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Gage's Obsession

Page 7

by C. J. Snyder

  We chose a movie that we’ve both have already seen so we could enjoy dinner in each other’s company. We talked about our childhoods and dreams, first cars, first vacations, all the normal things that people talk about when they first start dating. Sitting the dessert plates down from the brownies, Gage pauses the movie and looks at me with an anxious expression, “Red, we need to talk about something rather important.”

  I have other things on my mind, moving closer to him and climbing onto his lap, “Sure, what do you need to talk about?” I start kissing on him jaw, his neck and nibble on his ears. His hands are on the small of my back and his breathing is become hitched, “I can’t think straight with you doing that,” he gasps as I bite harder on his ear, “oh my god, Red. You are going to be the death of me.” Giggling, I continue my attack on his body.

  Sitting back some on his lap, I rotate my hips to simulate a grinding motion, biting my bottom lip and reaching down to unsnap his jeans, he’s already turned on and hard as a rock. Gasping for breath, “Red, what are you doing?” getting off his lap and attempting to pull his zipper down to expose his boxers, “You’ll see” or not, might not see anything with his eyes screwed shut. Finally getting his jeans completely undone and tugging them off his hips, the only thing holding his cock back now was his navy-blue boxers.

  I run my hand over the bulge and give it a little squeeze which makes him let out a deep groan, “Oh. Red, I have something I have to tell you.” I walk my fingers up his chest and place two of them over his lips, “shhh, we can talk later.” Kissing his navel and running my tongue down to the edge of his boxers, I grab the top of them with my teeth and start to inch them lower onto his hips. I can see the head of his cock starting to peek out the top of his boxers, placing a small kiss on it, he jumps in surprise and places his hands to his side on the couch, forgetting all about stopping to talk.

  Pulling his boxers down more, his cock springs free from its restraint. He is massive and hard. I can see his pulse running on the side and decide to gently run my tongue along it. “Oh my god, Presley.” He has his hands cupped over the edge of the couch and holding on tightly. Taking his length in my hand, I run my palm over him, stopping at the head and providing a little squeeze. his head is leaned back onto the couch and his eyes are squeezed shut. Taking the tip of my tongue, I run it around the edge of his head before taking it completely into my mouth and flicking the underside in an up and down motion.

  He is gasping for breath and that low rumbling is vibrating his whole upper torso. My mouth has a tight hold on his cock and my movements are going up and down the length of him, taking moments of circling his head and sucking hard, and then going back to the beginning of the up and down motion. He was hard to begin with, but now he is like a rod of steel covered in silk. His hands made their way to my head and are wrapped tightly in my hair, helping to guide me where he wants me to go.

  Between ragged breaths, “Oh god, don’t stop Red. Please don’t stop.” Tasting precum on his tip, I run circles around his head again to drive him crazy on purpose. Humming low in my throat to make it vibrate, I take his full length all the way in and his ass lifts off the couch in pleasure. “You are so good, Red, So good.”

  More rumbling, but it’s louder and seems to be coming from a different area. That isn’t Gage, that is a car. Stopping what I’m doing, I sit up on my knees and tilt my head to listen hard. Car door shuts and the alarm on the car sounds off. Shit! Dad is home early. Jumping up, I toss Gage his jeans, “My Dad is home early, bathroom is down the hall. Run!” he jumps up in record time and sprints down the hallway just as my father is unlocking the door.

  I had just enough time to start the movie back up and sit on the couch curled up like I normally am before Dad walked through the door. “Hey pumpkin, you’re up late.” Smiling at him and pausing the movie, “Yah, I actually have a friend here. Don’t freak out, it is a boy.” Daggers could have come out of his eyes as he took in the surroundings of empty dinner plates and two half filled glasses of soda.

  Controlling is voice, but I could tell he was upset by the deep tone he was using, “Please tell me that I didn’t interrupt anything? Where is this boy?” He was looking around the living room like I had hidden Gage under the couch, “He’s in the bathroom, Dad.” He started down the hallway before I had a chance to ask him not to, “Dad! Oh my god, give him a minute!” I follow him to try and slow him down.

  He banged on the bathroom door like he was going to kick it in, “I know you’re in there, get out here and face me.” When Gage didn’t answer right away, Dad continue the pounding on the door, “Now, son. Get out here.”

  Huffing in embarrassment, I attempt to get him away from the bathroom door so Gage could exit safely. “Dad, he said he had an upset stomach, please give him a minute.” Quick thinking allowed me to distract him by the promise of food still warm in the kitchen, “I made meatballs, they are still warm. Would you like me to make you a plate?”

  Dad’s eyes lit up with excitement and love, as they remind him of Mom when she used to make them, temporarily forgetting about the 18-year-old boy in our family bathroom. Escorting him into the kitchen, “Sit, I’ll make you a plate.”

  As I was sitting the plate full of food in front of my disappointed and upset Father, Gage walks out and into the kitchen. Dad immediately stands and they proceed to size each other up. Dad is the first to break the silence, “I’m her Dad, Dylan, nice to meet you, um?” sticking his hand out for a shake of truce, Gage grabs it and nods his head, “Gage, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you and I want to thank you for serving our Country.” That seemed to relax my father a little bit and he silently sat back down. Gage pulled out a chair and joined him.

  Grabbing the tray of the remaining brownies, I take the third seat that is at the table with Gage and my Father, who still hasn’t said anything since Gage introduced himself. I have a huge bite of brownie in my mouth when Dad pipes up in a serious tone, “You are fucking my daughter?”, I choke on the brownie and immediately stand up, “Dad! Oh my god!” throwing my arms out wide in disbelief.

  Gage, chuckles at both of us, which causes my father to look at him through narrow eyes, “Well, are you?” Gage realizing that he was serious, he stops laughing immediately and shakes his head from side to side, “No, sir. But I do have feelings for her.” This is not a surprise to me; our chemistry is too strong for anything other. Then to my utter surprise, Dad tells him, “Good, that’s what I wanted to hear. So Gage, tell me about yourself.”

  They talk for about two hours, but not all about me. They talked about cars and guns. The military and what took my Dad that direction. About what plans Gage had for after school and what he was into now at school to help move him along in life. Gage happily answered every question and usually had a counter question ready to go for my Dad.

  It was well after ten at night when Gage said he had to leave to get home. Walking him to the door and seeing that he walked here, I gave him a quick kiss goodnight and swatted him on his ass as he walked away. Going back into the house, Dad is waiting for me in the living room, “I like him. You may keep him.” As if he was talking about a puppy.

  Laughing at his tone and twinkle in his eyes that I haven’t seen in almost two years, “Thanks Dad. I’m glad you approve.”

  Chapter 11


  That was probably the most awkward meeting of a parent that I have ever dealt with. I didn’t even hear her Dad pull into the driveway, all I heard was my own heartbeat in my ears as she had her mouth on my cock. Where in the world did, she learn to do half of the shit she just did? I got to find that out and have her do it again.

  Walking home in the cool night air was refreshing and it helped me bring my temperature down from her house. You can smell the water from the main street here in New Orleans, it smells so fresh and relaxing. Kinda wish I had time to go jump into the river to help cool off, but the walk is going to have to suffice. Late at night, on a Sunday and I hear loud female vo
ices off to the side ahead.

  Suggestive female voices, one of them looks over at me and waves her little hand to get my attention. “Yo, Gage. Hot stuff. Come here.” Stopping to look in their direction to see who it is, I see four scantly clad females standing around a small coffee shop. All four of them have a drink in hand and are waving me over to them with huge cat smiles on their faces.

  Begrudgingly, I walk over to the pod of girls, “What’s up, ladies?” I use that word lightly, as these females are anything but ladies. Smiling and reaching out to provide quick hugs, I grin and bear it as they say.

  Mandie runs her hand up my arm, “We wanted to know if you wanted to chill with us back at Brandie’s house.” I shrug my arm to get it out of her reach and take a couple steps back, providing the expression that I don’t want her hands on me.

  “I appreciate the offer, girls, but I’m headed home for the night.” What were these four up to? Mandie’s face was disappointed and her lower lip stuck out a little, “but, we need a big strong man to walk us home.” Not falling for their bullshit, I laugh a little, “You are strong, independent women. You don’t need a man to walk you home.”

  Instant rage in Mandie’s eyes, “What does she have that we don’t, Gage?” she starts to walk towards me and starts slipping her tank top straps off her shoulders and down her arms to expose more skin, “I’m sure we can show you what a real woman is like, not like her.” They are jealous of Presley! That’s got to be a first for them.

  This is not a good situation, I start to look around for bystanders, anyone to help prove that I didn’t come onto these girls incase they screamed for help. My luck, no one is around. Pulling my phone out of my pocket and speed dialing Kangee’s number, I need a witness to this madness.

  Andie, the leader of the Squad, walks up and places her hand on my chest, “We just want to have a little fun, Gage. Look,” she waves her arm towards the rest of the girls, “You can have all of us, tonight, as long as you come with us now,” she smiles a wicked smile, “and we will make sure you cum later.”

  Doing my best to not roll my eyes at their lewdness, I paste a smile on my face and shake my head from side to side, “I really do appreciate the offer, truth is, I’m just not interested.” They all let out a gasp of disbelief and their hands fly to cover their mouths, “Well, we hope you get everything you deserve with that little virgin.” Mandie pops up and sneers at the word, “two months ago, you would have jumped at this chance. We just don’t know what’s changed.”

  Frustration mounting, I grit my teeth and try to remain cool, “I’ve changed. I need more than just a one-night stand with four females.” Not realizing until I said it, how true it was. I am more than a jock and they will not treat me like a piece of meat. “I have to go, girls. Be careful getting home.”

  Turning on a pivot, I start to head back down the street towards home when I hear a voice on my phone. Forgetting that I had dialed Kangee, I place it up to my ear to fill him in, “Hey, did you catch all that?”

  Kangee is, for once, quiet on the other end. “Yah man, I caught it. What are they up to?” shrugging my shoulders in confusion as if he could see me, “I have no clue, but it only means one thing.” And before I could even say it, Kangee sighed into the phone, “Trouble.”

  Telling him that I would talk with him later, I finally make it home to see the porch light on and sound coming from the opened front door. What sounded like a war zone in the living room, turned out to be my Father watching a documentary on World War II. When I entered into the house, he paused the tv and patted the couch seat next to him as an invitation to come over and sit. The only thing was, it’s not like I could turn this invite down, I had to sit.

  Dad wears glasses, so he pushed them to the top of his head and looks at me with a serious stare, “Gage. Your Mother says that you really like this Human girl and that I need to let you be, is this true?” My palms automatically get sweaty with anxiety and I meet his eyes, “Yah, Dad. I’m about 99.9% sure that she is the one.”

  Scoffing, Dad looks back at the tv briefly, “You are only 18, how do you know what the one feels like?” knowing that him and Mom met at a young age and the story behind that, I decide to use that against him, “Well, how did you know that Mom was the one?” His eyes go big in surprise and a slight smile appears on his lips, “Well, son. I just knew, your Mom was, “he tilts his head as if he is trying to think of the proper word, “Special. We had a connection that I have never felt before.”

  Sitting back fully on the couch and realizing that this is going to be easier than I thought to convince him, I cross my arms over my chest in the normal defense position, “Connection feel like lightening every time you touch?” Knowing full well it was, but I needed to gain his full attention.

  Dad takes a drink of his soda that was next to him and smiles if remembering what it was like all those years ago, “Yah, something like that. Do you feel that way about Presley?” he looks at me with a nostalgic look, remembering what it was like to be 18 and in love for the first time.

  Smiling at how warm and affectionate my Dad’s expression is right now, “Yah, Dad. I’ve never felt this strong about any other female in my life. Besides Mom, of course.” That makes him let out a laugh and he lightly punch me on my shoulder.

  Dad takes a deep breath and turns the tv back on to play his movie, “I’ll agree to it. But you must tell the Clan. That’s on you. I will back you on it, however.” I sit there in disbelief, that was the easiest I’ve ever had getting Dad to agree on something. I bid him goodnight and head into the kitchen for a drink. As I get in there, Mom is standing just inside the doorway and ambushes me with a hug.

  “See, I told you everything would work out in the end.” She says with a huge shit eating grin on her face. Releasing her and walking around to the fridge, I open it and grab a can of soda, “What did you say to him?”

  Mom is not easily persuaded to give up information, she simply shrugs and gives me a wink before turning on her heels to go upstairs to bed. They must have had one hell of a conversation. Grabbing a piece of apple pie that was left on the counter, I take both it and the soda up to my room and shut the door. It seems like the hard part is over, but it’s not, I have to now tell the Clan about Presley and make them understand how I feel about her. There are going to be a lot of disappointed women that had their eye on me for the past two years.

  I’m not sure if I should prepare a speech or maybe a power point presentation? Speaking in front of a large group has never been my strong point. Deciding to text Presley goodnight, I type of the text quickly and then put it on my headboard to charge for the night. I’ll have to figure this all out tomorrow after school, in the meantime, I need to grab some shut eye for the same reason. Too much on my plate, too soon.

  Next morning, I head downstairs and into the kitchen for the normal cup of coffee and there sits Kangee. I give him the hello head nod, grab coffee and sit at the table with him. Taking a sip and looking at him over the rim of the cup, “So, what’s up?” knowing something had to be up with him here this early in the morning.

  Not in his normal go lucky self, he sighs deeply, “I’m going to leave town for a while, man. I wanted to drop by and say goodbye before I did.” This takes me by surprise and I immediately think something is wrong, “What? Why?!”

  His disposition is broody and his brows are furrowed in thought, as if he is trying to figure out how to word what is happening in his world, “Its my year of contemplation. From a few weeks before you turn 18 until you are just over 19, Males from our Clan leave for contemplation and maturity, I have to go out and learn how to live off the land like our ancestors, potentially find a mate and return as a true man.” sighing deeply, he takes another sip of his coffee and stands to pace with agitation, “They want me to take over the clan. I’m not ready for that, I don’t want that, it’s all so serious.” He spreads his arms wide, “Why do you think I joke around as much as I do?”

  Seeing my best fr
iend in such an array of distress, is alarming. I’ve never seen him like this before. “This really bothers you, doesn’t it?” He nods his head in agreement and continues to pace in front of the kitchen sink. “So, why don’t you just tell them that you don’t want to lead?”

  Kangee lets out a sarcastic laugh, “Yah man, because that would work so well. This isn’t a choice, as much as I wish it were.” I stand up and walk over to him and in the manliest way I can muster, I give him a big bro hug. “Don’t stress, think of this as a vacation. What are you going to do about school?”

  Kangee tosses his hands up in the air with frustration, “Dude, I wanted to stay until spring for graduation. But I have enough credits and my grades are good enough that they are allowing me to graduate early and get my diploma.” Back to pacing again, “I will keep in touch, but some of the places I am going to be in, don’t have cell signal.”

  Nodding at him in understanding, “When do you leave for this grand adventure?” Kangee smiles the first smile this morning, “As far as my parents know, I left 2 hours ago.” He says as he points to his empty wrist where a watch should normally be. Laughing with him to help ease the tension, “Alright man, you be careful in your travels and stay in touch!”

  He nods in agreement and extends his hand for a shake, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” With that, Kangee drops into bird form and hops over to the door to be let out. “What? You couldn’t wait to shift and now you want me to cater to your every need?” He lets out a loud caw in the manner of laughter.


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