One More Night (Sweetbriar Cove Book 13)

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One More Night (Sweetbriar Cove Book 13) Page 17

by Melody Grace

  “No need. Letitia has it handled, from where I’m sitting.” Chase replied. “I don’t know the details of whatever she’s been cooking up for you,” he added, “but she doesn’t miss a thing.”

  Letitia blinked, looking surprised at the compliment. But she shouldn’t be. He’d never met anyone as focused or dedicated.

  “She’s been working round the clock,” he added, wanting her parents to appreciate all her hard work. “I can barely drag her away from those financial reports.”

  “Oh, sweetie, what did I tell you about taking a nice break?” Sylvie said, sounding disappointed. “You promised.”

  “Chase is exaggerating, I’m still having plenty of fun,” Letitia reassured them immediately. “But dad, I do want to talk about my report before the big presentation to the board. I’d love the chance to run a couple of things past you.”

  “Of course,” Arthur nodded, as he absently checked his phone. “Send them over.”

  “Great.” Letitia beamed, and Chase could see her finally relax.


  He still couldn’t see why she was trying so hard to win their approval – or why Sylvie and Arthur didn’t see how spectacular she really was – but if he could support her, even a little, then it was worth the way his tie was cutting off his oxygen supply, and these starched pants made him want to strip off and run straight into the waves.

  Luckily, the rest of lunch passed quickly, with only a dozen more not-so-subtle questions from Sylvie about his work, family, and general suitability to court her daughter. By the time their plates were whisked away, Chase was beginning to understand those Jane Austen movies his mom had always loved watching. Any minute now, they’d be asking to see his tax returns and annual income.

  “We have to run, for drinks with the Martindales,” Sylvie said apologetically, as they all pushed back their chairs and said goodbye.

  “But maybe we could get in a round of golf before the wedding,” Arthur suggested to Chase “Do you play?”

  “A little,” Chase said, and it wasn’t exactly a lie. “I’ll, uh, see about my schedule.”

  “You do that.”

  Arthur gave him another firm handshake, and kissed Letitia on the cheek. “Remember breakfast tomorrow,” her mother told her. “And maybe wear your hair down. It’s so pretty around your face, don’t you think, Chase?”

  “I think it’s pretty all the time,” he said with a smile, and Sylvie gave Letitia an approving look.

  “Have fun, sweetheart. See you later.”

  Arthur and Sylvie finally strolled away, and Letitia let out a massive sigh of relief.

  She wasn’t the only one. “What do you think?” Chase asked, worried for a moment that he might have made things worse. “Was that OK?”

  “OK?” Letitia repeated, turning to him with a dazzling smile on her face. “That was amazing!”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, and suddenly, the endless lunch was worth it.

  More than worth it.

  Chase pulled her closer, tasting the wine and sorbet on her tongue. Never mind the Chateau Le Favre, she was his favorite vintage. And every time he lost himself in her arms, he forgot the reason he wasn’t holding her like this every night.

  “I can’t believe you wore a shirt and tie,” Letitia said, finally drawing back. She looked at him admiringly, smoothing her hands over his chest.

  “Don’t get used to it,” he grinned, loosening his tie. “This is a one-time only deal.”

  “You say that now…” Letitia smiled back, kissing him again. She finally drew back. “I have to run to Eliza’s final dress fitting,” she said, with a regretful smile. “But how about dinner, tonight, as a thank you? I’ll cook my famous beef bourguignon.”

  “I’ll be there,” Chase vowed immediately. This woman, and a home-cooked meal, too? It sounded like perfection to him.

  But even as he watched Letitia whisk away, Chase had the sneaking suspicion that he was playing with fire. Meeting the parents, nights in together, alone... It felt easy, and natural – and an awful lot like a real relationship.

  Would that really be so bad?

  Chase shook the thought away. This was temporary, he reminded himself. A summer fling. Soon, she’d go back to finding her perfect match, and he…? Well, he’d roll on out of town, and on to the next adventure, the way he always did.

  Except, this didn’t feel like those other times. He didn’t have itchy feet; he wasn’t already thinking about moving on. Instead, he looking forward to their romantic dinner tonight, wondering what kind of flowers she’d like, and if he should bring dessert, too.

  Maybe it was just their chemistry talking: the rush of dopamine getting the best of him, every time they kissed. But he had a voice in the back of his mind, getting louder every day. Asking why he would ever walk away from this woman.

  Asking, did this really have to end?


  Letitia felt on top of the world as she drove up the coast to Provincetown, wind whipping in her hair. Lunch couldn’t have gone better! She’d nearly had a heart attack when Chase had sauntered over, but it turned out, he was her knight in shining armor – or, at least, a freshly pressed shirt. Who knew he could be so charming – and without an eligible woman around to seduce, either? With Chase there to play backup, her father had been on his best behavior, and even her mom cut way back on the ‘concerned’ questions about Letitia’s love life. They’d both been bowled over by his charms – and so had Letitia.

  She’d never seen this side to him before: so dependable. She’d never had a partner support her like that, either – intercepting every little criticism to sing her praises, letting her know that he was on her side. Now, she couldn’t help but imagine him on her arm at other family functions: Eliza’s wedding, their next charity fundraiser, the annual Prescott holiday party… Chase had sworn he wasn’t that kind of guy, but he was surprising her every day.

  Maybe he would surprise himself, too.

  “Someone looks happy,” Paige greeted her as she entered the little sun-drenched studio, at the back of Paige’s lingerie store.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? It’s a beautiful day,” Letitia answered with a grin. “Plus, I have champagne and snacks,” she added, holding up her bag of goodies. It was Eliza’s final dress fitting, and she’d brought plenty of treats, wanting to make an occasion of it. After all, it was the only wedding dress Eliza would ever need – fingers crossed – and besides, Letitia felt like celebrating.

  She wasn’t the only one.

  “Yes! A drink, please!” Eliza exclaimed, clapping her approval. She was standing up on the small dais, her back to the mirrors, fidgeting restlessly as Paige tucked and pinned at the hem. “Pour me a glass? I need to numb the pain of all these pinpricks.”

  “I got you one time!” Paige protested.

  “I know, and you’re an angel for putting up with me,” Eliza said affectionately. “I’m just impatient. When do I get to look?”

  “Not yet,” Paige replied. “Or the next hundred times you ask.”

  “But I want to see!”

  “You will when it’s ready,” Paige insisted, smiling.

  Letitia let them bicker as she set up a makeshift refreshment table, unpacking a box of cupcakes she’d bought at the bakery, and pouring champagne. She brought three glasses over, careful not to spill. “It’s looking gorgeous,” she said, admiring the delicate silk, almost iridescent in the sunlight.

  “Is it?” Eliza grumbled. “I wouldn’t know. Maybe it comes with a matching blindfold.”

  Paige grinned, and adjusted another pin. “Hush you.” She straightened up, and looked critically at Eliza, before giving a brisk nod. “OK, you can look.”

  Letitia watched as Eliza turned to face the mirrors. The dress was stunning: a delicate, off-the-shoulder bodice was gathered with tiny seed pearls lining the bust; folds of cream silk falling gently to the floor in a sweeping, elegant skirt.

  “Oh,” Eliza breathed so
ftly, eyes wide. “That’s me?”

  “That’s you.” Paige smiled, and gave her a hug.

  Letitia felt a lump in her throat. Eliza looked beautiful, and it wasn’t just the dress. She was glowing with excitement and love, preparing for her wedding day. Despite all Eliza’s cynicism and complaints, she couldn’t wait to say her vows and officially join her life together with Cal.

  It was beautiful. Inspiring. And for the first time in a long while, Letitia felt like that future might possibly be within reach for her, too.

  With Chase.

  She took a gulp of champagne, already giddy before a drop had even passed her lips. All summer, she’d been so frustrated that her grand matchmaking plans always seemed to lead right back to Chase instead of some other potential soulmate, but now she wondered if maybe there had been a reason for it, all along. Fate, or something like it, pushing the two of them together despite her misgivings, until she couldn’t deny the truth any more.

  She was crazy about the man. And he may have sworn that commitment wasn’t his style, but actions spoke louder than words. And today?

  Well, his actions were like a megaphone, blasting ‘long-term relationship potential’ for anyone to hear.

  “Penny for them?” Paige interrupted her thoughts. Letitia looked up.

  “A penny?” Eliza said with a smirk. “She’s probably puzzling over a million-dollar business deal.”

  Letitia gave a shrug. “No business, not today.” She tried to act nonchalant, but she couldn’t help the smile that was so wide, her cheeks hurt.

  Eliza’s eyes widened. “I know that grin! Don’t tell me one of your dates turned out to be The One?”

  “Not exactly…” Letitia paused, but she’d been keeping things so quiet, she felt the secret bursting at the seams. “It’s Chase,” she admitted finally. She expected her friends to be surprised, but clearly, she hadn’t been as discreet as she thought, because they just exchanged knowing looks.

  “Chase, the man you were absolutely, positively not interested in?” Paige asked, smirking.

  “Who you swore was the bane of your existence?” Eliza added, teasing. “Who made you so annoyed, you couldn’t stop complaining? Well, duh!”

  Letitia groaned. “Was it really that obvious?”

  “You mean, aside from the fact you guys have been inseparable the past couple of weeks?” Paige said.

  “And how you seem way happier and more relaxed whenever he’s around?” Eliza agreed. “Plus, you’ve got that… sparkle about you, which can only mean one thing.”

  “I found a great moisturizer?” Letitia quipped, smiling.

  They laughed. “That, or you’re having truly excellent sex,” Eliza said. “And as much as I’d love a skincare recommendation, I’m happy for you.”

  “I’m happy for me, too.” Letitia beamed, and took another gulp of champagne. When she’d least expected it, she’d found the answer to her most heartfelt wish was right in front of her. “It’s still early,” she added quickly, not wanting to get carried away. “And Chase is kind of… gun-shy about relationships, but tons of guys are like that at the start, right?”

  “Sometimes,” Paige agreed. “Declan was practically the poster child for no-strings fun when we met, but we fell in love despite everything.”

  “You did, didn’t you.” Letitia’s spirits lifted even higher. “And Cal was hardly Mr. Commitment when you started dating,” she added, turning to Eliza. “And look at you now!”

  “True. I mean, you can’t get more committed than this.” Eliza struck a pose in her wedding dress, and they laughed.

  See? Letitia thought happily. Chase didn’t know what he was missing out on, that was all. And they would have a chance to discover it – together.

  “Refills, anyone?” she asked. “I feel a toast coming on.”

  “Me please!” Eliza said immediately.

  She refilled their glasses. “To… future happiness,” she said, raising her glass. They all toasted, but Letitia couldn’t help notice that, Paige didn’t take a drink. She barely thought anything of it, until she caught Paige’s eye. The blonde woman looked away quickly, blushing, and Letitia almost gasped out loud.

  No way!

  “Let’s get you out of that dress before we have a frosting-smeared disaster!” Paige exclaimed quickly. She leapt to help Eliza undo the row of tiny buttons, then bundled her into the dressing room, slamming the door behind her.

  “You can’t say anything!” Paige whispered, the moment Eliza was out of earshot.

  “So you are?” Letitia clasped her hands together. “Pregnant? Oh my God, congratulations!”

  “Shhh!” Paige shot an anxious look at the dressing room. “We only just found out, and I don’t want to overshadow anything.”

  “Eliza won’t care about that,” Letitia tried to reassure her, but Paige was determined.

  “I’ll tell her after the wedding. This is her big day.”

  Letitia couldn’t think of anyone less likely to care about sharing the spotlight, but if Paige wanted to keep it under wraps for another couple of days, it was her choice. “OK, I’ll be discreet,” she agreed. “But Paige, this is so exciting.”

  Paige’s face spread into a delighted smile. “I know,” she whispered back, grinning. “I can’t believe it.”

  “And don’t worry about the bachelorette tonight,” Letitia added, thinking ahead. “Just order a vodka tonic, and I’ll grab you a tonic, straight up.”


  “What’s perfect? Aside from me, obviously,” Eliza joked, emerging from the dressing room in her regular clothing.

  “Just these cupcakes,” Letitia said, covering quickly. Eliza immediately made beeline for the box, and Paige sent Letitia a grateful look. She smiled back, and gave a surreptitious wink.

  Weddings, babies… It seemed like everyone was moving forwards in life, celebrating the milestones Letitia had always dreamed about. A few weeks ago, her heart would have been aching right now, wondering if she would ever get to enjoy that same love and partnership.

  But that was before.

  Before she’d spent sleepless nights gasping in pleasure – and crying out with laughter – feeling lighter than she’d ever known. Before she’d started falling headlong in love with the last man she ever expected.

  Before she’d met Chase.

  Letitia headed home, stopping by the grocery store to grab ingredients for dinner. She didn’t cook often, she usually was working late at the office, eating takeout and sad, wilted salads, but she did have a few stellar dishes up her sleeve for when she wanted to impress. This beef bourguignon was one of them, and her mother even swore that she’d won Letitia’s father’s heart – and his stomach – with the recipe.

  That sounded pretty good to Letitia, so when she got back to the beach house, she changed into jeans and a loose linen shirt, then got to chopping, simmering, and stirring, letting all the herbs and flavors mingle in one of the big Dutch oven pots she’d found in the pantry. The recipe called for plenty of good red wine, and she helped herself to a generous glass, swaying to the classic Fleetwood Mac album she had playing over the stereo.

  The evening breeze drifted through the open windows, bringing the scent of wild jasmine, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore. It may have been the wine talking, but Letitia felt an overwhelming sense of peace. Arriving at the beach house at the start of summer, she’d felt it in her veins that her plan was going to work out.

  Somehow, she’d known, this was exactly where she was supposed to be.

  She gave a little shimmy as she crossed the kitchen to give the stew a stir, and when she turned back, she saw Chase leaning in the doorway, watching her with a smile.

  “I didn’t hear you come in!” she exclaimed, dancing her way over to greet him with a kiss. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to admire the view,” he replied. His hair was damp from the shower, and he was wearing a rumpled button-down with
his jeans, and just like always, Letitia’s heart flipped over in her chest.

  “Well, it’s pretty good from where I’m standing, too,” she said with a grin. “Wine? I may have gotten a tiny head-start,” she added, winking.

  Chase gave a chuckle. “Oh yeah?”

  “And then there was drinks at lunch, and champagne with the girls…” Letitia paused. No wonder she was in such a good mood: she was well on her way to tipsy! She laughed. “Anyway, I made some little cheesy nibble things too, if you can’t wait for the main event.”

  “You’re right, I can’t.” Chase slid his arms around her from behind, dropping a kiss on her neck that made her whole body shiver with delight. She leaned back, savoring the feel of his strong embrace, moving in time with the music until they were almost dancing.

  She could spend forever like this.

  The oven sounded with a ding, reminding her about dinner.

  “The rolls!” Letitia exclaimed, and leapt to grab some oven mitts before opening the door. The smell of fresh-baked bread filled the kitchen, mingling with the wine and rich sauce. Chase gave a hungry-sounding groan.

  “You baked, too? I must have done something pretty spectacular in a former life, to deserve all of this.”

  She smiled. “Try this life. That performance you gave my parents at lunch today was amazing.” She served him a glass of wine, and some little cheesy pastries. “I didn’t think you owned a tie!”

  “I told you, I’m full of surprises,” Chase grinned back at her.

  Letitia paused. “I was wondering, maybe… Would you like to be my date for the wedding, this weekend? There’ll be great food… Dancing… Me,” she added, with a flirty smile.

  Chase took a slow bite of a cheese straw. “I don’t know,” he said slowly. “Weddings aren’t really my scene.”

  “It won’t be some big, stuffy event,” she reassured him. “Eliza and Cal would never stand for that. Tons of people from town will be there, and you already know my parents.”


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