The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 12

by Tori Leigh Vella

  “Just watching our son sleep, he's so cute but I'm worried about what is to come.”

  “We'll protect him babe, no one knows about his abilities except us, mum and dad and Sarah, and no one will tell anyone else about it. If it makes you feel better the pack will not know about his abilities but they will all be curious if he inherited the gene.”

  “I think it's safer if they don't know about him Tyler, I don't want anything to happen to our little boy, since he's been born that void I always talk about has almost gone away and I can grieve Nate like a normal person. If something happened to Jayden, I think that void would be even bigger than before; Jayden is exactly how I remembered Nate. For every death there is a birth, Nate is somewhat in Jayden. He even looks like him. I can’t lose another part of myself again because I know this time I wouldn’t be able to be fixed.”

  “I know babe, I've seen a different side of you since Jayden was born, and I feel like I have you back again. It's like I have the girl I meet for the first time back in my arms and I'm not letting you go.”

  “I never want you to let me go,” I said walking over to him and pulling him in for a hug.

  We sat together cuddled up on a lounge watching the baby we had brought into the world together. Jayden was perfect in every way.

  The last thing I remember before falling asleep was that I was lucky to have such amazing people in my life and these two boys meant everything to me. I would never let them go.


  The next few months flew by quickly. Jayden was getting bigger everyday and he was such a smart boy. He knew things and I could not explain them. His favourite game was hide and seek because he could make himself disappear, so mummy would always lose. He always made me smile. My little boy looked exactly like his dad. The familiarities were scary, according to Anne, he looked exactly like his father at that age as well, and the photos just proved it.

  Today Tyler and I were teaching Jayden how to walk. The last few times we tried we were unsuccessful. Jayden was not in the slight bit interested and was more concerned about some toys he had found.

  The pack was happy they had a future heir and they still did not know about his gifts as such and I hoped that it stayed that way. At the bonfires, all was well and there were no more threats either.

  Felicity had met little Jayden a few times and stated that she would be babysitting him for me when she got better. The doctors were still looking for a cure for her and I hoped they found one soon. She would be sixteen in a few short months. She was such a sweet girl. She made me want to help and I hoped that one day I would have a little girl of my own too.

  Tyler and I just took each day as they came. We were both still looking into Jayden’s gift as well as research on the White wolf gene. So far, we had found nothing. It was almost as if the gene seized to exist.

  I hoped that we would find something useful to help us soon.

  Chapter 30

  Tyler's POV

  I was in the nursery watching Jayden. He was busy playing with some stuffed toys in his crib trying to figure out where to place them and have enough room to move around. He could hold himself up now and was crawling.

  We had given up on trying to teach him to walk. I explained to Kaylie that he would learn when he was ready.

  At six months, he was such a clever little thing and was very advanced for his age. He was doing things no other baby that age should be doing so we thought we would try teaching him how to walk.

  Kaylie and I were astounded at what he was capable of. He was very advanced for his age and we did not know if that was another part of his gift.

  Thankfully, now that Kaylie had her hands full during the day with Jayden she wasn’t at the hospital at every possible moment.

  She and I still visited felicity, sometimes even bringing Jayden but we both did not like Jayden being around the hospital. Even though he was a full werewolf, we did not want to risk his health.

  I felt for felicity who was not like all the other werewolf cubs. She may never be able to shift because of her disease. She could barely hold her own weight. She was so tiny and was underweight.

  I can see why Kaylie was so drawn to her. In a sense, Kaylie saw herself in Felicity. She was never a normal cub. She was disowned the day she did not shift at sixteen but was welcomed again once she made the shift for the first time.

  Kaylie and I had spoken and were looking into a possible cure for her. Kaylie knew that if she looked hard enough she would find the answer.

  While Jayden slept, she had her head stuck in books about her disease She also was looking into books ad information about werewolf genetics and the white wolf gene that both she and our son had inherited. In everything, we had found there was no mention of the possible gifts you could inherit.

  “Tyler I think I may have something,” she called out from our office and study.

  “What did you find Kay?”

  “Well we were all thinking that Felicity’s disease had to be curable by medication or something when maybe she isn't strong enough because she hasn't mated yet?”

  “You could have found something. A mate makes every wolf stronger but can she mate if she has not shifted yet?”

  “That's my point. She can get better once she mates but she cannot shift without the risk of dying. If she shifts, there is a high chance they she may never switch back to her human form or die in the process of shifting. She would break all her bones.”

  “What if she mates before she has to shift?”

  “I've heard of young wolves finding their mates, though generally the mates have a big age gap'

  “So what we get everyone to visit the hospital and hope Felicity has a reaction to someone's scent?”

  “That is exactly what I am saying” I smiled.

  “And how do you propose we do this genius?” she asked me.

  “We'll have liked a fundraiser at the hospital, everyone comes in and offers to help out, feed the elderly and shit like that.”

  “And how do we get every male to come into her room?”

  “They won't go in her room, they just have to walk past her room or close enough so she can sense her mate. She should be able to pick up the scent and the she has a mate.”

  “Yeah good luck with that, remember there are same sex wolf couples.”

  “She is not gay.”

  “There is always a possibility, I'm trying to just think of every possible outcome here, we both want Felicity to get better.”

  “Yeah and I understand that, why can't you just request as Alpha that all unmated wolves go to the hospital because it could actually save a girl's life, she is still a child?”

  “Or I could do that yes but fundraising is so much fun.”

  “Do you really expect me to believe that Tyler? I know you better than anyone else does and you hate fundraisers, you hate spending time at the hospital for god sake's.”

  “Ok so you may have a point there.”

  “Of course I’m right.”

  She had caught me out. The only problem was I would have to call a separate meeting for this and I know the pack was not that keen on my meetings. I sort of sucked at them I guess.

  “You'll be fine Tyler, they all love you as an Alpha when you aren't talking everyone's head off and it gives them a chance to see Jayden. I am sick of all the girls asking to see him when they could just come over.”

  Jayden was the youngest in the pack. Not many pups had been born in the last few years. No one really was mating anymore and there was not really a desire for many to have pups.

  Now that I was Alpha, I could hopefully convince a few people to start having pups.

  I was going to speak to the boys about starting a family with their misses or not. Kaylie just gave me a look.

  “They would start a family when they were ready.”

  Kaylie knew me too bloody well and she had the unfair advantage of being able to read my mind through the bond.

  “Stop talking to yourself an
d go call a pack meeting, Felicity is getting weaker with each day, she really needs this.”

  Therefore, with that I called my beta and told him what information we had. He then called the pack meeting because I was too lazy and that was what he was for anyway.

  No, I am just kidding, he volunteered to call the meeting for me while I went and got Jayden and Kaylie so we could walk down together. I found her in Jayden's room dressing him in a shirt and pants. She put a pair of converse shoes on his feet and picked our little boy up.

  “He looks like you more and more every day,” she said playing with my little man's curls.

  “Well he gets all his looks from his mum.”

  Yes, I was a major suck up with no manhood. I owed it to her after I watched her give birth to our son. God that looked painful. I was so glad that I was not female.


  Kaylie's POV

  Once I had dressed Jayden, both Tyler and I walked down to the community hall. Tyler proceeded to walk to the front before giving Jayden and I a light kiss. Since he was Alpha, he would be leading the council meeting.

  Tyler took his spot out front while I walked to the front row of seats with Jayden on my hip. I did not want him to be crawling all over the floor while the meeting was taking place so I bought him a few toys to keep him quiet. He also had a habit of making gurgling noises. I found it cute but I hoped he would not do that while the meeting was going on.

  Tyler stood up to greet everyone. Immediately Jayden stopped making noises and turned his wide eyes towards his daddy, listening to his every word.

  “As Alpha I now call this meeting, on tonight's agenda we have a few things to address. First, up I would like to talk about Felicity. I am not sure if you all know who she is but she is a sick young girl who has spent most of her life in hospital. She has a rare condition that does not allow her bones to be fully developed and grow. She is very small and if she ever did make it to the changing age, she would not survive the change. She is a few months from turning. Kaylie, Felicity's parents, and I have been researching possible cures that will allow her to survive the change. When the hospital was renovated, she requested that her room be painted with a wolf. The only thing possible for her to survive is if she has a mate. What I am proposing is that every unmated male and female walks into the hospital at least once tomorrow. Felicity will be able to pick up the scent of her mate and vice versa. With the bond in place Felicity will slowly heal and go back to being in full health and when the time comes she will be able to survive the shift.”

  “Alpha requests that all unmated male and females will be required to go to the hospital tomorrow and walk past Felicity Conner's room, all noted.”

  That was the end of that topic. Tonight Tyler and I were hoping to tell the council about our son's gifts as a precaution. Since Jayden was future Alpha, the pack had to protect him, no hesitation.

  I was hesitant, but I wanted my little boy safe and to grow up in a safe environment where he did not have to hide what he was or his gifts. We agreed to tell the council that we suspected that Jayden had the white wolf gene due to certain things that happened throughout the pregnancy but they would not know if he was truly a white wolf until he was at least sixteen.

  If he was like me he would not shift till he was seventeen.

  I sent that through the mind link to Tyler. We did not even know the circumstance of Jayden's gift. He had not displayed any other signs or gifts since he was born. I could be worrying about nothing.

  “Tyler let's just not say anything just yet, there are no signs,” I sent him through the mind link we shared

  “I agree, I don't want you to worry and we will protect him, no matter what, nothing will stand in my way.”

  After a few other members of the pack had spoken about patrols and the state we were in the meeting was concluded and we headed back home.

  I put Jayden to bed and then proceeded to climb into bed. Having a child really took it out of you and I was exhausted after today.

  Tomorrow was going to be an even bigger pain in the ass. I would be most likely spending the whole day at the hospital tomorrow since Jayden was not mated. Although he had been around Felicity and as far as we all could tell there was no sign of a bond, but just to be sure he would have to be there and I had promised that I would be there with Felicity. I would most likely get Tyler to take Jayden home afterwards.

  I did not really like the idea of Jayden being in the hospital. Even though as a wolf he had a strong immunity, I still did not like to risk it. The bleach and disinfectant smell really bothered me. It reminded me too much of death and I’d had enough of that to last me a lifetime.

  Tyler climbed into bed with me and cuddled into my side.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked sensing my discomfort.

  “Just about tomorrow, you know I don't like Jayden being around the hospital.”

  “I know and we'll take him home as soon as were done.”

  “Sounds good,” I said hoping that Jayden would sleep all through the night for me.

  I was far too tired to get up today.

  “Maybe you should get some sleep, you look exhausted,” he said as I yawned.

  “I feel exhausted” I stated as I lowered my head onto my pillow.

  “If Jayden wakes up, I'll handle it so you can get some sleep.”

  “Thanks babe.”

  I felt Tyler kiss my cheek and I shut my eyes and feel asleep the fastest I ever had in my life.

  Chapter 31

  Kaylie’s POV

  The next day was going to be the death of me. I really did not want to spend the day at the hospital but hey, a woman has to do what a woman has to do and I owed it to Felicity.

  I was vaguely intrigued about who her mate was and if she did recover. The poor child had suffered enough as far as I was concerned and she deserved to be a healthy little cub.

  I got up early and started my motherly duties. I shoved Tyler into the shower while I went downstairs and started to prepare breakfast.

  I made bacon, toast and eggs for Tyler, some toast and bacon for myself and some baby puree for Jayden who was not awake yet. I placed the food on the table and headed back up the stairs. Tyler was coming down as I was walking up and gave me a kiss.

  “Do you want some help with Jayden?” he asked.

  “No babe you go eat before it gets cold, I’ll be down soon.”

  “You’re amazing you know that. Best.Wife. Ever.”

  I laughed as I proceeded up the stairs and into Jayden’s nursery. I picked up my tiny little boy and placed him onto the change table.

  I took off his pajamas and changed his nappy before placing new cloths on him. He gave me the biggest smile when I picked him up to take him downstairs to feed him. I picked up his pacifier and cloth towel to burp him later with and headed down.

  Tyler was scoffing down his food like no tomorrow and had made himself a coffee and myself a tea. He had also made up a bottle for Jayden.

  I had recently stopped breastfeeding. I had lost all my baby weight and I was over having Jayden attached to my breast. I could finally start getting back into the swing of things when it came to pack life.

  I started to eat my food while I feed Jayden in his high chair. Once I had finished my food, I feed Jayden his bottle and drank my tea. Once all that was done, I burped him while Tyler placed all the used dishes into the dishwasher.

  Soon the house was as spotless as before I started to cook. I handed Jayden to Tyler and proceeded to have a shower of my own.

  As soon as I was done, we headed over to the hospital. Jayden was in his pram happily playing with his toys. He was in his own little world and he was perfectly fine with that.

  I was not at all worried about how today would turn out. I knew that Jayden was not Felicity’s mate. After all our trips to the hospital, it was clear that there was no bond between them.

  When we did reach the hospital, it was packed. Everyone who was unmated required to atte
nd today. Felicity’s life depended on it and her recovery.

  I had seen many people all wandering around aimlessly. Once Tyler got there, he switched into Alpha mode and started to tell everyone how the day would proceed.

  “Good Morning everyone. All right so the way we are going to run today is that a few unmated people will go into felicity’s room at a time. We will split into groups of ten to fifteen and continue through until she finds a mate or we run out of unmated. There is also the risk that many more unmated pups will mate today being in close proximity with one another, for others your mates may come from neighbouring packs, if this is the case I wish you all the best of luck, let’s get started then.”

  The first lot of fifteen were sent in and came out with no result. Felicity’s reactions and body language was being watched closely and she was asked questions on what she could smell.

  This continued for the next few groups with still no promising result. There was not that many unmated in our pack and there were not many young left either. There were only fifty unmated pups under the age of eighteen in the whole pack and we hoped we would not have to ask a higher age group to be tested with Felicity. I found that a little young and there was a major age difference as it is with the eighteen-year olds.

  Up next was little Jayden. I walked in carrying him while Tyler pushed the pram. The doctors were asking Felicity the same questions they asked her for every group of unmated brought in. Neither Jayden, nor anyone else in the room was Felicity’s mate.

  We walked out of the room as the next few entered. I knew one of the pups that had walked in was her mate. I could feel the connection as Luna and I was certain that Tyler felt it to.

  As Alpha, he felt every bond and mate. It was an Alpha trait that let him know and ensured him that his pack was strong. The bonding was necessary to have pups and make the pack stronger.

  As of now, there were not many young in the pack due to everyone having children at a later age and as wolves, our aging process was slowed down there was a lack of young children in the pack. No one wanted to have a pup at this stage.


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