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Begging Topher (Grimm Brothers MC Book 5)

Page 4

by Roxanne Greening

“How bad?” I demand this time.

  The light in his eyes dimmed, and something dark filled them. If we weren’t brothers, I would have seriously questioned my next breath.

  “Shit, I can’t repeat but what your thinking is a no,” he tells me.

  Relief filled me. So she wasn’t, I mean they weren’t, jeez, I can’t even think of the words. It was almost like I was growing a damn pussy.

  “Is Crow dealing with this?” I asked him.

  “Yeah and so am I,” he growls.

  I had to fight the urge to demand to help.

  “I need you to keep an eye on them. Brit won’t be staying forever. At some point she will be moving out of the club,” he tells me, watching me closely.

  Fuck, she was leaving? Why the fuck would she go?

  “She needs to live a life, she’s no one’s old lady, and I’m not sure she wants to be,” he gives me that fucking shrug again.

  Grabbing my beer, I take long deep pulls from it. The bitter cold liquid filling my mouth and slid down my throat. This was a good thing. I didn’t need to be tied down. The sooner Brit was gone, the less chance I became attached.

  “Good,” I mutter.

  Zane’s laugh had my fist clenching with the need to punch the fucker in the face.

  “Sure man,” he laughs again.

  I stare at the bar top and try to keep my shit together. What the fuck was wrong with me? I haven’t even spoken to her.

  “Go get some shit from the store,” Zane tells me.

  Normally, we sent other people for this, but I took it like the lifeline it was and got the fuck out of there.

  I stayed away for about five hours, and now I stood outside her bedroom door holding a plate filled with BBQ chips, a turkey sandwich, and a can of grape soda under my arm. And shit was it cold.

  Knocking again, I sigh with impatience. Come the fuck on, I want to get this shit over with already. Maybe seeing her up close will curb this fucked up shit that was eating at me.

  I watch as the doorknob turns, and the door swings open slowly. Tiny feet filled my vision.

  “Yes,” the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard had my eyes darting up to see her face.

  Tussled blond hair and blue eyes filled with concern and warmth from her sleep. I wanted to push her into the room and climb onto the bed with her and just hold her close.

  The thought had my chest tightening. Fuck, I need to get the hell away from her.

  “Oh, is this for me?” She asked sweetly.

  “Yeah, thought you’d be hungry,” I tell her with a careless shrug.

  Her mouth tipped up into a pleased smile. That smile had her eyes lightening and her cheeks pinking.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, reaching for the plate. Reluctantly, I let go when she gave it a small tug. As she turned to go back into the room, I put my hand on her door, preventing it from closing.

  She stiffened but didn’t turn around. The light blue tank top had risen slightly showing off a small section of her back.

  She turned her head and looked at me over her shoulder. A shoulder covered in red roses. Fuck, she was tatted as well.

  “Your drink,” I tell her, my voice low and slightly husky.

  “Oh,” she mumbles, the tightness in her body loosening.

  “It’s grape soda,” I tell her holding it out to her.

  She turns half in my direction giving me her profile and a glimpse of those perfect titties.

  Her skin was a smooth, creamy perfection. I was so fucked. She gave me another soul gripping smile and closed the door slowly. Leaving me staring at her.

  Distance. I needed to keep my distance.

  Chapter 11


  Present Day.

  The sandwich was filled with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and mustard. It was perfect. The chips were utterly delicious, and the soda was just sweet enough to give me a slight sugar rush.

  I haven’t eaten this well in a long time. Shame filled me. My sister tried so hard to keep food on the table, but we mostly survived on mac and cheese, roman noodles, hot dogs, and anything cheap really. Fresh veggies and fruits weren’t really in our price range.

  I remember the cocky smile on his face, and I felt myself smile. He isn’t the man you’re looking for Brit. He is in no way the prince type.

  Yeah, the short dark hair and endless muscles under his straining t-shirt are definitely not like the classic Prince Charming. Nope, not even close. My cheeks warm as the realization that I was licking my lips at the thought of all his strength that was concealed by the dark gray shirt he was wearing.

  Ronald never looked that good. His shaggy blond hair and brown eyes were nothing compared to that man. They were so far in the opposite sides of the spectrum that the damn thing tipped.

  With each bite of my sandwich, the thoughts of the man who made it took more and more control of my thoughts. He was quickly becoming an obsession and in such a short time. One damn encounter. It shouldn’t have me feeling this lost and needy.

  What was his favorite food? Color? Snack? TV show? Stop, damnit. None of these things matter. He is not it! The man you’re looking for is a normal man with a normal boring job. Not some leather wearing, sexy as sin biker.

  I set the plate on the table next to the bed, and I cup the soda can in both of my hands. The look on his face had butterflies in my stomach, and I felt again just thinking about it.

  I couldn’t stay here. I needed to find a place of my own. Leaving Tori was going to be hard, but this was her future. Not mine.

  I knew I wasn’t going to be able to leave this place. Not any time soon anyway, but I had a gut feeling Zane would help me with my freedom.

  I needed a newspaper to find an apartment, a job to pay for it, and a car to get around with. Nodding, I had a mission. Time to get the ball rolling.

  Standing, I march to the door with my new found purpose. I felt this confidence that I haven’t felt in so damn long. Opening the door, I stick my head out and smile at my luck. Zane was walking down the hall carrying a plate for my sister.

  “Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?” I ask him quietly.

  His eyes meet mine and the small smile that curved his lips made me think he knew what I wanted. It was eerie and maybe a little crazy.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need to move on, and live my own life. I know this is Tori’s and I’m seriously grateful for all you’ve done for her and myself,” I pause trying to think of a way to ask for more.

  He just continued to look at me, waiting patiently and something in me calmed.

  “I want my own place, a job, and I need a car. I’m asking you for so much, but Tori has her life now, and I need to find mine,” the last is almost a whisper.

  “I’ll make it happen, but it might take a little bit of time,” he tells me looking into my eyes making sure I understand what he is saying or what he was about to say. I had a feeling he wasn’t done.

  “This isn’t something that you will owe me, Brittany. Everything I’ve done and will do isn’t favors or a debt. Understand?”

  I swallowed hard. I hadn’t realized that somewhere deep down I felt maybe it was. That we owed Zane our lives and every little thing he did. How were we going to pay him back? This feeling and those thoughts had this black tar bubbling inside of me but with his words, and the look in his eyes, I knew he was telling me the truth. And I felt relief and maybe even free?

  “Thank you,” I tell him wrapping my arms around him. His hands lifted right before I made contact. I completely forgot about the plate and drink in his hand.

  “Sorry,” I laugh.

  “Go get some more rest and take a shower. I’ll have one of the girls go shopping for some new clothes for both of you,” he tells me before continuing to his room.

  New clothes? Looking down at myself I wondered why. It’s not like mine were falling apart. They still had some life in them. The next thought was who are the girls? What the fuck did he mean by that?

  Walking back to my room, I take his advice and make use of the shower. Let me tell you that it was heavenly. I haven’t had a shower that hot in a long time. I stayed in for what felt like forever.

  The heat from the water had my eyes dropping. I haven’t felt safe in so long. Rest was never something that came easy. Being surrounded by the very thing that I feared, but now knew wouldn’t hurt me had my eyes close and soon darkness swallowed me.

  Chapter 12


  Present Day.

  The room was filled with half-naked women and bikers. Music was blaring, and my sister was propped on Zane’s lap as she laughed at something he whispered into her ear.

  The smile on my face grew with each happy sound she made. Walking towards the bar, I slid onto a stool between two of the scantily clad women.

  One hissed at me and my back straightened. What the fuck? Turning my head, I glared at her.

  “Fucking spit that shit out. No need to hiss,” I snarl at the bitch. I didn’t give two fucks who she was. I grew up fighting, and that wasn’t something I was afraid of.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Lola,” the one on the other side of me snapped at her.

  Lola glared but didn’t utter a word. I watched through narrowed eyes as she slid off the stool and weaved into the crowd, disappearing.

  “I’m Ashley,” the girl on my right tells me.

  “Brittany,” I tell her with a smile. I liked her, no clue why, but I did. Maybe it was the way she handled the hissing hussy.

  “What the fuck was her problem?” I ask her.

  “Topher has been exclusive since you and your sister showed up. It has her all riled up, just ignore her,” Ashley shrugs.

  Exclusive? What the fuck? I scanned the crowd for Topher and see him sitting at a table drinking a beer and laughing at something someone said. Couldn’t see who with since the people blocked my line of sight.

  As if he felt my eyes on him, he looked my way and our eyes locked. My cheeks heated, and I looked away. He caught me staring, that shit was embarrassing.

  “I’ll be damned,” Ashley laughs.

  My eyes swung her way, and I looked at her in confusion. What the fuck did that mean? I look her up and down, and she was another one of the women here wearing next to nothing.

  “Why the hell are all of you dressed like that?” The moment the question left my mouth, I felt bad. Who was I to judge?

  “We’re free. What’s the word I’m looking for… hmm… well, we do what the brothers want, and we are allowed the freedom to hang out here and get the best sex of our lives. They make sure we’re taken care of financially as well,” she gives me a shrug as if to say that’s the best I can give you.

  “Basically, they fuck you, and that’s about it?” I ask her while turning to look at my sister. Would Zane do that to her? Would she become free pussy? Or was it paid pussy?

  “Oh, I can see where you went. That shit isn’t happening with your sister. I can promise you that,” Ashley says firmly.

  “How do you know that?” I ask her, my eyes still on my sister.

  “She’s what you call an old lady. No one here would dare touch her. She’s Zane’s property,” Ashley tells me, and for a moment I was relaxed. Until she said the word ‘property.’

  “Property?” I snarl. The fuck she was.

  “Not like that girl. She’s like a wife in their world,” she reassures me.

  I relax back onto the stool. A beer appeared in front of me. My eyes lock on the cold beverage. I wasn’t old enough to drink it, but that wasn’t going to stop me.

  Snatching the bottle, I press it to my lips. The glass was smooth and cold. Taking a deep gulp, I fought the urge to grimace at the taste. It was like drinking piss, not that I knew what that tasted like, but I was sure it tasted like this.

  Ashely laughed at my expression. She tapped the bar top with her knuckles and said, “Sex on the beach.”

  That sounded much better in more ways than one. I could hear the waves crash in the background as Topher’s skin pressed against mine. As his muscular body came over mine, Topher would groan as we made contact. Oh god, Topher. What the fuck? No! My eyes darted his way again as the fantasy crashed around me.

  He was once again looking my way. I sucked in a deep breath as heat filled me. There was this throbbing below, and I forced myself to look away. I was startled as Ashley cracked up laughing.

  “Old ladies,” she sighed.

  “How did you end up here?” I asked her instead of asking her to elaborate on her comment.

  “Most of us hope to become what your sister is. We want them to want us for more than a good time. We just bide our time,” she sighs again.

  I look at her and sip the pinkish drink that was set in front of me.

  “It’s a rare thing for us free woman to be made into one of those. It’s a high pedestal and not a lot make it,” she shrugs.

  I could see it on her face though, she wanted it bad. Something tugged inside of me.

  “There is someone out there for you, he just hasn’t found you yet,” I tell her honestly.

  “What like a prince on a white horse?” she laughs.

  “Keep laughing but its true. One day I’ll find mine,” I tell her firmly.

  “Sweetheart, if that man over there has anything to say about it, you aren’t going to find anyone but him,” she laughs at my confused expression.

  “Topher has literally laid claim,” my eyes widen at her words. Fuck, no! He is nowhere near what I was looking for.

  “Don’t look like that. These men will do anything for their old lady. And all the brothers will lay their lives down to save her,” she says seriously.

  My eyes scan the room. If what Ashley said is true, all these men would die to keep me safe. That is if I was Topher’s? I shake my head at the feelings that it brought up, and I take another a deep drink.

  I think back over the last two days since I’ve met the man. He’s always smiling, always there to help bring me food, clothes, and items to decorate my room.

  These were things I hoped to take with me when I moved. Zane has been apartment hunting for me. He wants to make sure its in a nice neighborhood and not too expensive. He offered to pay my rent, but I refused.

  He, of course, wouldn’t take no for an answer and said I had to at least accept a few months payment. Being broke, I was thankful.

  We have kept it a secret, and no one knows what was happening. It was something that I asked for. Zane found me a job at the strip club they owned serving drinks to the customers. Something I knew my sister was going to lose her shit over.

  The only thing we haven’t gotten to talking about was a car. I had a feeling when things came together that was just going to be something that popped up.

  Finishing my drink, I stood and smiled at Ashely. I needed a break, and well, I needed to pee. All this stuff with Topher had me reeling.

  Excusing myself, I tell her I would be right back. Her smile was big and the wink she sent me had me laughing. Crap, if I kept that up, I was going to pee myself.

  The bathroom was meant for one person, and it was something I was eternally grateful for. Deep down I knew Lola would corner me if given the opportunity. Not that I was afraid of her.

  Okay, maybe I was a little afraid. More so about the diseases Lola could be carrying. I was a bad person! Who the hell thinks shit like this? But, she did get around a lot if what Ashely said was true.

  But that would also mean Ashley was possibly disease ridden. I shook my head, Ashley was a friend, and I was not going to judge her choices. Lola though, I didn’t see us being friends anytime in the future.

  Once I was nice and empty, I cleaned my hands and smiled at the citrus mint smell of the soap. It scented the air nicely.

  There were so many things going on and maybe it was the alcohol, but I wanted to know Topher more. The bad boy, leather wearing, motorcycle riding, sex on two legs man sitting out there. He was everything I shoul
dn’t want, but I found myself craving him. Even if I could only look at him.

  Opening the door, I let out a squeaked “Fuck.” Zane’s lips lifted into a half smile. I knew whatever he was going to say wasn’t good.

  “He’s not going to be what you want him to be,” he tells me quietly.

  “Who?” I ask him, trying to express confusion when I know exactly who he was talking about.

  “Topher isn’t the settling type. He’s going to have you and move on. That’s what he does,” he says gently.

  I feel my mouth tighten around the edges. Even if Zane’s words hurt, I know they are were true.

  “I found you a place, there’s a car out front, and I have some cash for your furniture. And don’t even think about arguing. This shit is happening. I’m helping whether you like it or not,” he tells me firmly.

  I wasn’t ready to leave. If two days ago Zane told me this, I would have been running for the door. But I would hate myself for not seeing what I could have with Topher.

  Even if it was fleeting. What if Topher got what he wanted and left, would it be worth it? Fuck, yes. Everything that I got from him would be worth it. The pain would disappear and the shit that came with it, I could deal with later.

  “Can I have some time?” I ask him.

  “I’ll have it all ready. The place, the money, and car just say the word,” he tells me.

  “Thank you for everything,” I give him a hug.

  “Just remember he’s not going to give you the happily ever after that you’re after,” he whispers into my hair.

  “I know but if you could only have a few moments with Tori, knowing it would end… would you do it?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes,” he says firmly.

  I laugh. “You understand then?”

  “Yeah I do,” he tells me, giving me another hug before walking back to the main room. He pauses just before he reaches it.

  “The moment it’s over, come to me. I’ll get you out of here,” Zane’s smile was sad.

  I felt my heart already break a little. I nodded letting Zane know I heard him, just the words had failed me.

  Chapter 13


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