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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 3

by Andrea L. Smith

  Luke eased the phone from his ear to check the time on the screen. Sure enough, it was minutes to twelve. Shit! Isabel was his guest, and he’d slept in. why didn’t he think to set an alarm? He rushed out of bed. “Damn it.”

  “What’s wrong?” Sam asked.

  “Nothing. I’ll call you later.” No way was he ready to tell Sam about Isabel. He wanted to wait until they’d established something—whatever it was—before letting his nosy friend in.

  He left his room and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. The emptiness greeted him, along with the absence of her clothes.


  He need not look further. She was gone. Gone, leaving no cell phone number, no address—nothing.

  He sank to the bed and an emptiness replaced the exhilaration that filled him moments before. It was like being trapped in an enclosed space with the air running out. He could not breathe, or think.

  He couldn’t explain the deep longing for Isabel—a woman he barely knew—but that didn’t stop its growing strength. Nor could he dismiss the feeling that without her, nothing would be the same again.


  “Someone’s doing the walk of shame,” Dana said, grinning when she opened the door to Isabel’s knocking.

  “Oh, shut up.” Isabel pushed past her into the apartment and kicked off her heels. She threw her bag on the living room couch. “You left me hanging last night.”

  “Me? I didn’t know we had plans.” Dana followed her to the kitchen and leaned against the counter as Isabel poured tea. Her hangover was coming in a great rush. How much did she drink last night?

  “I tried to call you, because I left my keys. I had nowhere to go.”

  “Oh, girl. I’m sorry. My phone’s been on silent since I left the house last night. I would have never ignored your calls on purpose.”

  “I know.” Isabel spooned some sugar in a cup and stirred. “At least I made it home alive.”

  “Wait a minute. Where did you sleep? You don’t know anyone in this town.”

  “I figured it out,” she replied with a smile, moving to a kitchen stool. “That’s all you need to know.”

  “Oh, come on. Don’t hold out. Who is he?”

  Isabel shrugged, giving an air of nonchalance she did not feel. In truth, her heart flipped like crazy at the thought of Luke. “Some guy I met at the club. He offered me a place to sleep.”

  Dana gave her a sneaky smile. “Was that all he offered?”

  “I don’t kiss and tell, you know that.” Her friendship with Dana spanned a decade, since undergraduate college. Physically, they were like oil and water, with Isabel’s olive skin tone and Latin curves contrasting with Dana’s creamy white complexion and slim figure. But they shared many things in common, including their poor choice in men.

  Dana got her heart broken years ago when her long-time boyfriend left her for another man. She rebounded from a subsequent mental breakdown, but she hadn’t been in a relationship since. Isabel was still in recovery mode from her own recent heartbreak.

  After being apart for two years, Dana and Isabel recently reunited when she moved to Trenton for a new job. She needed a place to stay until she found an apartment and Dana had an extra room, so that was settled. In a week’s time she would begin her job in the radiology department at a trauma hospital in New Jersey. It was a longer commute from home than she would have liked, but it was a new start, one she welcomed with open arms after the hellish episode a few months ago.

  “Come on. Just a little bite. Was it good?”

  “Oh, girl.” Isabel threw her head back with a huge sigh. “It was amazing. He was amazing.”


  “And that’s all I’m going to say about it.”

  Dana gave her a playful shove. “You’re lame.”

  “I’m satisfied, that’s what,” she replied, swinging off the stool. “And I’m gonna take a shower and a nap while you stew on that.” She left Dana in the kitchen and headed to the shower with her thoughts on Luke.

  He was truly a beautiful man, with a body that was made for pleasure. His jet-black wavy hair brought out the hue in his striking green eyes, giving him an intense look. He was tall, at just the right height that suited her, and from his physique it was clear that he spent some time at the gym. She recalled his muscular arms that held her so tightly and his awesome pecs that felt like a firm pillow when she rested against him. And his cock…oh…that amazing tool that brought so much bliss last night. She’d had good sex before, but with Luke it was beyond anything she’d ever experienced.

  She hadn’t planned on meeting anyone last night; she just wanted to hang out on her own in the new town without Dana, for once. But the night had been surreal; from the moment she met him in the club to when she drifted to sleep in his arms. It had taken every ounce of her willpower to leave his bed before dawn, but she had to. She didn’t know what his post one-night-stand response would be. What if he regretted their time together? Her self-esteem couldn’t bear it.

  But if, on the other hand, he wanted more—which she doubted, she lacked the capacity to give it. Though physically he was everything she wanted in a man, she wasn’t close to being ready for a new relationship.

  The night had ended. She’d gotten way more than she expected. Now it was time to move on.

  She left the shower to find Dana on her bed. “I answered your cell,” she said. “Karim called.”

  “What does he want?” Isabel pulled the handle of her top drawer much harder than necessary as anger surfaced. She reached for a pair of panties just as Dana said, “he wants you to return his call.”

  “That will be a cold day in hell.” Karim was the reason she had to leave a job she loved, and a city of friends and family. She could not bear being in the same vicinity after he cheated on her and got a woman pregnant.

  It was bad enough that he’d been unfaithful. To do so without protection made it clear, he had no care for her health. He could’ve given her an infection, for god’s sake! “He has some freaking nerve.”

  “He sounds…I don’t know. Sad,” Dana said. “Maybe you should hear him out.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “I’m not saying you should give him another chance. But maybe he needs closure.”

  “He needs closure? To hell with what he needs! He made his bed.”

  Her cell phone rang again and Dana checked the screen. “It’s him.”

  “Give me that.” She whipped the phone from Dana’s hand and pressed the call button. “Stop calling me.”

  “Iz…” Karim’s soft tone answered. “Don’t hang up. Please.”

  “What do you want?”

  “You. Only you; no one else.”

  She closed her eyes with a sigh. “We’re over, Karim. You made that clear when you stuck your dick inside another woman.”

  “That was a mistake! She was a mistake. I swear to you, I’ll never go near her again.”

  “Oh, don’t give me that bullshit. She’s carrying your child. You don’t have a choice but to be near her.”

  “The baby’s not mine, Iz. I took a DNA test.”

  “Well, congrats; you dodged a bullet, right? But that doesn’t change a thing for us.”

  “Come on. Please, come home. Roxy misses you.” Roxy was the Yorkshire Terrier he’d adopted. Isabel loved the dog so much; she’d fought the temptation to take her along when she left the apartment she and Karim shared for a year. But in the end, she resisted, not wanting another reminder of Karim in her new life.

  “Roxy’s fine, and so are you,” she replied. “Have a great life, Karim. Please don’t call me again.” She ended the call before he answered and turned off the phone. “If I show any interest in him again, please have me committed,” she said to Dana.

  “Can I have that in writing?” Dana asked.

  “I’ll go on record, girl. I mean every word.” It was time to look ahead, to her new job, a new life, a fresh start away from the hea
rtbreak of yesterday.


  The ambulance siren blared as Luke ran to the pit while donning a pair of surgical gloves. A handful of residents flanked him, all bearing the same urgent expression. There was a multiple vehicle collision on the highway which meant his twelve-hour shift had just increased to twenty. But he didn’t mind. Anything to keep him busy, to take his mind off Isabel.

  In the week since she left his apartment, he’d thought of no one else. She filled his mind every minute of each day; her smell, her fresh, soft skin beneath his fingertips, her long hair brushing his face as she rode him to madness during the second round that night. He would have given anything to see her again, to have another moment like the other night. Or more. He wanted more.

  He’d never felt this way about anyone in such a short time. Or ever. And yes, it made no sense, considering he knew nothing about her. But he could not shake the feeling that they could have had more than a one-night stand. If only she’d stuck around…

  If only she’d left a number…

  “Dr. Abrahams?” A voice cut into his thoughts and he looked to the resident who held the elevator door open. Beyond her, the door ahead marked the sign, ‘operating room’. How long had his mind elapsed?

  Throughout the day he reigned in his focus to the work. The constant flow of patients from the accident kept him busy, and by the end of his shift—with overtime the next evening, he was ready to collapse in his bed for a long time.

  After changing from his hospital gear into his street clothes, he dragged himself to the lift. Normally, he would take the stairs. Today, he wished he could take advantage of the hospital’s wheelchair service. He was that beat.

  But when the elevator door opened and he looked inside, every ounce of exhaustion disappeared. His awareness spiked, his pulse tripped, and the searing longing that followed him all week returned. For there she was, Isabel, live and in living, beautiful color, leaving against the handrail with her arms folded. At the sight of him, her eyes widened and she released her arms, letting them fall to her side.

  “Hey,” she said.

  Luke stepped inside, with one intention on his mind. Without saying a word, he pulled her to him and brought his lips to hers for a deep kiss.

  Isabel closed her eyes; sure, she was dreaming. No way was Luke kissing her. But his lips felt so real, and his taste…oh… Her mouth curved into his. Yes, this was real. She looped her arms around his neck, kissing him with the yearning she’d endured for the past week.

  Tried as she could, her thoughts of that night did not fade, and more than once she fought the urge to return to his apartment for more. But she resisted temptation, settling for the excuse that she wasn’t up for the hour-long drive. Besides, once was enough—well, it wasn’t, but she knew better than to take another taste of the man that could easily steal her sanity.

  She had no doubt; Luke was a man she could easily fall for. But any man that good with his tongue and fingers was nothing but trouble. Not to mention the gorgeous body that would make a woman drop her panties in a second. Nope, not interested. She was done choosing men who weren’t good for her.

  So, she tucked him to the back of her mind—well, tried, and focused on getting ready for her new job. She looked forward to the fast-paced environment that would create much-needed distraction. To see Luke here, in her new haven brought great surprise.

  And pleasure. She deepened the kiss, just as the elevator bell sounded. She just had enough time to pull from his arms before the door opened and a curly-haired man entered. He gave her a sweeping look and a smile, then turned to Luke.

  “Hey, man. We still on for tomorrow night?”

  “Uh… I don’t know.”

  “Hey, cut the crap. I promised Kelsie you’d be there, and her sister’s dying to meet you. Least, that’s what she said. Don’t let me down, Luke.”

  From her peripheral view Isabel caught Luke’s glance at her. “Tomorrow’s another long day. Let me think about it,” he said.

  “What gives? Yesterday you were so psyched about meeting her, now… come on, Kelsie’s gonna kill me if you don’t show up.”

  A long moment passed before Luke said, “fine, Sam. I’ll be there.”

  Sam gave him a hearty punch on his arm. “That a boy.” The lift opened on the ground floor and Isabel rushed out ahead of them. Her heart pounded a mile a minute. The thought of Luke with another woman brought an insane rush of jealousy that made no damn sense.

  She could hear his footsteps behind her and she increased her speed, wanting to create a safe distance between them. But she wasn’t quick enough. He gripped her arm just as she reached her car. “Hey, slow down.”

  Isabel eased her arm from his grasp and dipped for the car keys in her purse. “I have to go.”

  “Oh, no, no.” He took her arm again. “You’re not getting away from me this time.”

  Her stomach fluttered. She eased from him again and took a deep breath. “Look, I had a great time with you, no doubt, but that’s all it was. We had our fun, let’s just move on like this never happened.”

  “Why?” He folded his arms with a frown.

  “It was just a one-night stand, Luke. People usually move on after that. Besides, from what I heard earlier, it seems you already have your hands full.” Again, jealousy surfaced and she brushed it away.

  Luke scoffed and shook his head. “That’s just a favor to my best friend. Nothing else. Do you have any idea how much I thought of you since you left? How much I kicked myself for not getting your number? I think this is fate; us meeting here in the last place I’d expect, it must mean something.”

  Isabel’s breath caught. To hear Luke mirroring her thoughts triggered an intense heat in her core. She stared at him, wanting to run, and the same time, wanting to step into his arms. But common sense prevailed and she twisted, pressing the car keys.


  She moved fast, sinking onto her car seat and closing the door before he could reach it. Her sudden movement had been an element of surprise, she knew, and she’d probably hurt his feelings. But she could not care. She had to make it clear; there would be no sequel to last weekend.

  She didn’t regret sleeping with him. It was awesome and beautiful. But she still harbored a measure of vulnerability from her relationship with Karim. There was no way she could survive another heartbreak, and with Luke, she had a feeling it was destined to happen.

  Giving his puzzled look one last glance, she put the car in drive and sped away. Tonight, she resisted temptation. But working in such proximity to him presented a challenge she would have to learn to overcome. And she had to. Her heart needed protection at all costs.


  No. No, no, no. HELL NO!

  Isabel stared at the device on the counter, willing her brain to make sense of what lay before her. There was no way it could be real. No way!

  She eased the bathroom door open and peered out. “Dana, hand me another one.”

  Dana appeared at the doorway with a slight scowl. “That was the last one. I told you it would make no difference.”

  A check in the waste bin found the other four pregnancy tests—the other positive pregnancy tests she’d taken before. She sank onto the toilet seat, her head spinning in disbelief.

  Why me? Why now?

  She’d just settled in her new job, was just beginning to feel some semblance of normalcy since her night with Luke. A baby was the last thing she needed in her life. A baby with a man she barely knew was even worse.

  How did this happen? We used protection both times, didn’t we?

  Did they?

  She tried to recall the second time, when she woke him close to daylight with her fingers running from his pecs to his glorious length which, though he was asleep, was semi-hard. Gentle strokes brought him all the way to life, and he moaned in his sleep as she turned him on his back. By the time she straddled him he was wide awake, giving her that hot, forceful glare that sent turmoil t
o her stomach even now.

  But he’d reached inside the drawer for a condom—she was sure of it, and he’d slipped it on. And after fucking him into a frenzy, she’d seen him take it off and drop it in the wastebasket.

  So, how could she be pregnant?

  Besides Luke, she’d been with one other man, and she hadn’t slept with Karim in months. It was more than clear that whatever happened the night she’d been with Luke brought this result. No doubt, he was the father.

  “Iz…” Dana rapped on the door. “Come out. Let’s talk.”

  With a weary sigh, she rose from the seat and opened the door to meet Dana’s concerned stare. “I thought you were crying in there. Good girl.”

  The tears would come, for sure. Now, she was too numb to feel anything. “I’m in shock, Dana. This is… I don’t know how this could’ve happened.”

  “You used protection?”

  Isabel nodded.

  “Well, maybe the condom broke.”

  “That’s the only possibility, and a helluva one.” She ran fingers through her hair, resisting the urge to tear it out. “What am I going to do with a kid?”

  “You’re going to raise it, that’s what,” Dana replied. “But first, you need to tell Luke.”

  “I can’t.” She gave her head a vigorous shake. “No way.”

  “Like hell you can’t. Iz, he’s the father. He deserves to know.”

  “We are strangers, Dana. How the hell are we going to raise a child together?” Besides, he’d made it clear that he did not want one. She’d hate to be the one to trap him with the responsibility. But she didn’t say that to Dana. She doubted it would change her best friend’s point of view.

  Dana crossed her arms and gave her a stern stare that reminded her of her abuela before a spanking. “You are going to figure it out—together. But you can’t keep this from him.”

  “Oh, god.” She flexed her fingers before hugging herself. “This is a nightmare…”

  “It’s not the end of the world. Sure, this isn’t the way you wanted it, but look on the bright side; there’s a life growing inside you. To me, it’s a fresh start. I suggest you think of it the same.”


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