to Clarissa. “Ready to go? Or do you want to stay here and see this out until the end?”

  She glances at Knox and Judd, who are bickering like a couple of old ladies, then she shakes her head. “Nah, it’ll probably just turn into a nail and hair pulling fight, anyway.”

  “True dat.” I put my phone in my back pocket and push out the doors with her by my side. “Thanks for doing that. As much as that wasn’t fun to hear, I’
m glad the truth is finally out.”

  “Are you going to try to get Queeny back for everything she did to you?” Clarissa asks as we cut across the grass.

  “As much as I want to, I probably won’t.” I stuff my hands into my back pockets. “I’ve had enough drama to last me a lifetime, and I really just want a break. Going after Queeny … It’ll just stir up trouble.”

  “I get what you’re saying,” Clarissa says as we reach the sidewalk. “But I have a feeling she’ll get what she deserves. And very soon.”

  I stop at the edge of the curb. “Why? Is her name on your little Heartbreaker Society’s list?”

  She glances around then puts her finger to her lips. “First rule of Heartbreaker Society: you never talk about the Heartbreaker Society.”

  I drag my fingers across my lips. “Your secret’s safe with me.” I sigh as the buses drive by, leaving a trail of exhaust fumes in the air. “And there went my ride.” I dig my phone out of my pocket to call my mom, hoping she can get away from the story; otherwise, it’s two hours of fun-filled highway hiking for me.

  “If you need a ride, I can give you one,” Clarissa offers, fishing her car keys out of her pocket.

  “Are you sure? I can text my mom if I need to.”

  She waves me off as she hops off the curb. “Considering you’re now my unofficial sidekick in taking the evil villains of our school down, I think I can give you a ride home.”

  “Sounds good, superhero.” I smile at her, strangely upbeat after what I witnessed unfold moments ago.

  As crazy as this is going to sound, after watching Knox, Judd, and Queeny all stab each other in the back, I feel perfectly content with no longer being a part of their little soap opera anymore. I just wish I knew where I belonged.

  At least now I have time, and the strength, to try to figure that out.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  During the ride home, Clarissa and I chat about lighter things than Fareland High domination. We have a lot in common, and I think—hope—that we can become friends.

  When we turn down my road, the conversation takes a shift away from let’s-share-friendship-bracelets territory.

  “Okay, so I have a confession to make,” she announces, slowing the car down as we near my trailer. “I promise this part is going to be a lot easier and way more fun, at least for you.”

  “Okay …” I reach for my seatbelt, waiting for her to explain.

  Instead, she parks in my driveway and gestures at my house. I track her gaze, and my tummy morphs into a tap dancing penguin at the sight of Clove and Maxon sitting on my front porch.

  “Please don’t tell me you blackmailed them into coming here,” I plead, reaching to open the door.

  She guides the shifter into park and twists the key in the ignition, turning off the car. “You say that like blackmailing’s my MO.”

  “Well, you did kind of blackmail me at school today.”

  “Yeah, but it was a good kind of blackmail.”

  “True.” I hesitantly glance at Maxon and Clove, trying to pick up on their vibe. Either they’re bored or trying to keep their emotions under control. “How mad are they?”

  “How about we go find out?” She hops out of the car, giving me no choice but to follow.

  “Hey Gloomy One and Gloomy Two, I brought you a present,” she announces as she approaches. “One that is guaranteed to brighten up your days.” She gestures at me, as if introducing a princess to a prince. “May I introduce you to Ashlynn Wynterland, slayer of all things wicked at Fareland High.”

  “No way. That was all you.” I stop beside her. “I was just your sidekick.”

  “Still, what you did took guts,” she says. “You deserve the bow.”

  I decide to play along. “Fine. But I prefer curtseying.” My body follows my words, and I bend my knees to curtsey.

  “You do that too well,” Clarissa says. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you practice every day in the mirror.”

  “Nope. I just take classes,” I quip. “Since I was six, actually, and decided I wanted to be a princess when I grew up.”

  She nods approvingly. “Smart thinking. I should probably get in on that, too, you know, since I’m going to be the Queen of Fareland High soon.”

  “Oh, can I be your jester?” I continue our rambling, mostly to avoid looking at Clove and Maxon.

  Just a little longer of pretending they’ll forgive me. That’s all I want.

  “Ha! No way!” Clove leaps to his feet, jumps down the stairs, and hitches his thumb at his chest. “The jester is my job, so stop trying to steal it.”

  “Sorry.” I don’t know whether to laugh or smile because he’s talking to me, but I can’t tell if he’s happy about it. “The job’s totally yours.”

  He shakes his head, sticking his nose in the air. “I don’t accept your apology.”

  “Oh.” The crack in my heart starts to rupture.

  He looks at me. “Unless you make it up to me.”

  My heart momentarily pauses on shattering, wanting to see where this is going before it dives into complete self-destruction.

  “And how do I do that?”

  His eyes glimmer impishly in the sunlight. “By pickpocketing me.”

  “That’s really all you want me to do?” I question. “And then you’ll just forgive me?”

  He nods. “Yep, that’s my forgiving fee.”

  With uncertainty, I glance at Maxon, but Clove slants to the side and blocks my view.

  “Roll with me,” he mouths. “This will work.”

  Doubtful, but again, what’s the harm in trying?

  Taking an inhale and exhale, I extend my arm toward Clove’s butt. I about chicken out as my fingers brush the fabric of his back pocket, but Clove gives me an encouraging look, so I keep going—

  “All right, that’s enough.” Maxon jumps to his feet and trots down the stairs, the chains on his jeans jingling. “You proved your point.”

  Clove winks at me before looking around at Maxon. “What point? I was just trying to get this lovely girl to grab my ass.”

  Maxon firmly shakes his head, brushing strands of his dark hair out of his cloudy eyes. “No, you were trying to prove to me that I like her and should forgive her.”

  “And there you go.” Clove pats Maxon on the shoulder then whirls around and scoops me up in his arms, giving me the biggest bear hug ever. “Glad to have you back, you little weirdo. But no more lying, okay?”

  I nod, wrapping my arms around him. “No more. I swear.”

  “Good.” He gives me one final squeeze before lowering me to the ground. Then he sticks out his elbow in Clarissa’s direction. “How about you and I hit the road, sweetheart, and let these two kids have some fun?”

  “Sounds good.” She loops her arm through his, then glances at me and whispers, “Good luck.”

  The two of them skip off to her car, get in, and drive away.

  I stare at the trail of dust her car leaves behind for longer than necessary, procrastinating turning around and facing the music.

  “So …” Maxon finally says, shattering the stillness between us.

  I take a measured breath before turning around. “So …”

  We grow quiet, the wind and Lucky singing show tunes from inside the house filling up the silence. I take a moment to take him in: his dark hair, intense eyes, his jeans, vest, long-sleeved shirt, and studded belt outfit. He looks good today. He always looks good, though, even if no one can see it. I’m starting to wonder if a lot of people are blind, yet too blind to realize it—no pun intended.

  “I’m sorry,” I sputter at the same time Maxon says, “Did you really mean everything you wrote in the note?”

  “Um …” Nervous vomit gurgles in my tummy.

  In that letter, I admitted to so many lies and sins. However, most of my nervousness stems from my admission of how much I liked him and how long I’ve liked him.

  I could lie. Say my words were false. Save face or whatever
. But that girl isn’t me anymore.

  “Yeah, I meant it,” I admit with my gaze fixed on the ground. “I meant all of it.”

  He remains silent for so long I swear my head is literally going to fall off and run away from the maddening silence. Thankfully, my head remains on my neck; otherwise, I’d go deaf and blind. Well, maybe … Not sure how that works, exactly.

  “Do you want to see the project I’m working on?” Maxon asks, jerking me from my insane thoughts.

  Not what I was expecting him to say, but I eagerly nod. “Yes, I’d love to.”

  A ghost of a smile surfaces at his lips as he heads back toward his house. “Come on; it’s in my bedroom.”

  I smile, wanting to reach out and take his hand, see if he’ll pull away—see how upset he is with me—yet I can’t work up the courage to. Instead, I follow after him like a lovestruck girl, practically floating on cotton candy clouds as we enter his house and go into his bedroom.

  “Here, have a seat.” He pats a computer chair and then crosses the room over to his closet.

  I nervously sit my butt in the chair and, while his back is turned to me, wipe my damp palms onto the front of my jeans.

  “Um, so what exactly does this project do?”

  He turns away from the closet, carrying what looks like a mini heart monitor. “Well, when it’s finished, it should be able to tell if someone likes you or not.” That blush I’ve missed so much makes a grand appearance on his cheeks. “It doesn’t have to be like a girlfriend/boyfriend type of like. It can be as friends.” The pink on his cheeks deepens as a smile turns up my lips. “It was Clove’s idea.”

  “It sounds like something Clove would think of.” I suddenly feel more relaxed.

  He’s blushing and about to hook me up to what I’m going to call the Truth Crush Machine. That has to be a good sign, right?

  “How does it work?” I ask as he sets the machine down on the floor.

  He holds down a red button while unwinding a cord. “I’m going to hook your finger up to this”—he holds up a clip—“and it will read your heart rate. Then I’m going to put a few of these on you”—he lifts up a circular rubber piece attached to a cord—“which will monitor your perspiration rate, muscle tension—things like that.”


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