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Gage's Obsession

Page 3

by C. J. Snyder

  Sitting down on my bed, legs over the side with only a pair of black cotton boxers on, I rest my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. This was bad, there is no way I could let this go any further with Presley. As I direct my thoughts to how I am going to stop this before anything even gets started, my cell lights up with a text message.

  Tilting my neck to crack it to help release tension, I pick up the phone and can’t believe who I see on it.


  Gage – It’s Presley. I got your number from a cheerleader, I’m not sure I want to know why every girl on that squad gave me stink eye when I asked for it, but I’m going to be late, I just wanted to let you know.

  Head, meet hands, again. Taking a deep breath, I look at my phone again and start a reply to her.

  Hey! Thanks for the head’s up, I’m here.

  I toss my phone lightly across the bed and follow it by laying down and throwing my arm across my forehead. Closing my eyes for minute in hopes to grab a cat nap, her perfect heart shaped face appears behind them with her emerald green eyes and pouting lips. Jolting back up into a sitting position, I punch the side of the bed with frustration and stand up. This has got to stop. I need to get her out of my system as she has gotten under my skin.

  Pulling on some faded light blue jeans and a dark brown t-shirt, I start gathering up all the material that Presley is coming over for. Books, Videos, ledgers and CDs. Everything she will need to learn the routines of those damn cheerleaders. I had them all scattered throughout my room.

  Phone dings over on the bed.


  I’m on my way. Be there in 5.

  Looking around frantically, I want to make sure it’s not a pigsty when she walks in here. Typical male, right? Clothes everywhere. Empty cups and dirty plates. I move quickly to get it picked up. Oh shit! Forgot to text her back. Quickly, I reach for the phone and text back: Cool.

  About 10 minutes later, I hear a knock at the door and a bunch whooping and hooting and hollering from downstairs of “Ohhh, there’s a girl here for GAGGGEEEEE.”

  Feeling my frustration spike, I close my eyes briefly before opening the bedroom door and heading back downstairs.

  Fuming with irritation at this point, I spread my arms wide to my side to encompass the entire living room full of people. “What are you guys, 10?” as I storm past the group and up to Presley.

  She is stunning. Has these adorable faded jeans on that hug that perfect little ass of hers, white and hunter green crop top on that comes just above her belly button, black sandals that look comfortable and her hair is in a perfect crimson bun on the back of her head.

  “Close yer mouth, boy. Yer bein’ rude, no?” Uncle Vic yells over everyone talking and the volume of the tv. The whole damn neighborhood could probably hear him.

  Resisting the urge to hang my head in embarrassment, I spin around and walk backs towards the staircase, “everything is up in my room, this way.” I start back up the stairs, get about 1/3 of the way up when I realize that she isn’t behind me but standing at the doorway still.

  But she wasn’t mortified at the group teasing me, she was laughing. Laughing. Almost bent over and in tears, laughing. Oh, she wants something to laugh at. My mind made up, I’m going to give it to her alright. Just thinking about how I could provide such entertainment, made my jeans very tight.

  “Are you done laughing at my expense?” irritation running rampant through my veins, along with the strongest feeling of lust I have ever felt. Which made me even more irritated. I got to get this out of my system.

  “I’m coming” she laughed and started walking behind me, I could hear chuckling coming from the living room as we went up the stairs. All I could think of is, you aren’t yet.

  Finally making it up to the bedroom, I have all the materials laying on the bed. I close the door behind her, and I am attacked by her lavender and vanilla perfume. I have never smelled anything so sweet; it’s intoxicating. I take a deep breath in.

  Suddenly, she is facing me and so close I can feel her breath. My wolf instincts pick up the sound of her heartbeat. She’s nervous, her heartrate is climbing by the second. Thump thump thump. She is taking small, deep breaths as too calm herself. I make her nervous, that’s an interesting discovery, wonder what else I can make her feel. .

  Alright, what did that person say about ‘Seizing the moment’ or was that the Alamo? Either way, the thought alone has my hand extending to her forehead on it’s own accord where there is a piece of her fiery hair that escaped that perfect knotted bun on the top of her head. I run my hand towards the back of her head and down to the nape of her soft neck, and I hear her shudder and her eyes close briefly. Trailing my hand down the opposite side of her head, down her face and then hook my thumb and pointer finger under her little pointed chin. I just want to taste her, one time. Then I can get it out of my head. Get her, out of my head.

  Leaning down slowly like a romance movie moment, I can feel her hand raise up my chest to the top of my left pec and lay it down flatly. I can smell her scent; it leaves such an impression on my wolf. About an inch from her lips, she pushes on me hard enough to disengage the touch.

  “I’m so sorry, Gage. I can’t do this” spinning around, she grabs the materials, shoves it all in her bag as fast as she can and races out the door and flies down the steps. I can hear the front door open and shut. The whole living room erupts in laughter at the sight of a girl fleeing my presence.

  I’m vibrating. My whole soul is shaking. I have never felt such a connection to another being so deeply. The level of adrenaline that is racing through my body right now, I could run marathons. What in the fuck was that? She felt it too, I know she did. It was nothing less than magical – as feminine and Christmas time movie as that sounds.

  Well, there goes my wonderful plan of getting her out of my head. So, I guess the next question is; what am I going to do about it?

  Chapter 4


  Running out the door and halfway down the street, probably wasn’t the brightest idea. Now my side hurts and I’m out of breath so bad that I must stop and put my hands on my knees to be able to breathe. Oh, ow – cramps!

  What the holy hell just happened? The energy that was coursing between us was almost tangible. My whole body was vibrating with energy, so much that my fight or flight kicked in and I, as I always do, took flight. Figures, just like me to run off scared. Moment of truth, not a virgin to kissing and making out, but I am in every other sense of the word. It’s not that I haven’t had the chance to remedy that, it’s just that I didn’t want to.

  Gage, well, he terrifies me. Not so much in a creepy, get in my van- I have candy, sort of way, but in a very raw masculine way. I have never met a man that their raw sexuality just pours out of them, it’s almost animalistic. Gage just radiates sex and my body is responding in a way that I don’t know how to handle.

  Starting the walk back to my house, my heavy, over stuffed bag hits my thigh and diverts my thoughts back to the damn cheer team and all the research that I am being forced into doing. Why did I decide this was the best route? Oh, that’s right, I didn’t. . My bag starts vibrating and chiming, reaching into it and pulling out my phone, I can see a text that came in.


  Hey, I didn’t mean to scare you. Can we talk tomorrow?

  My heart skips a few beats. Talk? Talk about what? I don’t want to talk about what happened; I don’t even want to think about it. Wait, no, that’s a lie. I wanted to let that kiss happen and see where it led us. But I cannot let him distract me from this school. All these credits and extra’s are going to allow me to get into my first choice Ivy league school.

  Staring at my phone and complicating if I was even going to text him back, it buzzes again not even 2 mintues later


  Should I take ur silence as a no?

  Shit, man! It’s only been a minute. My damn fingers have a mind of their own as they type out

>   Me:

  Give a girl a minute to think! Yes, we can talk later.

  Frustrated at his persistence, I toss my phone back into my bag, and start to walk at a faster pace back to my house. In my front door and down the hallway to the left, is my room. Dumping all the materials from Gage’s house on my bed, I pick up the first video and pop it into the DVD player. Sighing deep, I hit play on the tv.

  This is probably the most boring video I have ever watched. I need to see all this in live action, not on a television. reaching for the remote and turning it off. I still don’t know how this is going to help me become successful. I’d rather stare at the football team practice in real time, who wouldn’t?. Oh, now there’s an idea. It’s Friday night, there’s a game in less than 2 hours from now, guess I’m going to have some school spirit and watch some pigskin.

  Deciding that this was the best course of action, I went and jumped into a shower. Next is picking out an outfit. Low cut faded jeans are my favorite, so I slide on a pair of those over some adorable black lace boy shorts that come up right below my navel. Then it’s a Classic Rock t-shirt that fits over my chest like a tight little glove. White sketchers are comfy and yet, stylish and my trusty cross body messenger bag.

  Skipping down the hallway and into the living room, Dad is chilling on the couch watching a movie, yelling that I was headed to the game and that I would be back later, I shoot out the house before he could respond.

  Dad does that a lot, since he’s the only parent in the house, we lost Mom 3 years ago to a very aggressive blood cancer. Another reason why he is so determined to see me succeed, he’s focused on my success. He’s already got a stellar career, he just wants the best for his daughter.

  Stopping halfway down the driveway and pulling out my phone, I slip some headphones into my ears and crank some heavy rock music. Music is life to me and helps the long walk back to the high school.

  My thoughts automatically return to the tall, broad and handsome quarterback. He’s turning 18 soon, tomorrow, I think. I just turned 18 myself about a month ago. We both have lives and goals, which I am sure do not line up. I can’t help but want to start up what we were starting up in his room, again. Even though I shouldn’t feel this way, I want his lips and body pressed against mine. I want to feel that shock when he touches me, I can feel it all the way to my toes. It’s addicting, energy he puts off is almost animalistic in nature.

  Finally arriving at the stadium, I take my earbuds out and walk over to the ticket stand to grab a ticket. Loud female voices disrupt my thoughts as I get closer to the entrance to the stadium. Great, it’s the ‘Squad’. Andie, Mandie, Brandie and Claire – the resident boobs. One with long wavy chestnut colored hair, one with platinum blonde, one with raven black and full of curls and another with a layered pixie cut and currently a dark pink. In full cheer uniforms and pompoms at their sides, the excitement is radiating from that group. I lower my head a notch and attempt to walk by them without them seeing me.

  “Hey! Hey! Presley, right? Hey!” – Andie – the one with the chestnut hair yells as she sprints over to me. “You’re not in uniform.” Well, that didn’t work.

  Stopping mid stride and turning with a sigh, trying to control my eye roll and not respond with the ‘Thank you Captain Obvious’ retort I normally do, I look down and my outfit and then back to her.

  Tossing my hands out to my side “Yah, I’m just observing tonight.” I tug nervously at my crop top and adjust my jeans.

  Andie snorted and gives me a tilted head look as her eyes go from my toes to my head in assessment of my outfit “Yah, well, I just wanted to tell you to steer clear of Gage. He is taken.”

  That shocks me. Well, this was news to me. He sure didn’t act like he was taken a few hours ago, in his bedroom, when he was so close and his hands were on my face and the back of my neck and I could smell his body wash. So close that I could feel the heat coming off him as he closed in to kiss me.

  Adjusting my bag on my shoulder and sighing in irritation, “Uh, Thanks for the update, Andie, is it?”

  Andie straightened back up and puffed her chest out as if trying to intimate me. What is she, a peacock? Flaunting her feathers and goods around trying to get attention.

  . Kick off is about to start and I can hear the band playing fanfare. It’s time to go grab a seat in the bleachers.

  She stares me down as she starts to walk away, “Just remember what I said, we are watching you, Presley.”

  The game was like any normal high school football game. Parents and supporters on both sides of the field going wild with every play. The cheer squad doing their performance with graceful and gravity defying moves. My favorite part, however, was when the marching band came out for half time and blew us away with songs from the mid-90s. The drum line was alive tonight, the passion with their playing, the thumps on the drums that matched your heartbeat and that could be felt for an hour after they finished.

  When the game ended in a three-point win for the home team, the crowd went wild with pride. Fireworks blasted in the air with beautiful colors and loud booms that rattled the stands. Players jumping up and down and high fiving each other, walking around providing a high five to the losing team in the name of good sportsmanship.

  Heading towards the tunnel that led out of the stands, I looked down to grab my earbuds and start up some music when there was a solid wall of muscle in front of me. Taking a step back, I look up and see Gage approaching me from the bleacher tunnel.

  Trying to push past him in a hurry, he reaches out and grasps my elbow “I saw you in the stands earlier. How’d you like the game?” letting go of my elbow, Gage took a step back to give me some room.

  Every time that man touches my skin, it feels like someone attached a defibrillator to my chest and cranked it up to 10.


  My heartrate spikes along with anxiety at how close he is ,“It was great, you guys did an amazing job,” half glancing up at his face, I start walking again “I have to go though, it’s getting late.”

  I swear I heard him growl as he took a few long strides to catch up with me. “Why do I feel like you are trying to avoid me?”

  Did his eyes just flash a different color or am I imagining things? Not slowing down in my stride, I look at him from the side “I’m not avoiding you; I just don’t want to talk right now.”

  A low growl of annoyance escapes his lips, “That is avoiding me, Presley,” He took a hold of my elbow again to slow me down to a stop “Listen, I’m sorry if I scared you. My birthday bash is tomorrow, I’d love if you came.” Half smile that always seems to melt my ice cold heart appears.

  His 18th birthday, tomorrow. His entire family would be there, I’m sure half of the school as well. What could it hurt? I slightly nod, “Sure, what time?”

  . Eyes widen in excitement like a child who just got told to run wild in a toy store, “Great! Party is at 2, I’ll see you then” and then the arrogant bastard leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  I watched as he walked off to the locker rooms to shower, his muscles bunching and unravelling with every step beneath his uniform. Is he lean and cut or muscular and bulky? Does he always smell like a musky sandalwood or is that just the type of cologne he wears? How does he look in the mornings after waking up? Is he always so perfect or does he have to put forth effort?

  At home, I rush down the hallway and to the master bath in order to get into a soaking hot bubble bath. I needed to relax and only a hot mixture of water and bubbles could accomplish that. Lavender bubble bath and salts to relax my body. I stretch out in the spacious claw foot tub that is deep enough that my entire body fits under the water and long enough that my whole 5’4” frame can stretch from end to end. My thoughts keep going back to Gage.

  Closing my eyes and breathing in the relaxing aroma of lavender, I lay my head back and daydream about what would have happened if I had let that kiss happen. How his strong hands would have pulled me closer, slowly reaching down and grabbing tightly on
to my ass and lifting me up against his chest so I could wrap my legs around his waist and then pushing my back into the nearest wall. One of his hands reaching up under my shirt to gently massage my breast and teasing the nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  . My right hand is massaging my right breast and tweaking it’s nipple like I imagined he would do; my left is inching down under the bubbles and lands lightly on my clit. Rubbing small light circles on top of it as I imagine his tongue would do, teasing it with his mouth, grazing it with his teeth. My breaths are starting to become hitched as I get closer to orgasm. Squeezing my nipple hard, my left hand is moving quicker and heavier on my clit, little hard circles as I imagine his fingers dipping inside me to feel how wet he makes me. I can feel the pressure building and I want it released, pinching my rock-hard clit, picturing his teeth nipping at it. The same time I pinch hard on my nipple, my orgasm rips through me. My back arches and spasms, I throw my right hand over my mouth to try and muffle a scream. Sinking low into the tub I let the orgasm subside.

  My god, that was intense. Shuddering in pleasure at the image of him smiling up at me after I orgasmed into his mouth , I wash up and let the water drain out of the tub. It was approaching midnight and I needed sleep if I was going to attend this Birthday Bash tomorrow. . To hell with no wanting distractions. I have to find a way to get him alone tomorrow. I remembered that I hadn’t even thought about purchasing a card or a gift, I can’t go empty handed.

  I resemble the cat from that children’s book as I realize that, I have the perfect Gift for him.

  “Yup, one hell of a party, Gage,” Laughing she swats at my chest and I let go. “We have some things to talk about later, Birthday Boy.”

  Yes, we do, Presley. Yes. We. Do.



  At the Stadium

  Taking a deep breath and stepping out of the locker room with my gym bag, I walked outside to the cool air. Since it’s almost midnight and the weather is perfect for a night run.


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