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Capturing Stephanie: Devil's Henchmen MC Next Generation, Book Three

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by Samantha McCoy

  Capturing Stephanie

  © 2020 by Samantha McCoy

  First Electronic Publication: August 2020

  United States of America

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any database, without prior written permission from the author. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or deceased, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Design: RLS Graphic Images and Designs

  Samantha McCoy


  The place was in complete chaos.

  Steph watched, through the scope of her rifle, as her family fought to maintain the high ground. She took a steady breath and pulled the trigger.


  She swung the rifle to another target and lined them up in her crosshairs. As she slowly blew out another breath, she pulled the trigger, again.


  Again, she sought another target, but as she steadied her rifle and lined up to take her shot, Steph realized that he was staring directly at her. His eyes met hers through the scope. And the shock of seeing his face almost caused her to drop her gun.

  Holston. Steph didn’t think the Holston Crew was even operational anymore. Not since she’d shot and killed Franco during an FBI raid a few years back. Oh, this is bad, she thought to herself. Really, really bad.

  She watched as Rocco Holston slowly unfolded a large piece of paper and held it in front of his chest. Through the scope, Steph read, ‘Rafa – alive.’

  Steph’s heart rate accelerated.

  ‘If you want to see him again – come peacefully.’

  Steph didn’t think twice. She lowered her rifle, climbed down from her place in the treetop, and set her rifle next to its base. As she turned around, ready to run toward Rocco, she realized the mistake she’d made and just how stupid she truly was. Staring down the barrel of several guns she knew that she’d been had. Rafa wasn’t alive any more than Franco was. She’d watched him die. The one man who could capture her heart and keep it – even in his death.

  Staring at the six men that surrounded her, Steph felt a heated droplet of sweat roll between her breasts. There was nothing she could do. There were too many of them to fight her way out. And she couldn’t call for help. Everyone was too busy keeping their own asses alive.

  “Come peacefully, mi querida,” one man told her. “And you’ll stay alive.”

  “I’m not your fucking dear, asshole,” she responded.

  The man didn’t comment back but jerked the tip of his gun indicating he wanted her to walk. Blowing out a heavy breath, Steph did as she was told. Fuck! She was such an idiot. She’d just given the Holston Crew the perfect ammunition against her family.

  She’d just given them – herself.

  She stared out over the swamp; her arms crossed over her chest. Angry didn’t even begin to cover how she felt. She was pissed at herself. She was pissed at him. She was pissed at the world.

  “I brought you something to drink,” one of the guards said from behind her.

  But she ignored him.

  Fuck him.

  “You need to drink,” he told her. “The humidity here can quickly cause dehydration.”

  She still didn’t acknowledge him.

  She heard him heavily sigh seconds before she heard the door close and the lock click into place.

  She rolled her eyes.

  Did he really think that lock could hold her in here? she thought to herself.

  If she wanted, she could easily escape. A well-placed boot kick and the door would be busted to smithereens. However, she couldn’t do that just yet...

  Stephanie Briggs had a mission to complete first – one that could very well get her killed, but to her – it was worth it.

  When she had first been shoved into the van and taken for her family, she thought for sure that she’d majorly screwed up. But as the men drove her away, she started to wonder if everything she thought was the truth.

  One of them had joked, saying ‘he’ was right. That all they had to do was mention ‘his’ name and she would comply.

  Was Rafa still alive after all? she wondered. And if he was, why hadn’t he contacted her? Why let her continue to mourn his loss? Why force her to live with a broken heart?

  She opened her hand and stared down at the simple silver locket. It was her most prized possession. The one thing she never left home without. It was all she had left from a time that she would always believe to be the best of her life.

  Popping it open, she stared down at the two pictures and moisture started to build in her eyes. “I’ll find you,” she whispered, her thumb rubbing over one of the images. “I promise. If you’re alive, I will find you.”

  Behind her, the door slammed open, causing her to jump. She’d been so deep in her head that she hadn’t even heard anyone coming.

  “The boss wants to see you,” the man told her.

  “Tell him to fuck off,” Stephanie replied.

  “Not today,” he told her.

  He and another guard rushed toward her and grabbed her upper arms, a bit too hard. “Ow!” Steph yelled. “Let me go, you pieces of shit!”

  “Then walk,” one of them growled as they shoved her toward the door.

  The move jostled her causing the locket to slip out of her hand. She fumbled for it, but it fell to the ground. Steph tried to reach down and grab it, but one of the guards just kept shoving.

  “Wait!” she yelled. “Shit.”

  She bent down to retrieve it, but at the same time saw one of the guards foot connect with the small piece of jewelry and send it sailing to the other side of the room, where it then rolled under the bed.

  “Damn it,” she cursed them.

  She tried to go after it, but they both grabbed her again and shoved her toward the door. Using their size, they blocked her path. “No, wait!” Stephanie said, trying to push her way between them to get to the charm. “I dropped something.”

  “Not my problem.”

  “Please,” she begged.

  But they just continued to push her out of the door and into the arms of two more guards who lifted her off her feet and carried her down the hall.

  Stephanie kicked. Twisted. Pleaded. And screamed. But it was no use, they wouldn’t let her go. And as the door softly closed behind her – her heart shattered…

  That small locket was all she had left from the person who once held the biggest chunk of her heart… And now, it was gone.

  Her shoulders slumped in defeat. And when the guards opened the door and pushed her into their boss’ office, Stephanie fell to the floor.

  She had nothing left. She felt completely defeated.

  “Get up,” a deep baritone voice said. “The floor is no place for a queen.”

  Her eyes lifted, slowly taking in the man who was standing in front of her. His fancy shoes, designer pants, expensive leather belt, and imported silk shirt. However, when her eyes finally got to his face and recognition kicked in, Stephanie stared in disbelief…

  “No…” she said in a whisper. Her stomach twisted painfully.

  It wasn’t possible, she told herself.

  “Well, hello to you too, my love.” He reached his hand out to help her up. “Finally, together, at last.”

  Chapter One


  She st
ared at his extended hand like it was poison. And maybe in a sense, it was because it, he, wasn’t supposed to be there. He was dead. She watched him die. Hell, she was the one who killed him.

  She closed her eyes, squeezing them tightly, and then reopened them. But he was still there.

  “You aren’t seeing things, Mi Amor,” he told her. “I am very much alive.”

  The way he called her “my love” made her skin crawl. Steph was not his, and she wasn’t his love. Whatever feelings that were there, were one-sided and on his end only.

  Steph ignored his hand and climbed to her feet, even though she would have rather just sat there like a lump. But she refused to look weak in front of him.

  “Why am I here?” she asked.

  “You came.” He shrugged.

  She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Oh, Steph.” He shook his head. “Don’t look at me like that. You should have known I would come back for you.”

  “How was I supposed to know that?” she countered. “You died. I watched you die.”

  She watched him walk over to his massive desk and take a seat. “Apparently not.” He shrugged again.

  She stood there, her insides turning, but refusing to allow her discomfort to show on the outside. She wouldn’t allow him to see how much seeing him affected her. But Steph couldn’t help but think, how much more could I have been wrong about? Had her earlier prediction been right? If he were alive, could Rafa be alive too?

  There was only one way to find out. She had to play his game. She had to get him to drop his guard. “What do you want, Franco?” she asked him.

  “You.” He stated the one word like it should have been obvious.

  And it probably should have, but Steph couldn’t understand why. It wasn’t as if she’d ever hidden her love for Rafa. Franco knew, full well, that she had always been in love with his brother.

  “You see,” Franco continued. “When I had the opportunity to… let’s just say, have a planned run-in with your family. I just couldn’t pass it up.” He shrugged so nonchalantly.

  “Who sent you after my family?” Steph asked. “Who told you where to find us?”

  Franco waved a dismissive hand. “That is neither here nor there. However, what is important, is the fact that I was told, and I took full advantage of the situation. Times are changing, Mi Amor. The Devil’s Henchmen won’t be able to save you. This time, I am in complete control of this show, and since I know what you are capable of…” He nodded his head toward her.

  Steph turned to look behind her. A guard, that she hadn’t noticed before, stepped out of the shadows and grabbed her arm. Before she could even think to pull away, he snapped a bracelet around her wrist.

  “What the fuck!” She yanked free and tried to remove the bracelet.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Franco warned. “That bracelet contains a lethal dose of VX. If at any time it is removed, a tiny needle will prick your skin, injecting it into your body.” Franco said the words so casually as if he were talking about the weather. “It will interfere with the transmission of nerve signals within the body and,” he snapped his fingers, “you die.”

  “Get this off of me,” she hissed. “Now.”

  “No can do, my love,” Franco said. He stood and walked toward her. Grabbing her chin, he leaned in close. “One way or another, you will love me as you once loved him,” he continued. “Until then, it stays on and you, mi querida, stay here. You will do as I say when I say it. Are we clear?”

  Steph didn’t respond.

  “Get used to this face, Stephanie. You will be seeing it often.” He let go of her and took a step back. “Take her back to her room,” he said to the guard. “And this time, no man-handling her. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir.” The guard nodded his head once.

  She felt the hand on her lower back, and she moved away. “Don’t touch me,” she told the guard. “I’m fully capable of walking on my own.”

  He didn’t reply.

  Steph glared at Franco one last time before she turned and exited the room. She would have to study the bracelet and see if it were truly unremovable. If not, she would have to reconsider her options because, at the moment, death was preferred over being forced to spend another second in Franco Holston’s company.

  Steph got back to her room and as the door was opened for her, she stepped inside and slammed it in the guard’s face. Just because she was being forced to remain there, didn’t mean she had to allow him into her space.

  The moment the door was closed, she rushed over to the bed and dropped to her knees. She frantically searched for her locket and felt an enormous amount of relief when she spotted it. Lying flat on her stomach, she slid under the bed and reached out an arm to grab it. Once it was securely in her fist, Steph wiggled herself free.

  She pressed her closed hand against her chest and closing her eyes sent up a silent prayer of thanks. When she’d left the room, she had no idea if she’d ever return to it and the thought of never seeing it again tore her up inside.

  Carefully opening her hand, she stared down at the small heart-shaped trinket like it was the most precious thing in the world. And to her, it was. Pressing the tiny little clasp, it popped open. She rubbed her thumb of the pictures inside.

  “Are you gone?” she whispered. “Or are you still alive?”

  She’s thought she’d known that answer, but now, she wasn’t so sure. Inside, her heartbeat erratically. Steph didn’t know how to feel. A part of her was excited about the prospect of being reunited with her love. But another part just felt… broken.

  If he were alive, why hide from her? She felt confused.

  Steph closed the locket and pressed it against her heart, again. She leaned her back against the side of the bed and closed her eyes. It felt like that day all over again. The day she’d lost him… Inside, her heart ripped open. It stole her breath. And as she sat there in the silent room, alone and falling apart, Stephanie cried for all that she had lost and for the hope that maybe one day soon she would have all back.

  Chapter Two


  “There’s no way we can keep this much money here.” Rafa knew they needed to move it, but convincing Franco was going to be a battle. His brother was obsessed with being surrounded by his wealth and Rafa truly hoped that one day it would be his downfall.

  “Just move it to the bunker.” Franco waved a dismissive hand. “It will be safe there.”

  “And if we get raided?” Rafa asked.

  “Why would we get raided?” Franco questioned, eyes narrowed and looking at Rafa with suspicion.

  “You got in bed with an FBI agent, Franco,” Rafa answered as if it should have been obvious. “All it will take is…”

  “All it will take is him opening his mouth to end up dead,” Franco interrupted. “If Williams crosses us, he dies. Simple.” He pointed his finger at Rafa like it was a gun and pretended to shoot. “Gone.”

  Rafa didn’t believe it would be that easy, but he kept his mouth shut. When Franco made a decision, it was nearly impossible to get him to change his mind. So, Rafa wouldn’t waste his time. He would move the money to the hidden bunker and go on with his day. However, he always knew that if anything went wrong, Franco would blame him.

  Franco made his way toward the door but stopped just as he stepped over the threshold. “Also, brother,” he called, “I’d like you to join me for dinner tonight. We have a guest. Don’t be late.” And then he was gone.

  Rafa didn’t like the way he said the word guest, so he groaned. Any time his brother brought people to the house, it was never good. And for the millionth time since he’d been born into the family, he cursed himself. He hated his brother. He hated what he stood for, and he hated what he’d done to the family since their father’s death.

  But he couldn’t leave. Rafa was stuck. Held hostage. Trapped.

  All because he chose to believe in love. All because he chose to put
that love ahead of his family. And for that mistake, he had paid greatly. Franco ensured that he had. Every. Single. Day. And he would continue to pay for it until the day he died.

  He looked over at his sister, and his heart broke a little more. She was nothing like she used to be. Before, Angelica was a vibrant, smiling, witty woman with her entire life ahead of her. But now, she was just an empty shell. Broken, like so many others that were forced to live there and do Franco’s bidding.

  Rafa sighed.

  Grabbing the two duffle bags and hoisting them over his shoulders, he carried them out of the room and down the back staircase. If he was going to make it to dinner on time, then he needed to get his ass in gear and get his shit done.

  After all, dirty money didn’t clean itself…

  He walked down the stairs and into the dining room with only minutes to spare. Walking into the room, he froze for a split second before composing himself and rounding the table to take his seat. Seeing his mother and sister in the room unsettled him. It wasn’t a normal sight.

  “So glad you could finally join us,” Franco said, clearly annoyed.

  “You said seven,” Rafa replied. “It’s six fifty-eight.”

  Franco rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything more about it. Instead, he changed the subject. “Our guest will be here at any moment. I expect you all to be on your best behavior.”

  Rafa looked at his mother and sister, and then back at his brother. “Who’s the guest?”

  “You’ll see,” Franco answered. The smug look on his face told Rafa that he most likely wouldn’t like what was to come.

  He tried to think of who it could be, but he was drawing a blank. It wasn’t very often, if ever, that Franco called a family meeting. Much less forced everyone to join him at the dinner table.

  However, when he heard the female voice coming from somewhere outside of the dining room, Rafa’s hands began to shake.

  “If you touch me again, I’ll slice off your fucking nuts!” the woman yelled.

  “Ah.” Franco smiled. “Here she comes.”


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