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Shameless Lena- the Brat Next Door

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by K Spirit

  Shameless Lena

  The Brat Next Door

  An erotica story by K. Spirit

  Overseas Temptations

  Lessons for the Brats

  Copyright 2015

  All Rights reserved

  First original publishing 2015

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the proper written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events and situation are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental. All people represented in this story are of consenting age of at least eighteen or older. All people represented in this story are consenting to the acts they portray be it sexual or other. Relationship between people is symbolic be it familial or otherwise.

  Overseas Temptations

  Lessons for the Brats

  I never expected Lena to answer the phone when I had made that seemingly innocent phone call to speak to a friend. I also never expected things to be so different than I remember her being. Ever since Lena had turned legal something seemed to have ignited in her. It was a desire so great, so powerful I knew there was only one course of action. I would have to go see my friends daughter just to be sure she was going to be okay for the night. Alone and waiting Lena has had this planned out for what seems like some time and I soon find out what it means to answer my door to Lena's knock.

  Sitting here bored with a couple of beers in me I watch TV unsure what I am going to do with the rest of my day. Saturdays were usually spent with the usual stuff, yard work, laundry and anything else I could do as I waited for the day to be over. As my phone begins to buzz alerting of another email that I do not care to read. As I begin to lay my phone back down on the table I get an idea. Quickly scrolling through the list of people that have long since married and moved away I find an old friend Nathan. Although he was married with a daughter he was usually up for something, anything to get away.

  The phone begins to ring. Once, twice then on the third time I hear it pick up follow by a girls voice on the other end.


  I do not know why it is and quickly pull the phone away from my ear just to make sure it is the right number which it is. The voice sounds so familiar yet so different all the same. I know it cannot be Nathan’s wife Patricia, the accent of the girl on the other end is not as heavy with her being from Germany.

  “Hello, who is this?” The sweet sounding voice once more answers sounding patient enough to wait for much longer.

  “Oh I’m sorry I was wanting to speak to Nathan.”

  Giving a tiny little laugh the girl responds. “This is Lena.”

  I quickly run through the names in my head desperately trying to figure out who the girl is on the phone. I had checked at least twice to make sure I have called the right number yet it seems a strange girl has answered. I could hang up, forget about trying to find something to do today but there is something about this girl Lena to keeps me on the line, keeps me intrigued enough to delve a little deeper into the conversation.

  “Hi Lena do I know you?” It is the best I can do speaking to a girl who seems half my age just judging by her voice.

  “ You don’t know who I am do you?” She once more gives me a little laugh soaking it in and toying with me all the same.

  I know I have called Nathan for the most part and I know his wife’s name. I also know they had a daughter so I can only assume it must be her. It seems logical enough that it would be her but I remember a girl much younger and with a little less attitude.

  “You said your name was Lena, since I called Nathan you must be his daughter.”

  “Bingo, that’s pretty good.” Once more she gives a gleeful laugh.

  I wait for her indulgence to end before I get back to the inevitable. “So can I speak to Nathan? This is an old friend of his.”

  “I know who you are, this is Patrick.”

  She remembered me, in the couple of years since I had seen Nathan’s little girl something had stuck with her and she had remembered me. I cannot say much about it however I remember her now more than every. Lena had always been a sweet little girl. At the time I had seen her last she was just turning eighteen. Such a bright and beautiful girl with perfect jet black hair, indulgent eyes and a budding body that would easily make a grown man cry. Part of me had envied Nathan for having such a beautiful daughter but a bigger part knew that he and his wife both would be in a world of hurt once Lena was legal. There was nothing about her that was not perfect and that body of hers would bring the boys soon enough.

  “Yes Lena this is Patrick, how have you been?”

  “Oh you know the usual, just graduated from school. My birthday was a couple of days ago I’m pretty excited about that.” Lena answers telling me more than I would need to know. She was legal now which I already knew but there seemed to almost be more to her telling me. Hearing a perfect girl like her tell you she is old enough just seems like a come on whether it is or not.

  “That’s great, happy birthday.”

  There is an awkward moment as I wait on the phone for a response but get nothing. I had already asked to speak to Nathan twice now and it would seem rude to ask again. Instead I wait patiently enough listening to her soft breath blow into the phone. I imagine her laying there with the phone in her hand as she sprawls out in the bed.

  Soon it simply becomes too much and I know I must break this silence, either that or I am simply just going to hang up.and be done with this conversation as I begin to speak however Lena quickly chimes in.

  "Thanks, yeah I'm legal now the big one eight. Hey my dad is going to be home a little later if you wanted to come over and wait on him I'm sure he would be okay with that, I know I would."

  I do not speak, cannot speak hearing the words she had just spoken. She could not be any more bold beyond saying the words come over and fuck me. Immediately my heart begins to race as I remember how pretty Lena was only a few years ago. The last time I had seen her it had been by the pool. She wore a bright yellow bikini which hugged her tight young body perfectly. It had been hard not to watch her as she swam around in the pool. Those emotions that I had about her then never really went away. I had wanted her to some degree and now hearing her obvious ploy to get me there I once more feel it rekindled. Despite the sudden surge of feelings I have for her I know deep down I should not pursue this anymore Lena is my friends daughter and just the thought of taking this a little further is too much to bear.

  "Listen Lena I'm sorry but I've got to go."

  "But he will..."

  "Just have Nathan call me I need to talk to him." With those abrupt words I quickly hang up.

  I try to bring that image of her out of my head. I also do my best to forget about the very real possibility that the sweet girl I had known was very much trying to get me to come over to see her. It all just seems unreal that Lena would attempt something like that. A part of me cannot help but want to go there and just see what she really wanted.

  I place my phone back to the table next to me and walk to the kitchen. It is as if I am trying to distance myself from the very odd and confusing feelings I am having right now. Nothing seems real in the slightest that a girl although legal but so young was inviting me over. She could not understand the gravity of our conversation and the full meaning of what her words meant.

  I sp
end most of my day doing nothing much with only the occasional thought of that sweet girl filling my head. What seemed difficult at first soon became easy and before I know it I had forgotten about the whole thing. As the day grew longer and I realized I would be spending the rest of the evening alone I decide to take a shower and call it a night.

  As I begin to step inside the shower after having taken my clothes off I hear the doorbell ring. Surprised by the sudden intrusion and confused as to whom it may be I grab my robe tying it tightly around me and make my way to the front door. As I approach I once more hear the doorbell ring again this time twice giving me the impression that the person on the other side is no doubt in a rush for me to open the door.

  “I’m coming!” I yell to the person on the other side not hiding the fact that I am a little annoyed that they cannot wait just a moment longer.

  “Okay Mr. Patrick I can wait.” The sweet voice on the other side tells me.

  I stop immediately in my tracks hearing the familiar voice of the girl on the other side. It is Lena and she is standing right outside of my door. I do not know what to do and more than that I do not know why she would be here. Despite the fact that I would do anything to be with her I know my limitations and also know I would be playing with fire if I did. I had never given her any sense that I wanted anything more from her. Why would she be here I do not know.

  Stepping lightly towards the front door I clinch my robe tighter around my body careful to make sure everything is neatly tucked away. Although I am far from hard that could change very quickly if I open the door to see her. Glancing through the peephole I confirm it is indeed her. Standing with a great big smile on her face she watches the door waiting for me to open it. I take a moment to calm my nerves knowing that any sign of my interest in her could be taken terribly wrong. Part of me wants to speak to her directly through the door and nothing else but the even bigger part of me knows I must see her and find out what she wants.

  Taking a deep breath I let it out slow as I reach for the door and swing it open. Inch by inch I watch as Lena is revealed to me, a striking girl I have trouble defining. It had been sometime since I had seen her last and in those few years she had grown up to be a straight knockout of a woman. Gone were the braces, the pigtails and goofy makeup to make her look older. Gone was the awkward girl now replaced with the complete opposite now standing in front of me. She had gotten prettier by a thousand fold and even sexier than I had remembered. Her breasts now oh so perfect beckoned me to stare in her low cut shirt. Her legs as wonderfully long as I had remember stretched for what seemed like eternity climbing beneath her short skirt. She seemed to be begging for me to drop everything that I know is right and take her in my arms.

  “Hi Patrick.” She gives me a smile and a wave before glancing around for a short moment.

  I take this opportunity to calm myself a little bit more before responding. “Hello Lena.”

  Glancing back at me she waits for what seems like eternity. I watch as she squirms standing and waiting for something to happen. I wish I could tell her to leave, that her being here is not right but a bigger part of me knows that will not happen. She is here for a reason and I know I must find out.

  “So what’s up? I wasn’t expecting you would come by here.”

  Shrugging her shoulders she gives me another smile. “I wanted to see you. I hope that’s okay. It’s been a long time and I just wanted to talk.”

  Knowing I shouldn’t I step to the side and welcome her inside. As the door shuts I watch her for a moment as she takes my house in, a bachelor pad in every degree but clean enough to have someone as beautiful as her inside. Stepping past me she moves with a grace of a woman unlike what I remembered in the past. I watch her as she moves to the couch sitting down and crossing her long legs as she places her hands in her lap. She seems to own the place and everything in it, sitting patiently waiting for my move since she has already made hers.

  “So what did you want to talk about?” I ask as I stand near the door unsure if I should go to her.

  Bringing her hand from her lap she pats the cushion near her which is especially close.

  “I should get dressed I was about to take a shower when you rang the bell.” I stammer, my words sounding forced and lacking any real merit. The truth is if she asked me now to drop my robe I would do it.

  Again she pats the cushion knowing her charm and good looks will be enough to bring me to her. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I promise I won’t look,” she gives a sly smile “Unless you want me to.”

  “I guess it can wait.” I say hearing her words linger on her pouty lips I am compelled to move to her in haste knowing one thing especially well more than anything else, Lena had came here with a purpose.

  As my butt hits the soft cushion of the couch I realize just how close I really am to her. Only an inch separates us from each other, only a small empty space between her body and mine. If she wanted to touch me or do anything it would take very little for her to do so. It is especially true for me as well, there would be little I would need to do to start this between us if that was what she wanted.

  Glancing to Lena I watch her chest rise and fall with each breath she takes. I cannot help but notice her breasts so large for such a small girl. Each moment I am with her and near her I imagine what she would look like without her shirt and the rest of her clothes on as well. Each moment I feel myself drawn to her desperate to find out.

  With no words I feel Lena’s hand move to mine, her delicate fingers sliding into my palm as she holds me tight. As our eyes meet she gives me a hesitant smile seeming to search for her next words she will speak. Each second I wait I can only feel nothing but love for her knowing this all must be so difficult. I want to help her out, guide her to whatever she wants or needs but first I need to know what that is. I cannot simply assume despite everything that leads me to believe one way.

  “I don’t know how to ask this.” She says as she stares down at our hands cupped tightly together.

  “Ask what Lena?” My heart begins to race knowing that things are slowly coming to a head.

  “I can’t say it, I just can’t but I don’t want to leave without knowing.” Her voice is quiet yet determined to at least give me enough of a hint.

  A sudden idea hits me guiding me to the right way to go about this. As the words form in my head I tell her slowly knowing I still must be careful. "If you can't say the words then show me." I hold my hand out to her hoping she will understand my meaning.

  Lena watches me for a moment as she summons up all her courage to do whatever she intended. I watch as she once more brings her hand to mine, this time wrapping her delicate fingers around my wrist. With her tight yet soft grip she holds me there for a moment.

  "I promise everything will be fine, just show me what you want." I tell her, doing my best to hide my growing excitement.

  She swallows hard and with every bit of her nervousness showing through she brings my hand closer to her. I do not fight her and I also do not make her move any faster either. All of this is no doubt difficult for her and the last thing I want her to feel is scared that she is doing it wrong.

  As she moves my hand towards her chest it is all I can do to hide my excitement as I realize everything that I hope would happen is coming true. With each passing moment I watch her chest rise and fall as I move closer despite her nervousness.

  "Are you sure?" Lena says, watching me, waiting for the moment between us to change.

  Not saying another word I slowly bring my hand forward knowing I can no longer keep myself away from her. As my fingers move to her I feel her heart thumping against me. I take a moment to realize exactly what I am doing, something I had never expected that I would have a chance to do. Drawing my hand deeper against her I bring my fingers over her shirt tracing the swell of her breasts.

  "Is this what you wanted?" I ask with her heavy breast now in my hand.

  "Yes." She whispers.

  "You d
on't have to be scared." I give her a squeeze feeling her nipple begin to swell against her thin shirt and pressing in my palm.

  Keeping my hand against her I lean in now ready to take this one step further. I bring myself next to her as I draw my lips to her neck and kiss her.

  "That feels so good, don't stop." She tells me.

  Every word she speaks sounds so timid, so raw and willing despite Lena sounding scared. I know she wants this, she would not be here if she did not. Every moment I am with her I am more than ready to show her what it is like to be wanted. Despite her nervousness she is driving me crazy with desire and only causing my cock to swell. Soon it will be too much to hold myself back and prevent everything between us from happening.

  "Yes baby," I draw my lips lower over her neck "yes you're so sexy I love the way you feel."

  Tracing the thin line of her jaw I continue to kiss her as I search for her young lips. As I meet her mouth with mine I push into her claiming her as I draw closer. I feel her soft breath fill me with each passing moment. Faster I move keeping my hand to her breast holding her.


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