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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 1

Page 18

by Yukiya Murasaki

  —Well, of course he wouldn’t know who I am.

  Taking another step forward, the boar-headed Fallen raised its war axe.

  This time, Diablo was within striking distance.

  “You, small. Look weak. Kill!”

  There was no reason for Diablo to take this attack.

  He thrust forth his staff.

  “《Flare Burst》!”

  This was the superior version of the Explosion spell he was always using. For any Sorcerer who hadn’t broken through the level cap yet, this spell was the upper limit for magic.

  The Fallen was blown away.

  Diablo’s vision was enveloped in a flash of blinding light.

  He had unleashed his magic at point blank range, and was in danger of being caught up in the blast himself.

  However, thanks to the powerful Demon Lord’s Ring, Diablo was able to reflect all types of magic, even healing spells.

  The explosion did not reach Diablo.

  The light started to die down.

  The boar-head Fallen had been blown to the other side of the bridge, back to where the other Fallen were lined up.

  It was lying there, limp.

  In the game, any magic-type monster or Fallen you defeated would turn into black particles and disappear. They wouldn’t leave corpses on the ground like with other wild beasts.

  —What, so I didn’t beat him?

  But it wasn’t getting back up.

  Thinking back to the game, if you took damage from an attack that was more than half your max HP, then it was possible for you to get knocked out.

  That would mean boar-head over there would go down for sure if he hit it with another Flare Burst. There was a chance that the first hit could have been a critical or a fluke, so he couldn’t say it for sure, though...

  The legion of Fallen was starting to get rowdy.

  —It would sure be great if they just went back to wherever they came from because of that.

  But it looked like things weren’t going to go so smoothly.

  After being knocked out for a good few seconds, the boar-headed Fallen opened its eyes, slowly raising itself off the ground.

  “Kill... Kill... Guh, nrgh... You... You burn me... I, kill you...”

  —It’s still raring for a fight. That’s the Fallen for you.

  —Looks like I’ve managed to aggro everyone here, though.

  That should mean they wouldn’t try to make any more attacks on the fortress, at least for now.

  Even if he hadn’t made them retreat, it was easier for him to fight when he didn’t have to worry about other small things like that.

  Diablo raised Tenma’s Staff.

  “So you will not back down. Very well! Then I shall be the one to annihilate you all!”


  Rem was in the dining hall of the inn. It was where she had had breakfast with Diablo and Shera earlier that morning.

  Right now, there was another woman sitting across from Rem.

  It was the head of the Mage’s Association, Celestine Baudelaire.

  She was wearing an embroidered cape, and robes that fit her so perfectly you could see every curve of her body.

  Rem had never really wondered about it before, but...

  She was big for a Human.

  Bigger than Rem, at the very least.

  Standing behind the head of the Mage’s Guild were two escorts. Galluk was not one of them, of course.

  Celes gave a smile, one that made you feel her sense of open-mindedness.

  “I’m sorry for making you go through the trouble to meet with me just so we can continue off from where we left last night.”

  “...There is no need for you to fuss over me so much. I have no intention of making the Mage’s Association my enemy.”

  “Well, personally, I want to get along with you better, Rem.”

  “...I do not want to be held captive by the Mage’s Association, and I do not want to be put under surveillance by them.”

  “I have no intention of doing either of those things, you know?”

  “Being protected within the Mage’s Association, being assigned guards by the Mage’s Association... The only thing that changes is how you say it, not the meaning.”

  If Rem lost her life in the middle of her adventure, then the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm would be released.

  There was no precedent for this situation, so it was only natural for Celes to be thinking of locking Rem away in the safest place possible because of that threat.

  In fact, she was prepared to be captured once people knew of her secret.

  Rem herself was an accomplished Adventurer, so she had no intention of being taken in without a fight, however.

  Faced with Rem’s obstinance, Celes let out a sigh.

  “I’m sorry. Let’s put that conversation aside for today.”

  “...Yes, let’s.”

  “After I spoke with you last night, I went to ask Galluk about the details as well.”

  “Were there any discrepancies?”

  Since it was Galluk, she was wondering if he had thought himself not in the wrong and distorted the truth; but it seemed that wasn’t the case.

  “If I were to say if anything was different, then maybe it would be in his perception of what happened?”


  “Galluk thought that he was doing the right thing. He lamented that, even though he tried everything he could to persuade you, you wouldn’t listen.”

  “...I cannot fathom what he means.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “...Though he claims he wanted to persuade me, I do not think that trying to do so by bringing harm to Diablo and Shera could be considered a normal thought process for a person.”

  Celes nodded in agreement. Even she didn’t seem to be able to understand him.

  “I have dismissed Galluk. It’s true that he caused trouble for the townspeople, and even used the name of the Mage’s Association at his own whim... I had to have him take responsibility for that.”

  “...That is quite a bold action for you.”

  “After being let go, I’m sure he will reflect on his actions and mend his ways.”

  “...I wonder about that.”

  Rem wished that Celes had done this sooner, but she was too kind.

  It was because of that kindness Rem was able to walk around so freely.

  “When I spoke with Galluk, there was one thing in particular that stuck out to me.”

  “What would that be?”

  “Well, apparently, Diablo called himself a ‘Demon Lord’?”

  Rem decided that it was not possible to hide it. It would not be a good idea to make Celes her enemy here, after all.

  “...I will not deny it... Diablo is a Demon Lord from another world. On the day when both the sun and the moon appeared in the sky, at Starfall Tower... At Shera’s suggestion, I went there with the intention of summoning him.”

  While Shera also placed her hand on the spellbook during the summoning ceremony, Rem believed she was the one who had summoned him.

  Her face completely serious, Celes asked Rem:

  “Did he really come from another world?”

  “...What do you mean by that?”

  “I understand that you’re a proficient Summoner, but I’ve never heard of anything like a Demon Lord from another world. And I certainly don’t believe that a being who ruled over another world could be called forth by any of the races in this one. Is it possible that he’s a Fallen from this world, who appeared because he was drawn to the soul you hold?”

  “...That simply cannot be.”

  Diablo had had plenty of opportunities to kill her.

  There was no way for him to be a Fallen.

  On the contrary; the other evening, he had made a promise to her:

  “Very well. I will crush the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm for you.”

  Rem was going to believe in him.

  But she thought that this wo
uldn’t be proof enough for Celes.

  “I had someone I trust go see the remains of his fight.”

  “...The one in the Man-Eating Forest?”

  “Just looking at the report sent shivers down my spine. I’ve never heard of anyone being able to do that with elemental magic.”

  “...I was surprised as well. However, it is not like you to decide someone is a Fallen just because they are powerful.”

  “Rem, do you trust Diablo?”

  “...Of course I do.”

  “To be honest, I’m a little afraid of him.”

  “...What do you want to do with him?”

  “That’s where I’m at a bit of a loss. I want to believe in him, like you do... But as the head of the Mage’s Association, I can’t just leave him alone.”

  She should tell Celes that she had told her secret to Diablo, and how he had even offered to help her on top of that.

  The way Diablo conducted himself was arrogant and full of danger.

  Despite that, Rem felt that he might actually be a good person deep down.

  How could she say this in a way that Celes would accept?

  If she didn’t give her an answer, then—

  “Ah, excuse me, dear customer, but the place is reserved right now. ☆”

  “Don’t touch me, you damned Demi!”


  The sounds of a dispute reached their ears. With a bang, the doors to the dining hall flew open.

  Galluk had appeared.


  Galluk entered the dining hall. His eyes were bloodshot; his face was warped into a manic expression; and his breath was ragged.

  He was still wearing the robes of the Mage’s Association, but they were torn in various places, and his hands were stained with blood.

  His voice shook as he spoke.

  “L-Lady Celes! Have... Have you reconsidered what you said last night!? I mean, it’s strange isn’t it!? Why was I made to leave the Mage’s Association for doing the right thing!”

  The two guards had taken up their staffs and stepped forward.

  Celes answered in a calm voice.

  “As I explained to you many times, what you did was wrong.”

  “That’s strange! It’s strange, isn’t it!? For someone as talented as me to be let go, there must be some kind of mistake! I-It has to be some kind of mistake... I had to give the people who came and tried to take my robes a good b-beating, and t-tried to make them say the truth... But, they kept lying! Th-They kept saying that I had been l-let go...”

  “Beating? Are the others from the Mage’s Association all right?” Celes frowned.

  That’s quite a serious expression for her to make—thought Rem.

  Galluk shouted: “Worry about me! Th-That, that Demon, he’s not right in the head! He has disrespected me t-twice now! He’s not suitable for Lady Rem to be around, so all I did was try to keep him away from her! Why do you choose to worry about those second-rate underlings instead of me!?”

  The color of his face was constantly changing. His eyes were all over the place as well.

  It was evident that he was mentally unstable.

  Celes stood up.

  “First, I need you to calm down. Let’s just take it easy and talk this through, shall we?”

  “I am calm! You’re the one who’s acting strange!”

  His voice was conspicuously loud.

  Deciding that there was no reasoning with Galluk, Celes’s guards closed in on him.

  “Galluk, just come with us quietly!”

  “We’re turning you over to the knights!”

  Galluk was holding his head in his hands.

  “It’s strange... It’s strange! Everyone is strange! Ahh, so what they said was right! No lesser-minded person can understand my talents, how great I am!”

  Galluk pulled something out from around his waist.

  It may be a Summon crystal—Rem thought.

  Though she felt sorry for the damage this would cause to the inn, Rem started to reach for her own crystals so she could fight back.

  However, what Galluk held in his hand was a dagger; an ominous, black dagger.

  Rem could feel something in the back of her chest starting to grow hot. She could feel a suspicious aura coming from the weapon Galluk held.

  —I don’t know what exactly it is... But it’s dangerous!

  Staying alert, the two guards approached Galluk.


  “Do not continue this shameful display any longer!”

  Galluk glared at his former colleagues.

  “Shut your mouths! You’re nothing but weaklings! Don’t get close to me!”

  He raised the dagger.

  Celes made as if she was going to step closer to Galluk, but Rem held her back with one hand.

  “...You can’t get near him... He is no longer sane...”

  Galluk was screaming.

  “Not sane!? It’s not me that’s insane, it’s all of YOU! Everyone from the Mage’s Association, and this whole world, too! Why am I not treated well when I am so evidently proficient!? Why is my value not acknowledged!? Why does no one worry for me!? It’s wrong! Wrong! This is definitely WRONG! That’s why...”

  The black dagger he wielded had an eyeball that looked almost alive.

  Though it shouldn’t have been possible, the eye swiveled around.

  It looked at Rem.

  A chill ran throughout her body.

  She threw one of her crystals against the floor.

  “《Shadow Snake》! Stop Galluk from moving!”

  A long, thin shadow emerged from the crystal. A black snake, about five meters long in total, quickly slithered across the floor. Its special ability was 《Bind》, and when used against one of the other races, it was able to restrain their movement for about five seconds.

  But before her Summon could reach him, Galluk made his move first.

  “This world must be made right, and I will be the one to do it!”

  Galluk plunged the dagger into his own chest.

  —He’s committing suicide!?

  Rem’s breath stopped in her throat.

  Celes covered her mouth in shock, while the two guards looked on in quiet dismay.

  —Wait, that’s not it!

  Sensing a large expansion of magic energy, Rem yelled out a warning:

  “Get away from him!”

  A black liquid spilled out of Galluk’s mouth.

  Something similar to sludge gushed forth from the wound on his chest.

  His skin darkened, turning into something that resembled polished obsidian.

  His body and arms warped and elongated, swelling in size. A large, thick tail grew out from the back of his waist.

  His face was changing shape as well, slowly turning into that of a lizard.

  In the blink of an eye, Galluk had been completely transformed.

  Rem grasped her chest. She felt the Demon Lord’s soul inside of her responding to what had happened.

  Her voice shook as her heart pounded.

  “...It can’t be... A Fallen!?”


  Celes let out a small scream. The two guards, who had been dumbfounded up until now, moved in to defend her.

  The lizard head that was once Galluk spoke in a murky voice.

  “Ah... Ahh... Looks like it’s finally time for Gregore to take care of things. Damn, there wasn’t any need for you to keep blabbing away, you stupid Human!”

  Gregore rolled his shoulders. As he did, his hardened skin made a grinding noise.

  Rem’s Shadow Snake began to coil itself around Gregore’s body. With that, his movements should have been completely sealed.

  “The hell’s this? Don’t go gettin’ in my way!”

  Grabbing the Summon with his thick fingers, he tore it apart as if it had been made out of paper.

  —He dealt with a level 20 Summon with his bare hands!?

  Rem saw the difference between their strengths.

bsp; —I’m an Adventurer! I have to protect Celes!

  The two guards took up their staffs.

  “Leave this!”

  “To us!”

  Rem grabbed Celes by her hand and ran for the window.

  The inn didn’t use any high-quality materials like glass, but instead used wooden boards that were propped open with sticks.

  Grabbing the bewildered Celes and lifting her up, Rem flung her outside.

  “Wait, Rem... Kyaaah!?”

  “Please, just bear with it!”

  It was only the first floor, so she was sure Celes wouldn’t die or anything.

  Rem immediately followed after her.

  Their opponent was a Fallen. By tempting Galluk and transforming him into one of their own, the enemy had managed to invade the town in a way Rem had never even heard of before.

  Their objective was most likely the destruction of the barrier. There was no mistake that they had to be aiming for the head of the Mage’s Association.

  —I have to protect Celes!

  Seeing Celes collapsed out in front of the inn, passersby stared on with expressions of disbelief plastered on their faces.

  It was because she didn’t seem like the kind of person who would jump out of a window to escape something.

  While helping Celes up, Rem shouted: “Everyone, get out of here! It’s the Fallen!”

  Immediately after—

  The wall of the inn’s dining hall was blown apart.

  Flying chunks of the wall flew out and struck several people who had let their curiosity get the best of them. It wasn’t pretty.

  From the half-destroyed building emerged a giant with the head of a lizard; Gregore.

  His fists were completely smeared with blood.

  Nothing could be heard from Celes’s guards.

  “Hey now, I don’t have any business with these damn pipsqueaks! I got business with the lady over there! You’re Celestine Baudelaire, ain’tcha? This barrier thing is in the way, so I’m gonna have to kill you!”

  Gregore brandished his giant fists.

  Celes had no experience with actual combat, and was petrified with fear. In fact, as most of her magic went into maintaining the barrier, she had no fighting strength in the first place.


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