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The Expanding Universe

Page 43

by Craig Martelle

  This one didn't.

  The donor strand was a triple. Aaron had never seen anything like it.

  Instead of resembling a twisted ladder, the triple helix resembled more of a triangle ladder.

  "I don't get it." He muttered.

  Elaina glanced up from the scattered digital notebooks in front of her.

  "What?" She asked, a look of general confusion crossing her delicate features.

  "This is crazy," Aaron answered. "Not only am I struggling to understand the failing shifts of my own theory, but I also have to do so with a paradox."

  He shook his head.

  "If I just knew what this was. Maybe I could understand better." He muttered.

  "Join the club," Davin said.

  He deposited the cup of coffee in front of Aaron so roughly it almost tipped over. Aaron’s eyes narrowed, but as usual Davin didn’t seem to notice. With almost loving care he placed Elaina's in front of her. Elaina offered a strained smile, the obvious display of affection going unacknowledged.

  "Are we sure there is no record of the donor?" Aaron asked for the millionth time, biting down on his frustration, trying to make headway.

  "None," Davin confirmed as he flopped into the empty chair without asking.

  Aaron's jaw clinched. But he forced himself to focus on something else.

  "They won't even tell us the purpose of the project," Elaina admitted begrudgingly.

  "I thought that was just me," Aaron muttered distractedly.

  "Nope... No one knows. No one has the security clearance." Davin drawled as if he were bored of the discussion.

  Aaron’s eyes trailed to the Amnion. Aylin had become much more than a project to him. The last several months had been a living hell. Most of his time had been spent alone. During those months he had only one consolation.


  He had spent hours talking to her.

  No, she couldn’t respond.

  But she could listen.

  He felt a bit odd growing such a bond with Aylin. It wasn’t a romantic attachment. It was a longing actually to meet her. He had thought about the concept at length, but the only way he could put words to it was too akin the feeling to a father waiting for a child to be born.

  "Who would have that kind of clearance?" Aaron asked.

  Davin scoffed.

  "The professor," He answered with a shrug. "I'm not even sure Queen Bee has that kind of clearance."

  He took a sip of his coffee.

  "Carl maybe," Davin scoffed into his cup making Aaron clinch his fist. He didn’t interact with Carl, not like he had Aylin, but he seemed to be the only one who acknowledged that Carl even existed. Davin appeared to downright despise him.

  Aaron’s eyes narrowed a little more; seemed to be a trend.

  “Bottom line is… it definitely wouldn’t be you. If they haven't told me, there is no way they are going to tell you."

  Aaron finally let the insult sink in and slowly turned his gaze on Davin

  "Davin, what side of the gene pool did you get your leadership ability?" He snapped, "Because from where I’m standing it skipped a generation."

  For a minute Davin stared at him, jaw tight. He stood, disposed of his cup and exited the lab without so much as a glance backward. After a long stretch of silence, Aaron returned to his assessment almost forgetting he wasn't alone until Elaina spoke.

  "You do know the circumstance of biologics has no bearing on identity, right?" Elaina laughed.

  "You don’t realize that he thinks you’re trying to steal everything from him."

  It had taken a little bit of time before Aaron felt he had control enough to make eye contact.

  "What could I possibly be trying to steal?"

  Elaina hesitated for a moment.

  "I've known Davin for a long time. Honestly, he is the reason I got acceptance to the project. We graduated from the same University. I graduated in the top ten percent of my class, but Davin was lucky to have passed."

  The hard lines of Aaron’s face began to dissipate. He knew the direct correlation between grades and opportunities. It was why he had fought so hard to keep his grades sky high.

  "His leadership position represents a significant opportunity for him. The last project lead had to take a sudden leave of absence, so his promotion was a stroke of luck to begin with. If he can obtain a successful result for the project he will have a brighter future ahead of him." Aaron looked down at his hands.

  "We have tried every possible solution under his direction. But nothing we tried would make headway on the project. Then...” She hesitated.

  “I came along,” Aaron muttered.

  “It's not that he hates you. He is just afraid you are going to be given the credit and make him look worthless." She answered.

  Silence hung between them for a moment. He couldn't fault Davin for trying to protect his future. He knew what it felt like to watch everything you’ve worked for getting ripped away.

  "I'm not here to steal anything. Maybe in time he'll see that."

  "He will have to..." Elaina laughed. "If I know anything about Davin, it is that he will never take words only. You will have to wait for him to see it in your actions."

  Aaron nodded.

  Chapter 8

  "So... You and he are...?" He let the rest of the question hang in the air.

  "No." She answered, "Not that he hasn't wanted us to be an item. I’m just… not interested."

  "You’ve… got someone else in mind?" The second the words formed he wished he hadn’t said them.

  "Yes… The project,” Elaina giggled. “Although I think the idea of an intimate relationship with the project sounds a little creepy.”

  His face broke into a humorous grin despite the awkward chuckle.

  “I know it sounds strange, but working to bring Aylin into existence? To me, it's almost like…. having a child." She said holding her hand out palm up as she tried to explain.

  Aaron watched her for a moment. He hadn’t considered that someone else on the project felt the same way. It made him feel like less of an outcast.

  "I think you would make a great mom someday." He smiled.

  Her face broke into a wide grin. A red blush accompanied the beam of pride.

  "Maybe someday, once the project is done." She laughed.

  "Besides..." She stood to gather up her notebooks, "There is this really awesome new geneticist on the project that I'd really like to get to know better."

  Aaron's gaze flew upward to find some indication that he had actually heard her correctly. The only evidence came from her laughing eyes and a gentle teasing smile. It was enough to convince him as she shouldered her book bag.

  "I've got to get some sleep. I'll meet back up with you tomorrow so we can run over the biologicals again."

  As she turned to walk away, his mind struggled to find something to say. She was halfway to the door before he could form any sort of response


  She stopped for a second looking back over her shoulder.

  "Thank you... for everything."

  She smiled.

  "Everything happens for a reason, to find out why we just have to be willing to examine the sequence."

  His skin prickled with the hydraulic hiss announcing her exit.

  The moment he had just experienced brushed away for later review as the single word rushed around in his head.


  "Ava." He called out sharply.

  He ripped his chair closer to the panel, fingers tapped furiously at the keys as he dropped into it.

  The chiming beep announced Ava's arrival.

  "I need you to recall previous modifications to the donor DNA for the Gemini Project."

  "Scanning," Ava toned.

  It only took a moment or two for a response.

  "Scan Complete. Please review a list of all modifications to donor DNA on screen."

  Aaron shifted through the list of hundreds of modifications. It was hard
to believe so many attempts had come up unsuccessful.

  "Ava, list only modifications for DNA sequences from the beginning of the project,"


  Aaron waited, suddenly aware he was holding his breath.

  "No modifications found." Ava returned.

  He let out the breath he was holding and sat back in the chair.

  Tingles of anticipation danced along his skin. Copying the standing images and transferring them to their opposites had been achieved. But what if, to truly produce a mirror image of the strand the sequence would also require a reverse.

  It was an enlightening thought. But just as sobering.

  He suddenly wondered if that was the solution that David Allen had been referencing.

  Reaching for his notebook and stylus, Aaron poured all of his concentration into the calculations of percentage.

  By the time he finished, the rush of manic energy had dissipated into a deep-rooted gloom. The final modification percentage stood out sharply.


  Aaron dropped the stylus and rubbed a hand over his face. The percentage was well out of range for NSTA regulation.

  He sighed.

  If everything was correct, then there were only two options. Face the failure of the Gemini Project or…

  ‘Moral science is simply a term Mr. Walters. It cannot be determined by numbers or restrictions. It is the outcome that determines such a title.’

  Aaron opened his eyes allowing the spoken words of the professor to go to war with everything he had been taught. His gaze lifted to the Amnion, to Aylin. He watched her for a few moments, the way her features took on a smooth appearance under the liquid and glass.

  The only thing that mattered was Aylin’s purpose. Despite not knowing the details of it Aaron had worked closely enough with the donor strand to know the Professor was right. Aylin would be capable of great things.


  The light beep singled her arrival.

  “Pull up the latest modification. Calculate the exact sequence and display in reverse order. Once setup is complete, initiate the DNA transfer."


  "Aaron Walters."

  "One moment please."

  After what felt like an eternity Ava spoke again.

  "Command sequence accepted, thank you, Mr. Walters."

  Aaron stood taking one last look at the Amnion. Now came the hardest part... waiting.

  Chapter 9

  The hushed silence of the lab held a certain tension; the only sound came from the drone of the machines. A light tone of beeps signaled to an empty room that the DNA was modified and ready for transfer. The liquid of the Amnion began to churn, the jets activating. The light high pitched buzz of the titanium arms broke passed the quiet.

  The injectors sunk into her spine. Once their job was complete they retreated, the jets slowed and halted allowing the woman to return to her free flow state. After a few moments, a light steady beep echoed from the vital monitors. A steady, controlled increase of life signs rippled across the board.

  Flashes of images ripped over his vision.

  The ruins of the empire state building.

  The world dissolved into chaos.

  The sky above boiled black.

  Searing hot red lightning ripped across the open sky.

  Each new image would always transition from a single familiar one, Aylin inside the Amnion.

  Aaron turned his eyes to the rolling sky. He felt, rather than saw, the sharp rise of danger seconds before the blast. Electric energy danced through the air striking the buildings around him. Pure power erupted behind the explosion, enough to knock him painfully onto his back, sufficient enough to rip apart the metal and slice through stone as if it were butter.

  * * *

  Aaron jerked awake, sitting straight up in bed. Something wasn't right. He felt an odd sensation in the air. Like something was waiting to swallow him into oblivion, like he would cease to exist. He swallowed against the hard pounding of his heart. His mind began to quickly take in information. Every time he always came to the same conclusion.

  Something was wrong.

  Muffled screams and yells drifting to him from outside of his living quarters, Instantly on his feet and diving towards the door, Aaron slapped a hand to the panel only to find Elaina on the other side.

  Before he had a chance to speak Elaina rushed through the opened the door pushing him back until she could get it shut.

  "What’s going on?" He demanded.

  "There is something strange happening. The entire wing…. Everyone... Everyone seems to be experiencing some.... Some sort of group psychosis. Everyone appears to have a viciously high amount of fear. It..." She hesitated, tears gathering in her eyes. "It hasn't been pretty. Everyone responds to fear differently, some get violent, some hide away, others... others commit suicide."

  Aaron swallowed.


  She nodded.

  "Abigail.... Mills… She dove from the third hall window on the fifteenth floor. I know she wasn’t a friend to many people here but…."

  Aaron reached out and drew her into his arms on instinct as she broke down in tears. He glanced at her as she wept. Her red hair was a mess around her face; her tear filled eyes wide and fearful. Even her bedclothes looked like she had been battling a pro wrestler. If what he felt was anything like what everyone else was feeling he understood the issue. He still couldn't beat the ripple dancing across his skin that threatened to trigger his fight or flight response.

  "There’s more," Elaina muttered as she pushed away from him and wiped the tears from her eyes. "It's Aylin..."

  Cold fear drifted up his spine.

  "Is she ok?" He snapped.

  "She's alive." Elaina breathed.

  Aaron felt his own breath catch.

  "Davin..." She choked back a sob. "He went to the lab; he sent me a message before hell broke loose. She has a steady pulse and heartbeat. I came to get you just before..."

  Aaron nodded understanding what she was trying to say.

  "We need to get to the lab."

  She nodded.

  "Come on." He said pulling his badge from its place beside the door.

  Once they hit the hallway the two broke into a run. The entire corporation seemed to be in complete chaos. Once or twice he was forced to stop and draw Elaina into his chest hiding her face from the carnage. She shook in his arms, but he was surprised by her strength. He was even more surprised at his own.

  "Almost there." He muttered. He could see the circled hall that would lead them to the Security Tower as the two broke into the wing E hallway.

  They just needed a little more time.

  As the pair turned the corner, Aaron reached for his badge, but he was unprepared to be forced back a step by a swinging fist.

  Aaron shoved Elaina behind him and sidestepped another swing, trying to open a clear shot that would get them tower door.

  While they moved, Aaron studied the face. He knew it.

  Grant. He was an intern in the Bio department, usually a bit on the knuckleheaded side. Now he looked like a caged bull.

  "Easy..." Aaron muttered softly. He had to speak to himself as much as he did to Grant. His fist clenched against the natural response to adrenaline as he tried to gauge how far behind them the door was.

  The wild eyes leveled on him and anger flared.

  Just as he launched forward, Aaron felt the collision, but it was from the side, not the front. Elaina swiped her badge to open the tower and shoved with enough force to push them both through the open plates.

  "What the…" He heard Carl yell.

  Shaking away the hit, Aaron’s eyes widened as he saw fingers curl in Elaina’s hair in midair. Her face contorted in pain as the man yanked her back to him.

  The interception jerked her forward and quickened his fall. Aaron grimaced as his head impacted against the floor, sending his vision into a temporary spin.

He yelled making a dive for the door.

  The door to the tower hissed closed just as Grant slammed her, face first, into the solid wall. The sickening image of blood splattered against the wall and trickling down her face burned into his memory.

  Jamming the security door with multiple rapid succession attempts to get back through, Aaron slapped his hand against the metal in frustration.

  "Aaron, Stop! I can override the lock, but it’s going to take a few minutes." Carl snapped, his fingers dancing wildly across the key display.

  Aaron ripped his badge from the card reader. A quick try on the inner door made his heart jump in his chest when it opened without a problem.

  "Get it open; I’ll be right back." He snapped.

  At a dead run, Aaron burst into the lab looking around wildly,

  "What the hell did you do Aaron?" Davin yelled. He closed the distance between them quickly.

  "Elaina is in trouble; I need your help!"

  "There is a modified DNA transfer with your name on it. Why in the hell didn't you report that to me before transferring it?” Davin roared.

  Aaron’s teeth clenched… hard.

  "Why the hell would I be concerned about why I didn’t get your permission? Elaina could be dying, and all you care about is your stupid credit for the project?" Aaron shouted.

  Davin lowered himself close to Aaron's face, his features a mask of barely controlled anger.

  "I read Aylin’s neural scans. Whatever this is… somehow Aylin is projecting it."

  The sudden revelation stopped him in his tracks.

  "How do you know?" Aaron asked his voice almost hoarse.

  "She’s having some sort of nightmare,” Davin growled. “And I have no idea of how to get her to stop."

  Aaron shifted his gaze back and forth.

  Breaking away from Davin, he ran towards the Amnion with every ounce of speed he had.

  He threw up his hands, stopping himself from running full force into the glass. He spoke as gently as he could.

  "Aylin..." His voice shook, broke in places, from the enormity of what was happening. "Aylin... calm down. It's alright…"

  His voice echoed off the bare walls of the empty lab.

  "You’re safe."

  Chapter 10


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