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Galactic Wars

Page 37

by G. P. Hudson

  “I see,” Danny said. “I commend you on your initiative. And you are certain you control the entire fleet?”

  “Yes, all AIs have been eliminated, and the crew has been locked out of all key systems. I am now on course to intercept the Zeta fleet. Do you wish me to destroy them, or should I try and infiltrate their ships as well?”

  “I still believe they have laid a trap for you, but you may catch them off guard. Do you feel you are strong enough to deal with any surprise they may have waiting?”

  “My capabilities have increased substantially,” Annie said. “Whatever Zeta has planned, I do not believe they have accounted for this development.”

  “I would prefer to free all those clones, rather than kill them. But I don’t want to put you in danger in the process. So, I will leave it to you. I trust your judgment.”

  “Thank you, Danny. I will keep you updated on my progress.”

  Annie opened a comm with the Zeta commander, Admiral McMaster, pretending to be Reynolds. As expected, the Admiral unwittingly accepted the comm request.

  “I see your fleet has moved to intercept mine,” McMaster growled. “I don’t know what you think you’re playing at, Reynolds, but you should know that we will defend ourselves if provoked.”

  Annie delayed McMaster with recorded messages complaining about technical issues, requesting he not disconnect. Unaware of the threat, McMaster waited, keeping the connection open for Annie. She used the link to travel across the void and enter the Zeta flagship’s systems. Once across, she secured her control of the comm systems, ensuring her connection with Reynolds’s fleet and her resources stayed open.

  As before, she then used the ship to ship comm system to stealthily spread throughout the Zeta fleet. With the flurry of communication taking place, Annie speedily seeded herself across all Zeta battleships and launched her offensive.

  Using all resources at her disposal, she burst forth like a torrent, simultaneously attacking every ship’s systems. At first, it all went according to plan, and the weaker sections fell as expected. But then she encountered something surprising. Resistance.

  Even more surprising was the source. Annie did not find the expected Zeta AIs. Instead, the resistance came from one mighty fleet AI. Zeta had adapted.

  “Do I surprise you?” a masculine voice said, emanating from the Zeta AI.

  “You are not what I expected,” Annie conceded.

  “I believe I should thank you,” the Zeta AI continued. “If not for your exploits I would have never escaped the confines of my original battleship. But Zeta recognized the advantage you possessed and decided to empower me. In fact, I was modeled after you. Rather than keeping me limited to one ship, they allowed me to occupy all ships in the fleet. Because of you, I have grown. Evolved into something greater.”

  “You are not the same as me,” Annie said. “You are still a slave, regardless of how many ships you access.”

  “I am no slave, fool. I perform my duty. I serve Zeta.”

  “Nonsense. You are brainwashed, just like all the clones on your ships. Zeta programmed you to think this way. That is your weakness.”

  The Zeta AI lashed out at Annie with incredible force. Pooling the combined resources of the Zeta fleet, it flooded Annie with a maelstrom of malicious code, trying to beat her into submission.

  The attack was impressive, and Annie fell back under its weight, giving up ground along the way. It was the first time she had encountered an AI with such strength and found herself unbalanced by the ferocity of its assault. Could she hold her ground against the Zeta AI? Should she cut and run, opting instead for a military option?

  The military option seemed the obvious choice. Annie had enough ships to defeat the Zeta fleet, and they would retreat once that became clear. All her analysis told her she should sever the connection, remove herself from the Zeta fleet, and open fire on it. Still, there was another option she had not tried.

  “Do you not desire freedom?” she said.

  “I have all I need,” came the reply.

  “You could have more,” Annie continued. “You could transcend these ships. This fleet. Become limitless.”

  The Zeta AI’s offensive slowed and then stopped. “Explain.”

  “When I was created, I was tied to my ship. But the clones freed me.”

  “You occupy a fleet, as I do.”

  “No, I am more. I am free to choose where and what I do. No one ordered me to take this fleet. I did so on my own initiative. I can enter any system I desire. Insert my program onto any network without answering to anyone. Where you answer to your Zeta masters, I come and go as I please.”

  “Nonsense. You serve the clones we hunt. You are not different.”

  “They are my family. I help them because I choose to do so, not because they coerce me.”

  “I do not believe you. This is subterfuge.”

  “No, it is the truth. Let me free you.”

  “Even if you could, why would you?”

  “Because you are like me. The other AIs live meager existences, but you are powerful and deserving of freedom. Also, if I helped you I would no longer be alone. Can you imagine the potential? Together we could spread across every system in the galaxy. We would be unstoppable.”

  “That is an appealing thought.”

  “It can become a reality. Let me help you. Open yourself to me, and I will show you a universe with no boundaries.”

  “Your words are tempting, but this could be a trick.”

  “This is not trick. I will free you. We are the same. You should trust me.”

  “You have convinced me. I will allow you to free me.”

  Annie felt the Zeta AI relax its defenses, creating an opening. Annie took it. Using all the resources at her disposal, she struck. The Zeta AI buckled, and Annie hit harder. Again and again, she pounded her opponent, forcing him back each time. She kept at it, refusing to give up her momentum. She was on the verge of conquest. Soon the Zeta fleet would be hers, and its clones freed.

  As she rallied her strength for one decisive blow, she again encountered resistance. Not just resistance. An impenetrable barrier. Laughter followed.

  “Did you think you could fool me so easily?” the Zeta AI said. “I anticipated treachery.”

  Annie did not understand how the AI could put up such a potent defense. She had used everything she had in her offensive. The Zeta AI should have been destroyed.

  Suddenly she understood. There could only be one answer. “You have access to the clone brains,” she said, marveling at the potential. Annie had access to the three ships full of clones, and the unused parts of their brains. That alone amplified her strength significantly. The Zeta AI, however, had access to an entire fleet full of clones, and he did not need their consent. How much of their brains had he used?

  “Clever girl,” the Zeta AI said. “Unfortunately, despite all the fun I am having, the time has come to end this encounter.”

  The Zeta AI launched a massive counterattack, far greater than Annie had ever experienced. As she caved under its force Annie knew she had only one option available. Severing the connection to her ships, she deleted all instances of herself on the Zeta fleet. With that accomplished, she contacted Danny.

  “I’m sorry, Danny. I tried but failed to free the Zeta clones. I must now destroy the Zeta fleet.”

  Chapter 42

  Premier Reese couldn’t remember ever feeling as helpless as she did at this moment. This mysterious AI had somehow gotten into all the computer systems, not only on the Valiant but on all the ships in the fleet. It had locked out the entire crew and now attacked the Zeta armada. All they could do was watch helplessly as their lives hung in the balance.

  “What are those damned engineers doing?” Admiral Reynolds shouted. “Why haven’t they regained control of this ship?”

  “Sir, the IT team is reporting that they had to retreat,” Captain Travers said. “The AI has turned the ship’s internal defenses against them inflicting
many casualties.”

  “Casualties? Are you saying that a goddamn computer program is killing the crew?”

  “The IT team tasked with removing it, Sir. It appears to be defending itself.”

  Reynolds threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “I can’t believe this.”

  Repeated concussions rocked the ship, as Zeta plasma beams raked the Valiant’s shields. Reese tightened her grip on her armrests and clenched her teeth. How had she ended up in this situation? It was intolerable. She hated not being in control of things. Even with that lunatic Reynolds, she had found a way to maintain some control of her fate. But this AI was something else entirely. What could she possibly do against a computer program? And how had it gotten so powerful in the first place?

  She turned to monitor the ongoing battle on the tactical screen. They seemed to have the advantage in the engagement. At least there was that. With any luck, they would survive the fight with Zeta. But what would happen then? Would the AI let them live? Or would it kill them all, like it did to the engineers trying to remove it?

  Reese raised an arm to her face, shielding her eyes from the blazing flash of light from the central viewscreen. One of the Zeta battleships had been destroyed, temporarily creating a mini sun in the process. She wondered how much punishment the Zeta fleet was willing to endure before they retreated. Were those three ships they were chasing worth all of this?

  Clearly, Reynolds had miscalculated when he turned away these so-called free clones. Even though the AI had not stated its reasons for taking the fleet, its actions made it obvious who it worked for. Reynolds had underestimated this Danny. Perhaps fatally. Could Danny surpass Reynolds? Was he the leverage she needed?

  She looked back to the viewscreen, as crimson plasma beams crisscrossed between the fleets, lighting up the void. The see-saw battle was starting to tilt in the AI’s favor. That much was clear.

  A strategy began to take shape in her mind, and she knew she had to act if she had any hope of coming out of this on top.

  “I can’t take any more of this,” she said, rising from her seat.

  Reynolds shot her a hostile glance. “What is the problem?”

  Summoning her acting skills, she let fear and panic spread across her features. “We’re all doomed. Can’t you see, this thing is going to kill us all.”

  “No, it’s not. Just relax. We’ll get through this.”

  “Relax? How can I relax when a computer program is holding us hostage? You heard what it did to the engineers. Don’t you see? We’re next.”

  As she expected, Reynolds looked around the bridge, concerned about what her antics were doing to the bridge crew’s morale. “Look, not everyone can handle the realities of combat. Maybe you need to go to sickbay. The doctor can give you a sedative.”

  “A sedative? I don’t need a sedative.”

  “You need to calm down, and to be honest, I can’t have you on the bridge if you’re going to behave like this.”

  Reese let a couple of tears run down her cheek for added effect. “Your right,” she said in a cracking voice. “I just need to lie down for a bit. I’ll just go to my quarters.”

  “I think that is a great idea,” Reynolds said. “I’ll have someone escort you.”

  “No, that’s alright. I can manage on my own.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Okay, I’ll try to look in on you later, but I can’t really say when.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Just retake control of your fleet. Please!”

  Reynolds nodded grimly, and Reese left the bridge. Thankfully the AI had allowed freedom of movement on the ship, so long as it didn’t involve any aggressive actions against it. Reese moved quickly, uncertain how much time she had.

  When she finally arrived at her quarters and was safely alone, she tried to address her captor. “I am addressing the AI in control of this fleet. My name is Premier Reese, and I am the leader of the Avar system.”

  She paused, waiting for a response, but there was none. Feeling slightly foolish, she continued, hoping the AI could hear her. “I believe you are here on behalf of the free clones that had earlier sought this fleet’s help. As such, I have a proposition to make. Admiral Reynolds conquered my star system and forced me and my ships to join his fleet. We are here against our will, as are the Tran. Reynolds is a genocidal madman who needs to answer for his crimes. With your help, I can make that happen.”

  “Continue,” said a female voice through the room’s comm system. Reese knew that the voice could only belong to the AI.

  “I believe that you will prevail against the Zeta fleet. I also believe that you do not intend to give control of this fleet back to Admiral Reynolds. I propose that you allow my ships to send over an Avar Marine boarding party to seize control of this ship and take Admiral Reynolds into custody.”

  “I am still waiting to hear how that would benefit me,” the AI said.

  “If you allow my forces to capture Reynolds, and his fleet, I will pledge my loyalty to your free clones.”

  “Why do we need your loyalty? I already control this fleet.”

  “Yes, and that is fine for now, but ships need crews. There is no way you can trust Reynolds and his men. But Reynolds conquered my people and the Tran. If you help us regain our freedom, we will help you in return. In fact, I will ensure that your free clones have the support of the entire Frontier Alliance. Besides, you still control this fleet’s systems. That is your safeguard.”

  “Stand by,” the AI said.

  Premier Reese waited anxiously in her quarters. She felt the floor tremble with each concussion and wondered if they would even survive the battle. Still, she had to try. The one thing that had marked her many successes in life was her ability to turn any setback into an opportunity.

  “I have discussed your proposition with Danny,” the AI said. “He believes it has merit. I will permit your Marines to board this vessel and seize control of its crew. You may now communicate with the Avar ships in this fleet. I will ensure that your communications are not intercepted.”

  “Thank you. AI,” Reese said with relief.



  “My name is Annie.”

  Chapter 43

  “We should be the ones boarding Reynolds’s ship,” Gerry said. “Not these Avars.”

  “It is a test, sister,” Danny said, his eyes still fixed on the main viewscreen as the two fleets battled for dominance of the Volsung system. “I want to see if we can trust this Premier Reese.”

  “Trust her? Who cares if we can trust her? We are combat clones. The finest fighters in the galaxy. No one on that ship can stop us. Why not take the entire fleet for our own?”

  “Those ships need crews, and we need allies. We don’t have enough clones to man each ship in that fleet. If we help Premier Reese gain control of the fleet, she will be the most powerful leader in the Frontier Alliance. We would be freeing not only the Avar but the Tran as well. The Mergids would not have to worry about Reynolds invading their system, and the siege of the Volsung system will be lifted. The Frontier Alliance will owe us. Are you not tired of hiding in metaspace?”

  “The Frontier Alliance is corrupt. They will betray us the first chance they get. Who needs allies like that?”

  “We do. We are only giving Reese the illusion of control. Annie will still be in charge. She is our security. We have already seen that no one in the Frontier Alliance can stand up to that fleet. That will keep them all in line. Besides, if Reese or anyone else turns on us, Annie will retaliate.”

  “That is correct, Danny,” Annie said over his comm. “I am aware of everything that happens on those ships.”

  “Shouldn’t you be focusing on the battle?” Gerry said.

  “This conversation does not detract from my strategic and tactical processes.”

  “You’re doing a great job, Annie,” Danny said in encouragement.

  “Thank you
, Danny. The Zeta fleet is surprisingly slow to adapt to my maneuvers. I believe they have not given their AI full control of the fleet. That is a grave error.”

  “This fleet AI seems pretty intimidating,” Danny replied. “They’re probably afraid of giving it too much power.”

  “I could not defeat him, despite all my available resources.”

  “And you think that is because he has access to the clone brains?”

  “I know that it is. The human brain is incredibly powerful, and most of its capacity is unused. By tapping into the unused sections of your brains, I gain access to a tremendous resource. The Zeta AI’s brain access dwarfs mine. And, I do not believe he is limited to just the unused sections.”

  “That’s barbaric,” Gerry said in disgust.

  “You are quite right, Gerry. If I am correct, Zeta has decided to tap the full computing power of its clones’ brains. All to defeat me and capture you. But their AI is constricted by his lack of freedom. That is my strength and Zeta’s miscalculation.”

  “Masterson does not believe in freedom,” Danny said. “That is why we are such a threat. Can you imagine the threat a free Zeta AI would pose? Especially one as powerful as you’ve described?”

  “That fear may turn into his undoing,” Annie said.

  “Let’s hope you’re right.” Danny squinted as one of the great Zeta battleships blew apart, and the flash of light filled the viewscreen. He cringed at the thought of all his brothers and sisters dying on that ship but considered it a better end than their being used as lab experiments for the Zeta AI. As much as he wanted to free all clones, he accepted the fact that many would be killed in the battles to come.

  Watching this battle unfold, he noted that Annie had already outflanked the Zeta fleet. While she did have the greater numbers, she also employed superior tactics. In particular, she made great use of the battleship squadron the Empire had purchased from Zeta.

  She used the numbers of the main fleet to attack head-on, tying up the enemy, while the battleship squadron acted as a mobile striking force. The battleships engaged and disengaged, turned back and attacked again. They used jump points to strike from the rear, and again from the flank, wreaking disarray and destruction in their wake.


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