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DIRTY ALPHAS: The Alpha Bad Boy Collection

Page 59

by Franca Storm

  “I’m meeting with J to go over the designs for the expansion of your house that we worked out. It won’t be long before they start work. J is good at what he does. He’ll have the work completed in no time.”

  She looks at me, at a loss. “But we didn’t even make a list of the stuff we need yet.”

  I chuckle. “We’re not on a budget, Em. We can buy whatever the hell we want. You want the entire store, just say the word.”

  She shakes her head in disapproval. “You’re too much,” she chastises me. “I’m still not used to all of this yet. Let’s pretend we’re on a budget, okay? I’ll get this one.”

  No way in hell am I letting her foot the bill for this. I’ve never met a woman who’s been so uncomfortable with my money before. Usually, that’s one of the reasons they latch onto me. But Em doesn’t give a shit about all of that. I swear, if I was broke and had absolutely nothing, it wouldn’t bother her. Most of the time, I love that about her. I love that all she sees is me and none of the trappings that come along with that. But, times like this, it can be a little frustrating. I’m really starting to understand the value of compromise with her.

  “How about we split it?”

  She mulls it over for a moment.

  “Okay,” she concedes.

  She knows me well. She knows this is a major compromise on my part.

  I hold out my hand to her. “Let’s go, angel.”

  Chapter 24


  J looks up from the designs for the expansion of Em’s home that he’s been studying at my kitchen table. He raises his eyebrows with suspicion.

  “What?” I ask, leaning against one of the chairs.

  I called J here to take a look at the designs that Em and I worked out for expanding her house, so that it’s livable for both of us and the baby. Right now, it’s definitely the home of a single person. It doesn’t have much give in that respect. Sure, we could have bought a brand new house instead, but I know Em. I know she’s comfortable there. It’s her sanctuary and I don’t want to take that away from her.

  “A lot of these have your influence all over them. Is there something you’ve neglected to tell me, Dan? Like, for instance, the fact that you’re clearly moving in with her?”

  “We were waiting to tell people, but, yes, I am. You’re the only person who knows.”

  He leans back in his chair and folds his arms across his chest. “And?”

  Shit. He knows me too well. Em and I had agreed not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until she was at twelve weeks. We didn’t want to jinx it. She’s actually at thirteen weeks now, but I just hadn’t gotten around to telling J. He’d been busy with Harlson Construction and I’d been busy with work and Em. When I’d called him here today to ask him to look over the designs and offer him this project, I’d intended to tell him. But now I’m a little worried that he’s going to be pissed that I didn’t tell him sooner. Well, shit, it’s too late for that now. He’ll just have to suck it up.

  “You love her and the two of you have been inseparable lately. I figured you’d move in together eventually, but this fast?”

  “She’s pregnant,” I tell him, bracing myself for his reaction.

  His eyes bulge in shock and then he chokes out a laugh. “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope. She’s pregnant. Thirteen weeks along. We agreed to wait a while before we told anyone, so we didn’t jinx it and shit.”

  He nods. “I get that. Wow, pregnant. I can’t believe it. Wait, thirteen weeks? Isn’t that—?”

  “That infamous day when we fucked bareback? Yeah.”

  “So much for that goddamn pill then.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Those things aren’t guarantees, J.”

  “You must have some crazy-ass strong swimmers then.”

  I roll my eyes. “Let’s not talk about my sperm, all right?”

  He laughs. “No arguments there. So…you must be ecstatic. You’ve wanted a kid for a while now.”

  I can feel myself grinning like an idiot. “I am.”

  He gets up from the table and slaps my shoulder. “I’m glad, Dan. I’m happy things are finally working out for you the way they should.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  His eyes dart around the kitchen. “Shit, I thought I saw this place up for sale, but I figured I was imagining it, that you would never give this up.”

  “There’s not much to give up. It’s always just been a place to crash. It’s too sterile to really be a home, you know? Not for Em and the baby.”

  “I’ll take it.”


  “You heard me. I’ll take it. Unlike you, I’m still living it up with the bachelor lifestyle. This would be perfect. It’s better than my condo located at the edge of town and it’s way closer to work. You know I’ve always had my eye on this place.”

  “You’re just obsessed with the sunken pool on the balcony.”

  “You bet your ass I am. It’s a major chick magnet.”

  “Chick magnet?” I laugh. “I don’t think anyone uses that phrase anymore. You’re showing your age, old man.”

  “Fuck you,” he says, laughing. “I’m serious, Dan. I want it.”

  “All right, I’ll set up an appointment to discuss the details with my Realtor.”

  “Awesome.” He eyes the blueprints. “So, I can take on this job. We just finished up the new bed and breakfast, so our schedule’s pretty much open right now. You can’t get the permit yourself for a personal request. You’ll have to go through—”

  “My dad? Yeah, I know.”

  “This means your mom finding out about everything. You ready for that?”

  “She’ll keep her distance.”

  J scoffs. “You know no one orders her around. That woman does whatever the hell she wants.”

  “Not if she wants to see her grandchild.”

  J smiles with realization. “Right, you have leverage now. It’s harsh, but necessary.”

  “Sadly, yes.”

  “Isabella wasn’t her fault, you know?”

  My eyes narrow. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “You’re defending her?”

  “I just want you guys to make peace. It’s been three years.”

  “She brought that bitch into my life, J.”

  “Right, she did. And that was the extent of her involvement.”


  “You say you’re over it now and I see you moving on, but you’re not quite there. When you can bring yourself to forgive Alexis, then you’ll really be over it.”

  Before I can say another word, he gathers up the drawings and says, “I’ll work on these. You work on getting me that building permit.”

  With that, he walks out of the kitchen, leaving me to stare after him and think about what he’s just said. Fuck! The bastard is always right. Damn him!

  Chapter 25


  I’m doing this. I’m really doing this.

  After our trip to that mall the other day, something has shifted in me. It’s filled me with a need to push harder, to take the risk and to walk through the metaphorical fire that is my greatest fear.

  All these months, I’ve watched Dan change and slowly come out of his comfort zone. He told me all about Isabella and the awful things she’d done to him. He’d really opened up and risked everything to be with me. Meanwhile, all I’ve been doing is standing still. Sure, I had come out of my comfort zone somewhat by trusting him and letting myself fall for him. But it doesn’t feel like enough. I want to reciprocate what he’s done for me.

  And that’s why I’m sitting in my car in the parking lot downtown. It’s a few steps from the high street of Harlson town center.

  I’ve never made it this far before. I’ve always turned back, making some excuse to not go through with it. Dan doesn’t know I’m here. He’s at work and he thinks I’m doing the same, writing at home. I finished my manuscript two days ago, so I have free time now. Also, I didn’t want to tell Dan, in case
I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to disappoint him. As much as he would deny being disappointed by me, I would never truly believe that.

  I need to do this.

  My hands are trembling in my lap. Sweat is trickling down my brow and a wave of nausea is assaulting me. It’s not morning sickness. I already suffered that this morning. No, it’s panic.

  Don’t let it beat you.

  Breathe. Just breathe.

  This is for Dan and the baby. Not you. It’s for them.

  I climb out of the Jeep and set the alarm. I take a deep breath and force my feet to move, to walk down the little alley that leads to the high street.

  It’s quite warm out today, just a cool breeze to indicate that it’s December. I tug at my gray skirt and pull up my knee-high boots. All nervous movements, I know. I fiddle with my scarf that’s visible above my gray, low-cut sweater and then I adjust my leather jacket. I’m wearing sunglasses too. Thankfully, it’s at least sunny out. Otherwise, I’d have to worry about looking ridiculous for having my shields in place. I stopped myself from wearing a hat as well, from hiding completely.

  As I turn onto the high street, my breath automatically catches in my throat. I can feel my nails digging into my purse, biting into the leather. I check myself and loosen my death grip.

  I have a purpose for coming here. I have to have a purpose. It makes things easier. Walking around aimlessly with no direction is the worst for someone like me. It’s just a small task I’ve given myself. It just has to be something. I’m going to pick up a dessert from the bakery that I know is somewhere down this street. Dan has raved about it enough times.

  I start walking on the right side of the high street. To my relief, it’s not that busy out. I can count about a dozen people milling about, going from store to store. There are two people seated on a patio of a coffee shop a couple of steps from me. Oh no. I’ll have to walk past them. What if they see me? What if they look at me? Shit. I hate patios. My entire body tenses and my head is screaming at me to turn around, to get back into my car.

  No. No. No. I can do this. For Dan. For my baby.

  I walk forward, keeping my eye on the bakery at the end of the street. Before I even realize it, I’ve passed the patio. Nothing happened. Okay, good. Nothing happened. I blow out a breath and continue on my way to the bakery.

  My phone buzzes in my purse and I stop to pull it out. I see a notification from Dan. I flip it open to find a text: Hope you’re having a great day, angel. Love you.

  Something about his message, knowing he’s here with me even though it’s not physically right now, gives me a boost of courage. I pocket my phone and turn back around, walking towards the coffee shop. I can feel myself tensing as I walk past the patio and into the shop, but I keep going. Thank goodness, it’s empty inside.

  “Good afternoon!” a sweet, sing-song voice calls suddenly.

  My eyes dart to the counter where a rosy-cheeked woman bounds towards the cash register. Her stark, white hair is pulled into a high ponytail. She’s quite a big woman and she looks to be in her mid-sixties. She’s wearing a frilly, pink apron and her smile is painted with bright-red lipstick.

  I hesitantly make my way to the counter. “Hi,” I say, hearing the waver in my voice.

  I know it was noticeable, but the woman doesn’t even react. She just continues smiling at me.

  “You’re Daniel’s girl, aren’t you?”

  “Uh…yeah,” I respond, fiddling nervously with my hair, twirling it around my fingers.

  “Congratulations,” she says, gesturing to my belly.


  “How far along are you?”

  “Uh…about four months now.”

  She smiles and then turns around, busying herself with something. A few seconds later, she returns to the counter and slides a mug to me. “Ginger tea. It’ll help with the morning sickness.”

  I can’t believe it. This isn’t anything like what I was used to when I lived in the city. Everyone was curt and bordering on rude and aggressive in retail stores like this.

  “Thank you,” I manage.

  She walks away again and returns with a plate. There’s a giant slice of cake on it. God, it looks good.

  “Fresh strawberry sponge cake. All natural with none of those nasty preservatives in it.”

  I move to pull my wallet out of my purse, but she shakes her head. “On the house, sweetheart.”

  “What? No, I can’t.”

  “Consider it a welcome gift to the neighborhood. I’m glad you finally made it into town. I’m sure Daniel has been dying to show you off to us all. He talks about you non-stop whenever he’s here.”

  “He comes here a lot?” I ask. This is news to me.

  “Yep. Every morning for a cup of coffee.” She peers over the counter at the patio and then she winks at me. “They’re gone now. It’s safe. It’s a nice day to be on the patio. Stay as long as you like and if you need anything, just let me know.”

  Before I can respond, she takes off into the back.

  I smile to myself. I can’t believe how nice she was to me. And how did she know that it bothered me to have people around me? Did Dan tell her, or has word spread about the recluse living out in the sticks? Weird.

  I grab the mug and the plate of cake and make my way out to the patio. She was right. There’s no one around. I gravitate to the table in the corner—of course—and set down my tea and cake. I carefully slide into the chair. It’s been weird getting used to the baby bump. I have to move differently and with more care now.

  I breathe in a calming breath as I sip at my tea and gaze out at the high street. Everyone is going about their business. Several people walk past me, but no one stares at me, or even glances my way. I know they can see me, because the patio is very visible, but they don’t care. A wave of relief washes over me. Here, in this small town, everyone just seems to let each other be. There’s no judgment here. It’s…peaceful.

  It doesn’t take long before I feel my pulse settle and my hands cease their trembling.

  Yes, I can do this. I am doing this.


  I make my way back to my car, carrying the apple crisp I just bought from the bakery.

  This town is something else. There aren’t too many people and the people that are here are nothing like the type of people I was used to dealing with in the city. These people are gentle. They really mean it when they say have a nice day. They make meaningful conversation and really seem to care how your day is. And, my God, is Dan ever popular around here. Everywhere I went, people mentioned him, calling me his girl and asking about the baby. I know he basically runs the town through Alder Assets, but to be popular while doing that is a testament to his character, reminding me of just how amazing he truly is.

  At first I wondered how people knew about me and Dan, but then I remembered the paparazzi incident and the subsequent footage all over the entertainment segment of the news that night. That’s how they recognized me.

  Wow, I feel like a weight has been lifted. An incredible burdensome weight. I actually did it. And I didn’t just pass through. I sat on that patio and leisurely drank my tea and ate cake. I can’t believe it!

  I’m so wrapped up in my thoughts of this unprecedented breakthrough I’ve just had, that it’s not until I pass through the gates of the parking lot that I actually glance up at my car.

  “Oh my God,” I breathe, stopping abruptly in my tracks.

  There, sitting on the hood of my Jeep, is Bryan.

  “Hey, lover.”

  I take a step back, but I’m stopped as I bump into someone behind me. I spin around to see an unfamiliar woman glaring at me with disdain.

  She looks the epitome of trash. A skin-tight, leopard print dress is basically molded to her body. It barely covers her ass and the plunging neckline does everything to emphasize what are clearly fake breasts. There are about a half a dozen golden chains hanging from her neck. Huge hoop earrings dangle from her ears, partly obscured by
her dark brown, curly hair that has so much product in it that it barely moves at all when she turns her head. Her shoes are a bright, caustic red color. Stilettos with at least a six-inch heel. My God. Did she actually look in a mirror before she left the house today?

  “You must be the girlfriend. I’m Isabella,” she says, flashing me a smarmy grin.

  Isabella? Dan’s infamous ex? What the hell is she doing here?

  “Hmm, I didn’t know he had a thing for blondes,” she says, reaching for my hair.

  I bat her hand away. “Don’t fucking touch me,” I seethe.

  She laughs and calls to Bryan, “You were right. She is feisty.” Her eyes return to me and she says, “I respect that. Unfortunately for you, I have a score to settle with your boyfriend.”

  “As do I,” Bryan says.

  It doesn’t escape my notice that he hasn’t moved from my car. He’s waiting for her, isn’t he? She’s in charge here.

  “How did you get out?” I demand of Bryan.

  I’m shocked, but I’m not even scared right now. I’m too angry. Angry that Bryan won’t stay gone and angry that this bitch who did everything she could to break the man I love is standing here in front of me now.

  Isabella answers for him. “It was one of the easiest cons I’ve ever run. The cops in this town aren’t the smartest bunch.”

  “How do you know each other?” This is so fucked up. Both our crazy exes right here in this town?

  “After I saw you on the news with him, I looked into you. I tracked Bryan down and he was more than happy to deal out a little payback. You were easy to find in that hotel. Dan always takes the same hotel suite, you see. He’s predictable like that. Bryan was supposed to bring you to me, but his emotions got the better of him that day.”

  “Bring me to you?”

  “That’s right, sweetness.” She starts circling me. “You’re my leverage. I’ve been waiting a long time for this. For Dan to finally care about someone. It’s even sweeter that you’re pregnant with his child. Did he tell you that he destroyed me? Took everything from me? He even reported my car stolen, so I couldn’t even sell the thing. My partner left me. I lost the baby. All because of him and his misguided quest for vengeance.”


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