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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 23

by Andrea L. Smith

  The response came muffled, but he didn’t care. All he could think of was, finally.

  The woman he loved for so long was where he’d always wanted her to be, in his arms. The trip to New York beckoned, but instead of the low spirits from before, happiness filled his heart. He had an excellent job offer, one he would accept in the morning and an amazing woman to start his new life. He couldn’t ask for much more.

  This was all he needed.

  Gabriel checked the time on his cell. Half an hour had passed since he left his apartment. Whatever Dana came to discuss had ended by now. If not, he would take Adrienne, the brunette who lived in the apartment next to him, up on her offer for drinks at a nearby bar. They’d gotten together a couple times, nothing serious, for none of them wanted a permanent thing. She dated other guys and he’d been out with other women. It all worked fine for him.

  Well… until lately, when the longing came for something more. A woman to love, a family as big as the one he had growing up, a semblance of stability that all his siblings had already achieved. He had an amazing career and enough wealth to live a comfortable lifestyle but it wasn’t enough.

  But there was only one woman who fit the bill for his future wife and she wasn’t available. All because of his stupidity. His fear of losing their friendship caused him to push her into another man’s arms. Now she was on the verge of marrying someone else and there was nothing he could do about it.

  He wished the pain would go away, that he could look at Callie and not feel a thing for her. That he could find someone to take her place in his heart. But it wasn’t possible; none of it. He would love her forever.

  Sighing, he closed the car door, crossed the parking lot and headed to the front door. Footsteps sounded behind him and he whipped around, prepared to ward off an attack. But it wasn’t a mugger, no.


  His fists dropped to his side and for an instant, he forgot to breathe. It was if his mind conjured her from wherever she was. Beautiful as ever, with her jet-black hair hanging in soft tendrils, framing her tiny face. She wore a denim jacket and leggings that seemed unsuitable for the weather, which explained her tight self-embrace and chattering teeth.

  It took him a moment to notice her distressed expression and her teary eyes. Alarm bells sounded at once and a black fury surfaced. If someone had hurt her…

  “Callie? You okay?” he asked, and she burst into tears, rushing at him. He wrapped his arms around her, ignoring the blast of desire for her that filled him at once. This wasn’t the time or place. Callie was in distress and he needed to get to the bottom of it.

  He eased her from him a bit, raising her chin so she could meet his gaze. “What’s wrong?”

  “Gabe, I’m in trouble,” she sobbed, gripping his jacket. “Big, big trouble.”


  The Medical Heart Throb Series 4

  A Friends-to-Lovers Romance

  Andrea L. Smith

  E-Book Edition

  Copyright © 2020 by Andrea L. Smith

  All rights reserved

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  “Gabe, I’m in trouble. Big, big trouble.”

  The raven-haired woman’s gentle sobs were like a knife to Gabriel DeLuca’s heart, triggering a dark fury that made him want to smash something, or someone. God help whoever caused Callie’s tears. He would make them wish they were never born.

  He wiped her tears before pulling her shaking form to him and running his hands along her back to warm her up. The denim jacket and the leggings she wore were no match for the biting cold. The Callie he knew would have never left her home without proper protection. That trouble forced her out like this made him angrier than before.

  As intent as he was to find out who hurt her, first, he had to get her inside. The temperature seemed to have dropped a few degrees within the last minute they’d been standing there.

  “Come on. Let’s get you warmed up.” He removed his coat and draped it over her shoulders before making brisk steps to the front door of his apartment building. Callie kept sniffling as they walked.

  She was the last person he expected to see tonight. Hell, he hadn’t seen her since she announced her engagement six months ago. That wasn’t the norm, the distance. Not after their twenty-year friendship. But it was his only choice, to stay away and respect the decision she’d made.

  He hadn’t seen it coming, her engagement to Matthew Reinhart. Even after they’d made it past a year. Callie had never been the relationship type as far as he knew. Dates with other men were few. So, he waited for news of their breakup, sure that it would come.

  After getting to know Matthew, Gabriel realized he wasn’t for Callie. Oil and milk, they were, and not in a we-can-make-this-work way. No. Matthew owned an insurance corporation with branches all over the country. He rubbed shoulders with the one percent. Callie worked as a real estate manager for a conglomerate in Trenton. Her circle included small town doctors and colleagues from work. Callie was the fun-loving, dance-on-the-table type. Matthew’s idea of a wild night was a drink at the bar.

  No, they didn’t belong together. Not even close.

  Beyond their differences, Matthew gave him a bad vibe. He couldn’t put his finger on it; he had no solid reason, but he disliked the man. Hated how he absorbed Callie’s time. He’d seen less of her since they met, and it reduced to nothing since Matthew popped the question.

  No more watching the game together on a Sunday, or clubbing on a Friday night, or shopping trips where he carried her bags while she bounced from each store. He missed the days when she would stop by for no reason and they’d talk for hours about nothing that made sense.

  Yeah, he’d hoped against everything that her fling with Matthew was just a phase. Turned out, it wasn’t.

  Oh, the irony. To think he had a hand in getting them together. He still replayed that night, kicked himself each time. What the hell had he been thinking, introducing Callie to a man he’d just met?


  He stood at the bar, waiting for him and Callie’s drinks when a man tapped him on his shoulder. “Hey, I believe this is yours.”

  He looked down to see his wallet in the stranger’s hand. Or what looked like his wallet. He patted his back pocket to confirm. Coming up empty, he smiled and took it. “Thanks a mil, man.”

  The guy shook his head. “It’s no big deal.”

  “But it is. Few honest men around these days. Good to know there’s one around tonight.” He extended his hand. “Gabriel.”


  “Good looking out.”

  Matthew gave him a thumbs up and made to walk off as Callie pushed through the crowd. “Hey, what’s the holdup?”

  Gabriel was about to reply when he cau
ght Matthew’s eyes on Callie. The profound interest on his face left no room for doubt. He wanted her. Gabriel acknowledged the flood of envy that filled him. Envy at Matthew for having the freedom to show his desire.

  How he wished he and Callie weren’t best friends, so he could make his move. He’d wanted to do that for years, since college, back when she was a free-spirited tomboy hell bent on being one of the guys. He’d loved her then, even more now, since she flourished into a graceful woman. Over time, her thick, dark hair had changed styles; from the uniformed bun to loose curls that draped her back. Gone was the t-shirt and sneakers. High heels and tiny dresses had found their way into her wardrobe.

  Yes, Callie was now a woman, in every sense of the world. She was still a tiny thing, so small he lifted her with ease, but she had a body that could melt a glacier. He tried not to let his thoughts wander to an inappropriate place, but damn it, he was a hot-blooded man and she had a hold on him he didn’t dare deny. So he fantasized. And he wished. The urge to take her, to touch her body in ways he’d only dreamed, it gained strength the more they were together.

  But he couldn’t give in to his feelings, or break the friend code. Not with his current lifestyle.

  He’d always been a ladies’ man. It wasn’t a boast, just a fact. Growing up, seeing a different woman sneaking from his dad’s bedroom each morning, it became the norm. He’d idolized his dad, and just like Gino, he wanted none of the ‘shackles’ that came from being with one woman. At least, until Callie, when he realized he was in love with her.

  But Callie knew too much. She’d witnessed the many women he’d been with, heard him vow to never switch to monogamy. Even if she believed he’d changed, was he willing to risk their friendship? Especially when the jury was still out on him settling down?

  He couldn’t risk it. His wandering eyes remained, and he would rather lose his hand than cheat on Callie. She meant too much for him to lose her. He’d rather have her as a friend than not at all.

  So he ignored his racing heart and his common sense that night. Seeing Matthew’s interest in Callie, he made the biggest mistake of his life. But then, he’d thought nothing of it. One date, two maybe, and Callie would dump him like she did the rest.

  But he didn’t count on Matthew’s charm and their chemistry. He didn’t expect Callie to fall in love. The oversized rock on her finger knocked his socks off, for sure. He still hadn’t gotten over it.


  Callie’s voice brought him back to the present. She stood within the lift with her hands propping the door. He stepped inside and she pressed the button to his floor and leaned against the wall.

  “I shouldn’t have come,” she said, crossing her arms. She looked down, her foot digging an imaginary hole in the floor.

  “How can you say that? Where else would you go?” She had no family, not here in the States or back home in England. An only child, Callie’s mother died while giving birth to her. Her father passed away years later from a skiing accident.

  “I don’t want to burden you, that’s all.”

  He exhaled sharply as the lift opened to his floor. “Callie, after all these years, you know I’d move heaven and earth for you.”

  Callie’s green eyes sparkled as the corner of her mouth lifted. She squeezed his hand as they stepped from the lift together. “I know.”

  They walked down the hallway, still holding hands, the simple gesture giving Gabriel a rush. Touching her like this, as innocent as it was, brought his subdued emotions to life. This was what he wanted. Who he wanted. If only he could turn back time, back to the night she met Matthew.

  The sound of an opening door drew his attention before a red-head stepped into his line of vision, giving him a wide smile. It quickly faded when her eyes dropped to where he and Callie’s hands linked.

  Adrienne Thorpe. The woman he’d been dating on and off for a couple months. Nothing serious, just casual dinner and sex, for none of them wanted a permanent thing. She dated other guys, and he’d been out with other women. It all worked fine for him.

  Tonight, she dressed in a skin-tight skirt with a sheer top and a cute bra underneath. Thigh-high boots completed her getup. Her short bob had flirty curls that framed her round face.

  Seeing her now, he remembered her offer for drinks at a nearby bar. Before Callie showed up, he’d been thinking of taking her up on it. The night would have been a festive one, for sure. Alcohol and Adrienne were a guaranteed recipe for all-night sex.

  But it held no intrigue. Not now. His only thoughts were on Callie and whatever problem she faced.

  “I was just about to call you,” Adrienne said, her eyes drifting from him to Callie. “Are we on for tonight?”

  “Rain check?” He noticed when Callie slipped her hands from his and moved a little ahead. She kept her back to them, her hands gripping the edges of his jacket. “There’s something I need to do.”

  “Ok…” Adrienne looked to Callie then back at him, her expression with the unasked question. She wanted to know who Callie was. But he owed her no explanation. They weren’t an item, just buddies with benefits. “Another time, then.”

  “Definitely.” He walked off, pressing his palm against Callie’s lower back to move her along.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, as he reached for the keys in his pocket.

  “For what?”

  “For ruining your night.”

  Gabriel clicked his tongue, pushing the door open. “It wasn’t a big deal. Don’t worry about it.”

  He stepped inside as a woman emerged from his guest bedroom, her blonde hair a mess, and the top buttons of her shirt undone.

  “You’re a busy man, Gabriel DeLuca,” Callie murmured, eyeing the woman.

  “Nope, it’s not what you—”

  “We were wondering what took you so long,” the woman said, giving Callie a scrutinizing stare like Adrienne’s but without the venom. “Now we know.”

  Gabriel chuckled. “Callie, meet Dana, Nicholas’…”

  “Girlfriend, I hope,” came a deep voice behind them. A tall, dark-haired man came into his line of vision and wrapped his arm around Dana’s shoulders, his love for her stamped on his face. “That was a yes, right?”

  “Definitely.” Dana’s smile stretched her lips to her cheeks.

  “Good to know the half hour I spent in the cold was worth it.” Gabriel left the apartment earlier to give them space to talk. From the look of it, they did more than that.

  It still amazed him. Nicholas and Dana. A year ago, neither of them could stand being in a room together. Now, they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Not that he would complain. He’d much prefer the head-over-heels-in-love Nicholas than the one who tried to block his love for Dana with hate. The beaming man before him was a stark contrast to the broody friend he’d known for over a decade.

  Nicholas’s grin preceded a kiss to Dana’s temple, and Gabriel experienced a blast of sadness. Not for them; for himself, for the promiscuous life he lived. Lately, the longing for something more made a constant presence on his heart. He yearned for stability; a family, lots of kids, just like his brother and sister had.

  Sure, he had an amazing life, an illustrious career as an orthopedic surgeon with his own team and enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle. But it wasn’t enough. Not anymore.

  There was only one woman who fit the bill for his future wife, and she stood beside him. But she wasn’t available, and it was all his fault. All because of his stupidity. His fear of losing their friendship caused him to push her into another man’s arms. Now she was on the verge of marrying someone else and there was no way to stop it.

  He wished the pain would go away, that he could look at Callie and not feel a thing for her. That he could find someone to take her place in his heart. But it wasn’t possible; none of it. He would love her forever.

  “Eh-hem.” Callie folded her arms, shooting Nicholas a hard stare. “Am I invisible, Nicky?”

  Like him, Nicholas and
Callie went way back since undergraduate college. They were inseparable, until he and Nicholas moved on to medical school and Callie pursued her real estate license.

  Nicholas released Dana and scooped Callie in a hug. “Impossible, sis. Not with that colossal head of yours.” He released her fast, dipping to dodge her slap.

  “Still a pain in the ass, I see. What’s happening? You back for good?”

  “Not yet. But I’m working on it. Speaking of which,” he reached for a duffel bag that rested on the couch. “I have to get to New York tonight. Surgery in the morning.” Nicholas co-managed a private pediatric practice in Manhattan. He’d come to Trenton for a job offer, one that would have him closer to Dana. “But I’ll see you in a week.”

  A dark cloud formed over Callie’s face before a tiny smile emerged. The sudden change didn’t miss Gabriel. “I hope,” she said. Her response heightened his curiosity. Why did Callie come tonight? What was the trouble that made her leave home without a proper coat?

  Time to find out. Whatever it was, he had to help her out.

  He closed the front door behind Nicholas and Dana and returned to the living room as she settled on the couch with a sigh. With the distractions gone, he took her in under the light for the first time.

  Her reddened eyes had dark circles beneath them, the lids heavy, he guessed from crying. He’d seen that look on rare occasions over the years, which meant one thing; whatever the problem, its level of seriousness was at the highest.

  He took a seat on the couch, twisting so he faced her. “Time to spill, Callie. What’s wrong?”

  She blew a breath, running her palms over her hair before pulling it back, and Gabriel noticed her bare ring finger. “Wait a minute. Where’s your engagement ring?”

  “With Matthew,” she replied. “I threw it in his face when I left him.”

  Gabriel ignored the urge to stand and do a back flip. But he couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. Seeing Callie’s tortured expression, he subdued the joy that filled him. Yes!


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