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Black Wolf

Page 7

by Lori Ann Robinson

  “I’m no Helen of Troy, Captain,” she said with a wry grin. “No men will show up by wooden horse to claim your city on my behalf.”

  He grunted. “Somehow, I doubt that, madam. However, I am willing to let you stay temporarily on a few conditions.”

  “And what would those be?” She barely suppressed her cry of victory.

  “You only work here long enough to acquire a sufficient savings that will see you into a stable future elsewhere down the road. Once you’ve earned enough as a tutor under my employ, you will book passage to the country of your choosing where you’ll be free to live as you please. In order to ensure your ability to do this, I will offer you twice the salary originally stated, as well as pay for all cost of living here on the island.” As he talked, he scribbled something on a piece of vellum.

  “That’s extremely generous as well as progressive on your part. I couldn’t take advantage of your kindness in such a manner.”

  He slid the piece of paper across his desk. Crossing the expanse of the room, she retrieved it. It was a brief contract between the two of them, clearly outlining the terms to which he’d just stated. It was his signature which caused her pause only for a moment. Feeling it better not to question it, she left it unremarked upon.

  “The children of this manor are rambunctious and you will have your work cut out for you. Trust me when I say you’ll earn every shilling.” Nicolai dipped the quill in the inkwell and held it out to her. “Do we have an accord?”

  Considering herself fortunate that his terms worked entirely in her favor, she nodded. “Aye, Captain. We do.”

  She scribbled her signature next to the one one that read ‘Nicolas VonPatten’ and passed the paper back with a grin.

  Nicolai scanned the document. “Understand, Miss St. John, I’m not being generous. I need you gone from here as quickly as possible for my own mental health and for the sake of your precious virtue. If that means paying you an exorbitant amount of coin to separate tea leaves, I’ll do it. That said, I have first hand knowledge of your education per our previous conversations, so while I’m paying you more than I would another person, I do so knowing I’m getting a more qualified employee.”

  “You won’t regret it,” she promised, dismissing his last comment.

  As he folded it and placed it on a stack of papers next to him, he turned his attention back to his previous work, placing his spectacles back on his nose.

  “See that I don’t. You are dismissed, Miss St. John.”

  After a brief conversation between Nicolai and Jude, one of the house servants was directed to escort her to a room at the far end of the manor, instructing Adrienne that everything she would need could be found in her new chambers.

  Nicolai Mikhalovic claimed to have no soul, yet he’d proven his kindness once again. Such acts weren’t those of soulless servant of Lucifer. Not that she’d known any before; but she was quite sure they wouldn’t be so generous as the captain.

  She turned and surveyed her quarters. A high four-poster bed stood central to the room while a large enameled tub sat in a corner near a dressing screen of rice paper. A door off her chamber revealed a private garderobe, which was virtually unheard of in most homes. Most dwellings considered themselves lucky to have one indoor facility to relieve the needs of the entire household. The fact that Nicolai’s home boasted a private one bespoke of the magnitude of wealth the man had amassed. Closing the door to the stool closet, Adrienne continued to survey her surroundings.

  Storage trunks were situated throughout the room and when she opened them, she found ladies garments of every shape, style and size.

  Curious, she pulled out a dress. It was dated, but still fashionable and lovely. Why would Nicolai have trunks full of ladies clothing in his house? Another trunk revealed shoes, while still another held undergarments such as shifts and crinolines.

  Was the man married? Had he been married and something tragic befell his wife? And then of course, there was always the arrangement her parents had. Perhaps Nicolai had a wife stashed in the colonies as well and these were belongings she’d deemed unworthy to transport? Or perhaps this was the accommodation his mistress utilized from time to time upon his possible wife’s defection.

  It wouldn’t surprise her, honestly. From what she knew of men, she was aware they had little loyalty to the women they married. Several of her father’s associates had both wives and mistresses within the same cities or towns.

  Deciding that she wouldn’t get answers, largely because she wasn’t about to inquire and also because she didn’t expect he would be either forthcoming or forthright with the information, Adrienne pushed her questions aside as fruitless wonderings.

  Throwing a set of doors wide to expose a private balcony, Adrienne stepped out into the sun and salty air.

  The waves crashing just outside were loud but soothing and a far cry from what she’d heard the Carolina colonies were like. Here, there was freedom and opportunity. Here, she’d be able to earn her keep in a respectable profession while securing a small fortune that would allow her live her life unfettered by the demands of others.

  “Miss?” a woman called, entering her chamber. Adrienne left the balacony, returning to the interior of her quarters. “The children have been assembled and are waiting in the instruction room to meet you.”

  Adrienne nodded. “Thank you. I’ll be down directly, after I change.”

  The woman bobbed a short curtsey before leaving her alone. Adrienne sorted through the gowns looking for something more matronly to wear for her first day as tutor.

  After dressing in a simple gray dress with black brocade and a modest neckline, Adrienne wandered through the expansive house in search of the instruction room. Nicolai’s home was even more opulent than his ship’s cabin had been, with artifacts and art from all over the world lining the halls and rooms she passed. Finally, hearing the chattering of children, she followed the noise to an open area that had views of the sea beyond. White muslin curtains fluttered in the breeze coming in from the ocean.

  Ten dark skinned children in various stages of age stood in a row as she walked in. Their clothing was mostly the same; boys dressed in white cotton shirts and cream-colored cotton britches that stopped at just below their knees, while the girls wore white linen dresses. A few fidgeted as she approached and were quickly stilled by the sharp look of an older woman who waited at the end of the line.

  “Good afternoon, children,” Adrienne called out, moving to stand in front of them. “My name is Mistress St. John and I’ll be your tutor for the duration.”

  A chorus of greetings in childish voices were called out as one little boy broke formation to run forward towards her, a tropical flower clutched tightly in his chubby fist.

  “For you, Mistress,” he said, smiling up at her.

  Adrienne bent at the waist and accepted the flower graciously as she caressed the child’s cheek.

  “Thank you,” she said, touched by the gesture.

  Straightening, she addressed the rest as she gently nudged the boy back in line with his peers.

  “Today, we will spend the day getting to know one another and ascertaining where your last tutor left off in your instruction. Tomorrow, we’ll begin lessons in earnest. I ask for nothing more than your undivided attention and good behavior, which I will reward at the end of every week. For those who are accomplished in reading, I will require that you read for a short time every day quietly while I work with the smaller children who are still learning this skill. You will be asked to provide an essay outlining what you’ve read at the end of the week so you will not be able to get away without actually reading your assignments.”

  There were a few good-natured groans, but all and all, her new students seemed receptive.

  Nicolai watched from around one of the columns, hidden from sight. He was pleased to see that she seemed to be a natural with the children.

  He didn’t particularly care for her choice of gowns as it covered her delecta
ble body fully from his gaze but Nicolai admitted it was scholarly and appropriate for her new position in his household.

  His heart had melted slightly when Raul had approached his new tutor with a slightly wilted bird of paradise from the garden. Adrienne’s reaction and the caring manner in which she accepted the token served to place a vision of how she would treat children of her own someday in his head. He turned away from the scene disconcerted.

  He’d never, not even once, in all of his thirty years envisioned a woman with children that could quite possibly be his as well.

  Disturbed by the thoughts she inspired in him, he set off to oversee other matters, which required his attention after being gone for such a long span of time. Raul glimpsed him before he had the opportunity for a successful escape and once again broke free of the group of other children to run toward Nicolai.

  Reaching up to clasp his hand, the small boy made an effort to drag Nicolai into the classroom. Nicolai could have refused but this particular child had a special place in his heart and oftentimes he found he could deny the boy nothing.

  “Come meet Mistress St. John,” the boy said excitedly, pulling him into the instruction room he’d had set up for the children’s education.

  “Thank you, Raul, but I have already become well acquainted with your new tutor.” He hunkered down to eye level with the child. “You don’t think I’d trust just anyone with your precious young minds, do you?”

  Adrienne looked on both shocked as well as amazed at the gentle handling Nicolai gave the child. His normally gruff exterior softened, as he looked at the boy whose hand remained wrapped around his larger one. The obvious love the two shared was a revelation as to Nicolai’s true nature; one that revealed a completely different facet to the pirate she’d believed she’d come to know. Fascinated by what she saw, Adrienne wondered how much more there was about the man that would become a source of pleasant surprise.

  Rising, Nicolai caught the warmth in Adrienne’s eyes. He placed a large hand on the boy’s shoulder as he addressed her.

  “I trust you have all the materials as well as books you might need in order to properly instruct the children?” It was a lame question and one he already knew the answer to.

  He’d gone to great lengths to see that the children had everything needed to educate them properly. Nevertheless, it served to dispel the awkward emotion that rose up between them.

  “Yes, thank you,” Adrienne said. “It’s actually more than I expected. You are quite well equipped. Even better than some learning institutions.”

  “If you find that you’re lacking any of the necessary articles you may need for lessons, speak to Jude, my overseer and he’ll procure what ever you require.” He looked down at the child still clinging to him, turning the boy around to face him.

  “And you,” Nicolai said, his face more stern than his voice. “Be sure to be on your very best behavior for your mistress. Listen to her and learn well.”

  Raul gave a small salute. “Aye, sir.”

  “As for the rest of you, do your best to curb your shenanigans or Mistress St. John will make me aware and you’ll find yourselves disciplined not only by her, but myself and your mothers as well.”

  A chorus of “Aye, sir,” sounded in response.

  With a curt nod, Nicolai left the children to their new tutor far more ill at ease than he’d been before.

  She’d seen little of Nicolai since her first day at his home. Her previous avoidance of him during their time together aboard his ship had been mostly her choice. But now, Adrienne hoped to catch glances of the man, as well as find an opportunity to speak with him again.

  Admittedly, her opinion of him had changed greatly and she wished to know him on a deeper level. He intrigued her in a way no one else had.

  This time, however it was Nicolai that seemed to be the one practicing avoidance. For most of the day and sometimes well into the evening, he remained ensconced within his office.

  Occasionally his sailing master and quartermaster sat in there with him as they plotted future excursions based on intel that was delivered to the manor. Other times, she heard the voices of the overseer or the head cook as they discussed changes or additions to the household. And then there were the nights she passed by on her way to her own quarters. She’d taken to lingering outside the closed door hating that he was in there alone and chose to be so in an effort to steer clear of her.

  Her meals were served to her in her chamber and Adrienne assumed his were as well unless he entertained his officers, which he’d only done once since her arrival. Their laughter had floated up to her from the balcony below as they filled their cups full of wine and talked late into the evening. She felt slightly jealous that they had his time and attention whilst she did not even garner a passing ‘good morning’. Though she supposed she couldn’t fault him. They had agreed to stay far from one another. Nicolai was simply keeping his word and Adrienne couldn’t have known at the time she gave it that she would be the one struggling to keep hers.

  Once again, she traversed the halls of his home. It was long past sunset and the staff had retired for the evening but Adrienne was having a difficult time settling. On bare feet, she walked quietly over the tiled floors, winding her way toward his office. She paused outside of the heavy oaken double doors, placing her hand against the wood and sighed, longing to go in.

  As Adrienne turned to go, the door opened and Nicolai stood like a goliath, appearing larger than life before her. It seemed surreal and dream like as they stood there facing one another, the silence and tension thick between them. The flickering golden lights of the candles shone behind Nicolai, casting his long, blonde hair with silvery highlights while the shadows deepened the angles of his face, giving him a harsh and almost frightening air.

  “If you’re on a quest for mischief, Myshka, I’m afraid tonight you will find it,” Nicolai said, his voice gritty.

  Adrienne swallowed hard, words failing as he regarded her with glittering Jade eyes. They raked over body heatedly and she felt a shiver of fear mixed with excitement.

  Before she could find a response, he took a step in her direction, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into the room with him. Roughly, he kicked the door shut and backed her against it, his hands hard where they held her.

  Sensing his restraint was close to breaking, Adrienne gazed up at him, her eyes daring him to do what he would.

  “Do not look at me that way, Adrienne,” Nicolai warned.

  “How am I looking,” she said innocently, everything coiled tightly inside, ready to spring if he would just make the first move.

  He appraised her, his face scant inches from hers as he clenched and unclenched his jaw. “Like you are feeling overly brave and making a challenge you have no clue how to make good on.”

  Nicolai dipped his head and nuzzled into the column of her throat, inhaling deeply. “God’s blood but you smell delicious,” he murmured against her skin, his tongue came out to lick across her neck.

  She melted against him, leaning into his touch; reveling in it. Placing soft, wet kisses along her neckline, Nicolai worked his way up and over her jaw until he reached the corner of her mouth. Adrienne turned into his lips, placing hers lightly over them. She felt the shudder ripple through his body at the contact. Electric tingles danced over her skin when he nipped lightly on her bottom lip. When she opened her mouth on a gasp, Nicolai took advantaged and sealed his mouth fully over hers.

  Sinking into the kiss, Adrienne clutched his shirt in her hands, taking in the taste of fine rum, spices, and Nicolai.

  His hands moved from her waist, down to her thighs where he gripped the soft cotton of her nightdress and plunged his hand under it. His hard palm found one of her breasts, plucking at her nipple. The sensation was so unexpected that Adrienne stiffened against him. Her reaction had him backing away as she struggled to breathe and keep her knees from giving out now that he was no longer holding her upright.

i,” Adrienne whispered, her hand coming up to touch her swollen lips, wanting him to kiss her again to explain that he’d misread her reaction. She’d only been momentarily shocked by what he was doing and how good it had felt. “I…” she trailed off, unsure how to explain.

  A shutter dropped down over Nicolai’s eyes, wiping the passion which had been there only moments ago, completely away.

  “Remember, madam, you sought me out,” he said, reaching past her to open the door. With a light shove, he pushed her through the threshold.

  “Scurry back to your room, little mouse,” Nicolai chided. “It’s time for little girls to be in bed.”

  Leaving her no option to protest, he slammed the door in her face.

  Chapter 6

  Considering her first week of instructing the children a success, Adrienne treated herself to a long stroll along the beach outside Nicolai’s home in an attempt to at least congratulate herself on engaging the children, even if she did fail miserably at seducing their head of household. She winced at the memory of that night, wishing she’d had more experience in the wiling of men. If Nicolai had avoided her before, he was now treating her as if she carried a plague.

  Looking out to sea, she let the waves sooth her soul. It was much more peaceful here than the bustling energy of Bombay. The sun was setting over the horizon and the warm breeze stirred her long hair so that it flew in streams behind her. Her bare feet left tracks in the wet sand as she allowed the surf to tease them.

  Reaching down here and there to pick up interesting shell while walking, she paid little attention to her surroundings. Because of that, she was unaware she was heading straight toward the beach shanties where mercenary pirates and pirates for hire lived.

  A hard hand on her arm spun her around as she confronted Nicolai, his face a mask of anger.

  “You need to return to the manor,” he ground out, his eyes shifting beyond her to the men milling around on the beach. They’d spotted the lone woman and their interest was peaked.


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