The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 11

by Tori Leigh Vella

  I walked into her room to see doctors monitoring her.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good now that you’re here.”

  “That’s good. Look I really want to talk to you about something'

  She looked at me a little confused.

  “Ok what's on your mind?”

  I did not know where to start.

  “Well this choice is no one's but mine and yours to make as both Alpha and Luna. Seeing you in the hospital bed just makes me realise what I was too blind to see all along and I know we are young but I think we can do it, together. I don't want to wait because I know what I want now.”

  She looked at me with that confused little face she gets when she is trying to process something.

  “So Tyler, what are you saying because I don't quite understand?”

  Kaylie's POV

  I looked at him as if I was seeing him for the very first time. He had that cute little half smirk, half smile and his eyes had that fire to them. He looked at me so full of passion and all I wanted was to be in his arms.

  “What I'm trying to say Kaylie is that I don't want to wait a few more years. I want to start a family with you now. Seeing you like this makes me want to never let you go. All I want is to protect you and to stand by your side forever. I do not want to ever feel like how I have for the last few days while you have been unconscious. When you are better and your body can handle a pregnancy and you want to of course I want to try for a baby”.

  I looked at him stunned. I tried to speak but no words came out.

  Was I ready for that decision yet?

  Was I ready to have a baby at my age?

  Nothing was really stopping me from being a mum and I swore that when I did have kids I would be the best mother that I possibly could.

  That tiny little life would be Tyler's and mine, something that we created together. A little part of both of us, the best of both of us. This baby would fill the void, that empty feeling I felt all my life. Call it mother's intuition but I just knew.

  Tyler sat down on the side of my bed staring at me waiting for my answer. I took his hand and stroked it for a few seconds before looking into his eyes.

  “I know I have put a lot of stress on you the last few weeks and I'm so sorry for that. Becoming parents is a big decision and this has put everything into perspective for me. You are my life and I will stand by you always. You know I have told you about feeling empty my whole life. That black void I always felt. It got worse with Nate's death but when you came into my life, it was as if I could see past it for the first time. You made everything better and I think if we have a baby; the best parts of both of us that the void might be filled a bit more. I feel like I am ready. I mean what else do I have to live for. Werewolves were created to find their mate and produce. I can continue my Luna duties as well as raising our child. So if you are ready than I am too”.

  He looked at me as if he was a blind man seeing for the first time after so long.

  “I love you Kaylie and I will do everything for you. I will wait on your hand and foot even paws if I have to, to help you raise our child. I will be here through all of the morning sickness and the giving birth part even though you know I hate blood. This child will be the second best thing that has ever happened to me. Our baby will take over from us one day with their partner as alpha and Luna and the generation will continue. I love you so much and I will love this baby too. All I have ever wanted was to find my mate, starting a family was not even an option really. Being alpha was just a bonus for me. You have made me so happy; just get better for me, please.”

  He kissed me and it was magical. Every time this boy touched me, it was as if I was on fire.


  3 weeks later

  “Don't forget what the doctor said Kaylie, you still need to rest and we can't start trying until you're given the all clear and get your check up and the pre natal vitamins”.

  “Jesus Tyler you sound worse than your father when I was actually giving birth to you and your fat head.”

  “Thanks so much for that mum, I'm just worried about her” he said sarcastically.

  “And so you should, it's your job to worry about her just don't overdo it, she's not even pregnant yet and when she is all I can say is god help you Kaylie, I'm here if you need saving sweetheart” she said offering a warm smile.

  “Thank you” I said returning it.

  Tyler has not shut up about trying for a baby. He has been all-gentle and I am already starting to crack.

  “Tyler I'm fine, you can stop with the gentleness now, I'm not going to break.”

  It was sweet to know that he cared the way he did about me. All I had been dreaming of lately is holding a baby in my arms and seeing the smile on Ty's face. I could not wait to give him that moment with his child. I could tell he would be a great dad.

  His parents supported our decision and were excited at the prospect of having a grandchild in their lives soon. His mum even hinted at wanting more than one. She said her greatest mistake was only having one pup. Tyler grew up too fast for her liking and offered to help me with anything she could.

  I was glad that I had great in laws.

  Tyler was currently trying to shove me in the car so that we could go to my check up and start trying right away. I think he had baby brain. I even caught him reading a few baby books. I guess he was smitten with the idea or just overly excited.

  “You know I'm probably just going to enjoy all the sex I'll get from this until you realise I'm actually pregnant and then you won't touch me until I give birth”.

  “That's not true, according to the baby books you'll get even hornier as the pregnancy progresses, high libido or something.”

  “Joy” was all I said.

  “I will be enjoying the sex too and when you're pregnant I can say I've had a threesome” he joked, concentrating on driving.

  I slapped him for that one.

  “So you want a threesome?” I questioned.

  “I was joking; I thought you were only supposed to get emotional when the hormones start changing”.

  “Can we stop with the baby jokes please?”

  “Alright, I'll stop.”

  The rest of the trip was peaceful, and I heard no more bad baby jokes.

  Once we got to the hospital, I was immediately called in for the check up. It was the same female doctor who dealt with my collapse a few weeks earlier.

  “It's good to see you looking well Kaylie, I see you're all ready for your check up then.”

  “Yeah as ready as I'll ever be, Tyler hasn't shut up about babies,” I said.

  “Yes, I know from what Anna has told me I can see where the frustration is coming from, okay let's get started then”.

  She checked my vitals and made sure my general health was okay, my records, showed I was fertile, and I had no problems with my periods. I was off my contraception and I was prescribed pre natal's.

  “Just so we're all on the same page and something may happen no one knows about this except you, us and Anna and Rick and I'd like to keep it that way until we know that nothing is going to go wrong. I don't want to get my hopes up”

  “Your secrets safe with me Kaylie but you shouldn't be scared hunny. Your body was designed for a child. You will be monitored, and everything will be fine. I promise you the baby will be fine. I know you worry because of your brother but everything will work out.”

  I thanked her and walked out holding Tyler's hand and my pills, my best friends for the next few months.

  “Everything will be fine Kaylie, be positive for me babe, Soon we will have a little baby. Sometimes I feel like I don't make you happy.”

  “It's not that, I'm just so scared that I'll lose someone else and I know I need to let go of what happened to Nate but I can't and I've tried, you know I have. Something is holding me back and I do not want anything to disappoint me. I am scared something will happen to the baby. Everything good that I have is taken from me. I thought
it was you when I heard Nate and I prayed that it was not you because that would have crushed me more. The pain from losing a mate is excruciating or so I have been told. I can't lose you, we can always have more kids, but there's only one of you, do you understand?”

  He kissed me and then held my face.

  “I understand babe but I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here okay, it's just me and you against the world for now and when the baby does come it's just something better to have come into our lives. All I know I that I love you and we are having lots of sex tonight so stock up on your vitamins. God I have missed being inside you.”

  I could not help but laugh and know that I was definitely in for a night of absolute pleasure.


  For the next few months, I was ordered to take it easy, so that my body did not go backwards and so I did not put myself into danger again. Every day I got a little of myself back and soon my body was like it was when I was preparing for battle. Because we were trying for a baby, I could not get involved in fights and I was only allowed to do the paper work.

  Over the next few weeks, the hospital slowly got re-done and I was happy with the result. I still visited Felicity but even with my increased immune system, I still could get sick so I had to be careful.

  As of now, we had been trying for a baby for the past four months and I had not fallen pregnant once. For some reason I wasn't getting my heat like I used to and that was supposed to happen once a moth like with a period after you mate.

  I could tell Tyler was getting upset because I was not pregnant yet. All he talked about lately was being a dad and the things he would teach the baby.

  One morning I woke up feeling not so crash hot. I had the urge to puke and luckily, I made it in time. I heaved my guts up into the toilet a few times before sinking down onto the tiles leaning my head against the cold floor.

  I smiled to myself thinking the only logical explanation. This had to be morning sickness for sure.

  Tyler was out running patrols and would not be back for a few hours. I grabbed my phone and called Sarah, my doctor to book an appointment. Since luck was on my side, she could fit me in, in about five minutes. I grabbed my keys and locked the house up before walking the quick walk to the hospital. I knocked on her door and was ushered in. She closed the door and sat down at her desk.

  “It's nice to see you again Kaylie, what can I do for you?”

  “I woke up with a strong urge to vomit and then it just kept happening. In all honesty I actually thought it was morning sickness and got excited” I couldn't help but smile.

  “Okay then, I'll do a few tests and see if I can determine that you are pregnant. Have you noticed any other symptoms”?

  “No, I haven't” I said honestly.

  “Okay well first I'll do a urine test and a blood test.”

  She handed me a bottle and I put it on the table. She strapped my arm and proceeded to take my blood. I felt a little woozy but I recovered quickly. Once she had taken my vial of blood, I went to the toilet and did the pee sample for her. I cleaned the bottle and handed it to her. She dipped a strip in and I watched, as it turned blue.

  She smiled at me.

  “Okay just one more thing. Lie down and just lift your shirt a little, this might be a little cold”

  She squirted a little of the gel onto my stomach and using what looked like to be part of an ultrasound machine moved the gel around. All of a sudden, I could hear what sounded like a heartbeat.

  “Congratulations, you and Tyler are having a baby”

  “Oh my god I'm pregnant and I didn't realise until today, how could I have not known?” I asked smiling.

  “Well you have been under a lot of stress lately, I am sure your mind has been elsewhere from the looks of things you are around three months pregnant.”

  I was so excited.

  “Thank you so much,” I said as she wiped the gel off and proceeded to do something on the computer.

  “You're welcome,” she said as she handed me some pictures of my little baby.

  “I'll need you to come back when you're twenty weeks.”

  I walked out of the hospital feeling happy. I could not wait to tell Tyler the good news.

  I quickly sent him a text telling him that I needed to meet him at the house. By the time, I got home and up to our room, he was already there. He pulled me into a hug and looked me up and down, searching for any signs of injury.

  “I'm fine babe” I smiled at him

  “What's wrong then?”

  “I woke up vomiting and went to the hospital to make sure everything was okay.”

  “Are you alright?” his face filled with concern and it was the cutest thing ever.

  “Yes everything is fine I found out what the problem was though.”

  He looked confused at my words so I handed him the ultrasound photos.

  “Are these what I think they are?” he asked

  “Yes baby, you're going to be a daddy. I'm three months pregnant”

  “Whoop” he screamed out. “I'm going to be a dad.”

  He looked the happiest I had seen him in a long time.

  “We're going to be parent’s baby.”

  He got down to his knees and kissed my non-existent tummy. I wasn't showing at all and I wouldn't for at least another month.

  “Hi baby, its daddy. Mummy and daddy are so happy that you're going to be here in six months. You are going to be the cutest baby.”

  “I'm here for you the whole way babe, when's the next ultrasound?”

  “At twenty weeks, then they can tell us if we're having a little girl or boy.”

  “Well I am going to go tell the rents and the boys so I'll be back soon babe, can I take the photos?”

  “Of course babe we'll put them up once you get back” I said giving him a kiss.

  I was so happy. I had the boy of dream and he was all mine forever and now we had a baby on the way.

  Life was so much better here and I was so grateful. No one could hold me down anymore. I felt untouchable.

  Chapter 29

  I was currently in labour and it killed.

  I was sweating, I felt disgusting and I was ready to kill Tyler for getting me pregnant in the first place.

  I was tired of pushing and breathing to get the baby out. All I wanted was to close my eyes and sleep for a year but the doctors would not let me.

  My water had broken in the early hours of the morning when I should have been asleep. After a few hours of contractions and each one getting closer together, I had given in and finally gone to the hospital. My labour so far had not been a smooth sail. I could not stay dilated.

  For the last three hours, all I could hear was “keep pushing Kaylie”, “almost there kaylie, only a few more pushes.” That was three hours ago and I still did not have my baby boy in my arms.

  I was growing tired and I was beyond exhausted. I had reached eight centimeters dilated a few hours ago before I started to drop back down to five centimeters. They had then decided to finally give me a drug that brings on labour and told me that it would help me stay dilated and ultimately lead to a healthy birth of our son, otherwise I would be forced to have a caesarean.

  Tyler was holding my hand and kissing my forehead telling me that he loved me and I would be okay.

  Why was this so hard and painful? Surely, my little boy was not that big or hard to get out when suddenly an idea hit me.

  “What if he's using his gift because he’s scared?”

  “That could be a reason but we're monitoring him with the ultrasound and he's visible. You are a first-time mum Kaylie; labour takes longer for some people.”

  “'Oh god” I groaned, just as one of my monitors started to beep.

  “She's eight centimeters dilated once again, let's get that baby out this time.”

  Sarah was to my side before she told me what to do.

  '”Okay Kaylie now this time we will get this baby out otherwise your body will go into shock and it could har
m both you and the baby. Tyler you need to help her breathe and pant so that she can push. There's a basin filled with water and a cloth so you can wash her face if she gets too hot, there is a cup of water to give to her if her mouth is dry. Kaylie all I need you to do is breathe and push when we tell you to, can you do that for us?”

  I could only nod.

  I just hoped that within the next few hours I would have my son in my arms, I could sleep and finally go home.


  After another hour and a lot of swearing, sweating and pushing, my little man, Jayden Nathaniel Summers was born into the world on the 28th of October 2012 at 4:15pm. He was perfect and the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

  His little cry was heaven to my ears and all my fears melted away of him being hurt or anything less than perfect. The nurse handed him to me wrapped in a blue blanket and I placed him on his chest.

  His little fingers were so tiny.

  “Hi baby, welcome to the world, mummy and daddy loves you Jayden.”

  Once I had a cuddle, I handed him carefully to Tyler so he could get a hold too. Tyler was a natural with him. I had never seen him hold or touch someone like he did with Jayden. It was as if he was scared that he would break him.

  “You both look so cute right now,” I said smiling. I could finally relax and sleep now that my little man was here. Once he was in my arms it did not seem that bad. I would do it all over again if it meant I got to hold my child.

  Once I had fed him, Tyler put him down for a sleep and I decided to have a little nap as well. Tyler fell asleep on the lounge they supplied for him and the next day I was released.

  Jayden mostly slept and I spent most of my time watching him sleep. I was really waiting for him to show any signs of his powers. I had been trying to research and found nothing.

  My genes did not kick in until I made the change. Hell, my newborn son was showing signs while he was still a fetus. I was scared at the unknown and what threats I would have to face because of his abilities but I would never ever let someone use him like they used me. That much I could promise.

  “Kaylie what are you doing?”


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