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Skulduggery 8: Building a Criminal Empire

Page 31

by Logan Jacobs

  I plunged my cock into her again and held it there, while her legs continued to tremble. I thought that she might stop shaking after a few seconds, but when she was still trembling half a minute later, I realized that it had been too powerful of a climax for her legs to hold her steady.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” I said with a smile.

  I pulled my stiff cock out of her dripping pussy and flipped her over, so she could relax onto her back against the sheets. As the beautiful dancer looked up at me with her clear blue eyes, I saw that her face was completely flushed from all the orgasms that I’d given her, and I smiled because I already knew that I was going to give her another one.

  And then I was going to give her a child.

  After I pushed her legs apart a little more, I let Cimarra grasp my cock and guide it toward her pussy again. As soon as she rested my tip against her entrance, she dropped her hand and used it to help hold open her trembling legs.

  “Give me your cock, Wade,” the beautiful woman whispered. “I want you to give me a baby.”

  I didn’t start gradually this time. Instead, I shoved the full length of my shaft inside the raven-haired woman, and then I just started to thrust into her so hard that her tits quivered with each new pump of my hips.

  I could feel my seed ready to explode inside her, but I just focused on driving my shaft into her again and again, until Cimarra gasped and ripped two handfuls of sheets up from the bed.

  “I’m gonna come again,” she moaned. “How is that even-- ohhh!”

  As her whole body flushed with her latest orgasm, I plunged my cock into her one final time as deep as I possibly could so that there was no way I could miss her womb, and then I finally let myself explode. I felt my cum explode inside her, and just when I felt like I was completely empty, she wriggled her hips against mine, and her movement milked another wave of cum deep inside her pussy.

  “Oh, Wade,” Cimarra sighed. “If that doesn’t make a baby, I don’t know what will.”

  I kissed her cheek and then collapsed on top of her, while we both tried to catch our breaths at the same time. Even though I had just filled her with my seed, my cock still felt hard inside the beautiful dancer, and I already wanted to fuck her again.

  Just when I was about to tell her that, I heard the door start to swing open. Cimarra and I immediately pushed ourselves up, but I didn’t even have time to pull out of her before the door finished opening.

  Ashlin stood at the entrance to Cim’s room, and the moment she saw us together, her face turned about twenty different shades of red.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she gasped, and then she spun around to run right back out the door.

  “Ashlin, stop right there!” Cimarra called.

  The younger dancer paused right on the other side of the doorway.

  “Turn around and come back in here,” Cimarra ordered, “and close the door behind you.”

  The brunette dancer slowly pivoted back around, stepped into the room, and closed the door behind her, just like Cimarra had told her to. Of course, Ashlin’s eyes were also clenched shut, and I couldn’t help but smile at the younger dancer’s embarrassment.

  “Cim, what are you--” I murmured.

  “Trust me,” Cimarra whispered. “After the fucking that you just gave me, I want to give you something, too-- and it’s something that I know Ashlin also wants more than anything.”

  My beautiful dancer’s voice was too low for Ashlin to hear over by the door, so the younger woman just shifted from one foot to the other, but she still kept her eyes tightly closed.

  “Um, Cim?” Ashlin called. “I’m really sorry, and I didn’t see anything-- I mean, I might have seen something, but I don’t see anything now, so I’m really so sorry, and I really can just turn right back around and go…”

  “I know you said tonight was all about me,” Cimarra murmured into my ear, “and it was, but now-- well, now I think it’s time for it to be all about you.”

  “Well, if that’s what you want, then I’m sure as shit not going to argue,” I snickered. “What did you have in mind?”

  Cimarra glanced over my shoulder at the younger dancer and then looked up at me.

  “Dessert,” she said with a smile.

  “Come here, Ashlin,” I said as I pulled my stiff and very cum-slick cock out of the beautiful dancer.

  The brunette put one hand over her eyes, and she held out her other hand in front of her face as she started to move forward.

  “I promise, I’m not seeing anything,” Ashlin said as she waved her hand around and shuffled toward the bed. “Whatever you need, just let me know. If you have glasses that you want me to take and fill up with some water, just hand them over. I don’t even have to see them. Or if you need--”

  While I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, Cimarra climbed across the sheets, slipped to the floor, and then moved forward to meet Ashlin halfway across the room.

  “Ashlin,” Cimarra said as she grasped both the younger dancer’s hands and lowered them back to her sides. “Ashlin, open your eyes.”

  The brunette slowly opened her wide green eyes, and I saw her bite her lip as she looked at Cimarra’s naked body right in front of her. Then as Cim stepped to the side, she slipped her arm around the younger dancer and gestured toward me.

  “I want you to look,” Cimarra whispered into the other girl’s ear. “I want you to look at him and look at me, and then I want you to tell me what you want.”

  “Oh!” Ashlin glanced back and forth between the two of us, and her green eyes went even wider.

  The younger dancer looked like she could be Cimarra’s sister, except for the fact that her hair was brown and her eyes were green, while Cim was blue-eyed and black-haired. But their bodies looked so similar, that even though Ashlin wore a long skirt and a tight blouse, I could tell how long her legs were, how heavy her breasts were, and how her generous hips stretched against the fabric of her skirt.

  And every time she looked at me, I felt my cock grow a little stiffer.

  “Oh, I can’t say it,” Ashlin said. “You’re so beautiful, Cim, and Wade is so… no, I can’t tell you.”

  “Then why don’t I tell you what we want?” Cimarra murmured with a sly smile back at me. “We want you to join us, Ashlin. Please?”

  “You want me to… really?” the brunette asked.

  “Really,” I said as I stood up and strode over to join the two women.

  “But I’m--” Ashlin blushed an even deeper shade of red that spilled down her cheeks and spread down along the sides of her neck.

  “You don’t need to be nervous,” Cimarra said as she started to loosen the ties on the other woman’s blouse.

  “But I’ve never done anything like this before!” Ashlin said as she looked at me. “I haven’t even, um… well, I haven’t even kissed anyone before.”

  “Then why don’t I just walk you through it?” Cimarra smiled. “I can show you exactly what to do, okay?”

  “Okay,” the other woman said. “I mean, I really want to-- I just never thought that Wade would--”

  “Ashlin,” I cut her off, and then I brushed her dark chocolate hair back behind her ears. “You’re beautiful, you’re sweet, and you’re kind, and I know that I can always rely on you for anything. Why wouldn’t we want you?”

  “Well, okay, then,” Ashlin said with a nervous smile. “And Cim will show me what to do?”

  “Go right ahead,” I told my beautiful dancer.

  “Then come here,” Cimarra said and pulled the younger woman back over to the bed by the ties of her blouse.

  As soon as the three of us reached the bed, Cimarra gestured for me to stay standing, and then she leaned in to kiss Ashlin. Their lips met softly at first, but when Cim started to gently pull apart the other woman’s lips with her own, Ashlin gave a soft moan and started to kiss Cimarra back.

  I didn’t think it was possible for me to grow any harder, especially since I’d just pumped a bucket of my
seed inside of Cimarra, but as I watched the two beautiful dancers kiss each other, I felt myself grow stiffer, and my cock throbbed to be inside the younger woman. I let Cimarra grab my hand and move it toward Ashlin’s waist, and then I slowly began to slip my fingers under her shirt to stroke her soft skin.

  As Cimarra started to add tongue to her kisses with the younger dancer, I slid both hands under Ashlin’s blouse and ran my fingertips up her smooth stomach until they brushed against her full breasts. At first, I just rubbed my fingers around her nipples, but then I began to massage her tits with a firm touch.

  Ashlin gasped at the feeling of my hands on her breasts, but then she just started to kiss Cimarra back with more force and passion, so I kept going. Just as Ashlin really started to get into her kiss with the other dancer, Cimarra stepped back and tugged Ashlin’s shirt off over her head, while I slid my hands down to rest on the younger dancer’s hips.

  “You’re so beautiful and pure,” Cimarra whispered, “and you’re ready, so why don’t you try kissing Wade now?”

  Ashlin’s cheeks were still pink, but she seemed a little more sure of herself as she turned toward me, and her breasts swayed with the movement. She just bit her lip nervously, so I slipped my arms around her back and pulled her against me.

  “Better?” I smiled.

  “Oh, yes,” Ashlin said, and then she tilted her head back to kiss me.

  As soon as our lips met, I could tell that she was a natural. She had been hesitant with Cimarra at first, but now she kissed me with almost as much confidence as Cimarra did.

  While I slid my tongue over the brunette dancer’s lips, I watched as Cim leaned down, grasped the other woman’s breasts, and then started to take them into her mouth.

  Ashlin moaned against my lips at the feeling of two people giving her pleasure at once. Then as I grazed my fingers up her back and wrapped them into her hair for a better grip, Cimarra started to kiss between the other woman’s breasts, down her flat stomach, and then all the way down until her lips were just above the line of Ashlin’s skirt.

  “This is gonna need to come off,” Cimarra said with a smile, and then she tugged off the other dancer’s skirt in one quick jerk.

  “Oh!” Ashlin gasped.

  The brunette didn’t have anything on underneath her skirt, so when I glanced down, I saw a neat triangle of dark hair that pointed directly down to her waiting entrance.

  “You just stay right there,” Cimarra said as she knelt in front of the other dancer. “I want to get you good and ready.”

  “Ready for what?” Ashlin asked with wide eyes.

  “Ready for this,” I murmured and then reached down to guide her hand toward my stiff cock.

  “Oh!” Ashlin said again.

  As I watched Cim start to go down on the brunette, I helped wrap Ashlin’s fingers around my shaft. At first, I had to guide her grip up and down my cock, but as she started to move more quickly, I dropped my hand from around hers, let her take the lead, and then watched Cimarra lick the other woman’s pussy.

  Ashlin moaned every time Cim flicked her tongue against the soft lips of her entrance, and every time, her grip on my cock also grew a little firmer and a little faster. As the brunette began to rock unsteadily on her feet, I had a feeling that she was about to have her first orgasm with us, but I didn’t want to move her to the bed until she came.

  Instead, I ran my fingers up the inside of her thigh, grazed them over her soft mound, and brushed them against her wet entrance. As soon as I started to rub around the rim of the brunette’s pussy, Cimarra adjusted her position so her tongue could flick across Ashlin’s clit at the same time my fingers massaged the smooth walls just inside the dancer’s narrow tunnel.

  “Oh, by the Ancients,” Ashlin swore as her legs trembled. “What the-- oh, shit! Ohhh!”

  As her orgasm swept over her, Ashlin’s legs shook until I had to wrap my free hand around her waist to keep her upright. The brunette rocked her head back as she cried out, and by the time she finished, she was trembling so much that I just scooped her up into my arms, carried her the rest of the way to the bed, and then laid her down on her back.

  “Holy shit,” Ashlin gasped. “Holy. Shit.”

  “I know, right?” Cimarra smirked. “And if I know Wade, he’s just getting started.”

  “That’s incredible,” Ashlin groaned.

  Cimarra and I both joined her on the bed, and as we laid down beside her, I glanced at the raven-haired dancer and smiled. Cim was more than I ever could have dreamed of, and now with Ashlin in between us, it was somehow even more perfect than it had been before.

  “Cim’s right, you know,” I told the brunette. “You are beautiful.”

  “Really?” Ashlin smiled. “You are both so amazing. I still can’t really believe that I’m here with the two of you. I can’t believe you both want to love me.”

  “And what would help you believe that?” I asked as I started to brush my fingers down her arm.

  “Is there anything we could do to help you with that?” Cimarra added, and then she grazed her own fingers down the woman’s other arm.

  “You could keep doing that, for sure,” Ashlin said and let her head sink back a little more into the pillow.

  “Just that?” I murmured. “Nothing else?”

  I slid my fingers from her arm to her stomach, and then I began to trace little circles up her abdomen, across her breasts, and around her pale pink nipples.

  “I can think of a few things,” Cimarra said, and she moved her hand down toward the other woman’s entrance. “Can’t you?”

  “Yes, please,” Ashlin whispered.

  “Please, what?” I teased.

  “Please fuck me,” the brunette said. “Please, Wade… I want you inside me.”

  Immediately, I pushed myself up and climbed on top of the slender dancer, but even though my cock throbbed to be inside her tight tunnel, I held it just against the lips of her pussy as she looked up at me with her clear green eyes.

  “Let me help you,” Cimarra said.

  As soon as the raven-haired woman reached down to grasp my cock, she held it in a firm grip and slowly started to guide it inside the other woman’s eager tunnel. When the tip of my shaft slid just inside Ashlin, I groaned at how good she felt, and the fact that Cim’s hand was still wrapped around my cock just made it even better.

  Once Cimarra had helped guide my hard cock inside Ashlin, she let go, so I could start to slowly work my way inside the brunette’s narrow pussy. Her tunnel was so tight against my cock that it felt like a glove, and every time I entered her a little deeper, I had to pull almost all the way back out before I was able to thrust in a bit deeper again.

  “Oh, shit,” Ashlin purred. “Your cock feels amazing. It’s spreading me wide open. Ohhhh… shiiitttt… Wadeeeee…”

  While I continued to work my way inside the beautiful brunette, Cimarra leaned forward and kissed me. Her lips were so soft, and the way she ran her tongue over mine was enough to send a shiver of pleasure up my spine. Cim tasted like vanilla and spices, and the more she kissed me, the deeper I plunged my cock into the other dancer.

  When I had finally thrust the full length of my shaft inside Ashlin, Cimarra gently bit my bottom lip with her teeth, pulled away, and then released me so she could turn her attention toward the brunette. She moved up the bed until her tits were just above Ashlin’s face, and then just as I pulled back to enter the brunette again, Cimarra lowered her breasts toward Ashlin’s mouth.

  “Mmmf,” Ashlin moaned as she sucked on my beautiful dancer’s tits.

  I shoved my stiff cock inside the brunette, and she moaned again, but it was muffled by Cimarra’s tits in her mouth. Ashlin gripped the sheets on either side of her, and every time I thrust into her tight tunnel again, she cried out a little louder.

  When I started to feel the brunette’s body writhe a little more underneath me, I grabbed her legs, propped her ankles up on my shoulders, and plunged even deeper into her wet pus
sy. I pumped my hips faster and faster, and I pushed forward on her legs more with each thrust, until the dancer’s legs were bent back all the way above her head.

  Cimarra pulled her tits out of the other woman’s mouth, so I could then fuck her as deeply as I wanted to. As I pushed my hard cock into Ashlin again and again, the brunette rolled her hips against mine, and her muscles began to shake again like she was getting close.

  “I want you to come for me again,” I told her.

  While I fucked the brunette’s slick tunnel, Cimarra grasped Ashlin’s ankles and pulled them back even further above her head, so my cock shoved in even deeper.

  “Oh, shiiii--” Ashlin screamed, as if her sudden climax had caught her by surprise.

  I thrust into her again, but this time, I held myself still inside her, and I just grinded my pelvis against hers so Ashlin could feel every second of her orgasm. When the brunette finally stopped trembling and gave a contented sigh, I pulled out my stiff cock, and Cimarra released her grip on the other dancer’s ankles.

  “Ohh…” Ashlin moaned. “Shit, that felt good.”

  “So, there’s just one more thing that I think you should know how to do,” Cimarra told Ashlin. “Do you want to taste him?”

  “Fuck, yes!” the brunette said and then blushed at her enthusiasm. “I mean--”

  “No, no,” I laughed. “Please don’t correct yourself.”

  “Then fuck, yes, I’d like to know what you taste like,” Ashlin said with a grin.

  I stood up beside the bed, and both women climbed off the sheets and got on their knees in front of me. My cock was still as hard as a rock, so at first, Cimarra just wrapped her fingers around it and began to stroke it up and down.

  Then as Ashlin watched, the raven-haired dancer took me into her mouth and slowly ran her tongue all along the tip and sides of my shaft. Cimarra bobbed up and down on my cock until she swallowed my full length.

  When my cock hit the back of her throat, the beautiful dancer made a soft gagging noise, and then she slid her lips all the way back off me and looked over at Ashlin.

  “Do you want to try?” Cimarra smiled.

  Ashlin nodded, so Cimarra grasped my shaft again and guided it toward the other dancer’s mouth. At first, Ashlin just ran her tongue around the tip of my cock, but with Cim’s help, she started to take more and more of me into her mouth, until she finally slid her lips up the full length of my shaft.


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