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The Trials of Blackbriar Academy

Page 23

by Olivia Ash

  “That may be, but I’m also friends with Savannah. What about her?”

  Gideon shakes his head. “I’m afraid she can’t be involved. There are too many of us as it is, and any more runs the risk of being caught.”

  I stand taller, raising my head a little higher. “I can take care of myself.”

  Soren says, “No one here is going to argue with you on that.”

  I narrow my eyes on him, wondering just what he means by that little statement of his.

  Gideon sighs. “What he means is, no one is going to disagree with you. However, your training is not formal. And that is a different horse altogether.”

  “Hey, how long can this last for anyway?” Jesse asks. “Besides, the time with me will fly by, and leave you wanting more.” He puts on his devilish smile and winks.

  I laugh and shake my head. “You wish.”

  “We will see…” he says.

  Gideon says, “That is a good point. This is only temporary, until we can ensure your safety.”

  I huff a sigh and cross my arms over my chest as a pinch forms in my forehead. I don’t like giving up what freedom I just got, and I hate the fact that I will only feel babysat while with them.

  I don’t like it. I won’t do it.

  “Wren,” Gideon says with such a soft voice, full of need. It pulls my attention toward him, and as I take in his eyes, there is so much pleading within them. I almost can’t breathe. “Do this as a favor for me. Keep one of us with you, please.”

  And just like that, I change my mind.

  Because, who can resist the headmaster—with stellar kissing skills—when he asks for a favor so politely and in that tone?

  I can’t. And I think he knows it.

  I drop my hands to my sides, giving in. “Fine, but you owe me.”

  That smile says it all.

  I smile back and I realize that he really does know what he does to me. And he’s enjoying every single moment of it.

  Beautiful bastard.

  I shake my head and clear my throat so that I can focus and ask, “What about my father? We need to get him out of wherever he is. He probably risked his life to send me that letter. I can’t let him die.”

  Gideon holds up his hands and waves them up and down. “We will find him and figure out a way to get him out of whatever prison Deacon is keeping him. I promise.”

  “And what of the Order? Are they really that dangerous?”

  “I thought everyone knew the stories about the Order?” Milo says.

  I shift my gaze to him. “I lived with forest trolls for six years, Milo. I hardly know anything of your world.”

  “You what?” he asks, but it goes unanswered.

  “No one really knows who the Order is,” Soren says. “But there are rumors.”

  “Like what?” I ask, hoping to gain some clarity into the people behind this group.

  “One theory is that they are corrupt, seeking ultimate control. Whereas another is that they simply try to keep the balance aligned, aiding in human growth and survival.”

  “So, they’re like, the Illuminati or something?” I ask.

  Milo twists his body to face me, a look of confusion on his face. “When were you going to tell me about the trolls?”

  Ah, he’s still stuck on that. I shrug. “I’ll tell you later. Promise.”

  He seems to accept that as an answer. And I’m glad, because I really don’t want to go into it right now.

  “Good example,” Jesse states, getting the conversation back on track.

  “Exactly,” Milo adds, back in the game. “The rumors are what protect them, but unless you are inside the group itself, there is no irrefutable proof of their existence.”

  Gideon continues, “Unless you are standing in front of them and they tell you they are a member of the Order, you’ll never know who is and who isn’t or what their motives really are. Their agents could be everywhere. Not to mention numerous.”

  “Shadow mages, too,” Jesse says. “If we’re going to give her the bedtime story, might as well give her all the nitty gritty details.”

  “So, Professor Lawrence could be one of them?”

  “Yes.” All of them speak in unison.

  “Wouldn’t that mean the Order does exist? And what does it say to know he is acting against them by keeping my father hostage. He said something about the Order not liking him being kept where he is.”

  “We don’t know, unfortunately,” Gideon says. “There could be any number of reasons your father would mention them. If they do exist, rather if he has knowledge of them, we will have to carefully watch our next steps until we know more about their motives.”

  I exchange looks with Jesse and Milo. This is going to be loads of fun, I can tell.

  “For now,” Gideon says, continuing on. “Business as usual. Soren, continue training Wren. Meanwhile, I will dig into my research and see what evidence I can find that will prove Deacon unfit to maintain a seat at the school. He may be behind why I can’t read not only him but a few others in the school.”

  “And my letter?” I ask. “What if he finds it?”

  “I will hold it for safe-keeping. No one will be able to find it.”

  “Why not just burn it?” Something about the way Jesse asks the question makes me think he is leaning toward the idea of a fire more than just completely obliterating my letter. His eyes have a hungry glint to them as I catch his gaze. He never struck me as a pyro, but I’m still learning about these men. And with Jesse, one can never know what he is really thinking.

  I glare at him. I don't like the idea of the one thing I have from my father being destroyed.

  He winks at me and adds, “If it’s found, it will be used as evidence against her.” He nods toward me.

  Ah, he just wants to get a rise out of me. But with his explanation, it’s a good question, nonetheless.

  “I have a special enchanted safe. Only I can get in and out of it. For now, the letter will be placed there. It may be of use as evidence later to exonerate Wren’s father should the Order decide to make him a patsy. They are notorious for planting damning evidence against their enemies and making themselves look like the heroes. Besides, I may also be able to use it to track the area he is in.”

  I suck in a breath as my mouth starts to form a hopeful smile.

  “Don’t get excited just yet. It’s only a possibility.”

  I nod. Still smiling.

  “So, this is settled?” Soren asks, holding his hand palm down in front of him.

  “I believe so,” Gideon says. “With luck, we can all get out of this with as little unnecessary involvement with the Order as possible.”

  I bite the corner of my lower lip and wonder if that is even possible. My father said both the Order and Professor Lawrence were looking for me because of the meteorite I fused with. They want what I have. And there’s no telling what they will do in order to get it.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  My mind is buzzing with all the information that was just given to me. I barely slept a wink last night. What little sleep I did get was spent with nightmares of being ensnared by the mysterious Order and Professor Lawrence holding some strange instrument above me, hungrily searching for my meteorite.

  I hope that I can make it through my stay here at the academy without the professor and the Order finding out about me. But I know that’s not possible.

  As nice of a thought as it is, that’s not my life anymore.

  Soren’s steps are smooth and even as he steps in front of me, leading me to a new area of the island. I don’t know where he is taking me, but we are supposed to be training. So far, all we are doing is taking a hike.

  “I thought the training circles were that way.” I point a thumb behind me.

  “We’re not going to the training circles,” he says.

  “Oh,” I say, eyebrows arched high on my forehead. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” He looks over his shoulder and there is a
smirk on his face that lights up his amber eyes and stills my breaths.

  Getting accustomed to the way my magic burns through me when I’m near him has been difficult enough. Now I have to learn to control my sexual urges when he looks at me like that. Needless to say, I desperately want to jump him. But I don’t. Because, up until recently, Soren has been an asshole that sparks a desperate need for sex. Now, that feeling has sweetened without all the hate that he had for me.

  I guess learning about me makes a difference in his view of me now.

  “Will you be sharing your story with me today?” I ask.

  He looks at me again with questioning in his eyes. After a moment, he says, “Not today. I will someday.”

  “It must be a painful story,” I say.

  “It is.” He keeps walking forward, a little more silent than before. I respect his need for quiet and take a look at the scenery that surrounds us. We’re on the southeastern part of the island that slopes down and levels out within a forest of green that sits just outside of the academy’s walls. On the southwest side is the dock I first arrived on. Where that crazy boat guy rambled off riddles and nonsense.

  So much has happened in the two short weeks I have been here. So much magic. So many changes. It’s almost like the world I used to know, the one where I was just a human slave to a village of trolls, is nothing but a long lost dream.

  Well, nightmare.

  As we enter the forest and walk deeper, toward the edge of the island, I’m astounded by the glow of the rising sun burning between the tree trunks. It’s beautiful.

  Before long, there is a small clearing with a fire pit in the middle. It looks long abandoned with an overgrowth of weeds and a collection of twigs and dead leaves that scatter across the area. Soren faces me.

  His eyes are like the rising sun. Bright, warm. Beautiful. I can’t help but smile.

  “This is a part of the island that is forbidden without special permission. Here, you can practice your magic without the use of that conduit,” he points to my wrist, “and no one will know.”

  I nod. “Got it.”

  He steps closer to me. “You can only do this with me. Understand? No one else.”

  I angle my head to look up at him and it’s hard to keep my mind focused on the seriousness of his words.

  “Not even Gideon?” I ask.

  “No. One. Else.” He speaks each word with a low growl and steps even closer. “This is our place. Just mine,” he gestures to himself and then to me, “and yours. No one else can share this place.”

  I’m at a loss for words. There is so much implication in them, but I also don’t want to read too far into the meaning. It’s sudden, intense, and mindboggling. Without breaking from his gaze, I whisper, “Okay.”

  “Good.” His eyes search mine, and I wonder what he is looking for. Then his gaze drops to my lips and I suck in a breath as my heart races. But before he leans in to kiss me, he steps away and takes a few deep breaths.

  “Let’s go through some of our drills,” he says.

  It’s such a quick switch in the air between us, it takes me a moment to catch on. But by the time I do, Soren is already charging.

  I try my best to keep up, blocking a jab here, sending a front kick there, but it’s no use, he blocks me every time and I end up stumbling through my moves. Always a little slower than his reaction.

  “C’mon, Wren, where’s that fire at?” He almost sounds amused and that works to anger me a bit.

  I throw my punches a little harder, kick a little faster, block nearly every one of his moves.

  But regardless of what I do, he is still faster.

  “You can do better than this,” he says, and I know he is goading me. He wants me to get angry with him.

  I roll my eyes, and breathing a little harder, really step up my game. I land a punch to his shoulder.

  “Good. But you hit like a girl,” he says.

  That does it. I’m angry. And I can’t help but wonder why he is trying to get me in this mood. “Asshole.”

  “That’s more like it!” he says with a smile and pins me to him, arm pressed to my back and his chest. His breath runs hot down my neck and I squeeze my eyes shut against the sensation that tingles through my core, settling between my thighs with delicious pressure.

  “You want me angry with you?” I pant trying to free my arm, but he only tightens his grip.

  “Let’s just say it adds to the enjoyment.”

  His words whisper along my ears and I damn near let out a groan at the way I’m turned on. I don’t know what goal he has, but if it’s turning me on, then he’s done a fine job.

  I struggle to maintain focus, using my free arm to elbow him in the face. He catches it, slides his fingers through the crook of my arm, and says, “What are you going to do now, Wren?”

  I chuckle darkly and try to headbutt him in the nose. Pressure enters my arm as it’s forced into my back farther, and he angles himself out of the way.

  He clicks his tongue. “Fiery, that temper of yours.”

  “You haven’t seen fiery yet.” I stomp on his foot which works to release me, and spin to face him, fists at eye level.

  He nods with a smirk of satisfaction then lowers himself into his stance. “Bet I can knock you down?”

  “Haven’t we already learned that outcome?” I ask, never wavering in my position.

  As he starts to move, I match the same steps, and we move in a circle. The tension between us is electric and charged with sexual desire. He shrugs. “Call it a re-do.”

  “What’s the wager? I answer more of your ridiculous questions?” I ask, still keeping up with his movements.

  “I have something far better in mind.” He smiles, and that makes me pause. I have no idea what he means by that. But before I have a chance to figure it out, he charges me, quick as lightning, and the world spins in my view.

  As my back meets the ground, I land gently cradled in Soren’s arms. One arm is wrapped around my lower back and the other wraps around my upper back with his hand cupping the back of my head. I blink the blur away and meet his gaze.

  My breath stops as his mouth collides with mine. I clutch the back of his shirt with one hand and run my fingers through his short hair with my other as I kiss him back. I’m taken aback by the sheer passion with which he kisses me, the desire that makes him rush just a little.

  He moves to pull his arm out from under me, sliding his fingers under the hem of my shirt. His mouth leaves mine to explore my neck and collarbone, while his hand travels up my shirt, cupping my breast and massaging it.

  My thighs quiver from the need growing between them.

  A small voice at the back of my mind wonders what the hell I am doing, but my magic erupts with excitement and my body takes over, and I don’t want this to end. Not now. I’m too far over the edge.

  His mouth meets mine again as he settles between my legs. His erection presses against my entrance. A soft moan escapes me, which further encourages him to do the same, and the sound is delicious.

  As he pulls up to sit on his knees, he takes off his shirt and I’m dazzled by the shape of his muscular body, the angle of his shoulders, and the way his abs are tightly formed into a six pack. I want to run my fingers along his skin, but he doesn’t give me the chance as he lifts me up and pulls off my shirt then occupies his mouth again with my neck as he unclasps my bra, running his fingers along my back, setting my skin on fire.

  I cling to him, digging my fingers into his back, wanting him inside me more than I could ever imagine I would want someone.

  He pushes me back to the ground as I toss my bra to the side and work his pants undone. He lowers the waist enough to set his erection free. My gaze takes his size in, and I bite the corner of my lower lip as my gaze meets his.

  He growls with need and says, “The things that you do to me when you bite your lip like that.”

  I giggle and say, “Good to know I have a secret weapon to use against you.”

nbsp; He chuckles. “Damn it, woman. You’ll be the death of me.”

  “We can’t have that, now, can we?”

  This is it. I’m putting my trust into him. Giving over to him completely. And after this, there is no turning back. Never mind that I don’t want to.

  He kisses me again, running his fingers up my thighs, pushing my skirt up, and sliding down my panties. He breaks from my lips, trailing kisses along my neck and pausing at each breast, sucking and nibbling, driving me freaking mad with desire.

  As he works his tongue around a nipple, his fingers tease the sensitive folds of my clit, dipping his fingers inside me.

  My breathing turns erratic as my orgasm builds. I arch my back and grind against his hand until my apex is reached. His mouth collides with mine as I moan through the waves of pleasure his hand pushes me through.

  Once it passes, he angles himself to rest the tip of his cock in just the right spot. Panting, trying to catch my breath, I meet his gaze as he watches me patiently. He smirks, and his eyes darken just as he grips my hips and plows into me.

  I gasp.

  He continues to thrust, sending me deeper into ecstasy, building another powerful orgasm, and keeping a steady rhythm. This man… he burns me through and through. And the feeling is addictive.

  As my orgasm comes, I dig my fingers into his back and bury my face into his neck. He somehow drags out the pleasure, keeping it going until he too joins in and releases hot liquid into me.

  I figure, this is where we finish, but I was wrong.

  And I’m so glad I am.

  Because, instead of stopping, he keeps going. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet.”

  “Good,” I say and kiss him.

  Soon, we reach our climax again. He collapses on top of me and I run my fingers through his hair as we both work to catch our breath.

  I have to admit to myself, that this man has done me in. I’m starting to adore him and his finicky nature. In fact, I feel the same about Milo, Jesse, and Gideon as well. There’s no way I can imagine my life without all of them in it.

  Soren pulls away from me and stares into my eyes. He brushes the hair from my face and runs the back of his fingers along my cheek.


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