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Phoenix Child

Page 33

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  ~Lao Tzu


  When I got to the Circus Center Friday afternoon, I saw several classes in progress: Philip teaching clowning, Shin taking a Chinese pole class, judging by the tricks he was doing it was an advanced class, and Gavin teaching a conditioning class, where they focused on strength and flexibility for specific skills, such as pole, acrobatics, and trapeze. I didn't see Anali anywhere.

  "Beginning aerial arts for teens, come over here," Taliesin called, his hand high in the air so everyone could see him. As if anyone could miss his snow-white hair.

  Taliesin began his class much like Shin, going over rules then into stretches and core strengthening exercises. Taliesin stressed the importance of doing these before class, and doing the exercises daily for faster improvement, just like Shin.

  "Now we are going to move on to the class warm-ups," Taliesin said. "You will use the trapeze bars to warm-up. There are three bars, so pair up and share. I'll show each exercise and then come around making sure you are doing them properly."

  Four giggling girls paired off instantly; they seemed to know each other. Smiling, I approached the remaining girl. She was not in the best shape; the warm-up left her panting and sweaty. She was plump, with a sweet face and short spiky orange hair.

  "I guess it'll be the two of us," I said. "I'm Sara."

  "Cool, I'm Jane."

  "Come on, it looks like Taliesin is ready to start." Taliesin crossed his arms, drawing his blue tee shirt tight over his back, and he tapped his foot.

  The other girls glared at us then turned back to watch Taliesin hang from the trapeze bar, as he went through the different exercises.

  "Shockingly enough, I think my hands are going to wear out before my arms do," Jane moaned as she rubbed her sore hands.

  "Let me see," demanded Taliesin. Where did he come from? Wasn't he helping the Perky Girls?

  Jane held out her hands. Taliesin looked them over carefully running his thumb over the red skin. "I don't see or feel any blisters," he said.

  "There are two things you can do to strengthen the skin on your hands." Taliesin raised his voice so all six of us could easily hear him. "Do the dishes, with hot soapy water and no gloves, this helps a lot. You can also hold damp tea bags in your hands, the tannin in the tea will toughen up the skin."

  "How long do you need to hold the teabags for them to work?" Jane asked, her voice softer and more breathy than I heard it all afternoon. Oh no, she wasn't crushing on Taliesin, was she? I mean sure Taliesin looked all GQ and perfect with his tight, blue tee shirt, gray track pants, and his hair in a long white braid down his back, but he's such a snot.

  "Sit with them while you're doing homework or watching TV," Taliesin said with a shrug.

  "Taliesin, are my hands okay?" One of the Perky Girls asked, holding out her hands for inspection.

  Taliesin looked at me, his pale blue eyes pleading. I quirked an eyebrow, silently asking, 'What?' Taliesin glared and walked over to her, keeping his touch much lighter and quicker than with Jane. One by one, each of the Perky Girls held up their hands for him to check. They all blushed and batted their eyelashes at Taliesin. One of them even leaned forward showing how low her top could go.

  "Okay, everyone has done well. We have about thirty minutes left in class and I want to spend the last ten minutes cooling down. So before then let's try a simple hip hang. You need to find your point of balance, and let your body hang, trust that the bar will hold you." Taliesin placed his hands on the trapeze and pushed himself up and over the bar. His torso and legs hung on each side of the bar; he let his arms go and hung, his body perfectly balanced on the wooden bar.

  Jane looked at me, her brown eyes wide. "Oh, please, you go right on ahead."

  Chuckling, I shook my head and pushed myself up. The first time I lay on the bar, I positioned myself too high up and squished my stomach, forcing my breath out of me. I quickly jumped down.

  "Ouch," Jane said. "Try again."

  "Sure." My second try I settled too low on the bar and when I let go of my hand I began to tip forward. I may have squealed before grabbing onto the bar and flipping forward landing with a less than graceful thump.

  Jane cupped her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh.

  "Your turn," I said with a halfhearted glare.

  "Okay, wait a second everyone." Taliesin paused until all of us were looking at him. "Now the perfect spot to balance is a little different for everyone, but it's usually about three inches below your navel. Place your hand, thumb side up, below your bellybutton. The bottom of your hand will lay lie close to where your center of balance is."

  Jane looked down at her hand against her lower belly. She quirked an eyebrow at me then moved to the trapeze. Taking a deep breath she bent her legs and hopped onto the bar. She squeaked as she fought to keep her balance. Then she leaned forward. Slowly, she removed her hands and hung on the bar.

  I couldn't help myself, I clapped for her. "Good job, Jane."

  "Thanks." She landed with a thud. "It's not very comfortable, but I think I could get used to it."

  "You'll work up to it," Taliesin said, startling us both.

  "Crap, you scared me!" I said.

  "Sorry," Taliesin said. He didn't sound sorry. "Your turn, Sara."

  Rolling my eyes, I placed my hand on my stomach, making sure I knew where I needed to aim for and hopped up on the bar. My arms protested. I would only be able to do that one more time tonight. Carefully, I adjusted and leaned over. It took a bit of shifting but I finally found my balancing point. Removing my hands, I hung on the slowly turning trapeze. Within a minute the bar became uncomfortable and I jumped down.

  "Go, Sara!" Jane grinned.

  "I think the other girls are waiting for you to help them," I told Taliesin. The Perky Girls were currently glaring at us.

  Taliesin closed his eyes and then looked up at the clock. "Okay everyone to the mat, time to cool down before class ends."

  "Chicken," I whispered as Taliesin walked over to the mat. I could tell he'd heard me because he squared his shoulders and lifted his chin.

  After leading us through the cool down, Taliesin passed out a paper, which listed the exercises he wanted us to do outside of class. Only two were different from those Shin wanted us to do.

  "Next week, we will learn more hangs on the trapeze, so remember to come a bit early and warm-up before class, and I'll see everyone next Friday." Taliesin took a few steps away from the group. "Sara, can I speak with you for a moment please?"

  "Sure." I turned to Jane. "I'll see you next week."

  "Yep, I'll be here; we can partner again," Jane answered with a bright smile.

  "Cool." I followed Taliesin all the while feeling the burning glares of the Perky Girls.

  "What's up?" I asked once we were in the office.

  "How did you like the class?" he asked as he placed papers into a file.

  "It was fun, and styled a lot like Shin's beginning acrobat class I took on Tuesday."

  "Yes, Philip has a system he likes to follow, it's designed to reduce injuries, and people who do the exercises at home find they improve faster which makes it more fun."

  "So, what did you want to talk to me about? Melanie should get here soon to pick me up, and I want to change first."

  "I wanted to check in, we haven't seen each other in a while,” Taliesin answered, looking anywhere but at me.

  I folded my arms. That was utter crap, what did he want? I stared at him, waiting until I figured it out or Taliesin gave in and told me.

  Taliesin kept looking out the open door. I followed his gaze to the Perky Girls. Seriously? "Are you hiding from them?" I couldn't keep the shock out of my voice.

  "Maybe," he said evasively.

  "Why?" I didn't like the Perky Girls, but they were pretty enough, I guess.

  Taliesin fiddled with his clothes, smoothing imaginary wrinkles. "Class is for learning. I don't want to encourage them. I'm hoping by ignoring the flirting, they'll stop

  "Good luck with that," I snorted. "Look, I need to go change, will you be okay without me here to protect you?"

  Taliesin rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'll be fine."

  "Is everything okay?" Gavin asked as he walked in.

  "Taliesin is using me to hide from the pretty girls in his class," I teased. I may have found a new hobby.

  Taliesin blushed. Oh, yes, this could be a lot of fun.

  Gavin placed his hand over his heart. "I understand it is a burden to be so good looking, but I have learned to live with it, and someday you will too."

  Rolling my eyes, I headed for the door. "I'm sure you have lots of good advice to offer, so I'll leave. I need to get ready."

  "Hey, my class is done, do you want a ride home? David said it was fine."

  "No thanks, Gavin. Melanie is picking me up; we have dine-out tonight."

  "What's dine-out?" Taliesin asked.

  "Once every other month we get to go out to eat," I explained.

  "Oh. Where are you going?" Gavin wore that sad, lost look on his face he got it whenever I talked about the group home.

  "I don't know. Usually we go to a buffet. I need to go; Melanie will expect me to be ready when they show up. I'll see you in the morning, right?" I asked Gavin.

  "Yes, I'll pick you up at eight. We're going to have a lot of fun. David said we could have a twelve-hour visit."

  "Cool, I'll see you then."

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