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The Trials of Blackbriar Academy

Page 21

by Olivia Ash

  “No, not at all,” I say, shaking my head and waving the concern away. “I knew it was only a matter of time before someone figured me out.”

  She smiles. “Not everything in our world is black and white. There are instances, events, and even people that stretch the boundaries of what is considered acceptable. This is how we grow as a race and build our world. Change in the way we think is inevitable.”

  I nod. “Makes sense.”

  We become shaded from the sun as we pass under the canopy of the tress. The blooms start to shimmer and change colors from pastel to white, and to deeper, bolder colors before returning to pastel again. Almost like fiber optics.

  “This place is so freaking awesome!” I smile.

  The lady chuckles. “I agree.”

  For such an important ceremony, this is very relaxing. I hope I can have more walks with the lady without cause. Just because.

  We fall silent. Both of us enjoying the beauty that surrounds us and listening to the life of the faeries hiding in the trees, bunnies hopping across the path, and chipmunks chittering to each other.

  As we approach a fork in the path, I ask, “Is it possible to stay here forever?”

  “You love it that much?” Lady Alene asks.

  I nod. “It’s as close to being home I’ve felt in a very long time.”

  “Good,” she says. “That is my wish for all those who attend here. It’s meant to be considered a home. Even if that means a home away from home.”

  We slow to a stop as we reach the fork. But the sidewalk ends on either side no more than five feet ahead. I know there is a decision to make, but I have no idea which is the right way to go. I imagined Lady Alene had an idea of where to go, but instead, she waits patiently. Quietly.

  “Where to?” I ask.

  She nods toward me and says, “What does your heart tell you?”

  I shake my head. I’ve never been asked that before. I know in my heart that I’m good. But to rely on my heart to make a decision? I can’t be sure.

  She smiles and says, “You have to learn to quiet your mind and follow your heart’s desires. If you sit in quiet reflection, you often find what matters most to you. Difficult choices are made clearer, and it’s almost as though the path you should take opens up to you.”

  Ah. I get it. It’s another test of sorts, but instead of danger lurking around every corner, I have to let my heart guide me to the house I’m supposed to belong to. I slowly exhale a breath of sea mixed with the woods and floral scents and close my eyes.

  I don’t know which path to take, nor do I know where the paths lead. But as I slow my breaths and focus on the magic pulsing through my body with each beat of my heart, I feel a small tug to the right.

  Turning that direction, the tug grows stronger, and I know, in my heart, this is the direction to go.

  I open my eyes and face Lady Alene. “This way.”

  She nods and says, “Excellent choice.”

  “Thank you,” I say, feeling rather proud of myself as well. It feels good to listen to my own heart. I’m going to do that more often now.

  “What do you hope to gain from your studies while you are here?” Lady Alene asks.

  The path opens up before us, and the trees give way to an amazing view of the ocean. As it curves slightly more to the right, the path climbs higher.

  “I just want to learn what it means to have the power I do. Why I have it. How to prove I’m different from shadow mages.”

  “Anything else?” she asks.

  “Well, learning more about magic in general would be nice.”

  She chuckles. “Indeed.”

  Here, there is less vegetation and more rocks. But the rocks glimmer in the sunlight, absorbing the glow and brimming with power of its own. I imagine the light stays within them, well into the night. A stone wall grows on the left, shielding me from the sharp edge of the cliff that drops into the ocean. Birds call out as they fly high above us, and the air starts to smell sweeter. I’m reminded of campfire, and summer.

  The sun’s rays warm even more and the cooler air surrounds me in a blend that reminds me of the way my magic reacts to Soren, Jesse, Milo, and even Gideon. All around me are signs that seem to signal that I am right where I am supposed to be. That in the end, all will be well.

  We edge toward the side of a mountain, where the path leads. The shade beckons to me, and once I’m there, deep green grass covers the land to the right, filled with wildflowers and butterflies. Small huts dot the land every so often and I’m curious what they are for. Bushes with berries sprout against the side of the mountain, and as we round the corner, the path stops again.

  There are a couple of benches, carved from the side of the mountain. Lady Alene gestures for me to sit. I do, and she takes a stand next to the bench. The path seems to aim straight with a fork curving off to the right. Both are blocked. I can’t see beyond where they end.

  “This is the final decision on your path to the house you will belong to. It’s often the decision that takes the longest. This is why we have a bench. Perhaps, you would like a snack?”

  “Sure.” I’m a little hungry. That walk really worked up an appetite.

  Lady Alene lifts her left hand and snaps the fingers on her right. An apple fills the palm of her left hand. I smile.

  I’m never going to grow tired of this place.

  Lady Alene holds the apple toward me, and I take it, biting into the flesh as the sweet juices run out the side of my mouth and down my chin. The taste is amazing. This apple is the sweetest, most flavorful fruit I have ever tasted.

  I moan.

  “Like it?” Lady Alene asks with a hint of humor in her voice.

  I nod as I take another bite. I just can’t get enough of it.

  “I’m glad.”

  As soon as I’m finished with the apple, Lady Alene gestures for me to toss it to the side.

  “Birds will take it, or one of the critters from the meadow will come and get it. Either way,” she shrugs, “it will benefit.”

  I nod and throw the core toward the meadow to make it easier for them.

  After a few moments, the lady faces me and asks, “What moment or event in your past do you think most defines you?”

  My eyebrows knit together as I ask, “What do you mean?”

  She smiles. “What do you think it means?”

  Honestly, I feel like I know, but it comes too easily, and everything that has come to me easily has come with strings attached. Not that this is the same, but it does force me to really think about the question and make sure I am solid with the answer before voicing it.

  There are events in my past that have helped make me who I am today. The thing when I was five, my mother dying, my father disappearing, my kidnapping from my aunt’s home, living with the trolls… But which one is my most defining?

  I sigh. “I don’t know.”

  “It does take some time to consider. Which makes this the most difficult choice. But neither choice is wrong. It all is up to you.”

  “Will I know beforehand what my choices are?” I ask.

  “In terms of which house?”

  I nod.

  She smiles, clasping her hands in front of her as she shakes her head. “I’m afraid that isn’t an option as it’s not so much as which house belongs to you, but which one is best suited for you, to not only help you grow, but to support you in all you do.”

  That didn’t help. But I smile and try to make the most connections between her explanation and the question.

  “Would it help if I, perhaps, rephrased the question?” she offers.

  I shrug and say, “It’s possible.”

  “Very well,” she says. “What have you learned in life that you will always carry with you? Wherever you go, this is the thing that has propelled you forward.”

  “Oh, well that’s easy.” But as soon as I say it in my mind, I start to second guess myself.

  “And that is?” Lady Alene asks.

It’s learning to rely on myself and pick myself up from the ground because life isn’t fair, and people will hurt and use me for their personal gain. My choices are to either let it keep me down or rise above it. And I always chose to rise above it.”

  The path reveals itself.

  “You have selected well,” Lady Alene says. “Go, see what your new house is.”

  I smile and skip to the path.

  The stone gives way to dirt and is nestled between rock faces. As the opening between the rock widens, thick evergreens stand guard. The smell of fire hits my nose and it reminds me of home. Dead pine needles litter the ground and curious faeries poke heads out from beyond the trees to see who is approaching.

  At the end of the path, surrounded by evergreens and mountain, is a chest. Two lit torches stand on either side of the chest, and I’m curious as to what house I’m going to belong to, if Jesse, Milo, or Savannah will be there too, and if not, will we still be friends?

  Nah. Nothing can separate us now.

  Eagerness fills me along with a sense of nervous excitement as well.

  As I come to stand before the chest, I kneel and flick open the latch. Lifting the lid, I find fresh black and burgundy uniforms with the iconic golden, embroidered “B” for Blackbriar. And on top of it all, is a sash with the symbol of the phoenix.

  “House of Phoenix,” I say. And the sound is like music. It feels right.

  I grab my things and find an empty black duffle bag at the bottom that has the phoenix embroidered in gold on the side. I slip my things into it, and zip it closed before pulling the large strap over my head, resting it on my shoulder. Walking out, the shadows start to lengthen, and the sun falls behind the crest over the ridge above me.

  Soon, I greet the lady again and say, “Thank you for your help.”

  She smiles. “It’s my pleasure. Are you ready to go back to the castle?”

  I nod and follow her.

  Once back at the castle, I head to my old room to gather the rest of my things. Only, I’m shocked they were already moved.

  I shake my head, unable to hide the grin pulling on my lips. Magic never ceases to amaze me, and I definitely hope I can learn everything there is to know in the time I’m here. Though I don’t know how long I will be able to stay with so many people seemingly after me, trying to make my life hell.

  It won’t matter. I will overcome them, as I have everything else in my life. I won’t be held back. Instead, I will continue to learn and grow.

  Because, I’m Wren Blackwood. That’s why.

  I return to the main foyer of the castle where the other five initiates who had passed the trials stand in wait to be taken to their houses.

  Instantly, I find Savannah and she smiles as she rushes to me. “I’m in House of Kraken! Can you believe it?”

  “I can. Congrats! I’m happy for you. I’m in Phoenix,” I say.

  Jesse joins us, throwing an arm over my shoulders. “Good evening, ladies.”

  “Who did you get?” Savannah asks, beating me to the punch.

  “I’m in Winterwolf,” he smiles, eyes glistening.

  I laugh. “That suits you. Congrats.”

  He shrugs. “They couldn’t deny me if they tried. Just look at me! I’m perfect for them.”

  Savannah and I both laugh.

  I catch Milo, standing off to the side, waiting for a way into our circle. I wave him over and he smiles in that way he does as he runs a hand through his hair. My magic erupts with both Jesse and Milo near, and I never want to get used to the feeling. I’m becoming partial to it.

  “What house did you get?” I ask him.

  “Drakon,” he says and pushes his glasses up on his nose.

  I cock my head to the side. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  Before long, we are separated and taken to our rooms. I finally get a room to myself, but I can’t help but feel lonely. I’m going to miss Jesse and his mischief and flirting.

  All my stuff is here already. The only thing left to do is unpack and make the room my own. Later, there is going to be house-wide celebration where another amazing demonstration will happen. I’ll get to meet the house leaders.

  One of them I already know, of course.


  Chapter Thirty-One

  The celebration is amazing!

  All sorts of fire magic is being demonstrated in the courtyard attached to the wing devoted to the House of Phoenix.

  The walkway toward the rounded courtyard is lit by torches with the flame-shaped fire spirits, salamanders, and tiny drakes. And in the center of the courtyard is a large firepit with flames in the shape of the phoenix, the mascot of the house I now belong to. The embers blow, shifting between white, yellow, orange, red, and blue. All the colors of fire.


  That word alone resonates with me, giving me a sense of hope and purpose.

  I love it.

  I’m greeted by smiling faces and inundated by numerous welcomes and introductions, but I don’t remember who’s who as I’m so enamored by the sheer design of the show. That’s where my focus is kept.

  Warmth rushes through my veins, setting my magic on fire. I feel Soren nearby. As I turn, I find him focused on me as he walks toward me, sending my body through sensations and arousal.

  I smile, cheeks warming from the fire burning through my veins.

  His gaze is softer, but he still carries himself as a hardened warrior, a man accustomed to being in charge. Once he is standing in front of me, he asks, “Enjoying yourself?”

  I nod as I say, “Yes. It’s so mesmerizing.”

  “There are more of these nights to come. Keep up the good work, and you’ll be able to enjoy many more of these evenings.”

  “Good to know.” We walk to the edge of the courtyard that overlooks a short span of forest before giving way to the midnight blue ocean with rolling grey waves, and its mirror reflection of the sky above.

  “I enjoy this view. I come out here sometimes, when everyone else is asleep and I can’t. The sight helps relax me. It’s peaceful.”

  I turn my attention to him and watch as his focus becomes occupied with the view below. “I never pinned you for the kind of guy that loses sleep.”

  He laughs under his breath a little and nods to himself. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Wren.”

  “Obviously,” I say. “You don’t give much opportunity to unwrap the enigma that is you.”

  “Still consumed with those burning questions, huh?” he asks and sets his gaze on me.

  I swallow hard. I don’t know what lies behind his eyes, but there is depth and meaning there, and it’s almost an invitation to ask him more. But the gravity of the way he looks at me causes my mind to lose all thoughts, except to stand on the tips of my toes and kiss him.

  I don’t.

  But damn it all if I don’t want to.

  A fire dancer comes closer to us and spits out fire close by, the sizzling rush of heat and flame licks at my skin and draws my attention to him, breaking the moment. I let out a slow, dizzying breath.

  Soren truly is an enigma.

  And he’s going to be the death of me. I know it.

  “This is the last event of the night,” he says, facing the show, resting his elbows on the edge of the wall behind him.

  I nod and say, “So soon?”

  He chuckles. “It’s been three hours, already.”

  I’m shocked. Time really does fly by. I had no idea it had gone by so quickly. But even as I stand here, watching the fire dancer, my eyelids grow heavier, and my bed beckons me.

  Before I know it, we all filter into our rooms for the night. Soren escorts me to the room. I give him a quick thank you and promise to see him in the morning for training. As soon as I’m inside my room, I collapse onto my bed. A card shaped letter rests on the foot of the bed, but I don’t give it much thought. It’s probably a welcome card or something.

  Sleep carries me away the moment my eyes close.

  My eyes peel open with the glare of the morning’s light shining through my window on the other side of the room.

  Stretching the remnants of a deep sleep, my eyes fall on the letter still resting on the foot of my bed.

  I slip my fingers around it and bring it to my face as I flip it open. But as I read the words, my mind and world spins.

  My Dearest Wren,

  I hope by the time you receive this, it’s not too late.

  As soon as I heard you were at Blackbriar, I wrote this letter in hopes that when you read it, you will find someone you trust and show this to them. I can no longer protect you, but maybe someone there can. You are in danger. Deacon is bound to find out about you sooner than I had hoped. I suspect he may even know now, but I can’t confirm his suspicion. I can’t allow harm to come to you, my little bird.

  You see, my daughter, you are the one they are looking for.

  You fused with a piece of the meteorite when you were a little girl. It gave you powers that I could barely comprehend. I knew then I had to train you and teach you the laws and rules of magic to protect you. But it was not enough.

  The Order knew of the existence and coming of the meteor, but not what it promised. They had theories, wild ones, but nowhere close as to what they know now. However, they can’t follow through with their plans without the meteor being whole.

  They have all but the last piece, and they won’t stop until they have it.

  I love and miss you dearly. Someday soon, I hope to be reunited with you. Until then, stay safe.


  Your Father

  I… I don’t know what to think. At first.

  But then my body rushes with adrenaline and emotion and I end up re-reading the letter several times, trying to grasp more of a hint to my father than just the paper and ink. A smell, a memory, a brief sense of him being here with me as I pore over the words over and over again.

  I’m over the moon he was able to send a letter, but it also worries me. Because I don’t know if he was caught, if someone knows of the letter, if he’s still okay. After what I saw in the mirror in the cellar beneath the professor’s office… I can’t help but wonder how much more he could survive.


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