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Lock and Load: A Demented Sons MC Texas Novel

Page 13

by Kristine Allen

I dressed quickly and padded quietly down the hall to where Smoke had his office. Knocking, I waited as the voices inside ceased and the door swung open.

  The dark-haired, ice-blue-eyed man who’d been introduced as Reaper the night before answered the door. All I knew of him was he was from Iowa and my uncle’s old chapter. He stepped to the side, allowing me to pass.

  I was shocked to find the room crammed with all the members that were down from Iowa, including my uncle, whose face resembled a human storm cloud. In fact, they all seemed pretty pissed off.

  Smoke and some of the other guys looked resigned.

  “What’s going on?” My brow furrowed as I tried to make eye contact with any of them, but none of them would look at me. “Did I do something I don’t know about?”

  “No.” Smoke ran a frustrated hand over his mouth. “Have a seat. I need to ask you something. If you don’t want to do it, all you have to do is say so.”

  Nervous as hell, I sat at the lone chair across from him.

  “Well, how about if you tell me what’s going on, then I can decide?”

  “We finally heard from Gabriel De Luca.” I shrunk a little in the chair. They were a powerful family in Chicago. Though they were prominent business owners, everyone knew his family was part of the Sicilian Mafia in America. I’d since found out from Gunny that he was essentially Stefano’s boss.

  “What did he have to say?” It was difficult to form words, because my tongue was thick and dry.

  “He proposed a plan. We don’t like it. But it’s already been nearly five weeks since everything happened. We don’t know what kind of shape Lock’s actually in. The doc that called said he was stable the last she saw him, but that’s been nearly three weeks now. We don’t even know if he’s still alive.” He swallowed hard, and I jumped when Gunny punched the wall and roared.

  Without another word, he stormed from the packed office.

  Everyone looked uncomfortable. “Should I go after him?” Hacker asked. Smoke nodded, and he left.

  “What was the plan?”

  “He wants to use you as bait. Offer to trade you for Lock.” His gray eyes stormed. My uncle growled; feet shuffled. Fear seeped deep inside me, penetrating my bones.

  “T-trade me?” I stuttered.

  “Not really, but we’d let them believe it. We’d have everything set up. Reaper here is the best sniper that I know, and Hollywood was his spotter. They’d be among many who’d have eyes on y’all. But this is your choice, and if you say no, then the answer is no.” Smoke spoke softly but held eye contact with me through his entire explanation.

  “Umm.” I glanced around the room, looking at all the faces. Many I’d become friendly with and several had my ink on them already. In fact, most of them.

  Joker had even inked me before he’d left last time. I’d offered to trade, but he’d declined. He and the rest of their crew had gone home for about a week and a half and arrived back last night.

  Sitting there thinking about what they were proposing had a few realizations setting in. I’d run from Stefano out of fear for my life. I never thought he’d actually chase me down. Nor did I think my actions would pull someone else into this. A lot of someones, but specifically Lock. A man who had a young girl. I really had no one. My aunt and uncle, but no children or significant other who needed me.

  Nodding once, I firmly said, “I’ll do it.”

  “Raiven!” my uncle pleaded.

  “Pops, this is her decision,” Smoke reminded him.

  My resolved gaze held his. “I love you, Uncle Carlisle, but Presley needs her dad. Besides, I’ll be okay.”

  His head dropped, and a shuddering sigh left his big, bulky body. We both knew there was no guarantee that was the truth.

  “What do I do?” My jaw clenched as the possible outcomes ran through my head.

  “We’re going to call Stefano. Tell him we have something he wants. Tell him we want our guy back and he can have you. We’ll make it sound like you’re some chick that doesn’t matter two shits to us. It’s going to sound bad, but I swear to you, and to you, Pops, we’ll do everything in our power to keep you safe.” Smoke leaned back in his chair and observed me. His eyes were calculating but patient.

  “Make the call.” Inside, I worried that it may be too late for Lock, but I prayed I was wrong. I clenched my jaw and fortified my resolve.

  “Done. All of you clear out except for Check, Styx, and Raiven.” Without so much as a mutter, they all filed out of the room. My uncle wouldn’t meet my eye, and it hurt, but deep inside I knew I was doing the right thing.

  Once everyone was out, Styx stepped up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Forgive me for anything I do.”

  I nodded, wide-eyed and unsure.

  “Let’s do this.” Check handed Smoke a cheap-looking phone.

  “It’s clean?” Smoke asked him.

  “You doubt me?” Check asked with a raised brow. Check was their techno guy and road captain. I’d slowly been figuring out the different positions and their names since I’d been there. He looked way younger than his midtwenties, and he was really damn pretty, but fuck could his eyes be hard.

  Smoke grunted, “No,” then put it on speaker and dialed the number I guessed was Stefano’s. I assumed he got it from Gabriel, because they hadn’t asked me for it.

  It rang several times before I heard Stefano’s voice come over the speaker. Where it once sent chills down my spine for another reason, those chills were now out of fear.

  “Who is this, and where did you get this number?” He was curt and suspicious.

  “My name and where I got your number are irrelevant. You have something we want, Stefano, and we have something you want.” Smoke sounded as cold as hell, and it was a little unnerving.

  “What might that be?” Quickly, Stefano’s tone turned sarcastically smug.

  Smoke’s gaze flickered to Styx, who suddenly grabbed my hair, jerking my head back. I shrieked in surprise. He quickly let it go, and I read the apology in his eyes.

  “A certain dark-haired person. Lots of tats. Mouthy.” Smoke grinned at me, and despite the shock of Styx pulling my hair, I bit my lip because he was right.

  “That could be anyone.”

  Smoke looked at me and held a finger over his lips. “Tell your boyfriend you miss him.” He shook his head, implying I shouldn’t say anything.

  He then slapped his arm hard enough to leave an imprint. It scared me, and I jumped and squeaked again. “Tell him!”

  “H-he’s not my b-boyfriend.” Even trying to act, there was no way I’d say he was.

  There was a moment of silence over the phone. “Raiven? Is that you?”

  I could hear the evil grin in his tone, and I wanted to vomit. Speaking with him again was making me physically sick.

  “I don’t want anything to do with you, Stefano. No one knows what happened. I-I haven’t said a word. Can’t you please just drop this? Let me live my life.”

  His sinister chuckle made my skin crawl. “Oh, Raiven. I know you never said anything. I’m still alive. If you had, I wouldn’t have made it twenty-four hours. You never got it, did you? I could have killed you at any time while you rode the trains that night. This wasn’t about killing you. This is about you being mine. Your life is mine.”

  “No!” My shock and fear poured through that single word.

  “Alright. When do you want to make this trade? And how do I know I can trust you? After all, you won’t even tell me your name. That seems unfair, since you know mine.” He was obviously done talking to me.

  I slapped the palm of one hand over my mouth and wrapped my other arm around myself, nails digging into the back of my arm. Nausea welled, churning in my stomach at the realization that Soap was right. He’d never let me go. I’d been so naive.

  “Since I’m sure you know you have my SAA, you know I’m with the Demented Sons MC. Which, by the way, you really fucked up when you did that. But as long as you uphold your part of this trade, and
of course provided my guy is still alive, we’re willing to call this situation even and done with. With that being said, as soon as possible for the trade. We’re not sure where you are, so where do you suggest we meet?”

  Stefano laughed. “I fucked up? Do you know who I am?”

  “We know exactly who you are. Do I need to say it over this line?” Smoke spoke with deadly calm.

  “Well, I’d like to say somewhere public, but your friend here… let’s just say he may draw unwanted attention. Where do you want to meet, since you seem to be calling the shots here?” His question was snide, and I could tell he didn’t like the situation.

  “Where are you?” Smoke asked.

  “I’m in the lovely state of Kansas. You coming here then? Because I’m sure as hell not driving up to your little playhouse.” Stefano’s chuckle made me want to hurl.

  “We’re actually in Texas,” Smoke answered, and I noticed he didn’t specify where we were.

  “That’s right. A little birdy did tell me you were heading that way. So how about you drive to Dallas? Call me when you get there, and I’ll have further instructions.” Without giving Smoke a chance to say another word, the call ended.

  Smoke motioned for Check to get rid of the phone. Check quickly disassembled it and left the room with the pieces.

  “You ready to travel?” Smoke asked me.

  “Now?” I squeaked as my eyes bugged.

  “Time is not Lock’s friend.” Despite their levity, the truth of his words hit hard.

  Brow furrowed, I nodded.

  “As ready as I’d ever be to see that piece of shit again. But what do I tell Presley? She knows I’m always here. She sleeps in my room. How is she going to handle me being gone?” It was that little girl I worried about more than myself and my safety.

  “We’ll tell her your aunt Jean and her poppas are going to be with her while you go get some things for her. I don’t know. She’s a kid, she’ll be okay.” Styx shrugged, and I looked at him in disbelief.

  “Do you not know that child at all?” Incredulous, I asked.

  “You haffa take me wiff you, Pwincess Waiven. Yous my fwend, so you can’t juss weave me here! What if you no come back wike my mommy and daddy?” Fists propped on her purple tutu, she glowered at me. She had at least seven of those crazy, goofy skirts, all in different colors. She loved the damn things.

  Her words tore at my heartstrings, which was why I’d hoped we’d be out of there before she woke up. No such luck. The guys had been sequestered in their meeting room longer than I’d expected.

  Crouching down in front of her, I loosened her hands from her hips. I held them snugly in mine. Her big blue eyes stared at me, full of fear and things a little girl her age didn’t understand. Things she shouldn’t have to worry about.

  “Presley. I’m going to try to bring you a super surprise.” That was her thing lately. If it was something she deemed really amazing, it was a super surprise. If it was something small then it was simply a surprise. She made me laugh at times. Something I worried I’d never do again after we’d lost Lock.

  “A supah supwise?” Her eyes popped open wide.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, a super surprise.” I tried my best to smile, but I was pretty sure it came off like more of a grimace. The fact that I may not be coming back to her hurt my heart, but I shoved it to the back of my mind.

  She jumped up and down in excitement and threw her arms around my neck. My emotions went haywire like they had been doing since we’d arrived in Texas.

  Without Lock.

  Tears welled as I hugged her tight.

  “The Vengeful One”—Disturbed

  I didn’t need a mirror to know I was a mere shell of myself. Regardless of how much I’d wasted away, I still could barely hold my own body weight up. Clutching the hook above me to keep the weight off the raw skin around my wrists, I stood on my tiptoes. Every muscle in my body was shaking. I’d moved past muscle failure.

  For days Stefano would disappear and I would be subjected to Viper’s vicious brand of torture.

  Like that day.

  That day was a Viper day.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  Another punch landed on my already aching ribs. He’d been using me as a human punching bag for the last fifteen minutes. Thankfully, he was busy running his mouth so it wasn’t a solid fifteen minutes of hits. It was better than the day before, when he’d hung me from the hook the same way, then hosed me down and shocked me with jumper cables.

  “Not so fucking tough now, are you?” he jeered.

  My head hung, and sweat dripped as if I was the one getting the workout. It was hard enough to breathe, let alone try to talk.

  When he grabbed my hair and jerked my head up, I swore I was shaving my fucking head if I made it out. When. When I made it out. I also swore a vicious retribution against each and every one of the pieces of shit who’d kept me locked up worse than an animal. It was the only thing that keep me alive.

  The memories of Presley and Raiven only kept me going for so long before that began to hurt more than drive me. It took digging deep for that simmering anger and hatred in order to keep the desire to live burning.

  “You know, it’s funny. You’ve never asked me why I hate you.” He gave me a quick jab to my left ribs. “Not once. Aren’t you even the slightest bit curious?”

  Still holding my head up with his left hand, he stared at me, expecting me to look away. The hatred in my eyes burned bright, and I saw it reflected in his dark ones. Yet I held my tongue.

  Viper was a braggart. I knew he’d tell me eventually, but it really didn’t matter. I gave less than two shits about him or his hatred for me.

  “I’ll tell you anyway. One word. Letty.”

  Keeping my face emotionless was difficult, because he’d actually surprised me.

  Letty? What the fuck did he know about Letty?

  “The little accident?” He smirked, then rasped out, “You’re welcome,” as he stood there with my shaggy hair in his hand.

  Things began to click as I remembered Gunny telling me about the message they’d received. We’d had problems with a bunch of the Demon Runners nomads for a while, but never with his crew. At least I’d never suspected we did. There was no love lost between our clubs, but how did his crew from down in Omaha get involved with the nomads’ bullshit up by us? And what the fuck did Letty have to do with it?

  Rage began to build as I realized he was saying he’d been responsible for her death. Simmering, and chest heaving, I held my tongue.

  “Did you ever wonder why she wouldn’t marry you?”

  What the actual fuck? How the hell did he know that?

  My face must’ve given something away, because he let out a dark laugh.

  “Because she was already married to me,” he whispered in my ear.

  The rage finally erupted, and I roared in disbelief. He had to be fucking with me.

  “That’s right. You were fucking my wife, you piece of shit. But the only reason you were able to stick your dick in her tight cunt was because I sent her to you.” His lip curled, and I read the hatred for me on his face. It appeared to run nearly as deep as mine for him.

  I lunged at him, but strung up the way I was, I only succeeded in losing my footing. All of my weight landed on the cuffs around my wrist, and between them, my shoulders, and my ribs, I screamed through gritted teeth.

  He stood there and laughed at my pain and helplessness. I wanted nothing more than to get loose and choke the life out of him.

  “Oh yes, I know all about her going up there to see her friend, how she got drunk and fucked you. Here’s another bombshell for you: she actually tried to pass your brat off as mine.” At my building incredulity, he sneered.

  “Oh yes, your precious Letty was going to keep your brat from you. The thing is, she didn’t know I’d had a vasectomy after one of the club whores tried to tie me down with a kid. When I told Letty I knew she was a liar, she broke down and told me the truth. Well, mayb
e it took a little, um, convincing, to get her to admit to whoring herself out to you.” His dead eyes watched me for a further reaction.

  My jaw was ready to crack, I was clenching it so hard. Anything to keep from giving him any further satisfaction.

  “Turned out to be a good thing she didn’t lose the kid after the convincing conversation. Once she was presentable again, I sent her up to you to gather information. You being the noble schmuck you were, fell right into it. Didn’t any of you wonder how our nomads knew so much about your club business? Your habits, your families? That’s right, it was your precious Letty. Stupid rookie mistake, Lock. Never fall for the pillow talk bullshit.” Without warning, he hit me again.

  “You’re,” I gasped, “a… fucking… liar.” It was so hard to get the words out, I started coughing, which made things worse, and I involuntarily flinched.

  “Oh, you wish I was. The only consolation I’ll give you is that she fell for you. The bitch told me she wasn’t going to supply us with info anymore and she wanted a divorce. Fucking idiot didn’t realize her usefulness had ended as soon as she said those words. YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!” he shrieked in my face, spittle flying from his mouth, veins popping out in his forehead, tendons straining in his neck. “I won’t be happy until every single one of you Demented Sons is gone. But I’ll get great satisfaction from starting with you.” His expression was psychotically calm.

  He dropped my head from his hold, then landed punch after punch to my ribs and abdomen. Shoulders screaming, I hung there, unable to maintain my balance on my toes as he hit me over and over.

  “Viper! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I’d never been so glad to hear Stefano’s voice in my life. It echoed across the warehouse, bouncing off the old walls and rusty machinery.

  Viper stepped back, chest heaving as he flicked his gaze to Stefano. “Trying to get your answers.”

  “You stupid fucker. I have my answer. I know where she is. They are going to trade her for him, but I assured them he was alive.” Fury spun from his tone.

  “What? You promised him to me after you were done!” Viper shouted.


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