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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 10

by Andrea L. Smith

  He dropped to his knees, nibbling her stomach as his fingers slipped in the waist of her panties. A swift pull revealed her shaved pussy, pink and plump, hardening his cock even more.

  Carina released a long hiss when his fingers stroked her. She was already dripping wet and they glided with ease. He eased two digits inside and she clutched his roots. Her body jerked as he thrusted, hard.

  “God…” Her hips circled around his fingers. He watched her, seeing the pleasure on her face, loving the fact that he was the cause. He added another finger and twisted as he worked in and out of her tight cunt, the effort earning another tremor and a harsh cry. His thumb massaged her clit, pressing the hard bud with purpose. Her body convulsed and a string of expletives left her mouth. She perched on her toes and the grip on his hair tightened, growing more painful, but he ignored it. The satisfaction at seeing her come was more than worth the pain.

  Soon she released him, dropping to her knees to face him and took his mouth for a kiss. For a while they remained there, their soft moans filling the room.

  Dylan’s hard-on had reached an unbearable point. He wanted nothing more than to ease the tension. But his conscience had returned. This wasn’t where he envisioned taking her, or how he wanted her first time to be.

  Carina broke the kiss and began unbuttoning his shirt but she stopped her. “No, not here,” he said. “It’s not right for your first time.”

  But she tried again, this time rougher than before. “I don’t care, as long as it’s with you. I need you inside me, Dylan,” she whispered. “Now.”

  Dylan could not argue. His cock was already on point, pressing against his pants, ready to deliver damage. As soon as she pulled the last button, he tore the shirt from him and stood to remove his pants and boxers. As soon as he stepped from them, he reached for her again, lifting her with ease. She wrapped her legs around him and he walked to the desk and placed her on top.

  He positioned at her entrance and grazed along her slit, using her moisture to lubricate his cock. Easing in brought pure agony, their connection swift and intense, overwhelming him so much that he could not breathe for a moment. She felt so perfect around his cock, tight and moist, hugging him like a long-lost lover. Bracing his arms on either side, he took deep breaths to steady his composure.

  Carina released a tiny whimper and he looked at her, seeing the tension that masked her features. “Are you hurt?” he asked. Not since his late teens had he been with a virgin; was he moving too fast?

  She shook her head. “Don’t worry about me. I’m ok.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Just shut up and fuck me, Dylan.”

  Her brusqueness turned him on even more, and her sweet cunt pulled him in further. He placed her legs on his shoulders and locked his gaze with hers as he plunged in, burying his cock to the hilt. She released a soft gasp and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, coming back to meet his again. He read the sweet pain within their depths, and the look intensified as his thrusts quickened. Her sex responded by contracting against his dick.

  Dylan had been with more women than he could count, but none of them triggered the emotions that Carina did. Not even close. What did this mean? The burning passion that made a permanent home in his stomach, the barrel of lust that continued to overflow, the searing need that gave no hint of leaving anytime soon, what did it mean?

  He could not get enough of her. The more he stroked, the hungrier, greedier he became. Her sex was like a basketful of goodies and he wanted more, more, more…

  With a swift pull, he eased from her and flipped her on all fours. Her ass greeted him, firm and supple, bouncing as she bucked towards him. “Don’t leave me hanging, Dylan,” she said with a moan. “Please.”

  He ran his hands over the silky flesh before pulling her hips towards him. She pressed her chest to the desk so her ass surged upwards, revealing her plump, moist flesh. Just the thought of the incoming pleasure brought a spurt of pre-cum from his cock and as he wiped it off, he realized one thing.

  He wasn’t wearing a condom. Caught up in the moment, he’d forgotten the most important thing. He had a drawerful in his office, but could he risk cutting the moment?

  “Dylan?” Carina twisted to look at him. “Something wrong?”

  “Condoms. We forgot to use one.”

  “Oh, crap. Hand me my bag.”

  He reached across the table where her bag lay and handed it to her. She reached inside and pulled out a silver packet with a sneaky smile.

  “Here. We’re good to go.”

  He had no time to ask why she was carrying a condom around. She’d already begun wiggling her ass, enticing him even more. “Come on. I’m going to lose my mind if you keep holding out on me,” she said.

  Needing no further prompting, he pressed his cock against her opening, filling her once again. Her hips rolled almost at once as she fucked him, her ass banging against his thighs.

  Dylan wanted to take it easy, knowing he could hurt her if he didn’t. But the more her sex caressed him, the harder it became to maintain control.

  Oh, fuck it.

  He gripped her shoulders and put his back into it, matching her strokes and then some. Despite the air conditioner, sweat poured from him, dripping down his body to the floor. Slapping skins, moans and groans filled the room. Time seemed to stand still. Nothing else mattered but the feel of her around him, her perfect pussy that was driving him insane. He pounded, hard, delivering skillful strokes that he hoped provided the same results on her end. He wanted to rock her world. The soft whimpers and the dirty words that came from her mouth confirmed that he was.

  Without warning, Carina released a wild cry and he hoped to God there was no one else around to hear her. She arched her back, gasping, her sex holding his cock in a vice grip. It was more than enough to send him over the edge. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, enjoying the orgasmic rush.

  When he released her, she collapsed to the desk and curled to a fetal position, breathing heavily. “Oh, my God,” she whispered between breaths. “That was beyond what I expected. Amazing…”

  ‘Amazing’ was too basic of a word to describe their encounter. It was much more than that. Nothing like he’d ever felt in his life. Way better.

  Which presented a major problem…

  He’d gotten a taste. Now he wanted more. But he was playing with fire, one that could destroy all that he’d worked for—or his life.

  Should he risk it?


  “Hey, you.” Carina leaned through Dylan’s office door with a bright smile. “Haven’t seen you all day.”

  That was an understatement. She’d hardly seen him since the night they made love. That was over a week ago, and since then he claimed to have been busy getting ready for a convention. Except for a quick greeting in passing now and again, they hadn’t really spoken.

  Busy my ass, she thought. He’s trying to avoid me.

  Carina didn’t know whether to be angry or hurt. Or both. She’d always known he could backslide. She’d literally forced herself on him that night. He was still a wild card and it was her job was to change that.

  Making love to him proved there was something present; something more than a simple attraction. No, it was way deeper than that and she wanted to unearth it all.

  Dylan gave her a quick glance before looking down on his phone. “What’s up?”

  His casual tone irked her. She stepped into the office with a look that showed her displeasure. “Dylan.”

  “What?” He looked up again, his eyes sweeping her frame this time. She could not control the desire that rose in her belly. He had a way of looking at her that made her hot and wet at once; a sensual gaze, one that seemed to penetrate her and strip her defenses. Dylan did not know the power he had. If only he knew how weak she was to him.

  “You’re avoiding me.”

  He sighed and leaned back in the seat. “I’ve had my hands full, Carina.”

hat about now, can we talk?”

  “About what?”


  Dylan released a tortured groan and threw his head back. This is not good, she thought.

  “Carina, about that night… it was a mistake.”

  His response was like a hard slap to her face. Her heart bounced against her ribs, bringing a searing pain. “What?”

  “Don’t get me wrong. It was incredible, but it can’t happen again.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” After what they shared, he had to be.

  “You know I’m not. We’re wrong for each other.”

  “But that night, it meant something, didn’t it?”

  He rose from the seat and came to her, reaching out to take her hand, giving her hope. “Whether or not it did, it won’t happen again,” he said. “I need you to understand, for your sake and mine.”

  She tugged her hands from his grasp.


  “No, I get it.” She took backward steps to the door, trying like hell to keep the tears from falling. “I won’t come near you again.” Pivoting, she dashed out the door and ran to her office, closing the blinds before dropping onto her seat. She wiped the emerging tears with an angry swipe. I won’t cry. No. He doesn’t deserve my tears.

  She dropped her head to the desk with a sigh. Stupid and naïve, that’s what I am, to think giving him my virginity would make him fall in love with me. But she swore on everything she held dear that something more than lust existed that night. That his touch and kisses came from an emotional reaction, not a physical one.

  Oh, that night… it was all she thought about. She’d only been to third base with Andy, her old boyfriend in college, and his wild finger fucking and basic oral skills could not compare to that night. Never had Andy produced the toe-curling response that Dylan did. He’d never kissed her like his life depended on it, and she doubted he could fuck her with the same hunger that left her breathless. Dylan did all that and more. She’d hoped it was the beginning of something magical.

  But alas, she’d been wrong. Dylan saw her as nothing more than a notch in his belt. He got what he wanted and had already moved on. It hurt, but she wasn’t about to wallow in self-pity. I’m young and beautiful. I can get any other man.

  Her cell phone rang and as she glanced at the screen her spirits fell much further. She pressed to answer while whispering a prayer for sanity. “Hey, daddy.”

  “Carina. What the hell’s gotten into you? Why didn’t you show up for lunch with Raphael?”

  “Because I didn’t want to. I told you a million times, I’m not interested in him.”

  “Like hell you aren’t! After all I’ve done for you, Carina, this is how you repay me? I ask you for one thing—”

  “You’re asking me to sacrifice my happiness to be with a man I don’t want. I love you, daddy, but that’s too much to ask.”


  “I deserve to be with the man I love. I won’t settle for anything less.” Dylan’s face flashed across her mind and she closed her eyes to block the pain.

  There was a long pause on Mateo’s end. “Who is he?” he eventually asked.


  “The man that’s making you disobey me. A few months ago, you were all for marrying Raphael.”

  “No, daddy, I wasn’t. I entertained him just to please you, but I can’t anymore. I’d be living a lie. And no, there’s no other man.” Not anymore. I’m done pining after Dylan.

  “Just get to know him, Carina. He’s a good man, you’ll see.”

  Carina groaned inside. Mateo would not give up until she relented, but she had to draw a line somewhere. “Ok. I’ll agree to lunch, nothing else. No engagement, no marriage, ok?”

  “If you say so, baby girl. We’ll see.”

  She ended the call and pressed the button on her computer to light up the screen. Time to earn her keep, forget her problems and move on with her life.


  The knock on Carina’s office door pulled her attention from her work. Before she could say a word, it opened, revealing Dana’s cheery look.

  “Hey. I saw a cell phone on charge at the front desk; is it yours?”

  She nodded. “I left it with Emily. It needed a charge.” She could have taken Emily’s charger to her office, but after her rotten lunch with Raphael, she needed the phone as far away as possible. She knew Mateo would call to find out why she’d put a premature end to their date. She wasn’t in the frame of mind to explain why she resisted the urge to throw her drink in Raphael’s face after he reached beneath the table and tried to slide his hand under her skirt. Instead, she opted to grab her bag and leave him there, shouting her name as she stormed out. Pig.

  She would deal with Mateo’s interrogation later. Once and for all, she planned to tell him the truth. Raphael was a two-faced asshole who would never touch her again, much less marry her. Despite her father’s protests, she planned to stand her ground.

  “Do you want me to take the phone to you?” Dana asked.

  “Nah. I’ll just grab it on my way out.” Which was in about ten minutes. After such a long and awful day, she looked forward to a lavender-scented bath and a bottle of her favorite wine.

  “Ok.” Dana turned to the door then back at her. “You okay?”

  For a moment, she considered picking Dana’s brain. After all, she knew Dylan more than anyone else. Maybe she had some insight on his feelings. Maybe she could give some hope for her to continue fighting for him.

  But no. She wasn’t a glutton for punishment. Dylan made it clear where he stood.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said.

  “Cool. See you around, then.”

  Carina finished typing an insurance report and shut down her computer. Home, hot bath, here I come.

  She ignored the pang of loneliness that latched onto her on the ride home. At twenty-four, this shouldn’t be her life. She should have been out on a hot date or hanging with girlfriends. But with her closest friends living miles away, there wasn’t anyone around to relate to. She thought of Dana and their budding friendship. She was yet to take her up on the offer for a night out. The upcoming weekend seemed the perfect time.

  As she drove through the wrought-iron gates of her father’s estate, she could see the lights on in her father’s bedroom upstairs, which meant he was home. She thanked the stars she moved to the guest house a few months ago. Having to deal with round two of Mateo’s lecture was not on her agenda. At least, the short distance would delay a confrontation tonight.

  She turned the key in the front door and the minute she stepped across the threshold began stripping from head to toe. She headed to the bathroom and dumped her clothes in the laundry basket, then ran the bath. While it filled, she decided to give Dana a call about a girls’ night out for the upcoming weekend. It would be good to let her hair down and unleash the inner tension. Anything to erase the memories of Dylan.

  But when she reached into her bag for the phone, it wasn’t there. She turned the bag out, shaking all its contents loose, alarmed when it did not appear. Then she remembered leaving it at the front desk on Emily’s charger.

  Shit. She wasn’t addicted to her phone, but she would hate having someone call her and not get through. What should she do? The thought of driving across town to the office brought no appeal. Hopefully there would be no urgent calls to her tonight.

  By then the bath was ready. She took a bottle of wine from her bar and poured a glass, then sunk in the warm, bubbly pool of tranquility. Relaxing against the ceramic, she allowed the disappointment and stress of the day to fade away.

  The doorbell rang, pulling her back to reality. Who the hell could it be at this time of night? She rarely had visitors. Except for Mateo and Gina, his new wife, there was no one else she would expect. Neither Mateo nor Gina would ring the doorbell, anyway; so, who could it be?

  Raphael. The ugly thought surfaced, bringing back the annoyance. No doubt her father put him up to th
is. With a curse, she rose from the bath as the doorbell continued to peal. She wrapped a robe around her and padded to the front door, prepared to turn him away. She refused to let Mateo have his own way.

  But when she opened the front door, her stomach did an immediate somersault when she saw Dylan standing there. He wore a tentative smile while waving her cell phone.

  “I come in peace,” he said, and she adjusted her frown to a tiny smile. He handed her the phone. “Hope you weren’t too worried about its location. You left it—”

  “At the front desk. Yeah, I totally forgot. Thanks for taking it to me.”

  “It was no problem. It was the least I could do, after being such a jerk to you. I’m really sorry.”

  She nodded. “Thanks. It means a lot.”

  They stood in awkward silence before she asked, “do you want to come in?”

  “Uh…” he looked behind him at the main house. She knew what he was thinking even before he said, “I don’t think I should.”

  She released an exasperated sigh. “It’s just for a drink, Dylan. Nothing else.”

  “I know, but—”

  “Fine. Suit yourself.” She moved to shut the door, but he stuck his foot in and grabbed the side of it.

  “Don’t,” he said. “I’ll have a drink.”

  She let him in and led him to the living room, gesturing to the sofa as he looked around. She tried to visualize the space through his eyes and hoped he wasn’t being too judgmental. Her move to the guest house wasn’t planned; it was done on an impulse to get some space from Mateo. She hadn’t yet gotten around to decorating the home to her liking.

  Not that it needed a great makeover. A fluffy white carpet covered the large space, giving it a pristine look. A modern chandelier adorned the ceiling, with a snow-white sectional sofa and a plexiglass coffee table beneath. A large TV lay mounted against the wall before the sofa, and a cozy fireplace and several armchairs completed the room’s decor. Besides the master bathroom it was her favorite room in the house.


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