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Diamond: The Carbon Series Book 1

Page 2

by H. Q. Frost

When he laughs at my ridiculous assumption, the uneasy feeling I have starts to lessen and I breathe a sigh of relief.

  "Yeah, that's exactly what that means. Shall we?" He turns to the door.

  "Mr. Rupier." My mom grabs his arm. "She's a slave?"

  "Mr. Carbon is a very just man, Mrs. Reif. You've got nothing to worry about for Magdelena."

  "Yeah, Mom. Think of it as human trafficking."

  My mother shrieks, "Salvanos, Lord Jesus! Salvanos." The grip she has on my arm is like a bear trap.

  "That's not funny, Mag," Mary clips and I give her an apologetic smile.

  "Right. Shall we?" Twisty teeth pushes open the door and gestures out into the rain.

  "Love you." I kiss my mom's cheek and pry her claws out of my arm. "I'll text," I tell Mary and step forward at the same time a crack of thunder shakes the ground.

  The whimper that comes from my mom sounds like she's been struck by lightning. I don't look back. There's nothing to see but tears on her face and anger on my sister's.

  "Perhaps you'd like to read the contract?" Twisty teeth harmlessly suggests as we ride to the airport.

  I mean, it's a little late now. Is there really a point for me to read it?

  "Nah, I'm good. What's the weather like there?"

  "It'll reach eighteen degrees Celsius today," he states like he's a weatherman.

  "What's that in America?"

  "Almost sixty-five." He smiles that closed-lip smile.

  "Are you from there?" My man is rocking some serious stubble and it makes his face as desirable as a popsicle right now in this ninety-eight degree thunderstorm. I have a major lady boner for twisty teeth.

  "No." His gaze drops to his hands clasped in his lap and I look down, wondering what he's packing. "I'm from Ireland."

  I hmph and nod. I can see that. The accent makes sense.

  "Are you married?"

  "No. I have a girlfriend."

  "That's good." My sight drifts out the window. "What's her name?"


  "And what's your name?" I chuckle, realizing I should probably know his name. "I mean, I can call you Mr…Ro…" For the life of me I can't remember what my mom called him.

  "Rupier. And no. I'd prefer if you called me Lol."

  "Lol? How do you spell that? L-O-L-L-E? No that'd be like lolly. L-O—"

  "L-O-L. As in the text abbreviation laugh out loud."

  "Oh! Is that 'cause you're funny?" I grin at him.

  "No. It's because it's my name. Lol Rupier. My parents weren't much into texting." His warm smile beams those crooked teeth.

  "That's kind of cool. Being named Magdelena nowadays isn't really cool. I prefer Mag." I look him in the eyes as I tell him, hoping he remembers that. "Or Madam Dude."

  "It's your choice, Madam Dude." Lifting his hand, he wipes the smile off his face and looks out the window. Something tells me Lol's not really supposed to be having fun on our little adventure. That's boring. We have a long trip ahead of us. "Your sister's not happy about this arrangement." It's a statement and he doesn't meet my eyes when he says it.

  "Not much makes my sister happy except debate and vagina."

  His eyes bulge and I LOL. Literally.

  "She's gay."

  With a curt nod he rubs his stubble. "I see."

  "Yeah, so I kinda had to come. Couldn't pass this down to her. I'm not sure it would have worked out."

  "I suppose not." He starts to chuckle and wipes his mouth, trying to stop the laughter.

  "You think Mr. Carbon will like me?"

  When his eyes meet mine, my brows scrunch. He doesn't have to say it. No is painted on his face in highlighter.

  "Of course." Rubbing the back of his neck, his gaze drops to the floor. That's how I'll be able to tell when twisty teeth is lying. He rubs the back of his neck.

  "Is he famous? Like a King's brother or something."

  The smile on his face is kind, but he probably thinks I'm incompetent. "He's not royalty. He's a non-royal Duke. And he's not famous per se, but he is highly respected and well-known."

  Non-royal. I missed that part. It was probably in that contract.

  "Is he rich?"

  A loud laugh blurts from him and he covers his mouth, giggling. "Very."

  "I'm not a gold digger." I beam a smile at him. "I was just wondering. Is he nice? How old is he? Has he ever killed anyone?"

  A look of crazed confusion changes his features and he pulls a folder out of his leather bag. "Perhaps you should read the contract? All information about Mr. Carbon is in there. His age, where he grew up, hobbies. It's all there."

  I take the folder he's holding out, but I don't intend on reading it. What ever happened to good old conversation? I prefer getting my information through gossip.

  The car ride to the airport bores me to sleep when I realize Lol doesn't want to tell me much. The guy's obsessed with me reading. It's not that I don't like to read, but autobiographies aren't my thing. Luckily, the eight and a half hour flight is during the night so after I stuff my face with cookies, I pop in my headphones and turn up my music, closing my eyes.

  I wake in confusion after dreaming I was in the Sound of Music. It was a horrible dream. I had a billowy dress and I sang loudly, off key, at the top of a grassy knoll while spinning in circles. Life was horrible but I had to pretend it wasn't. I have a feeling that dream will be my reality. Happy people singing all the time. I'm usually an upbeat person, but one can only take so much glee.

  Thankfully, the drive to the Carbon Estate isn't as long as the flight.

  "We've reached the estate," Lol says in excitement and I glue myself to the window.

  There isn't a house in sight. Miles and miles of greenery and hills. This is what my dream was made of.

  "Lol." I yawn. I really shouldn't be tired. I slept the eight hour flight. We had a good breakfast before leaving the airport, but I'm bored to death. "We've been driving for like forty minutes," I drone, my forehead pressed to the window, not understanding why he lied about being on the estate.

  "Not much longer," he promises. "The estate is vast."

  So much landscape. It's beautiful, but good god, there isn't a store for miles. Finally, in the distance, I see a huge structure come into view.

  "What is that? Is that a museum?"

  "No." He chuckles. "That's your new home, Madam Dude. Welcome to Carbon Estates."

  I hold my breath. I'm going to get lost in that place.

  "I'll need a map," I breathily respond, gazing at the 'home'. Ripping my eyes away from the museum, I take in the surroundings.

  Gardens galore. A pond with dancing water cannons sparkle in what would normally be someone's front yard. But this isn't a front yard. This is one hundred percent a museum. I can guarantee I'll be told not to touch anything inside that house. My new house is a tourist attraction. Thankfully it's a billion miles off the beaten path so it probably doesn't actually get tourists.

  "Mag," Lol says.

  My grip on the door loosens and my numb fingers start to get feeling back. I didn't realize I had been holding on so tight, or that Lol is waiting for me to get out of the car.

  "Shall we?" His hand outstretches and I take it, climbing out.

  "Holy shit," slips out when I look around, feeling like an ant.

  Lol chuckles and places his hand on my back, ushering me toward the entrance of Museum Carbon.

  "Please don't let me get lost." That is a legitimate fear, but Lol thinks I’m being funny.

  There's nothing funny about being lost in a museum straight out of a movie based around the seventeen hundreds. This is my new life, now where's my knight?

  "Your Grace, Magdelena is settled." Lol is standing at my desk with his hands behind his back, staring forward above the tall back of my chair.

  Such a strange man. We've known each other for the better part of twenty years and he acts like at any moment I may ambush him. I've asked him not to call me Your Grace at least a hundred times but he's use
d to serving my father. And now that he's gone, Lol's my assistant.

  "Good." I nod, not having heard what he said except when he called me 'Your Grace'. I go back to reading the report on my desk.

  "Would you care to meet her?"

  "Meet who?" I look up, not remembering having a meeting today.

  "Ms. Reif, sir." He glances at me.

  "Ms. Reif?" I don't recall who that is.

  "Your fiancée."

  Ah yes. The Reifs. The fucking Reifs. Ms. Reif, the reason I had to dump my supermodel girlfriend. I'm fucking engaged suddenly. This woman better look airbrushed and suck dick like it's her job. She's ruining my life.

  "How long has she been here?" I begin stacking papers, suddenly not having an interest in work anymore today. Right now, I'd like to hunt and kill something.

  "Three days, Your Grace."

  "Three days. And you're just now telling me?" My eyes narrow and I'd like nothing more than to close them and sleep this all away.

  "You were busy with Mr. Meadows. I didn't want to be a nuisance."

  "Well." I tap the stack of papers on my desk. "Fail, Rupier. I trust she's comfortable? And what room is she in?"

  "She's comfortable. Today's the first day she feels settled. She's down the Condor Corridor."

  "Seems appropriate." I snicker. "Do you know what condors are known for, Rupier?"

  "Flying, sir?" He seems stunned by my question.

  "No. Consuming the meat of the dead. Which I'm sure she'll be doing to me in no time. I'm sure the Carbon Empire will go under in a matter of days. Women pick and pick until nothing's left. I can't imagine Ms. Reif's any different."

  "She's different, sir," he insists as if he has firsthand experience.

  My brows raise and I slowly get to my feet. "Care to elaborate, Lol?"

  "Nothing to elaborate on. She's different. Nothing like Ms. Schneider."

  I reel back at his audacity to insult my ex-girlfriend. Even though Evelyn was vapid and typical. Nothing really different about her. It's still an insult.

  "Well, let's meet her, shall we?" I slap the paperwork to my desk and shove my fists in my pockets to keep from punching him in the jaw.

  "I'll retrieve her for an early dinner."

  I don't like the smile on his face. He's had how many days with my fiancée? What if he's gotten to know her too well? His behavior indicates he's keeping something from me and I don't like it.

  Moving to the mirror, I slide my hand over my trimmed beard then smooth down my eyebrows. My vibrating phone makes me pause as I head to the hallway. Pulling it from my pocket, I have a picture message from Evelyn.

  The snow bunny is wearing nothing but a winter hat and gloves on her tanned body and snow skis on her feet.

  Evelyn: I miss you

  I chuckle and glance around as if I'm not alone. Clearing my throat, I quickly send a reply.

  Cal: How long are you on holiday? Perhaps I can get away for a rendezvous.

  I'm not a bastard. I was thrown into this arranged marriage even after pleading not to be. All we had to do was skip me and wait for my kin. I'd do this stupid tradition justice and allow my son to be raised with a Reif girl and they could naturally fall in love. None of this archaic arranged marriage bullshit. Forcing two souls together when there's no chance of feelings. I'm too old to be forced into loving a woman. I didn't even love Evelyn.

  But, being told no, I will produce a male offspring with Ms. Reif to ensure this tradition can carry out.

  Not getting a reply, I push my phone into my pocket and head for the dining room. I sit at the table and wait for a drink and my fiancée. Of course the drink comes first, and a second. Not surprising. She's a typical woman and we're off to the start I anticipated. Bad.

  Lol enters the room with staff and stands next to the table smiling.

  "Well?" I set my glass down. "Where is she?"

  "Your Grace." He gestures to the staff at his side and I give the girl a nod.

  "She doesn't have a uniform?" I don't know why he's introducing me to new help. I don't do the hiring for these sorts of things.

  "Uniform, sir?"

  "What's her occupation, Rupier?" My teeth grit as I'm getting pissed he's making a scene in front of the help. "Get her whatever uniform will suit her job. She can't work in." I glance at the girl again. "Jeans and a cut off shirt." Who the hell hired this girl? And where'd we find her? I hope a full background check was run on her.

  "Her occupation is your fiancée, sir. This is Ms. Reif."

  Indigestion from the two drinks I downed makes me rest my hand on my stomach while I glare at the girl. She's a girl. Not a woman. And she looks like she's nothing short of homeless.

  "What is she wearing?" I'm in shock.


  Before he can respond, I look at the joke and scoff, "What are you wearing?"

  "You called it like you saw it. Jeans and a cut off." She shrugs before looking down at her attire.

  Someone is going to pay for this. And I absolutely refuse to pay the wages her family expects for a girl like this.

  "How old are you?" I bellow in disbelief. This cannot be happening. I can't pull my eyes from the monstrosity she's wearing. "Lol, please tell me there's some sort of mistake."


  "I'm twenty. How old are you?" the girl talks back and I snap my gaze to her. "Double that?"

  "What!" I stand, kicking my chair back.

  Lol steps in front of her as if he'll protect her from the tirade I'm about to spew.

  "Aren't you like forty something?" Her head keeps bobbing side to side to see over Lol's shoulders.

  "Take her away. Home. Take her home. Get her out of my sight. This is not happening." My stomach churns, threatening another ulcer.

  "Your Grace." Lol extends his arms in a gentle manner in an attempt to calm me but it's too late.

  The popping sound of gum makes my eyes expand and I peg the abomination behind his back.

  "Ms. Reif, please sit." He pulls out a chair for her, ushering her into the seat but I refuse to eat with that girl. "Gum." He extends his hand in front of her mouth and the animal spits it into his palm.

  "Jesus." I storm from the room hoping my wrath wiped her clean off this earth. This cannot happen.

  The only person I know to call about this matter wouldn't take my call anyway. She's purposefully ignoring me for this reason. My great grandmother. The other person is dead. My father, which is why I'm in the position I'm in now.

  "Callum." Lol bursts into my office and I whip around at the sound of my name coming from him. "What the hell was that?"

  "Precisely what I'm trying to figure out! What was that…that girl!"

  "That woman is your soon to be wife, sir." There's a bark to his bite and I don't like it.

  "I cannot marry that girl and make her a Carbon! Have you lost your godforsaken mind!" I'm breaking a sweat from pacing my office.

  "What is wrong with Ms. Reif?" he asks as if she's his own flesh and blood.

  With wide eyes, I gesture to the door. My lips flap but words won't surface. I can't believe this!

  "You can apologize with a gift. The paperwork has been signed by yourself and Ms. Reif already. Perhaps you should have met the woman as I suggested before you signed the documents." He's so smug now.

  "I had no choice in the matter either way. I had to marry a Reif. Why the fuck do I need to meet her first?" My loud tone echoes but I can't bring myself to care.

  "Sir, please." He pulls out my chair and gestures until I sit. My shoulders heave with my breaths. I feel like an escaped lion hunting for sanity. "Ms. Reif is a delightful young woman."

  "She said I was forty something!" I peg him with a look as if he's the one to say it.

  "I don't think she read your briefing," he admits with a wince. "But, you also did not read hers. You would have found out she's twenty if you had."

  "Twenty's too young to get married."

  "No, it's not." He snorts out a laugh an
d I scowl at him. "You can apologize in the form of a gift. As you said, you have no choice in the matter. You're marrying Ms. Reif."

  "Evelyn Schneider was my girlfriend a week ago. Money ran through her veins. The only thing running through this girl’s veins is misfortune."

  "You sound ignorant." He sighs and heads for the door. "And narcissistic. Do I sense a hint of your father, Callum?"

  Baring my teeth, I begin to growl until he darts from my office.

  With my apology on a leash, I head for Ms. Reif's quarters. I had to give it a few days before I could even fathom speaking to this girl again, but she will become my wife and bear a son, then I can divorce her. The idea to sleep with such a person is noxious, but we'll find ways around it.

  I chose the cat because the gaunt creature reminded me of her. She was a waif of a woman. Her bared midriff looked as if starvation would soon claim her. The Savannah cat is well taken care of but remains lean because it's a hunter.

  I wait in the hallway until Lol appears, a smile on his face as he stares at the cat.

  "Is it domesticated?"

  "Of course. She's the first wild creature I've allowed in my home."

  "Callum," he warns before turning to her door and knocking. "Madam Dude?"

  Inhaling a sharp breath it snorts through my nose and I cough. "What in God's name did you just call her?"

  "Nothing." He chuckles and knocks again.

  "You have a pet name for my fiancée? Perfect. This is fucking perfect." I look down at the cat that's perched, waiting to pounce the second the door opens.

  "Hola!" she sings pulling open the door and the cat jumps. I think better of my evil thoughts and yank the leash before it can slam her to the ground.

  It's domesticated but I don't actually know what it's capable of and a cat mauling a girl in my house, the girl I'm supposed to marry nonetheless, won't go over well. With a yelp she shoves the door closed.

  "Mag," Lol calls out and pushes the door back open, shooting me a scorned look.

  "What?" I play innocent and claim, "I saved her." Stepping forward, I keep the cat at my side. "Ms. Reif, I've brought you a gift."

  She's on the bed with the blanket pulled up to her chin, glaring at the cat like it's a dragon.

  "Is…is your hair." I look at Lol with wide eyes. "Your hair is blue," I whisper, having not realized this could get any worse. Her hair was not blue when I met her. I can't recall what color the unmemorable woman's hair was, but it wasn't baby blue! "This cannot happen!" I insist to Lol, fully expecting him to take care of this. I cannot marry a woman with blue hair!


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