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The Demon's Last Kiss: A Short Standalone Reverse Harem (Paranormal Quickies Book 1)

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by Lacey Carter Andersen

  The Demon’s Last Kiss

  By Lacey Carter Andersen

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  The Demon's Last Kiss (Paranormal Quickies, #1)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  She has curves in all the right places. An attitude that intrigues him... and he’s just doomed her to death.

  Golgoth has only ever wanted a woman to love. But being a poison demon, who’s deadly even to his own kind, he knows such a thing is impossible. So when his brothers come up with an idea of how he can go out and mingle with humans on Halloween, the most he can hope for is to admire beautiful women from afar.

  But his carefully laid plans go terribly awry, and now, he’s condemned a woman to death.

  He can’t stop fate, but his brothers have a very sexy idea on how they can make her last night unforgettable. If she’ll let them.

  THE DEMON’S LAST KISS is a short reverse harem romance. It takes place in my Mates of the Realms: Mortals’ series. Golgoth is a minor character introduced in this series, but this story is a stand-alone, meaning you don’t need to read the series to enjoy this tale.


  To my kids—who always tell me how proud they are of me.

  ~ Lacey Carter Andersen

  Chapter One

  Golgoth sat at the top of the massive boulder, staring down at the park filled with happy humans. In this place, he could almost fool himself into believing that he wasn’t lonely, that he didn’t feel removed from the world.

  Even if they can’t see me, I’m surrounded by life.

  Kids played. An old man tossed crumbs to birds. Happy couples held hands, laughing, and talking in low tones that he couldn't hear. Everyone seemed to be connected in a way they couldn’t see, but he could feel.

  When one of the kids laughed as he was given a balloon, Golgoth smiled. Children made him happy. If he were human, he would’ve married a kind woman and had as many children as she would bear him.

  But he wasn’t human. Nor would he ever have a kind woman... or any woman.

  His smile vanished.

  That was the thing about being poisonous, even to his own kind. He would never have that sort of relationship with a woman. Even though he’d told his brothers he had accepted such a life, he hadn’t. He never could.

  A heart is a foolish and stubborn thing, and my heart wants love.

  As the afternoon dipped into evening, he rose from the boulder and walked back to the dark entrance of his home, careful not to be seen. Shoving aside the stone that hid the entrance to the tunnels, he climbed inside and pushed the rock back into place. Even if he didn’t have superior vision, he would have known his way through the twisted channels that led to his home. Poison demons were good at slinking through the shadows. Finding the crude doorway, he stepped through into the light of the roomy cave that he and his brothers had claimed as their own.

  Cassius looked up from where he was wrapping himself in bandages. “What took you so long? We were beginning to think we’d have to leave without you.”

  Why is he wrapping his leg? We heal too quickly for such things.

  “Did you hurt yourself?”

  Cassius grinned. “Nope.”

  Strange. What is he up to?

  Golgoth looked closely at his brother's clothing. In a dark T-shirt, jeans and styled hair, Cassius was dressed too well for a night out at the park. That didn’t make sense to Golgoth. They would be moving through the shadows of the park, avoiding humans all night. So why did his brother care what he looked like?

  “You’re dressed well, for a night out at the park,” he hedged, studying his brother.

  His brother’s grin only widened, and he kept wrapping his leg.

  They plan to take me with them, so they aren’t visiting the other poison demons. Golgoth never left the park. So what could they be up to? And why is he wrapping his body?


  Behind him, he heard Anton step out of the bathroom area.

  Turning, he stared in confusion. His other brother, Anton, was fully bandaged from head to toe. He could see almost nothing of his dark purple skin or his black hair. In fact, all he could see was his golden eyes peeking out from the many layers of bandages.

  “What are you two up to?”

  Anton walked across the room and rested a hand on Golgoth’s shoulder. His brothers were the only ones of his kind that could touch him, and they made sure to do it often as a kindness to him. “Surely you haven’t forgotten what tonight is?”

  Golgoth scowled. Does it matter? Every day is the same. Endless.

  And lonely.

  “Halloween, brother, it’s Halloween.”


  “So?” Cassius repeated with excitement, wrapping his body faster. “Tonight we plan to sneak out amongst the humans and have some fun. Drink, dance, maybe even flirt with women.”

  Golgoth felt his mouth drop open. “Is this a joke? That’s too dangerous. If a woman were to touch our skin...”

  Anton squeezed his shoulder. “Look at me, brother. I wrapped myself so many times you’ll have to cut me free. The humans are safe.”

  Golgoth stared at him. He was covered... every inch of him. But still, it seemed like too great a risk.


  “Come on,” Anton said, his tone gentle. “We know how badly you want to be around people other than us.”

  Ah, so this is an act of pity.

  Golgoth hated that his brothers were doing this for him, because deep down he knew they were. They could socialize with the other poison demons and weren’t desperate to connect with others. It was rarely discussed, but he knew his brothers dated, made friends, and even had sex.

  He also knew that they would never choose a wife that couldn’t touch him.

  And so, they might not be as lonely as he was, but they were suffering too, because of his flaw.

  I don’t want to do this. But I owe them this.

  “Alright, but we have to be careful.” He even tried to force a smile.

  Anton shouted in excitement and threw him a roll of wrappings.

  Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?

  And yet, he began to bandage himself. It was tricky. Only a year ago he’d lost a finger to a crazed shapeshifter... just barely escaping with his life. In most ways he’d grown accustom to not having it, but in moments like this, he missed the digit even more.

  Just another way that I’m undesirable. He pushed the hurtful thought away.

  Too long passed. Both his brothers were fully wrapped when Anton finally said, “if you bundle up any more, you won’t be able to walk!”

  He sighed, tapping down the last of his wrapping. He might have gone a bit overboard, but as much as he wanted freedom, he never wanted to be responsible for another person’s death. In Caine’s prisons, he’d been forced to poison one innocent person after another, and their deaths still haunted him. Sometimes they died quickly. Sometimes they died slowly and painfully. And other times, he almost believed they might live... and then it hit them like a hammer, and they were gone.

  He had promised himself that he would never kill again. And I won’t. I’ll be careful. It’s only the ghosts of my past scaring me now.

  Taking a deep breath, he clenched his fist. “Where are we going?”

  Anton grinned. “Only the wildest par
ty in town.”

  Golgoth followed them out of their home, but sweat trickled down his back. Please let this just be a night of fun. Please.

  Chapter Two

  Rosa’s stomach turned as their cab pulled up to the mansion. Her two best friends looked hot as fuck, but she was a complete mess. She had ordered a sexy maid’s costume that was supposed to fit her oddly shaped body. But instead, when it’d finally been shipped to her, she’d discovered an absurd unicorn outfit that felt even stranger than the usual clothes she wore. The costume is freaking ironic, but not in a way anyone will realize.

  The costume consisted of a low-cut vest that barely held her chest, a short skirt with rainbow colors, and knee-high white boots. She wouldn't even get started about the headband that held a fake horn. It looked ridiculous! And none of it fit her correctly. She felt massive, ugly, and completely out of place.

  She had been about to call her friends and tell them she was sick when they’d shown up at her door. Looking amazing, dressed as a sexy police officer and firefighter.

  And, of course, they somehow got us into the hottest party in town.

  They hadn’t let her so much as protest going when they’d pushed her out the door, insisting they were already late. She had sat, squished between them, the entire drive, trying to think of a way out of her situation. But when their cab pulled through an open gate, she still didn’t have a decent excuse to bail.

  Peering out the window, she frowned. Cars lined every inch of the sides of the driveway that curved up toward their destination. The cab finally pulled to a stop in front of the heavily decorated mansion. An incredible mansion that screamed of wealth and privilege.

  Its big double doors were thrown wide open, revealing a foyer that was bigger than her entire apartment. Costumed people drank and talked along the stairs leading to the entrance. Inside, the lights were off, except for the flashing black-lights. Her gaze slid to the backyard and pool. People were everywhere. Diving off the waterfall into the water, which was orange for the big party.

  I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!

  “This is it!” Tiffany squealed.

  Rebecca laughed. “I still can’t believe we got invited. Look at this place! This is awesome!”

  Awesome. Yeah.

  She paid the cab driver and climbed out, tugging her rainbow-colored skirt down, and pulling her low top up at the same time. Instantly, a couple of men latched onto her friends, and they were off hurrying into the dark doorway, with its black-lights flashing.

  Rosa almost called after them. They usually had a rule about sort of sticking together. But she just stared after them. Do I really want to hang out with them? I feel like I’d just bring them down. Since she was having an off night, she might as well let her friends have fun.

  In fact... they might not even notice if she snuck out! The hell with this!

  Turning, her heart lurched as the cab drove away.


  Well, I guess I’m stuck here.

  Awkwardly climbing the entryway stairs in her too-high boots, she entered the party and was immediately swallowed by pounding music. Grabbing a gelatin shot off a passing waiter’s tray, she downed it, then grabbed another before he could leave.

  Liquor, one thing I can enjoy, even when feeling out of place and uncomfortable.

  By the time she made it to the snack table, her head was already spinning. Yup, that was her plan. If she was drunk enough, she wouldn’t care about her ironic outfit, or her missing friends. She’d just space out and enjoy the party.

  This might be fun after all!

  The chocolate fountain was incredible. She dipped everything and anything into it and enjoyed every fucking bite. More gelatin shots followed, and soon, she was having trouble even standing in her damn heels.

  “The hell with it!” Reaching down, she yanked the boots off and chucked them under the table. Since she was out of fucks to give, she might as well be comfortable.

  She ate another chocolate covered strawberry and froze as she caught the eye of a man leaning against a wall across the room.

  It must be the distance, but she could swear his eyes were golden. A wizard’s eyes? No. A Shifter’s eyes? Nope. So what was he?

  He drew her to him in a way she’d never felt before. Maybe it was because his gaze was locked onto hers, but something intimate and powerful stretched between them.

  Like magic.

  Or destiny.

  She smirked. Or maybe we’re both drunk and horny.

  But she was intrigued. He was wrapped like a mummy from head-to-toe. Only his eyes and mouth showed. He could be hideous, or he could be gorgeous—it didn't matter which. Because her inner muscles tightened at just the sight of him... something that didn’t exactly happen every day.

  She decided to take a chance and started across the room. Her resolve building with each step.

  His gaze darkened and he stood up straighter. Could he really find her attractive? Or was she just hoping he did?

  When she stopped in front of him, she smiled. “Hi!”

  Without answering her, he leaned forward, so close she could smell a rich, earthy scent that seemed to radiate from his body. His wrapped fingers reached forward, and he wiped at the side of her mouth. “Chocolate,” he murmured.

  She looked at his thumb. Sure enough, chocolate covered the end of the wrappings.

  Maybe it was the drink. Maybe it was the sexual tension. But she leaned forward and sucked the tip of his finger.

  “Fuck,” he muttered moving closer.

  “Sorry,” she said, but she didn’t feel sorry.

  “I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful as you.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, right.”

  He frowned, his full lips pulling down. “Your hair is the color of the sun rise. Your eyes are the blue of the deepest waters. And your body... every curve begs for a man to touch you.”

  She gasped in a breath. Had she forgot to breathe? “So, you’re into curvy chicks then?”

  This body has always been a bit of a burden to me, but maybe tonight it might get me lucky.

  “Curvy?” He frowned. “Don’t all men like a woman with curves?”

  Again, she laughed. This man sounded so damn sincere. “Why are you standing alone?”

  He shrugged. “I feel... out of place.”

  “Me too,” she said, and that feeling between them seemed to increase.

  “Are you here alone?” The way he asked her was so damned possessive, as if just the idea of her being here with someone angered him.

  She placed her hand on his wrapped chest. “Just two of my friends, but they’re busy. What about you?”

  He gestured to the dance floor. She turned around and immediately spotted two men dressed like mummies, like him, dancing with complete abandon. “My brothers.”

  She grinned. “They look like all they want to do is dance all night.”

  “No, they wish more than anything to find a woman we can share.”

  Her gaze jerked back to him.

  His eyes widened. “But we will not.”

  A woman to share? Suddenly, it was all she could think about. She’d never had a threesome. Two crappy boyfriends, yes, but never a threesome. Definitely never a foursome.

  Sure, she’d thought of it, imagined it alone at night with her vibrator, but those kinds of things didn’t happen to women like her. It was just a silly dream.

  She turned her attention back to him. He stared at her hands on his chest as if they were the most amazing things in this world.

  She licked her lips, catching the faintest hint of chocolate. “What kind of woman do you guys want to share?”

  His hands slowly moved to rest onto hers. And even though she couldn’t feel his skin, she shivered when his fingers traced the lines of her hands. “We all like the same kind of woman. One who is strong, smart, and kind. She must be kind.” He said the last part as if it was very important.

  She laughed, raising a b
row. “And what about how she looks?”

  He nibbled his bottom lip in a way that made her pulse speed up. “I’ve never thought much about how the woman would look.” His gaze moved to her face. “Maybe she would look like you. I find you... very attractive. In fact, my attraction to you makes me cautious. I’ve never met someone I so instantly wanted to take to my bed.”

  She swallowed. “Well, that’s... sexy.”

  He looked surprised. “It is?”

  She nodded.

  He thinks I’m sexy. He and his brothers want to share a woman tonight, and I’m just drunk enough to feel adventurous.

  Am I really going to have a foursome?

  Her gaze moved to his lips. That’s exactly what she wanted. More than anything. She wanted one night that she’d never forget.

  “I’ve always wanted a threesome, but a foursome sounds even better.”

  His eyes widened. “Really?”

  She felt her thoughts tumble as she spoke. “Just the idea of having more than one hot man touching me... it’d be like a dream come true.”

  His body shuddered beneath her touch. “Now, that’s... sexy.”

  This is actually going to happen! I can’t believe it!

  He opened his lips as if to speak, but she silenced him with a kiss.

  To her shock, he stiffened beneath her and jerked back. “No!”

  She frowned, her head spinning as her fingers moved to her lips. “No...”

  He reached up and rubbed the top of his head as if aching to run fingers through his hair. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  She felt tears prickle the corners of her eyes. Maybe this body is lumpy and strange, but I deserve better! “You’re an ass!”

  Spinning around, she ran from him. There was a rope at the bottom of the stairs to stop partygoers from going up, but she pushed past it and hurried up them on her bare feet. She wasn’t crazy, right? He’d been giving her all the signals that he was interested.

  And then he shouted, no!

  She’d never been more embarrassed in her life.

  Chapter Three


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