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The Trials of Blackbriar Academy

Page 12

by Olivia Ash

  It’s a gamble, but nothing else is really sticking out to me.

  The tunnel eventually curves to the left and angles up. Once I reach another intersection, to my right is a dead end lit with two torches spaced close to the corners. As I reach the wall, like I expected there to be, is another riddle.

  Brightest day meets darkest night.

  Beauty born and deathly might.

  Those who tread between the two are those who wield the power true.

  Brightest day meets darkest night.

  From the deepest pit, the mage takes flight.

  To command powerful energy, one must uphold magic’s symmetry.

  Of course.

  “The third rule of magic is, magic must have balance and harmony.”

  The three rules tie together into a perfect circle. Just like the points of the triskele on my wrist and the rule of three.

  Once again, I conjure my magic. And this time, I draw my triskele. The bricks within the wall fold in on themselves and reveal the arena. Applause ushers me forward and I take in Soren McCallister, Deacon Lawrence, Gideon Storm, and Lady Alene.

  I smile, a little beside myself because I started off the trial feeling utterly unprepared, and practically bluffed my way through the last part.

  A cacophony of congratulations surrounds me as I fully step out of the tunnel.

  Professor Lawrence steps forward and says, “Well done, Miss Blackwood.”

  “Thank you,” I say and try to ignore the heat burning through me from being so close to Soren. I look toward him. He simply nods. Scowl and all. I nod and return my attention to the professor.

  “I wonder, if you would mind meeting me in my office for a quick talk?” he asks.

  I look around wondering why he couldn’t just talk to me here and he says, “It’s a confidential meeting I have to hold with my initiate following the first trial.”

  I nod. Well that makes sense. “Sure. When?”

  “Just as soon as you can step away.” With that, he walks off.

  Okay… Nothing weird about that.

  Chapter Sixteen

  There is something not quite right about Deacon Lawrence.

  And I need to find out what that is, soon.

  After meeting him at his door, he invites me into his office and has me take a seat. This feels a lot like a “sorry, but you’re not working out,” sort of conversation instead of checking in on me following the first trial. But hey, what do I know?

  I’m distracted by the number of curious things inside this room. I want to marvel at the mini-statues of various figures, the taxidermy owl frozen in mid-flight, and the large wall of books that line the shelves taking up the back of his desk. There’s a door that probably leads to a closet on the left and one on the right that has a strange lock on it.

  Though I want to stare at all these wonderful things, I keep my attention on the professor.

  “So, not bad for your first few days here, huh?” he starts.

  It’s so casual that I almost want to drop my guard. But I don’t. Instead, I smile. “It’s amazing here. Definitely a far cry from the troll village.”

  “Indeed,” he says and takes a seat in his chair. The leather groans against his weight as he settles his forearms on the surface of the desk, adorned with even more interesting items. “Are you liking Blackbriar so far?”

  “Yes, I am. Very much,” I say and wonder if there is more of a point to this.

  He nods and sits back in the chair, completely relaxed and acting like we’re playing catchup like long lost friends. “Tell me a little more about your past.”

  “Like what?” A pinch forms in the center of my forehead.

  “Like how you came to live with your aunt,” he says, and there’s something in his eyes that lets me know he’s searching for something. Something he’s not willing to share, but is asking questions to dig for that information. His stare is unrelenting, as if he’s trying to reach inside me for answers.

  I don’t like it.

  Part of me wants to question him on why it’s so important to know, but I keep in mind that he gave me his only invitation to the school. He has a lot riding on my success, and maybe he’s just trying to be nice about getting to know me so he can rest assured he made the right decision.


  Either way, I owe him big time for taking a chance on me. And the answers he wants are simple enough. Still… I can’t help but wonder what he’s looking for.

  “When I was fourteen, my mother was killed in an accident. Two weeks later, my father disappeared. No one knows what happened to him or where he went. Only that he was on his way home from a grocery run.” A slight smile tugs at the corner of my lips at the memory. “He insisted on picking up some ice cream for us to share while we watched our weekly movie together. It was a ritual of ours, and we desperately wanted to get back to as close to normal as we could. But he never made it home.”

  The professor nods as he stares at something on his desk. He picks up a pen and writes something down on a piece of paper I can’t see, and I wonder what he’s doing. Before I can find out, he asks, “So, you went to live with your aunt after that?”

  “Yes.” I wipe my hands on my skirt and continue, “It was less than one month when I was taken by the trolls in the middle of the night.”

  “One thing I have always wondered,” he says as he holds the pen to his chin. “Why trolls?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  He nods. “Well, I was able to get a letter to your aunt regarding your stay with us. She’s currently overseas. She’ll be gone for two weeks. She assured me as soon as she is back in the States, she will reach out for a reunion with you.”

  The idea that I will soon be reunited with my family again fills me with immense joy and hope. I’m instantly filled with questions that I want to ask her. Like, how long did she look for me before giving up? Did she give up? Will she want me home over breaks? But first, I have to actually make it into the academy. I need to focus on the trials.

  “I appreciate you reaching out to her. I can’t wait to see her, but won’t the trials be over by then?” I ask. “Not to sound like I’m not grateful, because I am. But if I don’t pass, I will have nowhere to go.”

  “I figured that into everything. Either way, you and your aunt will be reunited. Whether that is here or at her estate.”

  I nod. “Thank you so much. Means the world to me.”

  “Of course. Now, you say your father disappeared. He hasn’t tried to contact you since then?”

  I shake my head. “How could he? There was no way he would have been able to find me. I mean, the trolls aren’t exactly in a place to receive mail.”

  A shadow crosses over his eyes and I wonder if he knows more than he is letting on. The questions are too specific, considering the excuse he gave me for this little meeting in the first place.

  “What was your father working on when he disappeared? Do you know?”

  Why would that matter? “No. Why?”

  He shrugs. “Just wondering what would cause a man to disappear like that. Leaving his young daughter at home, subjecting her to the life she has lived up to now.”

  “I assume he’s dead,” I answer.

  “Do you?” There’s something about the way he said those words that makes me believe he knows a hell of a lot more about my father and my past than I do.

  I shrug and shake my head, honestly unsure with what he wants as a response.

  “So, you haven’t heard from him? At all?” he asks one more time.

  “I already told you I haven’t.”

  “Hmm. That’s too bad.” He taps his pen on the surface of his desk a few times. “Well, what did you think of your first trial?”

  “It was eye-opening. Is there anything else you want to ask me? I would like to get something to eat before I train.”

  He narrows his eyes. I can almost see the gears turning in his head. He is definitely up to something.

; “Do be careful, Wren. I would hate for any unnecessary harm to come to you.”

  His words… they are dark, with hidden implications that make my intuitions flare. If he wants me to trust him, he’s going about it in all the wrong ways. Still, I stand and say, “Thanks, Professor Lawrence. I appreciate your concern. I’ll be careful.”

  “Please do,” he says and gestures toward the door.

  As soon as I’m out of the office I release a heavy sigh. Something is definitely not right. The sooner I can figure this out, the better. Because, I have a feeling that he suspects I know more than I do, and I really don’t know what he will do next to get those answers. I’m sure his little ‘unnecessary harm’ bit probably has something to do with it.

  Even though I’m hungry, I lied when I said I wanted to eat. What I really want is to get some research in. I have to figure out my magic and fast. I can’t risk going dark. My plan is set. First, research. Second, figure out what Professor Lawrence is up to. This one may take some time. A little digging, even. Preferably when he is otherwise busy. He’s hiding something, and I need to find out what.

  Time for step one: find a way to stop from going dark.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I’m on a ladder, stretching up on my tiptoes close to the highest prong and I still can’t reach this book. I barely graze the spine with the tips of my fingers. If I continue to try, I’m probably going to lose my balance and fall off. And I don’t dare climb any higher.

  My magic starts to react, and it tingles through my body like tiny snowflakes falling on my skin.

  “Need some help?” a tenor voice asks, and I nearly jump out of my skin.

  Below me is the cutest man ever. He’s blond, wearing glasses, and as he smiles at me, I’m dazzled. I realize now that my magic is reacting to him. Rushing through my veins with a tingling sensation and igniting my senses.

  Interesting. Now there are four. Four men who are hotter than hell and have a knack for making my magic run wild.

  “Sorry for startling you,” he says.

  “You’re fine. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here. But yes, I would love help,” I finally say and smile. Carefully, I descend the ladder and let him take my place.

  “This one right here?” He points to the very book.

  “Yes, that’s it.” I glance at his very nice ass, and I’m thrown into dirty places in my mind involving him and me and a whole lot of skin.

  Good God, Woman.

  I shake my head to clear the fog in my mind and take in a deep breath. He slips his finger expertly over the spine and tilts the book back before pulling it completely from the shelf. He holds it down toward me as he descends the ladder. As soon as I can reach it, I take the book. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  He runs a hand through his hair and smiles so bashfully, it’s like he doesn’t even know how freaking hot he is. “You’re welcome. Didn’t look like you were going to get the book without falling. So, I had to offer.”

  “I’m glad you did. You’re like my hero now.” I smile.

  He chuckles under his breath. “It was my pleasure.”

  He stands in front of me and he is about half a foot taller than I am, looking down at me with those stunning brown eyes. I feel like I could fall into them forever and be quite happy. I want to reach up and pull his mouth to mine and explore his mouth.

  I blink away and clear my throat. Holding out my hand I say, “I’m Wren Blackwood.”

  “Milo Moreau,” he says, taking my hand.

  Holy hell, his hands are soft, warm, and his name is perfect. I try to keep my mind from going full-tilt into sexual scenarios, but it’s hard.

  So. Hard.

  There is something about him that takes control of me and I realize I don’t want this encounter of ours to end. Not yet.

  “Wanna join me, Milo?” I ask, still holding his hand.

  He chuckles. “Sure. But can I have my hand back?”

  “No. I’m keeping it forever.” I laugh, genuinely belly laugh, and release his hand.

  This guy is something else. I can feel so much through my magic. And it’s all because of him.

  Oh my.

  He follows me to a table as he asks, “So are you researching the trials too?”

  “No.” I take my seat. “I hadn’t thought of that, actually. I’m looking into something a little different.”

  “Maybe we can help each other out?” he suggests.

  I bite the corner of my lower lip. “How about we sit together. I don’t know what help I would be, not to mention how you could help with my problem.”

  “You’ll be surprised at what I can help with. Libraries are sort of my super power,” he says.

  I chuckle. “Good to know.”

  He opens his book and I follow suit. This is a very different feeling, sitting with Milo. It’s calm, peaceful. I truly enjoy this time with him. It’s so easy to be with him. I just have to know more about him. It’s like some deep-seated desire I can’t shake.

  To be honest, I really don’t want to.

  “So, Milo…” My God, I love the feel of his name in my mouth. “Where are you from?”

  “Quebec. You?”

  My eyebrows raise in wide arches on my forehead as his last name makes sudden sense. “Idaho.”

  I leave it at that. He doesn’t need to know more. Not yet.

  He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What brings you to Blackbriar?”

  “I was invited to the trials by Professor Lawrence. How about you?” I’ve pretty much forgotten all about my book. I’m having too much fun with Milo. I like getting to know him.

  “I’ve studied my whole life to get into a top academy. You should see my parents. They don’t stop talking about it. Sometimes I think they’re more excited about it than I am, though I won’t complain. I’m lucky to be here.”

  “I bet. It sounds like they're really proud.” I say, cocking my head to the side and I’m unable to remove the smile that stretches my life.

  He shrugs. “As proud as any parents, I suppose. Aren’t yours?”

  My smile fades. “I wouldn’t know. My parents died when I was fourteen.” I start flipping through the pages as emotion overwhelms me. It’s almost too much for me to handle. The story I flip to is much like the others. Just a mage battling a shadow mage, and the defeat of said shadow mage. Nothing about the shadow mage’s side. About what he had done, or what made him dark.

  This is getting frustrating. I have such limited time. Surely, I can’t be the first.

  Can I?

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Milo says, placing his hand gently over mine.

  I turn my attention to him. There’s so much warmth, understanding, and empathy within his eyes, I can’t help but feel like I can be truly open with him and he wouldn’t mind. He’s so gentle and kind.

  “It’s okay.” I shrug. “Happened a long time ago. Not the worst thing that I’ve been through.”

  His eyebrows knit together, darkening the shadows on his face just a little. “There’s something worse than losing your family?”

  “Trust me,” I say as I use my free hand to flip through the pages of the book, skimming key words like dark, shadow, and mage. “There are a lot of worse things I don’t wish even my worst enemy to go through.”

  “Wow.” He pulls his hand away as he sits back in his chair and I frown, wishing he would cover mine again. “If you ever want to talk about it, I have a great listening ear.”

  I meet his gaze again and get lost in the warmth within them. I’m overcome with the desire to kiss him again. It’s hard to pull my eyes away, but I do. Briefly. “Thanks, Milo. I’ll take you up on that someday.”

  “Please do.” He seems serious about his offer. I wrestle a little with telling him about the trolls, but I don’t want to scare him away. Besides, nobody believes me. Trolls are so secretive. They prefer to be among the legends of blurry images of Bigfoot and Nessie.

  But I promise mys
elf that someday I will. I’ll share all my horrors with him, and he can help me be free of them. But for now, I prefer learning more about who the amazing Milo Moreau truly is.

  I wonder…

  Maybe he could help me. Not with specifics, because that wouldn’t go well. No one needs to know why I’m researching going dark. But, he looks like the bookish type who has an idea of where to look for the generalized topic of going dark.

  “Hey, you still wanna help?” I ask.

  He puts his book down and levels his gaze on me. “I’m glad you asked. What can I find for you?”

  Excellent. “I’m looking into shadow mage history. What made them dark. Their backstories, if you will.”

  His eyes widen and I regret asking for his help. His expression changes to that of confusion, and I feel him pull farther away from the table. It’s such a small movement that he probably didn’t even notice that he shifted. But I did. And I worry I jumped ahead of myself too soon.

  “Shadow mage history?” he asks, voice dark with a hint of suspicion.

  I shrug and try to play it off as much as possible. “Yeah, just a mere curiosity. Notes on what not to do. Stuff like that.”

  He narrows his eyes on me and damn the sexiness of it all. “Curiosity and learning?”

  “That and I just had my first trial. It made me realize that I have to be prepared for all possibilities. I’m guessing at some point, there will be a test against the darkness, and I need to know how best to handle that.”

  “What all happened in the trial?” Milo asks.

  “Now, Milo, you know I can’t tell you. I don’t even know if what I have already told you breaks the rule. I take it you haven’t had your first yet?”

  “Not yet,” he says through a sigh. “I hope soon though.”

  “I’m sure it will be.” Though I really hope it’s not too soon. There is a flicker of doubt in his eyes. “Are you nervous?”


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