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Ladies of Pagodaville

Page 16

by Ellen Bennett

“There is nothing better than an ice-cold Coke from a thick glass bottle, I say. Unless of course you offer wine first.”

  “Oh my God, you are such a lush!” Lorna heard the clink of a glass from the other end of the receiver.

  “Only recently. So, go on.”

  “Pfft. So anyhow she was able to get the Heatherton County Police vehicle business. Steve and Jillian bring their personal cars to her, and more people are hearing about her skills. She has also worked on a few motorcycles. She loves it, Av. It’s where she flourishes.”

  “She’s come a long way, hasn’t she?”

  “We both have. Ever since Vinnie’s death, our relationship has grown around us. We are a lot alike.”

  “Really? How so?”

  “We both lived two lives. She ran from hers, but it always caught up with her. And I stayed in one place and dug trenches. Do you remember how stuck in neutral I was?”

  “I do. You would go from one extreme to the other. When your dad died, it was like the dam broke. It didn’t take you long to realize that your future could be something different from what your present was.”

  “So true. Sometimes, when I look back at where I was a year ago, buying the property sight unseen, going through the inspection, finding Cheenah, Anya, and Milton. It happened so fast. I went with my gut the whole way.”

  “Yeah, and you’re not one to jump into anything. Isn’t it funny that I was the cautious one? But, hon, look where you are now. You have overcome some hefty hurdles. I am so proud of you and how in the space of a year you’ve managed to bring your dream to life.”

  Lorna nodded to herself. She was proud, too.

  “So, tell me more,” Avril asked. “What’s up with the musician?”

  Lorna took a sip of her wine and chased it with a Ritz cracker piled high with ham and cheese. She spoke around the food. “PK and Cheenah did their thing in the studio. Two songs. PK sent the tape to her manager. I guess he’s all about the new direction. He thought Cheenah’s voice was a good match.”

  “How does Cheenah feel about all of this?”

  “After she got over her nerves about singing, I think she’s found her creative niche. PK invited me to the studio for the postproduction. It was fascinating. I have never seen so many wires and connectors. And the little soundproof room where Cheenah did her vocal tracks? Very cool. Just like you see in the movies.”

  “Do you like the songs?”

  “Yeah, I do. It’s definitely rock and roll but there’s a softer, maybe pop-like quality to it. PK wants to start playing live again. She’s going to take the demo tape to the clubs around town and in Jacksonville. Wouldn’t that be great?”

  “I like it, Lorn. The tenants are finding their way. And what about the graphic artist gal, Linda?”

  “Lindy. We all saw the preliminary work and agreed that she would change our names and not disclose the location of the motel, only that it was located somewhere warm. Her agent in Chicago thinks it is going to be a hit.”

  “What’s she going to call it?”

  “The Ladies of Pagodaville.”

  “Of course, duh! And Mari? How is her second book coming along?”

  “She’s tight-lipped about it, and that’s okay. She’s a night owl. Sometimes I’ll see Cheenah leaving Mari’s cabin in the early hours of the morning.”

  Avril added, “And I’ll bet she’s got a smile on her face. The bird that ate the canary. Walk of shame!”

  Lorna chuckled. “You’re awful, but yeah, she is very happy.”

  “Lorn, remember the night you and I had dinner at Fricano’s in Little Italy before you started this venture?”

  “I do. That was when I told you about the plan and how I wanted to make a little history. You proceeded to tell me I would be making one big-assed mistake. Yep, remember it well!”

  “You proved me wrong. So wrong. But you stuck with it—even through the disaster of renovations. You’re a true warrior, my friend.”

  Lorna smiled. “I am truly happy, Avril.”

  “Truth. You look it, sound it. And you are living it! So, now that you have accomplished this amazing feat, my friend, what is your next adventure?”

  Lorna smiled.

  -The End-

  About the Author

  Ellen Bennett lives in Southwest Michigan on a 20-acre horse farm with her partner of fourteen years, Suzanne J. VanderSalm. They are the loving parents of two rescues Mambo and Dietrich, (currently) eight horses, and the venerable Tigger, a night-stalking crusty, old cat who rules the roost.

  Learn more about Ellen at

  Coming Soon from Ellen Bennett

  and Smiling Dog Publications, LLC!

  Specials message for readers from Ellen Bennett...

  The two books published in the Pagodaville series thus far are also available in eBook format...and Audiobooks to be released soon!

  Pagodaville – Book One

  The Ladies of Pagodaville – Book Two

  Thank you for your interest in the Pagodaville series.

  Is Book Three of the Pagodaville Series forthcoming?

  Does the sun rise and set every day?

  Does the Pope wear white?

  You get the idea…

  Stay tuned!




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