Come Together: Butler, Vermont Series, Book 7

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Come Together: Butler, Vermont Series, Book 7 Page 25

by Force, Marie

“No, Noah. You’re going to stay here, spend the day with Brianna and let me do what I do. That’s what is in your best interest. Trust me.”

  “Now that I know about him, I don’t want to wait another day to see him.”

  “I completely understand that—”

  “Do you? Do you really? Did you just find out that your cheating bitch of an ex-wife hid your child from you for more than two fucking years?”

  “No, I didn’t, and I can only imagine how you must feel.”

  Noah exhaled a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take it out on you. I know you’re trying to help.”

  “We’re going to figure this out, and we’re going to get your son into your life as soon as we possibly can. But we need to be careful about how we approach it. The last thing we want to do is cause her to take the child and run.”

  The thought of that sent fear rippling through him, especially knowing that was what’d happened to Cabot with Mia. No, he didn’t want that. “What’s the plan?”

  “I’m going to go there, knock on her door, tell her we’re aware there’s a child, ask for a paternity test and a divorce. I’m going to tell her that unless she fails to cooperate, we have no intention of making a federal case out of the fact that she denied you your child for all this time. And I’ll put her on notice that should the DNA prove the child is yours, you fully intend to file for joint custody.”

  “Why not full custody? That’d be a slam dunk after she hid him from me for all this time.”

  “Because that’s not in his best interest. You’d be bringing him to live with people who are strangers to him.”

  “I’ll never forgive her for this.”

  “And you don’t have to, but you need to think of what’s best for him and not what’s best for you.”

  “Is it normal to feel like you’re coming out of your skin when you hear something like this?”

  “Absolutely. But keeping a calm head will make a big difference. I’ve got you covered, and I’m going to handle it. If you give me Brianna’s cell phone number, I can text you the minute I know anything. I figure hers is charged, and yours probably isn’t.”

  “You figure correctly.”

  “She’ll have to keep her phone logged in to Wi-Fi to get the message.”

  “I’ll make sure she does.” Noah retrieved his wallet from his back pocket and got out the scrap of napkin bearing Brianna’s numbers.

  Gray put the cell number into his phone. “Got it.”

  “Thank you for this and everything you do for our family. I know it seems like we take you and all you do for us for granted—”

  Grayson laid his hand on Noah’s arm. “I never think that, and you know I’d do anything for you.”

  Damn if his brother wasn’t going to make him bawl like a baby.

  “Before all this happened last night,” Gray said, “I was going to tell you that Dad called me to ask how Izzy’s doing.”

  “I thought he was going to come to see her?”

  “His doctor told him not to go to the hospital. He’s still immunocompromised after the transplant. He said he’s going to call her now that she’s home and see if there’s a time he can come by.”

  “Well, that’s something anyway. So, the remission is holding?”

  “That’s what he said.”

  “That’s good.”


  Nothing had changed between Mike Coleman and his eight children. He would always be the man who’d abandoned them and their mother.

  “What he did… It makes it worse for me that I have a son out there I didn’t know about. I never wanted to be the kind of father he was.”

  “Come on, Noah, there’s no comparing what he did with this. You didn’t know the child existed. He left eight children who not only knew him but loved him. This is in no way the same thing.”

  “Just the thought of my kid out there, not even knowing me… And being raised by the two people who betrayed me. It makes me sick.”

  “What she did is monstrous, and she knows it as well as we do.”

  “I want to see him. As soon as possible.”

  “I’ll do everything I can to make that happen.” Gray drank the last of his coffee. “I’m going to go so I can get there early before they leave for the day or whatever.”

  “And you’ll text me the minute you know anything?”

  “I will.” He glanced toward the doorway. “Is Brianna still here?”

  Noah nodded. “She stayed.”

  “She seems to care about you.”

  “She does.”

  “Are you letting her? Care, that is…”

  “Yeah,” Noah said with the first hint of a smile. “I’m letting her.”

  “I know that’s a big deal for you.”

  “It is for her, too.”

  “You two are just what the other needs.”

  “That’s how it’s starting to seem. We’re making some plans.”

  “That’s good. I’m happy for you both.”


  “Let me go see what I can do to resolve this situation in Burlington. It’ll be four hours or so before I have any news. Take Brianna out to do something fun today to keep yourself busy.”

  “I will. Emma knows we’re here, right?”

  “She does and said to make yourselves at home.”

  “Thanks again, you know, for everything.”

  “No worries.”

  Grayson got himself together and departed a few minutes later, leaving Noah alone to contemplate how this day would transpire. What if she was hostile? What if she wouldn’t even talk to Gray? What if he had to go through a protracted legal battle to see his child? Any of those possibilities was enough to make him feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

  Just as he was on the verge of spinning himself up with worst-case scenarios, Brianna came shuffling into the kitchen. She looked adorably rumpled and sleepy. “I woke up and couldn’t figure out where I was.”

  Noah held out his arms to her, and she came to him, settling on his lap as if she belonged there, which she did.

  She caressed his face. “Did you sleep?”

  “Not much. Gray just left to go to Burlington to talk to her.”

  “Oh, wow. Well… How’re you feeling?”

  “Resigned to a very long morning waiting to hear how it goes. I gave Gray your cell number. He said if you keep it logged in to Wi-Fi, he’ll message us as soon as he talks to her.”

  “I’ll keep it logged in. In the meantime, we’ll have to find something to do.”

  “I thought we could stop by my aunt and uncle’s so I can show you the incredible home they created from a falling-down barn.”

  “I’d love to see it—and meet them.”

  “And I thought you might like to meet the baby moose my cousin Hannah is raising.”

  “Is he as huge as Fred?”

  “Nah, he’s a little guy. Hannah babies him, so he’s like a puppy.”

  “A puppy moose. Sounds like something I need to see. Whatever you want to do today, that’s what we’ll do.”

  “I don’t want my thing to overtake your thing.”

  “My thing was shock at receiving the news and being questioned by cops. Now that I’ve processed it, I’m better. I’m sad for him and the people who loved him, but I’ve moved on from him. I refuse to let his death cause a massive setback for me. I’ve come too far to let that happen.”

  “I’m proud of you for being so strong.”

  “It took me a very long time to get to this place.” She kissed his neck, his cheek and then his lips. “And I like it here.”

  “We like you here, too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “It is strange how often a heart must be broken

  before the years can make it wise.”

  —Sara Teasdale

  Being with Brianna, Emma and Simone helped Noah get through the morning. Brianna and Emma made pancakes and eggs while Simone supervised.

>   “Why did you stay at our house last night?” Simone asked Noah.

  “Simone!” Emma said. “That’s none of your business.”

  “It’s fine,” Noah said. “I was upset about something, and Grayson brought me here because my house is full of Colemans.”

  “Are you still upset?”

  “I am, but Gray’s helping me figure it out.” Noah paused, not sure how much he should say to her. He deferred to her mother. “Is it okay if I tell Simone what’s going on?”

  “That’s entirely up to you, but you’re under no obligation.”

  “I don’t mind telling her.” Noah smiled his thanks to Emma for the fresh cup of coffee she placed in front of him, squeezing his shoulder before returning to the stove. “I was married, and it ended a few years ago. We never got divorced, so I asked Gray to find her so I could take care of that. The investigator he hired to find her discovered she has a child, and from the pictures the investigator took, we think he might be my son.”

  Simone’s eyes went wide when she realized what he was telling her. “And you didn’t know?”

  “I had no idea.”

  “Wow, that’s really mean for her not to tell you.”

  “It sure is.”

  “Gray will make her sorry she did that,” Simone said. “He’s an excellent lawyer.”

  Noah couldn’t help but smile at her affection for his brother. “You’re right. He’s very good at what he does, and I’m confident he’ll work things out.”

  “Will you get to see him? Your son?”

  “That’s the plan. I want to see him as soon as I possibly can.”

  “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. But like you said, Gray will fix it for me, and you’ll get a new cousin out of it.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “Simone, go brush your teeth and get ready for dance class. We have to leave in fifteen minutes.”

  After she ran off, Noah glanced at Emma. “I hope that wasn’t too much information for her.”

  “You handled it well. She’ll have questions. I’ll answer them.”

  “She’s very mature for her age,” Brianna said.

  “Which is why we have to tell her the truth about things, even when they might be hard for her to understand,” Emma said.

  “We’ll do the dishes and get out of your hair,” Noah said.

  “You’re not in my hair. You’re welcome here any time. You know that.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate the use of your guest room last night.”

  “If there’s anything we can do, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thanks, Emma. It’s nice to have you and Gray on my side.”

  “We’re completely on your side. What she did…”

  Noah had never seen such a fierce look on Emma’s sweet face. “I know. Believe me.”

  “I’d better go check on Simone.”

  Noah got up to do the dishes. He and Brianna left with Emma and Simone and stopped first at his house so he could shower and change. Ally, Nessa and Jackson were in the kitchen, sitting around the table with coffee and breakfast.

  “We were just talking about you guys and wondering where you were,” Nessa said.

  “We stayed at Gray’s last night,” Noah said.

  “Are you okay?” Ally asked, her eyes going from one of them to the other.

  “I take it you heard about Mel—”

  “Do not say her name in this house,” Nessa said. “She’s dead to us.”

  Noah looked to Brianna. “They’ve heard the news.”

  “What’s being done?” Jackson asked.

  “Gray is on his way to Burlington to see her.”

  “I hope he puts the screws to her,” Ally said. “What a shitty thing to do.”

  “He’s going to work it out so I can see my son and get a divorce. Those are my only goals here.”

  “You’re not going to sue for full custody?” Jack asked.

  “No,” Noah said, his teeth gritted, “because that would be awful for the child, who’d end up living with strangers.”

  “It’s so fucking wrong,” Ally said.

  “I agree,” Noah said, “but all I can do now is everything I can to fix it and make him part of my life. I can’t change the past.”

  “That’s very evolved of you, bro,” Jack said. “I’d be ripshit.”

  “Believe me, I am, but it’s not about me. It’s about my son and what’s best for him.”

  “You have a son,” Ally said. “We have a nephew.”

  “Yes, you do.” He extended a hand to Brianna. “I’m going to run up and shower. We’ll be back in a minute.”

  They went upstairs to Noah’s room. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be quick.”

  She stretched out on top of his bed. “Take your time.”

  Wanting to get back to her, he rushed through a shower and shave. He stepped out of the bathroom with a towel knotted around his waist.

  Brianna’s eyes heated at the sight of him, and she crooked her finger at him. “Bring that over here.”

  Smiling, Noah walked over to the bed and sat on the mattress next to her. “You rang?”

  “I did.” Brianna dragged her fingertip over the contours of his chest and abdomen. “I like looking at you.”

  “Likewise, my love.”

  “Your love,” she said with a sigh. “This is really happening.”

  “It’s happening.” He tilted her chin up to receive his kiss. “It can happen right now, in fact.”

  “Not until I get to shower, too.”

  He took her hand and wrapped it around his hard cock. “You’re going to let a world-class boner get away?”

  “I’m afraid so. But something tells me it’ll be back.”

  “Now, you’re just being cocky.”

  She squeezed his erection. “Literally.”

  Noah laughed—hard. Looking down at her dark eyes, alight with mischief and happiness, he felt himself settle somewhat. As long as he had her around to entertain him and keep him sane, he could get through this very long day and whatever came next. “Thanks.”

  “For what?”

  “Just for being here and making me laugh and keeping me from losing my mind.”

  “That’s entirely my pleasure.”

  “Let’s go to your place so you can take this shower you feel you need before we tend to your pleasure.”

  Her smile lit up her pretty face. “You’re doing the same for me, you know,” she said, tilting her head so he could kiss her neck. “You’re keeping me from dwelling on the bad stuff.”

  “No more bad stuff. Only good stuff from here on out.”

  “I’m down with that.”

  Twenty minutes later, she came out of the bathroom at her house, wrapped in a towel.

  Noah had made good use of the time she was in the shower to remove his clothes and get under the covers of her bed. “Bring that over here.”

  Brianna sat, just as he had, on the edge of the mattress. “You rang?”

  “I did. Guess what?”


  “That boner you wasted at my house came back.”

  “He’s a resilient fellow, isn’t he?”

  “Especially when he has you to inspire him.” He tugged on the knot that held her towel together and invited her to join him under the covers.

  She slid in next to him and wrapped herself around him, her skin warm and soft against his.

  For the longest time, he only held her tight against him, breathing in the fragrance that was so uniquely hers. “I love you, Bri. I never thought I’d ever say that to anyone again, but then there you were, in my face, not taking my shit and making me want you so fiercely.”

  “I love you, too, and I never thought I’d ever say that again either until I met the infuriating contractor with the gorgeous eyes and face who made me rethink my vows to steer clear of all men forever.”

  “I’m happy you did.” Noah kissed her, d
etermined to keep her close to him for the rest of his life. He already knew that she’d never hurt him the way Melinda had and that he could trust Brianna with his life and his love. Everything about this was different, and he was thankful to have found her after his terrible ordeal had made him wise enough to know the difference.

  She responded to him with eager enthusiasm, making him crazy when she wrapped her hand around his hard cock and pushed him onto his back. When she leaned over him and took him into her mouth, he had to hold his breath to keep from exploding the second her lips brushed against the sensitive head of his cock.

  “Bri… shit…”

  “Something wrong?” She looked at him with big doe eyes and swollen, sexy lips.

  “No, nothing’s wrong.”

  “Then I can do this?” she asked as she took him in again.

  His hips came off the bed. “Yeah, more of that would be good.”

  She added some tongue this time and nearly finished him right off. “Brianna…”

  “Yes, Noah?”

  “Come here.” He reached for her and arranged her so she straddled him, the heat of her core singeing him. God, he loved her.

  “Is this what you wanted?” she asked, her innocent expression nearly making him laugh.


  She flashed a coy smile that fired him up even more. “I might need detailed instructions.”

  “I thought you liked to be the boss of me.”

  “Only at the inn. Here, I want you to tell me what you want.”

  “How about I show you?”

  “That works, too.”

  He lifted her and gasped as she slid down on his hard cock. “Now that is what I’m talking about.”

  “Mmm, you do know how to fill a girl to overflowing.” She sat up straight and gazed down at him, her eyes on fire with desire and what looked an awful lot like happiness. He hoped he was making her happy. She deserved that more than just about anyone he’d ever met.

  She tilted her hips and began to move, her breasts bouncing from the enthusiastic pace.

  As he grasped her hips and held on for the ride, Noah’s eyes wanted to roll back in his head.

  “How am I doing?” she asked, sounding breathless.

  “You’re perfect.”

  “That doesn’t leave any room for improvement.”


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