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Lock and Load: A Demented Sons MC Texas Novel

Page 21

by Kristine Allen

  “Bed,” he snuck out between kisses. My hands glided down until my palms curved around his neck.


  Still hesitant to be separated after what seemed like finding heaven on earth, we didn’t move.

  Unable to bear the loss of his touch for the time it would take to walk around the table, I gave in to my crazy thoughts. Gripping his shoulders, I raised a knee to the table top, then the other. As I walked across the space on my knees, I leaned over, and he reached up to keep kissing me.

  Once my body was in his space, he wrapped his arms around the backs of my thighs and pulled me flush to him. Holding tight, his hands gripped and squeezed.

  My hair fell around us as I continued to kneel on the table. With each foray into his mouth, I tasted his lust.

  His need.

  His desperation.

  Breaking away from my lips, he tipped his head to the side to slowly trail his lips along my cheek to my jaw. Stopping only to nip the tender skin or give a featherlight kiss, he took his time moving on to my shoulder. His lips followed one tank strap as his fingers seductively slid it down.

  Moving across my chest, he dipped the tip of his tongue in my cleavage as he passed by. Reaching the other shoulder, he did the same with that strap. Only then did his gaze flicker up to mine and hold.

  Eyes locked on mine, he used a single finger to hook the tank between my breasts. So goddamn slowly that I wanted to scream, he moved it down, down, down until it was caught on my peaked nipples.

  I noticed his Adam’s apple bob as he broke my gaze and looked to where his finger continued to pull until the edge popped over the tips, exposing me to his lustful stare.

  “Have I told you your tits are absolutely perfect?” The raspy quality of his whisper told me the level of his need and how tight he was holding on to his control. A large, rough, grease-stained hand cupped each one. “So fucking beautiful.”

  First one nipple disappeared into his mouth where he suckled, licked, and teased it before releasing it with a drawn-out tug ending with a pop and a clink of the ring against his teeth. The other one was next, and I watched my chest rise and fall as the rosy-hued nipple disappeared into his talented mouth.

  I was barely aware of my fingers digging into his shoulders over the stretched fabric of his tee. Everything he did was so good, so exquisite.

  “I think they’ve already gotten bigger,” he said as his hands hefted each boob, with a wicked gleam in his eyes and a small tip of his lips that had released my aching nipple to speak.

  “Everything’s already getting bigger. I’m already getting fat enough that my clothes are tight,” I gasped.

  His answer was a surprisingly swift and hard smack to my ass. A startled squeak escaped me, but he quickly returned his mouth to the first nipple, giving the ring a gentle tug. As he worshipped my boobs, his hands soothed and kneaded the stinging area until it was a tingly memory.

  “I don’t want to hear you call yourself fat again. You’re fucking perfect, and you’re only going to get better.” He leaned down and settled a kiss on my lower belly.

  Holy shit. I didn’t know what to do with that.

  We’d been living together pretty much as a couple without Presley knowing. He’d gotten sweeter, even though he could still be his assholish self at times. Though he was an attentive lover and man, something had definitely shifted, and I wasn’t prepared for it.

  “I heard what she said, you know,” I whispered.

  “I figured you did. So how do you feel about that?” Steadily, he watched me as I processed and thought about how to say what I was thinking.

  “Well, it’s one thing to sleep together in secret and for me to help out with her. I’m not sure if it’s fair for me to step into the role of her mother. I’m not her mom, and I don’t want to take her mom’s place.” The last thing I wanted was to have him or anyone else think I was swooping in and playing mommy. Though in my heart, I wanted that more than anything.

  “You already have. Haven’t you noticed? Her mother is gone. I’ve come to grips with that, and she doesn’t really remember anything different. But I’ll tell you what, how about if we are open about our relationship and we leave it up to her as to what she calls you? I’m going to tell you something for nothing, however. I’m twenty-nine years old. I’m not some high school kid. I joined the army at eighteen, was in combat the first time by age nineteen, the second time when I was twenty-one, third time at twenty-three. I got out, had a kid, and I’ve been busting my ass ever since. I’ve lost the mother of my child, who I thought was the love of my life. I’ve since reevaluated that after learning a few things, but that’s for another conversation. I’m not interested in ‘dating’ and ‘seeing where this goes.’ I know how I feel about you. You’re having my baby.”

  I started to protest, and he placed a finger over my lips. “You. Are. Having. My. Baby. Regardless of its conception, this baby is growing in my woman. The ‘possible’ father isn’t in the picture, I am. It’s my baby. So the only thing that will stop me from making you my wife is if you say it’s not what you want.”

  “Uhh….” His speech had knocked my damn socks off. Hell, for a while after he’d returned, I’d honestly wondered if he hated me, then I realized he was frustrated with his physical condition and what had happened. It wasn’t directed at me.

  Seeing the ultrasound image on the fridge had me expecting our conversation to go so differently. He was so adamant and assured about his feelings and what he wanted, I was envious. To be that sure of things must be amazing.

  But then again, he really was amazing.

  “This is where you tell me to fuck off or take you to bed. But if I take you to bed, that means I’m fucking keeping you there. We clear?” One eyebrow rose as he waited to see what I would say.

  “Take me to bed or lose me forever?” I tried to be my usual saucy self and steal a quote from a movie, but it came out more of a question because I was a little in shock.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” Before I could blink, he had swooped me off the table and carried me down the hall. Legs wrapped around his waist, I held on as he kissed me the entire way.

  Once we reached the room, he spun, using my ass to close the door before pressing me against the old wooden panels. The thickness of his erection lined right up where it belonged, and I moaned into his mouth.

  When we came up for air, I laughed nervously before whispering, “This is crazy, you know that, right?”

  “No,” he said matter-of-factly. “This is what it feels like when everything is the way it’s supposed to be.”

  My heart melted, and I knew he was right. Even though we’d known each other a short period of time, we were good together. Not only in bed, but as a team, with Presley, and hopefully as parents.

  “Bed,” I gasped as he reached between us to slide my pants down.

  I’d never been much of a praying person, but the last couple of months had made me question faith and a higher being more than any other time in my life, so I prayed with everything in me that my baby was Lock’s.

  And if it wasn’t, I prayed it wouldn’t tear us apart.

  Because when he slid into me, thick, hot, and perfect, I knew in my heart of hearts that I loved him with every fiber of my being.

  Each stroke was slow, deliberate, tortuous, as his eyes locked with mine. Our fingers were twined as he held my hands up on either side of my head. My hips rose up to meet his as I tried to grind against him. I was chasing my release, but he was intentionally holding me off.

  “Fucking hell, you feel so damn good. Don’t rush it. I want to savor this moment.” His voice was strained and growly.

  “I need you” was my whimpered reply.

  “You have me. Forever. Now let me enjoy making love to my woman, dammit.”

  Eyes wide, I sucked in a shocked breath. I wasn’t sure why; the man had all but told me I was the woman for him. It would make sense that he loved me too. Except actually hearing him
say he was making love to me was so much more.

  “Did you doubt how I felt about you?” He thrust hard and deep.

  I mewled.

  He did it again, hips snapping with the force of his words. “Well, did you?”

  “I wasn’t sure.” I barely got it out as he went in deeper and harder, sending my eyes rolling.

  Suddenly I was flying through the air as we switched positions and then I was straddling him with my hands braced over his pierced nipples. “Jesus, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “No, I want to be able to watch you fall apart at your own pace. Now, you better get started or I’m taking over again.” His rough palms slid up and down my torso before his fingers dug into my hips.

  Doing exactly as he instructed, I began to rock against him, creating the friction I needed. Each stroke brought me closer to the explosive climax I’d had building since he first slid in. When I came, I knew I soaked him as I screamed, “Oh my God, oh my God, Oh my God! I fucking love you!”

  Not how I planned on saying it the first time.

  “My Sacrifice”—Creed

  “I do,” I said with absolute conviction.

  Raiven might have thought I was kidding, but I wasn’t waiting. Which was why two weeks later we were standing in front of the Justice of the Peace saying, “I do.”

  Standing witness was my big brother, my brothers from both chapters, their families, my parents, and my daughter. My family, each and every one of them.

  There were more from other chapters waiting outside because there wasn’t enough room in there for everyone.

  Presley was dressed in the frilliest, poofiest pink dress I’d ever seen. I had no idea where Raiven and she had found it, but my sassy princess was over the moon. She even had her own sparkling tiara. All topped off with her pink Chucks.

  My girl.

  Mom and Dad had told me they were coming down for Presley’s birthday, and I figured it was perfect timing. I knew if I got married without them being there my mom would never forgive me. To say they were shocked would’ve been an understatement.

  They were happy though. Especially finding out they were going to be grandparents again. I’d decided there was no need to say the child may not biologically be mine yet. I didn’t plan on lying to my parents, but it was my child regardless. I’d tell them the details later, after they fell in love with Raiven as much as I had.

  “Raiven, you look so beautiful. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world,” I whispered to her right before I did what the man had instructed me to do, and that was kiss my wife.

  My wife.

  Goddamn, I loved the sound of that.

  Mom cried. She’d been hoping I’d find someone and dropped hints all the time. She was ecstatic that it’d finally happened.

  “I love you,” Raiven whispered when I finally pulled back.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present Mr. and Mrs. Matlock Augustus Archer,” the JP said.

  Raiven whispered, “You never told me your middle name was Augustus!”

  I laughed.

  My grin was huge as my family hooted and hollered at the announcement of our new status. Raiven glowed as she looked around at the smiling faces surrounding us. My mom pulling her into a huge hug didn’t hurt either. In fact, Raiven looked like she might burst into tears at my mother’s show of affection.

  “Congratulations, son,” my dad said as he placed a firm hand on my shoulder and gave me a squeeze.

  Amidst laughter, smiles, and congratulations, we left the courthouse. Nearly every chapter was there, and we were pelted by birdseed as soon as our shoes hit the sunlight. Presley was jumping up and down in my brother’s arms beside us. “I wanna hug my pwincess mommy!”

  A hush fell over everyone. Both my mom and Raiven, hell, probably every female in there, covered their mouths and held in their tears.

  Presley didn’t wait and threw herself forward into Raiven’s waiting arms. For a second, I worried about Raiven holding her weight and how it might affect the baby, but she was so fucking happy, and there was no discomfort on her face. Still, I stood by ready to grab my daughter at the slightest sign of trouble.

  Each day that went by had my worry for her increasing. By the time she delivered, I’d be a fucking basket case.

  “I wub you! Fank you for being my mommy.” Their cheeks were mashed together as a tear escaped one of Raiven’s eyes. I quietly wiped it away with my thumb. Then I kissed both of my girls.

  “Okay, pretty princess, let’s get you buckled up so we can go have your birthday party!” My dad plucked her out of Raiven’s arms with a smile.

  Presley clapped her hands and with the biggest grin, yelled, “Time foh cake!”

  All of the brothers who had ridden their bikes prepared to mount up.

  Raiven fiddled with the waist of the full tulle skirt on her gown. I chuckled when it came undone and she handed it to my mom. She was left standing in a jewel-encrusted white corset-style tank top and white skinny jeans. On her feet were black biker boots.

  Proud as punch, she stood there with her fists propped on her hips. “Well? What do you think?”

  Laughing my ass off at how she’d pulled off her outfit, I hugged her. “Sexy as ever.”

  “Well, you were pissed that I wanted to ride on your bike in a dress and pregnant, so I fixed one of the issues you had.” She grinned and shrugged.

  She’d told me she was going to wad up the dress and hold it. I’d been pissed and argued about her riding on the bike to begin with. Riding with some big poofy-ass thing that could get hung up in something on the bike if she lost hold of it terrified me. We’d come to an agreement that it would be just this once until after the baby was born, and the guys had all agreed we’d take it slow.

  I’d had a bit of an anxiety attack at the thought of something happening to her and the baby. Cue irrational worry.

  The thing was, I hadn’t had a passenger with me since the accident that claimed Letty’s life. Though I’d wanted to pick Raiven up from work the day I bought my new bike, I hadn’t known she was pregnant then.

  That P word changed every-damn-thing.

  “Well, you ready to ride?” Reminiscent of Presley, she clapped her hands and jumped up and down. The tops of her growing tits jiggled over the tight corset, and I almost swallowed my tongue.

  “Christ, you’re gonna have me riding with a chub the whole fucking way,” I muttered.

  Her bright grin took on a decidedly wicked cast, and those red lips pursed to the side.

  Once Smoke, Snow, and the other chapter presidents were on their bikes, we all got on. They’d tried to say as the bride and groom we could mount up first and ride up front, but I’d refused. We’d be riding in the very middle of the pack because I didn’t want her out front, and it was bad enough she’d be sailing her veil in the air as we went. She’d found a way to stick the damn thing to the top of her helmet.

  That was something I wouldn’t budge on.

  She was wearing a fucking helmet.

  Dad rolled down the window of the truck for Presley as we all racked our pipes, rattling the downtown street’s windows. Presley giggled and waved. The bikes were so raucous, we could barely hear her yell, “Wub you, Daddy and Mommy!”

  Raiven waved at her and blew her a kiss out of the raised face shield. “Love you, baby girl!” she shouted back to her.

  That shit did weird things to my chest cavity.

  As we pulled out, something caught my eye. If I was a betting man, I would’ve bet I saw Viper in the shadows of a tree across the road. But when I looked again, there was no one there. Shaking my head, I chalked it up to paranoia.

  It was a long procession, and because we rode slower than normal, it took a while to get back to the clubhouse. The whole way there, people were passing us, taking pictures and video. Raiven would wave and blow kisses to them.

  I couldn’t quit smiling. I hadn’t smiled that big since losing Letty.

  I’d made
peace with what she’d done, because looking back on it, regardless of why she’d come up there to me, in the end she’d loved me. I knew she did.

  And she’d given me Presley. There could be no greater gift.

  There was a crazy number of bikes once we’d all parked. It was a spectacular sight.

  “Wait.” I held Raiven back when she made to follow the crowd inside.

  Gunny paused by the door with Mom, Dad, and Presley.

  “This happened fast, but I love you. So fucking much it may not be healthy. Thank you for being my wife, and thank you for loving both me and my daughter. I’m so honored I barely have words.” My hand tucked the stray hairs that had pulled loose putting her helmet on and off.

  A soft tip of her lips preceded her framing my face with both hands. “You two were a package deal, and I love a bargain. Thank you for trusting me with your precious baby girl. It’s me that should be honored.”

  “Let’s go celebrate our daughter’s birthday and our wedding.” I’d been given strict instructions to be careful not to smear her lipstick when we’d met up at the courthouse. So I kissed her neck and snuck a little nibble in, causing her to giggle.

  Gunny handed my daughter over to me when we reached them. “Thanks, bro,” I said, cuddling Presley close and kissing her cheek.

  “Anytime, little brother. Anytime.” He looked happy for me, but I could tell something was bothering him.

  We walked into the dim clubhouse, and everyone started to sing “Happy Birthday” to Presley. There were hot pink streamers and balloons everywhere. My little girl was nearly hyperventilating, she was so excited.

  My parents quickly stole my daughter from me. I was no fool; I knew it was both to spoil her and to give me and Raiven some time.

  Reaper and Steph approached us first, and I gave Reaper a big hug. “Good to see you again, bro,” he said before stepping back. I made introductions, since I knew Raiven hadn’t met his ol’ lady yet. While Steph stepped up to me, he went to give Raiven a hug and started talking to her.

  When Steph opened her mouth, I knew they’d arranged it that way.


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