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Zara's Surrender

Page 1

by Delta James


  Wild Mustang Security Firm #3


  Delta James


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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Zara’s Surrender Copyright 2019 Delta James

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  FREE – Mandy’s Claiming

  About the Author

  Social Media Links

  Also by Delta James

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  Chapter 1

  Noah Taylor shook his head as he put together a go-bag for an unexpected trip to London. With Mac on his honeymoon, this was to have been a quiet, easy week. He’d even contemplated taking a few days off. With the arrival of photojournalist Finlay Reid, that plan had been shelved.

  Finn had hired the firm ostensibly to track her brother in the Grand Canyon. What the firm hadn’t known was that her brother was being held by the notorious arms dealer, Fariq Abdal. What was supposed to be a simple exchange had gone badly, and Finn had been taken hostage. The firm had been able to resolve that situation, but now Finn had taken off to London to meet up with her friend, the investigative journalist, Zara Hughes. Finn’s leaving had become the business of the Wild Mustang Security Firm for two reasons: one, she was in danger; two, she was his buddy, Billy Crofton’s, girl.

  Noah smiled. That had been quick—not that he blamed Croft. Finn was beautiful. She was also reckless and stubborn, with a strong penchant for misbehaving. He didn’t envy Croft losing his heart to her. Noah figured Croft was in for a wild rodeo with her, but at least he’d found the woman he was meant to be with.

  Noah had yet to be gifted with that one special woman, but he knew he didn’t want an untamed filly like Finn. No, he longed for a nice, quiet, easygoing girl who wanted to please him, keep him warm and satisfied at night, and make his life comfortable. Not that he saw a relationship as a one-way street. He knew that with the right woman he’d be her rock—a steadfast, faithful lover and husband who would never let anything harm her and would work his butt off to make sure all her dreams came true. Jesus, when had he gotten to be as much of an incurable romantic as the guys he worked with?

  He heard the company jet land and taxi up to the office building. Grabbing his gear, he trotted up the stairs and onto the plane.

  “Hey, Noah,” Avery, the firm’s pilot and operations coordinator, called from the cockpit.

  “Hi ya, gorgeous,” he called back. Avery’s response was a snorted laugh.

  Stowing his gear, Noah took his usual spot on the plane.

  He found it amusing that they all seemed to have their spots…even when they were the only one on the plane. Croft’s was usually right across from and facing him. Noah watched as Croft secured his bag and joined him. Noah could tell he was agitated. He wasn’t sure which was troubling him more, Finn being gone or Finn being in possible danger.

  Once they were airborne, Croft turned to him. “You sound like you know this friend of Finn’s.”

  “Not personally, but by reputation. And, frankly, I’m a fan. She’s a lot like your Finn—tenacious and fearless. Christian’s right. They’ve teamed up to bring down a couple of nasty regimes and exposed more than one dictator and terrorist organization.”

  Croft smiled. “Pretty?”

  “Stunning. Beautiful features, a smokin’ hot body, and legs that go on forever.” Noah smiled. He’d seen Zara Hughes on television plenty of times and in person a few. He’d never met her, but there was no denying her assets—both physical and intellectual. She also made Finn and Mac’s Willa look tame in comparison. He didn’t envy the man who lost his heart to her, although he had to admit he’d had more than one fantasy starring the lovely Ms. Hughes.

  Croft laughed. “Hmm, sounds to me like watching over this woman isn’t going to be your idea of a difficult assignment.”

  Noah had been tasked with accompanying Croft. Their intelligence had led them to believe that there could be something brewing in the international terrorist game. If Finn had gone to meet with Hughes, the plan was for Croft to bring his woman home where he could keep her safe and for Noah to stay behind and keep an eye on Hughes until they knew what was what, could ensure the safety of Christian, Finn, and Hughes, and then turn it over to the authorities.

  Noah smiled. “No, I’m a fan from afar. Way too feisty for me. I want an easy girl, someone who makes Mandy look like a spitfire.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” teased Croft.

  “Not on a plane headed to London because she’s being a pain in the ass.”

  “True enough,” laughed Croft.

  They talked briefly about Croft’s relationship with Finn. While part of Noah envied his friend having found the woman he was meant to be with, he didn’t fancy hooking up with a girl like Finn. It was obvious Croft was pissed at Finn on a variety of levels. Noah didn’t think much of Finn’s chances of not ending up facedown over Croft’s knee getting punished for this latest bit of nonsense. She’d have to learn that Croft meant to be the dominant partner.

  Noah chuckled. “I can’t imagine waking up, wanting my woman, and finding her gone. That can’t be a good thing.”

  Croft shook his head. “It isn’t. I plan to get things resolved with her. I was trying to give her some time and space to reconcile it for herself. That was an enormous failure, so I’ll get it settled for her.”

  “Like I said, you and Mac can have the complicated ones. I just want a nice, simple girl who wants to follow my lead, understands the consequences of misbehaving, and chooses to behave more often than not.”

  “What can I tell you, Noah? The heart wants what the heart wants. And I think I wanted Finn from the beginning. Funny thing is, you’d think I would have had this great epiphany after we’d made love. But I didn’t,” he laughed. “It was about midway through the first time I had her over my knee. I think from that point on, it was all over but the shouting…for both of us.”

  “Until she decided to convince herself differently…”

  “Yeah, right up until then.”

  They talked a bit more before both opted to catch some shuteye for the remainder of the flight. Noah was fairly certain Croft wouldn’t get much rest, but he opted to head to the back of the plane where he could stretch out comfortably.

  Normally, Noah didn’t dream; if he did, he never remembered what the dreams were about. When he first gotten involved with special ops, he’d lost a lot of sleep over reliving missions or worrying about missions to come. He’d schooled himself to fall quickly into a de
ep and restful slumber so his body and mind could recuperate.

  He hadn’t yet reached a state of REM sleep when the dream started. The fact he knew it was a dream told him that much. Usually, he’d shut down that part of his brain and move past the beginning of any dream, pushing it from his mind.

  “Coward,” a feminine voice called with a hint of amusement.

  Turning toward the sound, he found himself him looking at Zara Hughes. He’d recognize her anywhere. She was tall, with cascading dark-brown hair, delicate features, and luminous blue eyes. Those eyes were laughing…at him.

  “What did you call me?” he growled, trying to banish the image before him.

  “You heard me…I called you a coward. Not that I think you are afraid of danger or are anything less than honorable, but you’re still afraid.”

  “Of what? You?” It was his turn to be amused.

  “Not necessarily, but of a woman like me. You tell yourself you want some nice quiet girl who will do as you tell her, spread her legs whenever you want, give blowjobs on demand, and wait at home for the great warrior to return.”

  “What if I do?”

  Zara laughed. “You’d be bored out of your mind within a month.”

  She closed the distance between them and placed her hand on his chest, trailing it down his muscular torso then stopping at his waist and slipping it inside his jeans, just past his belt. Noah’s cock stiffened as he inhaled her scent. Her aroma was unique—flowery yet earthy with a hint of vanilla.

  She removed her hand before unbuttoning his jeans and sliding the zipper down.

  Zara laughed again, her tone dark, dusky, and seeming to hint at arousal.

  “Why doesn’t it surprise me that the commando goes commando. Ever so much easier to work with,” she said as she wrapped her fist around his cock which responded eagerly to her fondling.

  Noah could feel his now hard cock being freed from his jeans. This was his fantasy and his dream, and he had no intention of allowing Zara to continue to control their encounter. With a wall somehow having appeared at her back, Noah loosened her grip from his staff and brought her wrists together over her head, pinning her to the wall with his body.

  He lowered his head until his mouth was tantalizingly close to hers then grasped the slim column of her throat with his thumb and forefinger anchoring her face beneath her jaw. She started to speak, but he cut her off by capturing her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue past her teeth and impressing upon her from the get go that he was dominant between them.

  The softening of her lips and quiet moan spoke to her acceptance of his claiming. He lessened his death grip on her jaw and began to coax what he wanted from her. He relinquished his hold of her face but continued to pin her arms over her head and pressed his body against hers.

  Noah rucked up the skirt she was wearing so he could get his hands on her. He chuckled as he discovered he wasn’t the only one without undergarments. The silky, curly hair that covered the juncture between her legs parted as his finger probed for and found her swollen nub.

  Zara struggled, he thought to try and gain some equality of control between them, but Noah did not relent. He tugged and played with her clit until her breath was shallow and out of rhythm. Slipping his hand farther between her legs, he was not surprised to find her labia slick with her arousal.

  He tore her blouse away, exposing her breasts and noting the difference in color between the preponderance of flesh and its darker areola and beaded nipple. He barely had time to register that difference as he enclosed the latter with his mouth and nipped it before encompassing it in his mouth, sucking and licking at it.

  Noah’s hand returned to Zara’s swollen sex as he thrust two fingers up into her hot, wet channel. He plunged them in and out of her roughly until her breathing caught and her cunt climaxed and clamped down on them.

  His cock was now throbbing. Noah released her wrists, grasped her by both thighs and lifted her off the ground, using the wall to give him leverage. When she was poised above him, he lowered her onto his waiting staff, with a heavy groan. Nothing in his life had ever felt this good.

  Zara collapsed against him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he began to fuck her. He drove his cock into her wet heat. Between his grip on her legs, his shaft deep in her sheath, and having her pinned against the wall, there was little she could do but allow him to plunder her body in the way male conquerors had been claiming their women for millennia.

  Her pussy began to tremble all along his length. The contractions made his thrusting even more exquisite. She shuddered and he stroked her harder, pumping into her body as she writhed against him and called his name. Zara climaxed once, twice, and then a third time, each orgasm tumbling into the other with no distinct beginning or end. He grunted and groaned as he began to hammer her hard enough to bring on his own orgasm.

  She called his name in surrender and need.

  “Again,” he commanded, driving into her with a frenzy and ferocity he hadn’t known he was capable of.

  Her pussy pulsed all along his shaft. As he felt her begin to orgasm, Noah plunged into her powerfully to allow himself the sweet release of filling her with his cum.

  “Gentlemen,” called Avery from the cockpit. “Please buckle up. We’ll be landing at Gatwick in a few minutes. Thom put us up at the Amba Hotel, which is close to the Savoy.”

  Noah woke with a start. The dream had been intense and visceral. He checked the front of his jeans to make sure they showed no signs of his fantasy with Zara. His cock was swollen and would need either some self-gratification or a cold shower as soon as possible. Luckily, he hadn’t taken the time to tuck in his shirt, so he was fairly sure neither Croft nor Avery would notice his arousal.

  The plane landed, and they were through customs and on their way to the hotel in short order. Once they were checked in, Noah headed for the shower while Croft called the Savoy to see if he could ascertain Finn’s whereabouts and Avery checked in with the firm. Croft was able to confirm that Finn was at the hotel, in the dining room with Zara Hughes. Noah, Croft, and Avery opted to have dinner in their room while setting up a schedule to keep an eye on Finn. As they had both slept on the plane, Croft grabbed a quick shower before he and Noah left to set up surveillance at the Savoy. Once the two women parted company, Croft ensured Finn was tucked into her room and then headed back to the Amba. Noah opted to follow Zara home, or wherever she was going, to keep an eye on her.

  Chapter 2

  It had been good to see Finn. Zara couldn’t help but smile at the predicament her friend found herself in. She remembered all too well the confusing dilemma of being a self-made, independent journalist and trying to reconcile that with the need for a dominant man who thought nothing of beating her ass anytime he believed it was deserved. It had taken Zara a while to realize she was never going to convince her former lover, Damian, he wasn’t right or to escape a punishment once he’d decided she deserved it.

  Zara hadn’t been joking when she’d cautioned Finn about pissing off Billy Crofton of the Wild Mustang Security Firm. She’d made more than one plane trip home on a welted ass with her pussy almost as sore from the sex that inevitably followed a spanking. Zara had never liked pain, but Damian’s discipline came with all kinds of fringe benefits, including the fact that he had loved her without reservation. And if she was honest, his watching over her had saved her more than once.

  Well, good for Finn. Every strong woman deserved an even stronger man at least once in her life. She’d had Damian and now channeled most of her sexual needs into driving her career. Now and then, when she needed a physical outlet, she turned to casual relationships, mostly with men she’d known for years. She rarely repeated a tryst, and thus was able to maintain those friendships afterward.

  She walked down the cobblestone streets to her home in one of London’s famous mews. When trying to decide where to purchase a home after relocating to the cosmopolitan capital of England, Zara had taken inspiration from her favorite my
stery writer, Agatha Christie, and found a place that suited her perfectly. She had confined her main living area to the first floor with a very open concept kitchen/great room and a half bath. The second floor was her master suite, including an enormous walk-in shower separate from a deep Victorian soaker tub. The third floor was her office, home gym, and retreat from the world; it too had a half bath.

  Zara couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being, if not followed, then observed. Damian had taught her the difference between the two. Once inside her home, she reactivated the security system and then peeked out of the shutters from the darkened room. She couldn’t spot anyone or anything amiss, but if Finn was right about Fariq Abdal’s organization being taken over by Gerold Springer, she would need to be more careful. She slipped up the stairs without turning on the light.

  Normally, the French doors at the top of the stairs remained open, but tonight she closed, locked, and armed them. The glass was simulated bubble glass, reminiscent of a bygone era, but was in fact state-of-the-art and bulletproof as were all the windows in her home. One nasty run-in with enemies of Damian’s had taught her the value of forewarned is forearmed.

  She entered her bedroom and closed the shutters, turning on the lamp by her bed. Zara got into the middle of her king-sized bed, crossing her legs before pulling out her laptop and jotting down her notes. If Finn’s assumptions were correct, this could be a huge article for both of them. Zara grinned…provided Billy Crofton could be persuaded to allow Finn to get further involved or they could avoid his presence as they ran down the story. Zara tried to tell herself she should feel bad about the state of Finn’s ass should her friend opt to continue over what Zara was sure would be Crofton’s objections, but she couldn’t. Two of their biggest joint ventures had resulted in accolades and awards for both of them, and a welted ass for her. It was Finn’s turn, she thought, laughing.


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