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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 7

by Andrea L. Smith

  “Oh, my god…” She took deep breaths to slow her heart rate.

  A sudden burst of soul music had her spinning around, just as Luke entered in a buttoned-up shirt and tailored pants. Although he wore a smile, she could see the anxiety that stamped his face.

  “Luke! Wha—” she fumbled and looked around. “Aren’t you supposed to be in surgery? How did you get here so fast?”

  “Because I wasn’t,” he said with a grin. “I’ve been here all afternoon, putting this together.”

  “Oh, wow.” She looked around again. “This is beautiful, Luke.”

  He came to her, and she shivered when he took her hand. Her love for him overflowed in that moment, bringing a trickle of tears. Luke wiped her cheeks, his eyes glazed with emotion.

  “Isabel, there’s not enough words in existence to describe my feelings for you. From the moment I met you, everything changed. You brought light in my life when I needed it the most. And I’d love to have that light for the rest of my life.”

  He went down on one knee and Isabel sobbed as he removed a beautiful diamond ring from the box. Before he could open his mouth, she said, “yes!”

  Luke laughed. “Let’s stick to the script, shall we?” He raised the ring. “Isabel Delgado, will you marry me?”

  Isabel dropped to her knees before him. “You know I will, Luke Abrahams. Forever and ever.”


  The Medical Heart Throb Series 2

  A Forbidden Romance

  Andrea L. Smith

  E-Book Edition

  Copyright © 2020 by Andrea L. Smith

  All rights reserved

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  No, hell no.

  Dylan pressed his fingertips to his temple with a slight grimace while listening to the caller on the other end of the line. The subject on hand was a far cry from the one he expected when he picked up the receiver a few minutes ago.

  “Dylan? Are you there?”

  “Yes, Mateo.” He added some perkiness to his tone to mask his disapproval to the caller’s request. Not that he would say an outright no. Mateo Morales had the power to take what he wanted, anyway. Dylan knew it was out of courtesy that he asked.

  He just wished it was another request. Anything but that.

  “She’s the perfect choice for the job. A little over qualified, but this is what she wants. So, make it happen, ok?”

  Dylan looked down at the stack of application forms before him. He’d spent the entire morning running through the list of candidates for the health technician post that needed filling right away. His former technician was getting married in a few weeks and moving to a new city so he needed a replacement, fast. Before the day ended, he had to send a shortlist to his assistant Emily so she could organize the interview process.

  Narrowing the list wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. There were many suitable candidates, all with way more experience than the woman Mateo wanted for the post. She’d just graduated from university in an entirely different field and never worked a day in her life. But Dylan had to comply with Mateo’s request, regardless of the voice in his head, screaming, don’t do it!

  For Mateo, he would do anything. Well, he had no choice, really. Not only was he in the other man’s debt—six figures—but Mateo Morales wasn’t a man whose request you refused.

  For the eight years he’d known Mateo, Dylan had never seen a dark side to him, but he’d heard enough of his family history to know one existed. Supposedly, the Morales family had connections with the underworld, but as far as Dylan knew, they were the underworld.

  Drugs, extortion, murder—you name it—they were involved. Years ago, Mateo broke free from the family and went legit, setting up businesses all over the city, forming alliances with other businessmen and associating with the elite. But Dylan had a feeling that the ruthless criminal still lurked underneath, ready to strike if necessary. This was a man he’d never say no to. Even if it meant sacrificing his sanity.

  There were days when he wished his association with Mateo had never existed, and this was one of them. In the beginning he was a young, desperate medical resident who wanted to launch his private practice and Mateo provided an offer he could not resist. If only his father had believed in him. Maybe he wouldn’t be in Mateo’s debt with his balls in a vice grip.

  Levi Cole wanted his son to follow his footsteps to law school, but Dylan had no interest in spending his life in a courthouse. It did not fill him with the thrill that came when he thought of having a medical career. When he made his choice, his father grudgingly paid his college tuition, but the deposits to his account ended as soon as graduation did.

  During his residency, the decision came to start his private practice, and he considered asking his father for a loan. It would take no effort on Levi’s end, for he had more than enough money to last a lifetime. But his pride and the fear of rejection changed his mind.

  When he met Mateo at a fundraising event, he saw an opportunity to fund his dream. Mateo was a reputed investor in startups. Maybe he would take a chance on him.

  He did, and Dylan’s gratitude had an indefinite shelf life. But now there was a portion of regret among the mix. Until he paid his debt, he would always be at Mateo’s mercy, being forced to fill a request like the one just now.

  There were days when the sacrifice seemed more than worth it, though. His practice, Cole & Associates Medical Group had been steadily growing for the three years it had been in operation. Through Mateo’s funding, he employed a competent team who took the practice to a greater height.

  Even now it still seemed too good to be true. Coming to work each morning and seeing his name on the executive office door still gave him the thrills. Despite his inhibitions, he owed it all to the man on the other end of the line.

  Of course, I’ll hire her. Even if it means enduring temptation. “Yes, she’s perfect. She can start whenever she wants.”

  “Good man, Dylan. I knew you wouldn’t let me down. I’ll give Carina the good news.”

  Just hearing her name made his heart race. Carina Morales, the woman for whom he carried a burning lust for years, but one who remained out of bounds. Not only was she younger by ten years, but she was the beloved—and overprotected daughter of the man he’d never want to cross.

  He could see why Mateo kept such a close eye on his daughter. Carina wasn’t a conventional beauty, no, she was levels above the ordinary. She had big, golden eyes that seemed to pierce his soul whenever she looked at him—the few times he’d been lucky enough to catch her attention. Her thick lips gave her a sultry look and triggered impure thoughts whenever they came to mind. She had a body that the Creator had worked overtime to design; full curves, shapely ass and breasts that reached
as high as heaven.

  But even with her strong—overpowering sex appeal, Carina still maintained a demureness in the way she carried herself. She wasn’t much of a talker, but she had an alluring presence that drew people to her. Even then, he noticed how much she liked being alone. She seemed to dislike the constant spotlight that came with being Mateo’s daughter.

  Dylan recalled meeting the skinny eighteen-year-old at a college football game and not giving her a moment’s thought. But when they reunited years later at Mateo’s party, her transformation took him by surprise. He kept his composure—and his distance, though his eyes followed her everywhere that night.

  He wished she was some else; anyone else but the daughter of the man who would break his knuckles for just looking at her. Mateo wasn’t a man he wanted to betray. He would hate to get on his bad side.

  If only she belonged to some other family than one connected to the mob. Then, he could make a move. Then, he could tell her how much he wanted her, how the ache for her kept him up at nights. How he longed to lose himself in her.

  But damn…that would never happen. Not in this lifetime.

  He’d seen the results of Mateo’s overprotectiveness. With his family’s reputation, most men kept away from Carina. The few who were brave enough to try did not stand a chance when faced with his fury and the muscled men who flanked him at all times.

  “I can see right through them. They act innocent, but they’re nothing but devils inside. I just want the best for her,” he told Dylan on one occasion, after an argument with Carina about a college mate she dated. He broke up with Carina after Mateo’s bodyguards paid a visit to his dorm. “None of these scums are. They just want to get her in the sack or scam my hard-earned money. It will be a cold day in hell before that happens.”

  Which one? Dylan wanted to ask. The sex or money? But he kept his mouth shut and gave a slight nod in response. He wouldn’t dare tell Mateo that there was someone—him—waiting in the wings with a desire for more than a one-night stand with Carina.

  There were times when he fantasized that he was Mateo’s chosen one; the man he would select as a worthy suitor for his daughter. But Mateo’s constant attempts to hook him up with one colleague or the other threw that wish out the window. Like the others, he did not fit the bill for Carina’s partner.

  But, oh, how he wished…

  It was more than easy to find distraction from his longing for Carina. He had no problem adorning his bed with women. For three years he moved from one woman to the next, hoping he would find someone to kill his feelings for her. But the distractions were only temporary. They did nothing to quell what he suspected was a permanent feature in his life.

  The next solution? Keep his distance. He declined Mateo’s invitations to his home where he would run into her the most. It worked; out of sight, out of mind, the distance did enough to temper his need. He moved on to women who did not carry the baggage of an overprotective father, women more than willing to share his bed. And for now, at least until he was ready to settle down, it was more than enough.

  It was a bad idea, having Carina around. It could unearth what he’d buried and test the strength of his restraint. Still, he had confidence that he would remain steadfast. His concern for Mateo’s reaction was far greater than his temptation to pursue her.

  Or was it? Only time would tell.

  “Well, here goes nothing,” he whispered after he ended the call. He wiped his face with a sigh and reached for the phone once more to notify Emily that he’d already selected a candidate. Glancing at the clock, he noted the five remaining minutes before his next patient’s arrival.


  “You look worse than I feel.” A voice cut into his thoughts, and he raised tired eyes from his computer and glanced at the entrance. His sister Dana leaned against the door frame with a slight smile on her face. “Long day, huh? Not that I’m surprised. The hottest gynecologist in town comes with a high demand,” she said with a chuckle.

  Dylan rolled his eyes. “Oh, whatever.” Sure, his client list was twice the size of the other doctors on staff, but it had nothing to do with his sex appeal, or whatever it was that Dana implied. He was a great doctor, thorough, and he gave genuine care to each patient.

  Today more than ever, he’d been grateful for the constant flow that kept him distracted for most of the day. It helped to keep the thoughts of his impending meeting with Carina at bay.

  “Something on your mind?” Dana asked.

  He shook his head. “Not really. Nothing I can’t handle. How was your day?”

  “Same old.” Dana formed a part of his team, working as the obstetrician on staff. Along with Emily, a general practitioner, pediatrician and a handful of support staff made up the rest of the team. He couldn’t ask for a better group; their hard work brought steady traffic, and business continued to improve. Soon, he would have enough money saved to repay Mateo’s investment. Now more than ever, he wanted to break free from his financial hold.

  Dana’s phone rang and she reached in her bag for it. She glanced at the screen with a curse. “Shit, I gotta go. Isabel’s almost at the apartment. I have to let her in.”

  “Wait a minute. How’s she doing?”

  Dana sighed. “She’s a mess. But finding out that your no-good, piece-of-shit boyfriend got another woman pregnant will do that to anyone.”

  “Tell her how sorry I am.” Isabel was like his little sister. A good woman. He’d wanted to rip her ex to shreds when he got the news. But, like Dana who had been through a similar trial, he knew she would overcome.

  “I will,” Dana replied, dashing to the door. “See ya!”

  Dylan returned to the computer screen as the door closed, checking his appointment list for tomorrow. Again, it overflowed, which meant another long day. Not that he minded. Besides loving his work, more clients meant more money for the business, which was his ultimate goal.

  He’d already exceeded his expectations after turning over profits in the first year. His next step was to clear his debts and strengthen his financial position. Ultimately, to prove to his father that his career choice had been the right one.

  A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. He glanced up, then froze in his seat as she entered, her bright smile illuminating the room much more than the florescent lights did. She drew closer and he remained in a trance with his eyes fastened on her swinging hips.

  “Hey, stranger,” Carina said. “It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?”

  His pulse raced, and his stomach crashed like a damaged chopper. It took no time at all, just the few seconds after her entrance for his feelings to come rushing back to the surface.

  Oh, fuck, he thought. I’m in trouble.



  Carina Morales willed her heart to slow down as she approached Dylan’s desk, but it ignored her, beating a hundred raps per minute. She summoned a calm smile, hoping to hide the anxiety inside. It did not help one bit.

  One year. A whole year had passed since she last saw him, yet her feelings had not changed. In fact, they were even stronger now than then.

  Dylan Cole. The man she loved for years, of whom she conjured so many secret fantasies. The man she wanted as her first and last, her husband, the father of her kids. It sure sounded crazy, but it was her heart’s desire. She had no choice but to obey.

  She recalled the first time they met, when she accompanied Mateo to a college football game. Not an avid football fan, she was so annoyed at being forced to sit through the long game, but Mateo refused to let her out of his sight. His smothering behavior angered her more. She was eighteen years old, for crying out loud! There was no other eighteen-year-old in the modern world who required a chaperone; why did she?

  Still pissed, she took out her cell phone, plugged the headset in and blasted her playlist. To hell with this stupid game.

  But her annoyance disappeared at the end of the match when she met the gorgeous man with a body like a sexy lumberjack.
Her steps faltered, and it took a minute for her to notice his offered hand when Mateo introduced him as his associate. She didn’t know what that meant, nor did she care. The only thing that mattered was the cause of her racing heart.

  At eighteen, Carina had seen guys of all shapes and sizes, but none came close to the golden god before her. He was a dream; tall and gorgeous, with wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes. They twinkled with a smile as he released her hand and she swore they made a connection right there.

  But curled up in bed that night she thought, nah, it couldn’t be. Dylan was an older man in his twenties—if she guessed right—and way out of her league. He probably had scores of women at his beck and call, looking the way he did. What would he want with a teenager with absolutely no experience?

  Besides, even if he was interested, her father would definitely not approve. Mateo was a major nightmare for the guys her age who wanted to date her. She couldn’t imagine his reaction to a relationship with someone years older.

  So, she moved on. Well, tried to. Her feelings for Dylan multiplied, making it impossible to fall for another guy. She took it as a sign that maybe, just maybe, fate meant to bring them together. But the older she grew, the greater her impatience. Destiny was taking way too long. She wanted him now, before he settled down with someone else.

  By then Dylan had entered his thirties, the age where most men thought of having a family. She wanted to be his partner of choice.

  But how could she get him to notice her? He kept his distance whenever she came around, and the rare conversations they had included Mateo in the middle. Even then, he never gave even a slight hint that he had an attraction to her.

  She refused to believe that he wasn’t. After years as a skinny teen, she filled out quite nicely with a body that made men lose themselves. A lot of them would kill for the attention that she yearned to give Dylan. There was no way he remained unaffected by her presence.


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