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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 21

by Andrea L. Smith

  God, if this wasn’t trouble, she didn’t know what else was. The sexual tension strung her so tight she couldn’t think straight. Her body screamed for release, for a filling of every inch of him, but her common sense rallied, fighting to temper the ache. She had no business wanting a man who could hurt her. None whatsoever. But damn it, she did… so much.

  She drew closer, pressing her body against his, inhaling his strong, masculine scent each time she took a breath. It, along with his powerful lips, unfurled her senses, taking her to the point of no return. She was so hot and wet and ready that she would give in to Nicholas in a heartbeat.

  As if he read her mind, Nicholas slid his arms downwards, cupping her ass and pressing her to him. Dana released a soft moan as his erection grazed her front. Memories of Friday night returned; the feel of his thick, hard shaft as it glided through her, filling her with ecstasy. Oh, she wanted it, all of it, right now.

  Well… not right now. They were standing in the middle of a parking lot. Though the lights were dim and there weren’t many cars around, it wasn’t the ideal place to have sex. But it seemed Nicholas thought the opposite when he pulled up the skirt of her dress while still kissing her.

  She broke away. “What are you doing?”

  His grin broke through the low light. “Trying something new.” Before she could respond, he opened her car door and moved her behind it. “Put your leg on the door jamb,” he instructed.


  “Just do it.”

  “What if someone comes along?”

  “The door’s blocking most of you. They won’t see.”

  “What about you?”

  His grin came again. “They definitely won’t see me.”

  “Wha—” He sank to his knees, cutting her words short, and an awareness sent blood rushing to her sex. She placed her leg on the doorjamb with a flood of lust so strong she could almost taste it.

  “Pull your dress up.”

  Dana complied, her breaths quickening with anticipation. When was the last time she’d gotten her pussy eaten? Ten years ago, maybe, so long she couldn’t remember.

  Nicholas’ fingers caressed her thighs, making their way up and down in a slow, sensual way, teasing, heightening the tension further north. He drew two digits across the seat of her panties, bringing them to her clit where he made small circles, pulling soft pants from her.

  He hadn’t even begun and she was already on a high. How can one man’s fingers feel so good?

  He pulled her panties to the side and slid a finger along her slit. “Oh, shit… you’re soaking wet, Dana.”

  She moaned in response, then released a squeal when he ripped the thong from her with a growl. “Hey! Those were brand new.”

  His response came with a lash of his broad tongue against her sex. Dana sucked in a breath and grabbed the top of the car door, not trusting her legs to keep her upright.

  Nicholas spread her labia, licking back and forth, his tongue like a thick, warm towel, bathing her sex with pleasure. His moans created a vibration against her flesh, and as her body jerked from the sensation, he slipped two fingers inside her, pumping with passion while giving her clit much-needed attention. The sensation of having him finger-fuck her while strumming her clit like a guitar was too much to take at once. She tried to contain her moans, but couldn’t, and soon she did not care if someone came along and saw them. All that mattered was Nicholas, on his knees, eating her pussy like it was his last meal.

  His fingers and tongue continued to work, stroking, sucking, nibbling, driving her to the point of no return.

  “Don’t stop, Nicholas, please, don’t stop…” Her half-squat posture strained her legs, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to come so bad…

  Nicholas clamped his mouth on her clit and sucked, hard, again and again. Her body shook as a wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over her. With one hand clutching the door, she gripped the dress with the other and thrusted her sex against his face. His continued lapping and finger fucking lengthened her release, stripping her of energy.

  Nicholas sucked her dry and when he finally released her, she sagged to the car seat out of breath. “Oh, my God…” The experience surpassed this world, way beyond anything she could’ve imagined, and by God, she wanted more. Not just tonight, or tomorrow.

  But as she leaned against the seat, taking deep breaths, her common sense came to the rescue, bringing with it a blunt reminder of what an affair with Nicholas could do to her. It took one weekend to develop an insane addiction to him. A long-term connection could create more damage than she could handle.

  But how could she move on after this? What were the odds she would find someone else who would make her feel this way?

  What are you saying, Dana? Do you want to be with him?

  No, no, no.


  The tenderness in his tone alerted her. She looked up and caught his matching expression. Her awareness spiked. Why is he looking at me that way?

  “I need to tell you something.”

  She tore her eyes from his while yanking her skirt down. “No, you don’t.” Whatever it was, she didn’t want to hear it. Not when he wore a gaze that turned her insides to liquid.

  “Just look at me, Dana.”

  She eased from the car, careful not to meet his eyes. “This was… fun, but I have to go.”

  “That’s all it was? Fun?”

  “Oh, crap. I keep forgetting your pride needs a constant boost. It was amazing,” she said, waving her arms in an exaggerated circle. “Out of this freaking world! Satisfied, you self-centered egomaniac?”

  Nicholas shook his head with a harsh sigh. “You’re looking for a fight and I don’t get why, not after what we just shared. Am I missing something?”

  “No, you’re not.” She slid onto the car seat and pressed the ignition button. “Have a safe trip to New York, ok?”

  “Dana—” he grabbed the door before she could close it. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Nothing. Just—” she grinded her teeth as she tried to pull the door from his grasp. “Let me go.”

  “No. Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” He braced the door and leaned down to her. Her stomach flipped. An instant longing settled on her chest.

  “Nothing’s wrong, Nicholas. We’ve had our fun, now we can pretend this weekend never happened, got it?”

  He gave a dry chuckle. “There’s that word again. Fun. That’s all this was to you, right?”

  She nodded, with a sudden urge to cry. “Yes.”

  Without a response Nicholas moved from the door and she closed it at once. Pulling away from the parking lot, she ignored the emptiness in her stomach and the voice in her head that begged her to stay.


  Nicholas stepped from the store and pulled his coat close, wincing against the frosty air that bit into his exposed skin. He’d braved the weather to come into town for no reason except the hope that he would run into Dana.

  Yes, he constantly kicked himself for being an idiot. After her outright rejection in the parking lot three months ago, she should have been the last person on his mind. But being back in Trenton stirred up memories of their last time together and he couldn’t help it. He wanted to see her, glimpse her, even.

  His reason for returning to Trenton had to nothing to do with Dana. At least, he tried to convince himself it wasn’t. But when he got the offer to head a new neonatal clinic in the city, he didn’t think about the doubled salary, the private parking spot or the major health and car benefits that came with the post. No, his first thought was the proximity to Dana and the chance to see her again.

  Yeah, Nicholas. You’re a damn fool. He chuckled to himself, earning a puzzled glance from an elderly woman walking by.

  For three months he tried to erase Dana from his mind but he’d made no progress. He thought—hoped that being miles away would lessen his feelings for her but they’d gained more strength than before. It kept him up at nights;
the longing for her, the temptation to take his cell and call her. But he hadn’t given in. He remained strong in that department, at least.

  His days of chasing Dana were over. She’d made it clear that night in the parking lot that she wanted nothing to do with him.

  Watching her drive away that night, it hurt like nothing he’d experienced before and the old Nicholas surfaced for a moment, the one who thought he wasn’t good enough for her. He knew better, of course, but it did nothing to reduce the pain that followed him for weeks.

  That night, he’d come so close to telling her he loved her. It was on the tip of tongue, all he wanted was for her to look at him. He should have said it, anyway. His confession would have made a difference that night.

  Or not…

  Sure, Dana enjoyed the sex, but that was all she wanted. She made it clear as crystal that night. For the last time, he had to accept reality. There was no chance of a future between them. He needed to move on.

  With whom? He had no clue. He and Ashley hooked up a few times since he returned to New York but it wasn’t the same. She didn’t appeal to him like she once did. The things he liked about her seemed inadequate now. Her touch, her kiss, it wasn’t enough.

  She wasn’t Dana.

  So, when she told him she wasn’t ready to re-start their relationship he’d been on board with her decision, for once. At last, he realized he and Ashley were on different wavelengths. She wanted to screw around, he wanted to settle down.

  He sidestepped a woman with twins and a baby in a stroller and paused at the stoplight, waiting for the light to change so he could cross the road. His cell phone rang and he checked the screen before answering. If it was Ashley, he would ignore it. She had been calling him all day, no doubt with one of her mind games; pulling him in one moment, pushing him away the next.

  Seeing Gabriel’s name on the screen, he swiped it and placed it at his ear. “What’s up?”

  “Dude, please tell me you’re still in town.”

  “I am. Why?”

  “We’re short on beer. Grab about a dozen, more if you can.”

  Like the other times when he came to Trenton, he’d taken Gabriel’s offer to stay at his apartment. He welcomed the gesture now more than ever, because the thought of laying up in a lonely hotel room with Dana on his mind held no appeal. At Gabriel’s he had company and a listening ear if he needed it.

  Today, they made plans to watch a football game on TV, the last social activity before he returned to New York tonight. He checked the time. Half hour remained before match time. No biggie, he could grab the beer and get there with minutes to spare. “I’m on it.”

  He ended the call and returned the phone to his pocket. As he pivoted to walk the way he’d come, a voice called out, “Nicholas?”

  Turning to the sound, his heart flipped, and he sucked the icy air in.

  Dana stood on the sidewalk, her arms folded, staring at him as if he wasn’t real. He did not hesitate; he walked to meet her, coming to a stop a foot away. “Hey.”

  “When did you get back in town?” she asked.

  “A couple days ago.”

  “Another wedding?”

  “Nah. A job offer at Newlife.”

  “Oh… nice.” She shoved her hands in the back pocket of the jeans she wore, pulling his attention to her attire. The fur coat, skinny jeans and boots covered most of her skin, but she was still sexy as hell. She had her blond locks piled in a bun on the top of her head, and tiny diamond studs that made her look as cute as a button.

  Desire for her flared, sending a flood of heat to his body and blocking out the biting cold. It took much effort not to kiss her right then. But his resolve restrained him. He would never try making a move on her again.

  “Do you plan on taking the offer?” she asked.

  Nicholas shrugged. “It depends on the incentives, I guess,” he replied, giving her a meaningful stare. What the hell are you doing, man?

  Dana blushed and dipped her head, clearly catching his meaning. “So, what are you up to?” she asked after a beat. “Do you want to grab a cup of coffee or something?”

  Her response threw him. Dana wanted to hang out with him?

  “Uh… I was about to get some beer for a football game.”

  Her expression perked. “Really?”

  “Well, yeah. But it’s on TV. Me and the guys are planning to watch.”

  She gave him a coy smile. “Do you have space for one more?”

  “You’re joking, right? You, Dana, want to watch a game with me. Are you sure about that?”

  “Why not?” she asked.

  He folded his arms and parted his legs, giving her a skeptical stare. “A few months ago, you pretty much told me to get lost. Forgive me for suspecting there’s an underlying reason for you wanting to hang with me. But I think I’m right, anyway. So, fess up.”

  She sighed, freeing her hands. “Fine. I bailed on a date that Isabel arranged. Now I can’t go home until it’s ‘over’. Iz and Carina are at my apartment waiting for an update.”

  “Why don’t you tell them the truth?”

  “Because I’m not ready for another, it’s-time-to-settle-down lecture. But, no worries,” she said, backing away. “I’ll figure something out. It was nice seeing you, Nicholas.” The smile she gave him before turning away seemed genuine.

  “Wait,” he called, and she pivoted. “Come on, let’s get that beer.”

  The wide grin that followed made him smile in return, but for once he brushed the hopeful thoughts away. Tonight was all about giving her refuge from her friends’ matchmaking plans, nothing else. No way would he set himself up for disappointment again.


  Gabriel put the case of beer in the fridge with a chuckle. “You are something else, man.”


  “I asked you to take beer. You brought a date.”

  “Hey, she’s not a date, and I didn’t plan this. I ran into her, she needed company and here we are. That’s all.”

  “Look, it’s no worries. Dana’s cool, by the way. I see why you’re into her.”

  Nicholas’ rolled a bottle of beer between his palms, thinking. It was a mistake, bringing Dana to the apartment. Here, he saw more of the woman he fell in love with, and it made him desire her more. She made him laugh, though he tried not to, and her interest in the game surprised and pleased him. He hadn’t been with many women with a genuine love for sports. To top it off, she and Gabriel hit it off right away, which was a good sign. If Gabriel liked her, then it meant she was good to go. But he had to keep the promise he made to himself, to leave her alone. “She’s kinda cool, I guess.”

  “Mhmm. Kinda, huh?” Gabriel grinned. “I noticed how you couldn’t take your eyes off her.”

  Nicholas snorted. “It’s not for lack of trying, bro.” But Dana was like a magnet, stealing his attention from the game, despite his efforts to focus. He’d taken the furthest seat from her but it didn’t help. He kept looking to her, taking in her head-to-toe detail, from her smile to the amazing body that conjured thoughts of making love.

  “I don’t get it. Why don’t you tell her you have a thing for her? Especially when the feeling’s mutual.”

  His pulse tripped. “You think so?”

  “It’s hard to miss when she keeps looking at you.”

  “Dude, you sat through the first half with your eyes glued to the screen. When did you observe all this?”

  “I have a gift, man,” Gabriel replied, dumping a pack of nachos in a bowl. “I see everything.”

  “Yeah, like you saw Callie getting engaged to that loser.”

  Gabriel’s smile disappeared. He threw the empty bag on the kitchen counter with a sigh. “Yeah, that I didn’t see coming. But she’s one of my best friends and I want her to be happy. She is, and that’s all that matters.”

  “You’re a better man than me, G. I don’t think I could stand by and watch another man with the woman I love.”

  “Which is wh
y you need to talk to Dana. Before you leave tonight.”

  If it wasn’t for an impromptu surgery tomorrow, Nicholas would have spent the rest of the weekend in Trenton. But duty called and he had to cut his trip short. Earlier, he hadn’t minded, but after running into Dana, he wanted to stay a while longer.

  He looked to the doorway that led to the living room where Dana was. From where he stood, he could see the back of her head as she relaxed on the couch. Longing filled his heart, along with a deep sadness. “I don’t know about that, man. Dana and I are… it’s complicated.”

  “Then change it. Life’s too short to waste opportunities, Nick. Don’t make the same mistake I did.”

  “What, introduce her to another man because I didn’t want to break the ‘friend code’?” Nicholas asked. “No worries, that’ll never happen.”

  “Mock me all you want, but Dana’s a beautiful woman. From what I’ve seen tonight, she’s decent and fun. A lot of men would kill to have their women watch a football game without force and she’s actually into it. She’s single by choice, believe me. But that may not last much longer.” Gabriel shot Nicholas a sneaky grin. “You’re not the only one with eyes for her.”

  Nicholas frowned. “Who else?” He guessed it was Darrell, who was more Gabriel’s friend than his. The asshole had taken a seat beside Dana the second she sat on the couch.

  “Who cares? C’mon, you gotta strike before your toes get stepped on.” He looked at Nicholas closely. “What are you afraid of?”

  “Do you need to ask?”

  “Ok. So, she blew you off a couple times. Do you ever stop to think there’s a reason behind all that?”

  “Yeah, there is. She’s not that into me.”

  “Bro, that’s not true. I’m telling you; I know what I saw.”

  “Yo, half-time’s almost over,” Darrell called from the living room, his arm splayed across the back of the couch, right behind Dana. Spotting the gesture, Nicholas moved off.

  “Wait a minute,” Gabriel said, his tone as serious as his expression. “This is important. You need to talk to her. I know, we joke about my mistake with Callie, but dude, I’m telling you, I kick myself every day. Tell her how you feel before it’s too late.”


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