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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 29

by Andrea L. Smith

  He asked her then, and she rolled her eyes in response. “As if.”

  “As if what?”

  “She brought your shirt in, Gabriel, the one you wore the morning before. And she just about hinted you spent the night at her place.”

  “That’s bull.” He’d been at the hospital all night, breaking once to grab coffee across the street with one of his residents—a guy, no less. He made dinner plans with Adrienne last night to end their affair, but he canceled because of the emergency. “I never left work, and I didn’t see Adrienne. Not until I came home.” He ran into her as he left the elevator, but it wasn’t the time or place for what he wanted to tell her.

  “Yeah?” She propped her hip against the wall with a sardonic smile. “Then what was she doing with your shirt?”

  He shrugged. “It must have slipped from my shoulder at some point.” He hadn’t missed it until now.

  “Yeah, right. Whatever, Gabriel.” She pushed from the wall and slipped into her room, slamming the door.

  Gabriel wanted to tear his hair out, he was that frustrated. What was Callie’s deal? No way was this about her immigration issues. No. Something else remained. He knocked on the door and turned the knob at once. “Callie, I’m coming in.”

  “Go away.” She lay curled on the bed, her back to the door.

  “Not until you talk to me. I’m literally mind blown right now. This isn’t you.”

  “I said, go away.”

  “No—” He held her waist to turn her to him, but she shimmied to the other side of the bed and got out. “Are you going to tell me what’s really bothering you?”

  “I told you, it’s work.”

  “We both know it’s not.”

  At his words, Callie released a harsh breath. “Just let it go, Gabe. Leave me alone.”

  “I can’t do that,” he whispered, coming around the bed towards her. She shifted from his reach, moving backwards to the wall. The tension was so heavy and thick and with it came an awareness that he was in Callie’s room, with her in a flowy dress that barely covered her upper thighs, no bra, her nipples erect and visible through the thin fabric.

  Fucking hell. He didn’t think it through before coming in here. Worse, he’d used all his control the other night. There was nothing left.

  Get out, Gabriel. Now.

  But he ignored his conscience and closed the gap between them, taking in the rising heat in her eyes. She licked her lips and braced the wall with both hands splayed on each side. “I said, go away, Gabe,” she whispered.

  “No.” His gaze dropped to her lips and a sharp breath left her. Her nipples were more erect than before. “Not until you talk to me.” He drew closer, so close he could hear her breathing.

  “Come on, Callie, let me in…”

  Callie closed her eyes with a soft moan, pushing him over the edge. Gabriel didn’t hold back. In a swift move, he pinned her against the wall, his lips crushing hers before his tongue parted them and slipped inside. Until now, he didn’t realize how much he longed for the sweetness that was uniquely hers, or her scent that flooded his senses and removed every coherent thought from his mind. He couldn’t think, just feel. Her soft skin, the curve of her ass and hips. The firm, full breasts that begged for his mouth. Her silky hair. He grabbed a handful, gently pulling her head back while he nibbled her mouth.

  Her response turned him on even more than her body did—which was saying something. Her fingers explored, leaving a trail of fire wherever she touched. Her lips too did damage, hot and demanding, flooding his body with desperate need. He was in heaven and hell at once.

  They pulled apart, taking shaky, shallow breaths. Without warning, Callie’s hands groped the sides of her dress and lifted, pulling it overhead, revealing her nakedness underneath.

  Oh, fuck. Gabriel’s head spun, lust filling every part of him.

  Callie dropped the dress to the floor, giving him an alluring stare that hardened his dick. “I won’t take no for an answer, Gabe. Not this time.”

  As if he had the self-control to say no. He was lost. Done.


  Callie ignored the warning signals in her head as her trembling fingers released the dress to the floor. There was no turning back. Not that she wanted to. Whatever happened after tonight, she didn’t care. All that mattered was this moment with Gabriel.

  She didn’t want to have caution. Not now. She wanted to bury herself in him, to experience more of his lips and his hands on her body. Oh, they were like bolts of pleasure, driving her to the wall. Imagine the pleasure from his cock…

  Oh, God. Just thinking of him slipping inside made her sex throb with eagerness. There was no turning back. She couldn’t survive the night without it. Her need for him was too high.

  “Are you sure, Callie?”

  A day ago, Gabriel’s question would have brought her back to earth and probably restored her common sense, but not tonight. Let the chips fall wherever they wanted to. She was getting laid tonight.

  “I’m positive.” She walked to him, slowly, showing the conviction on her face. “Make love to me, Gabe.” Her fingers caressed the rock beneath his shirt. “Hard…” she pressed her body against his and tiptoed to his ear. “And long…” She licked his earlobe, loving the strangled moan that left him. “All night long, Gabe.”

  She didn’t know where the sudden boldness came from, but she had no complaints. Especially after seeing his reaction. The scorching darkness in his eyes told it all. He wanted her. Bad. And she was more than ready to give him all of her.

  Without another word, Gabriel removed his shirt, then his shoes and pants. His eyes never left her, locking her in a trance-like state, sending an unbearable ache between her thighs.

  The minute he removed his boxers she was on him, slamming her lips against his. Gabriel’s fingers trailed down her spine and he pulled her closer until no space left between them. Their bodies became one. His heart slammed against his chest, knocking on hers. She was sure he experienced the same. The connection to him was undeniable. She could feel its strength and it awed and scared her at once.

  But there was no time to think. Just feel. Every inch of him.

  Gabriel spun her so her back faced him, then he guided her to the bed’s edge and bent her over. His hot lips graced her back, all the way up and down, back and forth, sending shivers from her lower back to her neck. Moaning, she arched into him.

  His body shifted from her, and she turned to see where he’d gone. He pulled a condom from his wallet and smiled when he saw her watching. “Safety first, right?”

  “Right.” Callie squealed as he made a sudden rush and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him, prepared for a transition, but he didn’t move. “Callie.” The seriousness on his face made her edgy. Please, don’t back out.


  He gave her a long, intense stare before kissing her again. This time with a violent hunger that stole her breath. Whatever he wanted to say didn’t matter, not in that moment. Not with a kiss that threatened to summon a non-stimulated orgasm. Her sex pulsed against him, demanding release, but before it came, Gabriel threw her on the bed and flipped her over.

  With her chest on the bed, he raised her hips and parted her thighs. Callie’s breaths took an incline as she braced for his entry, anticipation killing her by the second.

  He pressed inside and oh, it was worth the wait. Every hard inch of him was worth it. Callie gasped at the impact as a bucket load of pleasure filled her and overflowed. She gripped the sheets, not knowing whether to scream or cry, it was so emotional, so perfect, so freaking right.

  His cock… damn… that thick, beautiful weapon he used without mercy, cutting her deep with each thrust. He sliced through her, again and again, hard and fast, leaving an indestructible mark on her soul. This was the icing on the cake of her love for him, his ability to deliver slashes of pleasure with his virile length. There was no going back for her. No other man would do for her.

  “God, C
allie…” She didn’t need to see his face to know Gabriel’s reaction matched hers. His vice grip on her waist, the deep, effective thrusting, his uncontrolled breathing… oh yes, he was in ecstasy. And it gave her a head trip to know that she brought it to him. Her. No other woman.

  She spread her thighs further and raised her butt to take more of him. And he gave everything, slamming through her, touching nerve endings she didn’t know existed. Her eyes watered, not from pain, but joy; amazing, mind-altering joy.

  Dickmatized. A word she heard many times before and often scoffed at. It wasn’t a real thing. No way could a man’s dick create such an obsession that you wanted more and more of it. That never happened to her, anyway. Until now… until Gabriel’s strong, deliberate strokes that sent her to cloud nine and back to earth with a shattering orgasm.

  She cried out, his name on her lips, dazed and trembling, struggling for air but more satisfied than she’d ever been.

  No. Not true. There was more waiting in the wings.

  When Gabriel wrapped his arms around her, fucking like his life depended on it, crooning her name over and over, that sealed her satisfaction.

  Gabriel tugged her limp body upwards on the bed, then left to remove his condom. She thought he would have left then, but the bed dipped with his weight as he joined her. Stifling a happy squeak, she curled against him. His soft lips grazed her shoulder, melting her once more.

  Never had she gone two rounds in one night. But with Gabriel, she was insatiable. Within minutes she was on top, impaling herself with his dick and riding to another orgasm.

  Even then, she wanted more. And he gave more. On the carpet. The dresser. Against the wall. Sweat poured and her temperature rose. Her moans and whimpers were like a song on repeat. Her fingers had grown numb from gripping anything it could hold, so much was her ecstasy.

  And when they finally settled for the night, she snuggled to him, happier and more sated than she’d ever been in her life. And it was with the man she loved. She couldn’t ask for anything else.

  “I love you, Gabe,” she whispered, not realizing until the words left her mouth that she said them out loud. She waited, her breathing on hold, wondering what his response would be.

  When his soft snore came, she didn’t know whether she felt disappointment or relief. But when sleep beckoned, she decided on the latter. Best to keep that knowledge to herself. The morning would bring enough complications as it was.


  Callie woke with a smile on her lips, curling into her pillow. Memories of the night before washed her. Contentment oozed from her pores. She opened her eyes to sunshine rays streaming through her window, bringing an awareness that she’d slept longer than usual.

  When was the last time she’d gotten such good sleep? She couldn’t recall. Last night, making love to Gabriel had done what no other sleep aid did. It was amazing… beyond anything she’d imagined it would be.

  One night wasn’t enough. Not by a long shot. She wanted more and more of him.

  Did she dare? Could she handle it? There was no worry about catching feelings. She was already head over heels in love with him, so the horse had already left the barn. But could she keep her emotions in check and have a friends-with-benefit relationship? Was it possible to look the other way when he was with another woman?

  The answer was no. She wanted all of Gabriel. Not just his dick, but his heart.

  Sighing, she turned to her side, looking over to the empty spot where he slept last night. Being next to him felt so good and right, as if she belonged in his arms. She wished he felt it too. Wished the affection wasn’t hers alone.

  During their lovemaking, she swore there was a moment when his eyes held something more than lust. Something beyond mere passion, deeper, stronger. Or maybe she imagined it. If Gabriel had any romantic love for her, she would have known by now.

  Wouldn’t she?

  Well, time to get up and face the aftermath of their night. She didn’t know what to expect; would there be an awkward tension, or the normal lightness they always had? In a few minutes she’d find out.

  As she left the bed, her cell phone beeped. She smiled, seeing his name on the screen, wondering why he was texting when they were under the same roof. She swiped, expecting a witty message of some sort.

  But it wasn’t.

  Hey. Didn’t want to wake you. I’m at Adrienne’s.

  She sank to the bed, staring at the phone, her insides churning. This is a joke, right?

  Did last night mean so little to him? It clearly did. That he was already in Adrienne’s bed—just a few hours after sleeping with her, it spoke volumes. Gabriel didn’t give a shit about what they shared last night.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  His response the night before was a figment of her imagination. The heat in his eyes, his desperate hold on her, the tortured growls that left him—they weren’t real. Last night wasn’t enough for him. She wasn’t enough for him. But Adrienne was, right?

  God, what have I done? Why did I let myself fall?

  She couldn’t stop the tears that fell, or block the pain that tore her insides. Every cheerful thought left her. A dark cloud took residence over her head. This was all her fault. She was so naïve for thinking—hoping their lovemaking would have brought a change, that they would find their way to each other somehow. But while she harbored those optimistic thoughts, he’d been planning a round with his lover. Right now, this very moment, he was probably drilling Adrienne to the bed like he did her.

  No. I can’t stay here. Not with Gabe. Not with her next door.

  She rose from bed, a sudden resolution overtaking her. Thank God she still had a month left on the lease of her apartment. A month would give her enough time to decide how to proceed with their relationship. They had to make some other arrangement. Anything other than this. No way could she remain in the apartment filled with memories of her love and broken heart.

  Tossing the phone aside, she opened her drawers and grabbed a duffel bag from the closet.


  “You’re such a lifesaver,” Adrienne said. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “No worries.” On his knees, Gabriel dipped under the kitchen sink, grunting as he tried to fit in the small space. Adrienne’s call for help with her clogged sink had woken him earlier than he would have liked, but he couldn’t say no to the desperation in her voice. He left a quick message for Callie and rushed over, thinking her apartment was being flooded. Turned out her kitchen floor was the only casualty.

  He soon found the source of the clogged sink within the P-trap. Strands of sticky, dark hair, enough to fill both hands. Adrienne shook her head as he scraped it out. “Funny, how’d that get in there?”

  Gabriel handed her the dish that had caught the debris before re-screwing the connectors on the pipe. He wiped his hands with the towel she gave him before handing it to her and wriggling from the space. “Doesn’t matter. It’s all good now.”

  “Thank you.” She swept a lock of hair behind her ear with a smile. “Can I make you breakfast? I know there’s been a strain between us. It would be good to sit down and talk about it.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not a good idea, Adrienne.” Coming over this morning, he thought to kill two birds with one stone. Fix her pipe, end the affair. If he had any doubts before, last night had surely done him in.

  Last night… the most epic of his life. Waking up this morning with Callie beside him, he had to pinch himself, so convinced he was that he imagined it. Their lovemaking had to be a part of a wild dream. No way had Callie given herself to him last night. Her soft body beneath him, her cries of passion, they weren’t real.

  But seeing her curled in bed, a tiny smile gracing her lips, confirmed that it was. And he wanted more, now and forever.

  He was ready. Ready to tell her, once and for all, that his love for her went beyond the platonic. That he wanted their marriage to be real. There was nothing outsid
e for him anymore. No other woman carried the appeal she did. Making love to her only solidified what he’d known all along; that she was the woman for him.

  He had to take the plunge. Lay his heart on the table. Hopefully, she would look past his wild ways and see his good intentions. He didn’t want to think of what he’d do if she didn’t.

  But first, he had to close this chapter. “Look, Adrienne, you and I… we can’t…” he wanted to find gentle words to soothe what he was about to say. But seeing Adrienne’s folded arms and her sudden scowl, he doubted any could. So, he ripped the band aid. “It’s over.”


  “We talked about this, didn’t we? That if it ever gets complicated, we’d end it.”

  “Yeah, we did. And it’s not.”

  “Oh, come on. We both know that’s not true. Why would you give Callie the impression I slept at your place the other night?”

  “Ohhhh…” Adrienne uncrossed her arms with a chuckle. “So, this is about your little fake wife.” Her eyes narrowed as she regarded him. “Or is it more real than I thought?”

  Gabriel waved her off. “This isn’t about her. You and I were a temporary thing. We agreed to it. Now, I’m saying it’s over.”


  “That’s not how it works, Adrienne. I don’t need your permission to walk away.” And he did just that, walk past her towards the front door.

  “Maybe not. But you need me to keep my mouth shut about your trumped-up marriage, don’t you?”

  Gabriel stopped, his blood chilling. He turned to her, acknowledging the sneer she wore. “What?”

  “Mhmm…Callie’s such a tiny little thing. I doubt she’ll survive in prison. You can hold your own, for sure, but do you really want to risk it?”

  “You wouldn’t.” Nicholas was right; this woman was trouble. Why didn’t he see this side to her before now? Before he told her their deep secret?


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